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Divergence in phenotypic traits often contributes to premating isolation between lineages, but could also promote isolation at postmating stages. Phenotypic differences could directly result in mechanical isolation or hybrids with maladapted traits; alternatively, when alleles controlling these trait differences pleiotropically affect other components of development, differentiation could indirectly produce genetic incompatibilities in hybrids. Here, we determined the strength of nine postmating and intrinsic postzygotic reproductive barriers among 10 species of Jaltomata (Solanaceae), including species with highly divergent floral traits. To evaluate the relative importance of floral trait diversification for the strength of these postmating barriers, we assessed their relationship to floral divergence, genetic distance, geographical context, and ecological differences, using conventional tests and a new linear‐mixed modeling approach. Despite close evolutionary relationships, all species pairs showed moderate to strong isolation. Nonetheless, floral trait divergence was not a consistent predictor of the strength of isolation; instead this was best explained by genetic distance, although we found evidence for mechanical isolation in one species, and a positive relationship between floral trait divergence and fruit set isolation across species pairs. Overall, our data indicate that intrinsic postzygotic isolation is more strongly associated with genome‐wide genetic differentiation, rather than floral divergence.  相似文献   
通过形态、扫描电镜观察及人工控制授粉等方法对温室环境中的睫毛萼凤仙花(Impatiens blepharosepala Pritz. ex Diels)、绿萼凤仙花(I.chlorosepala Hand.-Mazz.)、菱叶凤仙花(I.rhombifolia Y. Q. Lu et Y. L. Chen)等凤仙花属3种植物的开花物候、花部性状以及繁育系统进行探究。结果显示:3种植物的开花物候依据花部形态变化可分为6个时期,各植物花期存在部分重叠;花部性状、部分繁育指标、花粉粒和子房微形态等方面均存在部分差异;3个物种的花粉生活力与柱头可授性变化趋势在整体上呈单峰型;3种植物的繁育系统均为兼性异交,其具体特征为自交亲和、需要传粉者;花蜜报酬满足小体型昆虫的传粉需要;3个物种的6种控制授粉处理中对照处理结实率低于3种人工授粉处理结实率,且不存在自花授粉和无融合生殖的现象;3种处理中人工异株异花授粉处理结实率最高,人工同株异花授粉处理结实率最低。  相似文献   
Ormenese S  Havelange A  Deltour R  Bernier G 《Planta》2000,211(3):370-375
 The frequency of plasmodesmata increases in the shoot apical meristem of plants of Sinapis alba L. induced to flower by exposure to a single long day. This increase is observed within all cell layers (L1, L2, L3) as well as at the interfaces between these layers, and it occurs in both the central and peripheral zones of the shoot apical meristem. The extra plasmodesmata are formed only transiently, from 28 to 48 h after the start of the long day, and acropetally since they are detectable in L3 4 h before they are seen in L1 and L2. These observations indicate that (i) in the Sinapis shoot apical meristem at floral transition, there is an unfolding of a single field with increased plasmodesmatal connectivity, and (ii) this event is an early effect of the arrival at this meristem of the floral stimulus of leaf origin. Since (i) the wave of increased frequency of plasmodesmata is 12 h later than the wave of increased mitotic frequency (A. Jacqmard et al. 1998, Plant cell proliferation and its regulation in growth and development, pp. 67–78; Wiley), and (ii) the increase in frequency of plasmodesmata is observed in all cell walls, including in walls not deriving from recent divisions (periclinal walls separating the cell layers), it is concluded that the extra plasmodesmata seen at floral transition do not arise in the forming cell plate during mitosis and are thus of secondary origin. Received: 4 October 1999 / Accepted: 23 December 1999  相似文献   
Hegland SJ  Totland Ø 《Oecologia》2005,145(4):586-594
Knowledge about plant–plant interactions for pollinator service at the plant community level is still scarce, although such interactions may be important to seed production and hence the population dynamics of individual plant species and the species compositions of communities. An important step towards a better understanding of pollination interactions at the community level is to assess if the variation in floral traits among plant species explain the variation in flower visitation frequency among those species. We investigated the relative importance of various floral traits for the visitation frequency of all insects, and bumblebees and flies separately, to plant species by measuring the visitation frequency to all insect-pollinated species in a community during an entire flowering season. Visitation frequency was identified to be strongly positive related to the visual display area and the date of peak flowering of plant species. Categorical variables, such as flower form and symmetry, were important to the visitation frequency of flies only. We constructed floral similarity measures based on the species’ floral traits and found that the floral similarity for all species’ traits combined and the continuous traits separately were positively related to individual visitation frequency. On the other hand, plant species with similar categorical floral traits did not have similar visitation frequencies. In conclusion, our results show that continuous traits, such as flower size and/or density, are more important for the variation in visitation frequency among plant species than thought earlier. Furthermore, differences in visitation frequency among pollinator groups give a poor support to the expectations derived from the classical pollination syndromes.  相似文献   
