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One of the most diverse members of Amaryllidaceae is Cyrtanthus Aiton, a large, sub-Saharan Africa genus of approximately 55 species found mostly in South Africa. To investigate phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships within Cyrtanthus, sequence data from the plastid ndhF gene and the ITS nrDNA region for 41 species were analyzed with parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian-inference approaches. Various recombination detection algorithms were used to test for interspecific hybridization in the ITS alignment. The genus resolved as monophyletic, comprising three poorly to well-supported major lineages: a predominantly Afrotemperate lineage, largely restricted to seasonally moist sites in summer rainfall southern Africa, a subtropical lineage found mostly in nonseasonal rainfall regions, often in dry habitats, and a Cape Floristic Region-centered lineage in which most species are concentrated in the summer-dry to nonseasonal rainfall southwest. The ITS sequence alignment shows no evidence for reticulation between any of the species. Relationships inferred by the molecular data disagree with those derived from morphological data, but agree with previously published groupings based on karyotype morphology. Fitch optimization of selected floral characters on the combined gene tree reveals recurrent patterns of convergence. Ornithophilous floral forms occur in parallel among the three primary clades, putatively sphingophilous species are concentrated in the Afrotemperate lineage in seasonally moist upland grasslands; the brush-type Aeropetes tulbaghia butterfly and inferred long-proboscid fly pollination syndromes are unique in the Cape lineage. Macroecological factors inferred to have influenced the evolution of Cyrtanthus are changes in rainfall seasonality, the advent of fire, and the availability of new habitats at high and low altitudes and in rock-free soils or rock crevices. This study gives greater clarity on relationships within the genus and enables its division into three informal infrageneric groups.  相似文献   
The floral vasculature in three allied genera,Plagiorhegma, Jeffersoria andAchyls is investigated, and the results are compared with those ofEpimedium andVancouveria which are related closely toPlagiorhegma andJeffersonia. The vasculature in the receptacle ofPlagiorhegma andJeffersonia is similar, but that ofAchlys is much simpler. Slightly different trace patterns are observed in the sepals ofPlagiorhegma andJeffersonia. InJeffersonia, the 3-trace condition leaving 2 or 3 gaps is most frequently observed, but inPlagiorhegma traces of a double nature leaving a single gap are more frequent. The traces to the innermost sepals, petals and stamens are usually of a double nature leaving a single gap in both genera. Regular division and fusion are not observed in the receptacular stele. The vascular differentiation between sepals and petals is more advanced inPlagiorhegma andJeffersonia than inEpimedium andVancouveria. InAchlys, the traces are all staminal and single throughout their course. Two parts recognized in the pistils ofPlagiorhegma, Jeffersonia andAchlys are traversed by independent vasculature. The comparisons of pistil morphology including vasculature ofPlagiorhegma, Jeffersonia, Achlys, Epimedium andVancouveria lead to the interpretation that the pistils are based on the same morphological plan. The probable evolutionary trend in pistil is then suggested in these five genera.  相似文献   
通过腊叶标本研究、野外观察和文献考证,结合栽培试验,研究了香蒲科水烛(Typha angustifolia L.)花部结构特征,补充描述了该种丝状毛在子房柄上的着生方式、小穗不孕雌花数目等性状特征,观察了在成熟期不同阶段其孕性雌花柱头与小苞片的长度变异。结果显示,水烛孕性雌花小苞片呈宽披针形、匙形或条形,先端褐色,短于柱头,或与柱头近等长或稍长于柱头;子房柄上的丝状毛除少数散生外,多数基部合生呈鞘状或束状,在子房柄下部呈1~4轮排列;小穗不孕雌花常3(~4)枚。研究材料在7月中旬前后雌花小苞片明显短于柱头,随果穗成熟小苞片与柱头近等长。长苞香蒲(T.domingensis Pers.)子房柄上的丝状毛形态和着生方式与水烛中的情况基本一致,但小苞片白色透明,小穗不孕雌花常1(~2)枚。这表明水烛孕性雌花小苞片和柱头的长度比例与不同成熟阶段有关系,不宜作为与长苞香蒲的区别特征,而小穗不孕雌花数目和小苞片颜色等特征对两物种的划分有较重要的意义。  相似文献   
【目的】深入了解针垫花(Leucospermum cordifolium)的开花结实特性,探求其结实率低的原因,推动其种子生产、杂交育种、花期调控以及新品种培育工作。【方法】本文以针垫花(Leucospermum cordifolium)为主要材料,对其开花物候、花部特征、花粉活力、柱头可授性、杂交指数、授粉结实特性进行研究。【结果】1)针垫花的花期一般在冬末、早春至夏季;2)最适合测定其花粉活力的离体萌发培养基为30g/L蔗糖+150mg/L硼酸+50mg/L氯化钙,花粉活力为67.47%;3)在开花第1-7d柱头可授性逐渐加强,第5-7d的时最为强烈;杂交指数估算结果表明针垫花部分自交亲和,异交,需要传粉者;4)田间观测发现其在自然状态下结实率较低,但可以自发完成授粉,不存在无融合生殖现象;5)人工授粉试验发现针垫花异株异花授粉的结实率最高,为17.14%,而自花授粉的结实率最低,为4.94%。【结论】针垫花的雌雄蕊异熟是导致其自然结实率低的原因之一,而雌蕊花柱中及子房部位的胼胝质、花粉萌发后花粉管顶端膨大畸形是造成其结实率低的重要原因。  相似文献   
Reproductive biology and pollination of Stanhopea lietzei and Stanhopea insignis were studied in a semi-deciduous mesophytic forest in the Serra do Japi (SJ), and in the coastal plain of Picinguaba, both in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Floral morphology, pollination, breeding system and fruit set of both species were investigated. S. lietzei and S. insignis are pollinator-specific, being pollinated by male bees of Eufriesea (Apidae, Euglossini), which collect the fragrance produced by pluricellular osmophores at the base of the saccate hypochile. S. lietzei and S. insignis were pollinated by Eufriesea pulchra and Eufriesea purpurata, respectively. Observations using substances present in the floral fragrance of both studied species as chemical baits were also performed. E. purpurata was attracted by benzyl alcohol, the major compound of the perfume of S. insignis, while E. pulchra was attracted by none of the compounds used. Both studied Stanhopea are self-compatible but pollinator dependent. Self-pollination, however, tends to be avoided by floral mechanisms. In experimental self- and cross-pollinations the proportion of fruit abortion was high and related to resource limitation. The reproductive success of S. lietzei and S. insignis was low as a consequence of deficient pollen transference while pollinator scarcity was the main factor.  相似文献   
