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The nonindigenous sacred ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) was first discovered breeding in the Florida Everglades in 2005 in the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge. Prior to this, sacred ibises were seen periodically throughout South Florida since the mid 1990s, with occasional confirmed breeding occurrences in Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties. We used a logistic regression model developed by Allen (Biol Invasions 8:491–500, 2006) to predict the probability of successful establishment of sacred ibis in the Florida Everglades ecosystem. Empirical data collected from several sacred ibis nests and chicks were used to validate those findings. The probability of successful establishment was estimated to be 73%. The physiological condition of nestlings suggested that this species was able to fledge chicks in good condition, thus adding to the potential to increase their breeding population. Exponential population growth rates and expanding distribution of the nonindigenous sacred ibis in France demonstrate this species’ potential for becoming invasive in Florida. We suggest that the most prudent and effective management strategy is eradication of the few pioneering individuals that are nesting in the Everglades as well as the urban source population.  相似文献   
Hysterectomy during the last half of pregnancy (i.e., Day 10–19) induces a rapid onset of maternal behavior; ovariectomy in addition to hysterectomy, prevents this effect. Estradiol and progesterone were tested for their ability to restore short-latency maternal behavior in hysterectomized-ovariectomized (HO) females operated on the 10th, 13th, 16th and 19th days of pregnancy. A single injection of either 20 μg/kg or 100 μg/kg estradiol benzoate (EB) immediately following HO either alone or followed by 0.5 mg progesterone (P) 44 hr later restored short-latency maternal behavior similar to that observed following hysterectomy only. The lower dose of EB was found to be equally effective at all stages of pregnancy and P was unnecessary to induce maternal behavior. The effectiveness of EB in inducing maternal behavior was discussed in relation to the hormonal changes which follow hysterectomy during pregnancy and to those which are associated with the normal onset of maternal behavior around parturition.  相似文献   
Aim To develop a landscape‐level model that partitions variance in plant community composition among local environmental, regional environmental, and purely spatial predictive variables for pyrogenic grasslands (prairies, savannas and woodlands) throughout northern and central Florida. Location North and central Florida, USA. Methods We measured plant species composition and cover in 271 plots throughout the study region. A variation‐partitioning model was used to quantify components of variation in species composition associated with the main and interaction effects of soil and topographic variables, climate variables and spatial coordinates. Partial correlations of environmental variables with community variation were identified using direct gradient analysis (redundancy analysis and partial redundancy analysis) and Monte Carlo tests of significance. Results Community composition was most strongly related to edaphic variables at local scales in association with topographic gradients, although geographically structured edaphic, climatic and pure spatial effects were also evident. Edaphic variables explained the largest portion of total variation explained (TVE) as a main effect (48%) compared with the main effects of climate (9%) and pure spatial factors (9%). The remaining TVE was explained by the interaction effect of climate and spatial factors (13%) and the three‐way interaction (22%). Correlation analyses revealed that the primary compositional gradient was related to soil fertility and topographic position corresponding to soil moisture. A second gradient represented distinct geographical separation between the Florida panhandle and peninsular regions, concurrent with differences in soil characteristics. Gradients in composition corresponded to species richness, which was lower in the Florida peninsula. Main conclusions Environmental variables have the strongest influence on the species composition of Florida pyrogenic grasslands at both local and regional scales. However, the limited distributions of many plant taxa suggest historical constraints on species distributions from one physiographical region to the other (Florida panhandle and peninsula), although this pattern is partially confounded by regionally spatially structured environmental variables. Our model provides insight into the relative importance of local‐ and regional‐scale environmental effects as well as possible historical constraints on floristic variation in pine‐dominated pyrogenic grasslands of the south‐eastern USA.  相似文献   
From April 1970 to August 1971, 235 cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) and 281 rice rats (Oryzomys palustris) were trapped in salt and fresh water marshes in north-central Florida and examined for natural infections of filarial worms, Litomosoides spp. Cotton rats from both types of marshes were infected (28–44 per cent prevalence), whereas only rice rats from the salt marsh were infected (56 per cent prevalence). Older animals were more commonly infected than younger ones. In cotton rats the worms were located in the pleural cavity, whereas in rice rats the worms were located primarily in the abdominal cavity. Filarial worms from rice rats were transmitted experimentally to laboratory-reared rice rats and cotton rats, but worms from cotton rats were transmitted only to cotton rats. Morphological studies on adult forms and microfilariae indicated that the worms in rice rats were distinct from those in cotton rats and are therefore described as Litomosoides scotti sp. n. The cotton rat filariids were referable to Litomosoides carinii (Travassos, 1919) Vaz, 1934. L. scotti differs from L. carinii in the ratio of the spicules, in the shape of the distal end of the right spicule and in having shorter microfilariae.  相似文献   