The floral organogenesis of Potamogeton distinctus A. Benn. was observed under the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The floral buds are first initiated on the lower portion of inflorescence in alternating whorls of three. Each of the floral buds is subtended by a bract primordium during the early stages. The primordia of the floral appendages arise on the floral bud acropetally. Two lateral tepals are first initiated and then two median ones soon after. Stamens are normally initiated as elongate primordia opposite the tepals, with the two lateral stamens preceding the median ones. The two carpel primordia arise alternating with the stamens. In some flowers, one of the two gynoecial primordia becomes inactive soon after they are initiated, or only one carpel primordium is initiated. The present observation of the gynoecial development supports the viewpoint that the evolution of flower in Potamogeton involves a reduction in number of parts. The existence of bract primordium during the early stages in many species of Potamogeton indicates that the absence of bractin mature flowers should be the result of reduction.  相似文献   
刘建全 《植物研究》2001,21(1):11-17
所研究的东亚款冬亚族及其相关类群的花部微观性状主要包括:花药顶端不育组织、花药药室内壁、花药基部、花药领、花柱分枝顶端、花柱毛被、花柱分枝内表面构型和果柄细胞列数等。此外, 根据所获证据, 讨论了款冬亚族花部微观性状的演化趋势。花部微观性状研究表明:毛冠菊属似乎应作为紫菀族中的一个孤立属;狗舌草亚族与千里光亚族和款冬亚族相比, 似乎是一过渡类群;东亚款冬亚族13 个属似可划分为6 个自然属群。  相似文献   
嗅觉和视觉在中华微刺盲蝽对马缨丹定向行为中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对马缨丹(Lantana camara)、黄花马缨丹(Lantana camara cv.‘Flava')和紫花马缨丹(Lantanamontevidensis)花序上中华微刺盲蝽(Campylomma chinensis)的密度调查结果表明,中华微刺盲蝽在3种颜色马缨丹花序上的分布与花序颜色无关(偏相关系数为0.240,P=0.147,n=40),但与花序中的黄胸蓟马数量和花序中小花数的偏相关系数分别为0.512(P<0.0001,n=0)和0.451(P<0.0001,n=40),达到极显著水平.中华微刺盲蝽对不同颜色粘卡的试验也表明,该盲蝽寻找植物寄主时,视觉刺激并不起作用.四臂嗅觉仪的试验结果表明,中华微刺盲蝽对马缨丹的气味有强烈的趋向作用.采用固相微萃取和气相-质谱联用技术分析表明,3种马缨丹花序的挥发物有7种相同的化学成分.  相似文献   
The pollination biology of Norantea brasiliensis (Marcgraviaceae) was studied in the rain forest of southeastern Brazil. This plant presents bizarre, brush-type racemous inflorescences bearing numerous flowers and extrafloral cup-shaped nectaries. Flower anthesis is diurnal, nectar production is continuous and copious, and the sticky pollen is readily removed by visitors during the first morning hours. The ruby-coloured inflorescences were visited by eight species of hummingbirds (Trochilidae), and 10 species of passerine birds (three Coerebidae and seven Thraupidae). Hummingbirds hovered while probing for nectar and touched flowers occasionally, whereas passerine birds perched and made contact with flowers habitually. Due to differences in flower-visiting and general foraging behaviour, perching birds act as better pollen vectors than hovering birds. The inflorescence of Norantea brasiliensis seems well fitted for pollination by passerine birds, and the hexose-dominated nectar supports this idea. Pollination syndrome trends within Marcgraviaceae may stem from insect-pollinated, condensed and spike-like inflorescences which would give rise to bird-pollinated, brush-type inflorescences. From the same basic condensed inflorescence, bat-pollinated umbelliform inflorescence may be derived from bird-pollinated, pendulous and corymb-like inflorescences. These postulated inflorescence types are found among the extant species of Marcgraviaceae.  相似文献   
 The agronomic potential of a Brassica napus variant with petalless flowers was compromised by an associated detrimental change in leaf morphology. Genetic analysis demonstrated the cosegregation of genes controlling both morphologies. Two STAP loci controlling the production of flowers with stamenoid petals were mapped to homoeologous locations in the genome of B. napus. The STAP loci were probably duplicate genes because they exhibited an epistatic interaction such that only plants homozygous for recessive stap alleles at both loci expressed the variant phenotype. The CURLY LEAF (CLF) gene of Arabidopsis thaliana pleiotropically influences both flower and leaf morphologies. The cloned CLF gene of Arabidopsis was homologous to a polymorphic B. napus locus coincident with one of the B. napus STAP loci. The possibility that CLF is a candidate gene for STAP suggests that the variant stap alleles of B. napus exert pleiotropic effects over both flower and leaf morphologies. Received: 26 August 1996 / Accepted: 20 September 1996  相似文献   
蓝果杜鹃(Rhododendron cyanocarpum)为大理苍山特有的濒危植物,有粉色和白色两种花冠类型。为了探讨该物种花色多态性的意义,本研究调查了粉色花和白色花植株在已知的各居群的分布频率、花冠的反射光谱及其它的花部特征、有效传粉者及其访花频率与结实情况。结果表明:粉色花植株在所有调查的居群中占优势(77%~100%)。粉色花的花冠反射光谱在430 nm和650 nm有两个峰,而白色花只在430 nm有一个反射峰。同时,花特征如:花柱与柱头颜色、花冠长度、花萼长度、花梗长度以及雌雄蕊最短距离,两种花冠存在显著差异。另外,尽管熊蜂作为这两种花冠的主要传粉者,但粉红花的访花频率以及自然条件下的结实情况显著高于白色花。本研究结果推测粉红色花可能受到了稳定性选择的作用。  相似文献   
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