The relationships between floral morphology and the particular pollinator, flower shelter function and reproductive success as well as details of the breeding system of Dendrobium jiajiangense were investigated at Fotang Mountains in Jiajiang County, Sichuan Province, China. D. jiajiangense is pollinator-specific, being pollinated by Andrena parvula. There exists considerable mechanical fit between the floral morphology of D. jiajiangense and A. parvula. Importantly, A. parvula uses D. jiajiangense flowers as shelter both during rainy weather and at night during sunny weather. This significantly increase the pollination success of D. jiajiangens. D. jiajiangense is self-compatible but pollinator-dependent for fruit set. Fruit set of D. jiajiangens was 100% after hand-self-pollination, but seed viability was normally greatly reduced.  相似文献   
The transition from outcrossing to predominant self-fertilization is one of the most common evolutionary transitions in flowering plants. This shift is often accompanied by a suite of changes in floral and reproductive characters termed the selfing syndrome. Here, we characterize the genetic architecture and evolutionary forces underlying evolution of the selfing syndrome in Capsella rubella following its recent divergence from the outcrossing ancestor C. grandiflora. We conduct genotyping by multiplexed shotgun sequencing and map floral and reproductive traits in a large (N= 550) F2 population. Our results suggest that in contrast to previous studies of the selfing syndrome, changes at a few loci, some with major effects, have shaped the evolution of the selfing syndrome in Capsella. The directionality of QTL effects, as well as population genetic patterns of polymorphism and divergence at 318 loci, is consistent with a history of directional selection on the selfing syndrome. Our study is an important step toward characterizing the genetic basis and evolutionary forces underlying the evolution of the selfing syndrome in a genetically accessible model system.  相似文献   
Podostemaceae are unusual aquatic angiosperms adapting to extreme habitats, i.e., rapids and waterfalls, and have unique morphologies. We investigated the developmental anatomy of reproductive shoots scattered on crustose roots of Hydrobryum japonicum by scanning electron microscopy and using semi-thin serial sections. Two developmental patterns were observed: bracts arise either continuously from an area of meristematic cells that has produced leaves, or within differentiated root ground tissue beneath, and internal to, leaf base scars after an interruption. In both patterns, the bract primordia arise endogenously at the base of youngest bracts in the absence of shoot apical meristem, involving vacuolated-cell detachment to each bract separately. The different transition patterns of reproductive shoot development may be caused by different stages of parental vegetative shoots. The floral meristem arises between the two youngest bracts, and is similarly accompanied by cell degeneration. In contrast, the floral organs, including the spathella, arise exogenously from the meristem. Bract development, like vegetative leaf development, is unique to this podostemad, while floral-organ development is conserved.  相似文献   
Entomophilous flowers form the food resources for insect pollinators. Many pollinator species forage at the landscape scale and depend on floral resources that are highly variable in space and time. We present a general model approach in which the floral resources of plant communities are estimated by the floral phenology and the cover of entomophilous plant species. We applied this landscape model in a case study for three landscape sections (1.5–2.2 km2) with strongly differing land-use patterns. The comparison between a conservation area and two agricultural landscapes shows extreme differences in the quantities and in the course of floral resources.

In a stepwise simplification of the landscape model we tested the effects of input data with lower spatio-temporal resolution. Even if input data for floral phenology and vegetation have a low resolution, the landscape model allows a ranking of landscape-specific floral resource potentials. The results of the case study encourage the use of landscape models to estimate floral resource potentials. The assessment of floral resource potentials may help to define this essential landscape quality for evaluation in practical nature conservation.  相似文献   

Summary The floral nectary ofPisum sativum L. is situated on the receptacle at the base of the gynoecium. The gland receives phloem alone which departed the vascular bundles supplying the staminal column. Throughout the nectary, only the companion cells of the phloem exhibited wall ingrowths typical of transfer cells. Modified stomata on the nectary surface served as exits for nectar, but stomatal pores developed well before the commencement of secretion. Furthermore, stomatal pores on the nectary usually closed by occlusion, not by guard-cell movements. Pore occlusion was detected most frequently in post-secretory and secretory glands, and less commonly in pre-secretory nectaries. A quantitative stereological study revealed few changes in nectary fine structure between buds, flowers secreting nectar, and post-secretory flowers. Dissolution of abundant starch grains in plastids of subepidermal secretory cells when secretion commenced suggests that starch is a precursor of nectar carbohydrate production. Throughout nectary development, mitochondria were consistently the most plentiful organelle in both epidermal and subepidermal cells, and in addition to the relative paucity of dictyosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, and their associated vesicles, the evidence suggests that floral nectar secretion inP. sativum is an energy-requiring (eccrine) process, rather that granulocrine.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - GA glutaraldehyde - SEM scanning electron microscopy  相似文献   
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