Enzymes situated along the luminal surface of pulmonary endothelial cells interact with circulating solutes, notably with vasoactive substances, to regulate the hormonal composition of systemic arterial blood. However, it is becoming clear that the range and complexity of reactions occurring at or near the surface of endothelial cells are greater than previously recognized. In addition, evidence indicates that the quality of cell cultures used to define specific endothelial functions must be carefully controlled, together with development of improved understanding of the effects of long-term culture on pulmonary endothelial cells. We have developed new techniques for the culture of pulmonary endothelial cells which avoid exposure to proteolytic enzymes at both the isolation step and during subculture. A combination of mechanical harvest and culture on microcarrier beads has provided a system for the long-term, large-scale culture of pulmonary endothelial cells, features which to a large extent determine the scope of biochemical studies which can be undertaken.  相似文献   
Conflicting patterns of population differentiation between the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes (mito‐nuclear discordance) have become increasingly evident as multilocus data sets have become easier to generate. Incomplete lineage sorting (ILS) of nucDNA is often implicated as the cause of such discordance, stemming from the large effective population size of nucDNA relative to mtDNA. However, selection, sex‐biased dispersal and historical demography can also lead to mito‐nuclear discordance. Here, we compare patterns of genetic diversity and subdivision for six nuclear protein‐coding gene regions to those for mtDNA in a common Caribbean coral reef sponge, Callyspongia vaginalis, along the Florida reef tract. We also evaluated a suite of summary statistics to determine which are effective metrics for comparing empirical and simulated data when testing drivers of mito‐nuclear discordance in a statistical framework. While earlier work revealed three divergent and geographically subdivided mtDNACOI haplotypes separated by 2.4% sequence divergence, nuclear alleles were admixed with respect to mitochondrial clade and geography. Bayesian analysis showed that substitution rates for the nuclear loci were up to 7 times faster than for mitochondrial COI. Coalescent simulations and neutrality tests suggested that mito‐nuclear discordance in C. vaginalis is not the result of ILS in the nucDNA or selection on the mtDNA but is more likely caused by changes in population size. Sperm‐mediated gene flow may also influence patterns of population subdivision in the nucDNA.  相似文献   
Questions: To what extent do plant species traits, including life history, life form, and disturbance response characteristics, affect the degree to which species distributions are determined by physical environmental factors? Is the strength of the relationship between species distribution and environment stronger in some disturbance‐response types than in others? Location: California southwest ecoregion, USA. Methods: We developed species distribution models (SDMs) for 45 plant species using three primary modeling methods (GLMs, GAMs, and Random Forests). Using AUC as a performance measure of prediction accuracy, and measure of the strength of species–environment correlations, we used regression analyses to compare the effects of fire disturbance response type, longevity, dispersal mechanism, range size, cover, species prevalence, and model type. Results: Fire disturbance response type explained more variation in model performance than any other variable, but other species and range characteristics were also significant. Differences in prediction accuracy reflected variation in species life history, disturbance response, and rarity. AUC was significantly higher for longer‐lived species, found at intermediate levels of abundance, and smaller range sizes. Models performed better for shrubs than sub‐shrubs and perennial herbs. The disturbance response type with the highest SDM accuracy was obligate‐seeding shrubs with ballistic dispersal that regenerate via fire‐cued germination from a dormant seed bank. Conclusions: The effect of species characteristics on predictability of species distributions overrides any differences in modeling technique. Prediction accuracy may be related to how a suite of species characteristics co‐varies along environmental gradients. Including disturbance response was important because SDMs predict the realized niche. Classification of plant species into disturbance response types may provide a strong framework for evaluating performance of SDMs.  相似文献   
A two-tier ecological risk assessment was conducted for pesticides monitored in sediment at 36 sampling sites in south Florida freshwater canals from 1990–2002. For tier 1, we identified the chemicals of potential ecological concern (COPECs) as DDT, DDD, DDE, chlordane and endosulfan based on their exceedence of sediment quality standards at 20 sites. For 12 sites with data on the fraction of organic carbon in sediments, whole sediment concentrations of COPECs were converted to pore water concentrations based on equilibrium partitioning. In tier 2, a probabilistic risk assessment compared distributions of pore water exposure concentrations of COPECs with effects distributions of freshwater arthropod response data from laboratory toxicity tests. Arthropod effects distributions included benthic and non-benthic arthropod species for chlordane (n = 9), DDD (n = 12), DDE (n = 5), DDT (n = 48), and endosulfan (n = 26). The overlap of predicted pore water concentrations and arthropod effects distributions was used as a measure of risk. DDE was the most frequently detected COPEC in sediment at the 12 sites. Chlordane was present at only one site. The mean 90th centile concentration for pore water exposure was highest for endosulfan and lowest for DDT. The estimated acute 10th centile concentration for effects was highest for chlordane and lowest for DDD. The probability of pore water exposures of COPECs exceeding the estimated 10th centile concentrations for species sensitivity distributions of arthropod acute toxicity data was between 0 and 1%. The estimated NOEC 10th centile concentration from arthropod chronic toxicity distributions was exceeded by the estimated 90th centile concentration for pore water distributions at three sites. Endosulfan had the highest potential chronic risk at S-178 in the C-111 canal system, based on the probability of pore water exposure concentrations exceeding the arthropod estimated chronic NOEC 10th centile at 41%. The COPEC with the next highest probability of exceeding the chronic NOEC 10th centile was DDD at 17.7% and 19.8% in the Everglades Agricultural Area (at S-2 and S-6). DDT had minimal potential chronic risk. Uncertainties in exposure and effects analysis and risk characterization are discussed.  相似文献   
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