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本文讨论环境污染对植物伤害的症状、植物抗污性标准、环境监测植物的优点和选择指标。在此基础上,筛选出福建三明地区环保植物资源的种类,并推荐适用于当地不同环境特点和功能的环保植物。  相似文献   
鬼灯檠的资源分布、药用价值及开发利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文概述鬼灯檠植物的种类、分布、药用价值及利用情况,并对今后开发利用提出建议。  相似文献   
The Gammaridae and Corixidae of an inland saline lake from 1975 to 1978   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
A. A. Savage 《Hydrobiologia》1981,76(1-2):33-44
When observations began the population of Watch Lane Flash consisted of Gammarus duebeni and Sigara lateralis. Gammarus tigrinus was then introduced; probably during a transfer of water from a nearby canal. G. tigrinus rapidly increased in numbers and at the same time G. duebeni and S. lateralis decreased to zero. There followed a partial recolonisation by corixids but the species present were Sigara concinna and Sigara dorsalis. Throughout the study period corixid populations were stable in two immediately adjacent water bodies, one of which also contained G. duebeni. Thus the changes described were associated with the presence of G. tigrinus. The reasons for the success of G. tigrinus and its effects on other gammarids and corixids are discussed.  相似文献   
Maize (Zea mays L.) serves as model plant for heterosis research and is the crop where hybrid breeding was pioneered. We analyzed genomic and phenotypic data of 1254 hybrids of a typical maize hybrid breeding program based on the important Dent × Flint heterotic pattern. Our main objectives were to investigate genome properties of the parental lines (e.g., allele frequencies, linkage disequilibrium, and phases) and examine the prospects of genomic prediction of hybrid performance. We found high consistency of linkage phases and large differences in allele frequencies between the Dent and Flint heterotic groups in pericentromeric regions. These results can be explained by the Hill–Robertson effect and support the hypothesis of differential fixation of alleles due to pseudo-overdominance in these regions. In pericentromeric regions we also found indications for consistent marker–QTL linkage between heterotic groups. With prediction methods GBLUP and BayesB, the cross-validation prediction accuracy ranged from 0.75 to 0.92 for grain yield and from 0.59 to 0.95 for grain moisture. The prediction accuracy of untested hybrids was highest, if both parents were parents of other hybrids in the training set, and lowest, if none of them were involved in any training set hybrid. Optimizing the composition of the training set in terms of number of lines and hybrids per line could further increase prediction accuracy. We conclude that genomic prediction facilitates a paradigm shift in hybrid breeding by focusing on the performance of experimental hybrids rather than the performance of parental lines in testcrosses.  相似文献   
Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763), found in mangroves along the Brazilian coast, is an artisanal fishery resource harvested as a source of income and for subsistence. A 12?month study of U. cordatus was conducted in a mangrove area of the southeastern Brazilian coast to estimate the growth, longevity, sex ratio and population density of the crabs. A total of 1024 crabs (505 males and 519 females) were sampled. Carapace width (CW) ranged from 49 to 90?mm (mean?±?SD: 71.2?mm?±?6.0) for males and from 52 to 83?mm (69.3?mm?±?4.9) for females. Males dominated the largest CW classes. The asymptotic size (CW) and the asymptotic weight (WW) were estimated as 93.4?mm and 305.5?g, respectively, for males and as 87.1?mm and 221.5?g, respectively, for females. The estimated maximum longevities were 17.6?years for males and 15.7?years for females. The males (k?=?0.17, Φ?=?1.171) and females (k?=?0.19, Φ?=?1.159) showed similar growth rates. The mean density was 0.41?±?0.19?burrows?m?2. Of this total mean density, 85.8% corresponded to the immediate harvesting potential and 14.2% to the future harvesting potential. Given that U. cordatus is a long-lived species that grows slowly, an appropriate strategy for the management is crucial to ensure the sustainable exploitation of this resource.  相似文献   
运用ISSR标记对采自云南的25份野生种质和4份驯化新品系中型狼尾草材料进行遗传多样性分析。结果显示:(1)50条ISSR引物中共筛选出10条能扩增出清晰条带且多态性明显的引物,29份材料DNA共获得72个扩增位点,其中多态性位点62个,多态性比率为87.4%,平均每条引物扩增位点为7.2个;平均观察等位基因数(Na)、有效等位基因数(Ne)、Shannon多样性信息指数(I)和Nei’s基因多样性指数(H)分别为1.861 1、1.742 8、0.561 0和0.395 9;种质材料间的遗传相似性系数变幅为0.236~0.903,表现出丰富的遗传多样性。(2)利用UPGMA聚类分析,以遗传相似系数0.51为界,29份材料划分为4大类,但Mantel检测表明29份种质材料的遗传聚类和地理距离之间不存在显著的正相关关系(r=0.437 0,P=0.204 6)。研究结果首次从分子水平揭示了中型狼尾草的遗传多样性和变异水平,为合理地引种、驯化、保护和利用中型狼尾草野生资源提供了重要的参考依据和数据支持。  相似文献   
鄱阳湖生态经济区资源环境综合承载力评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
宋艳春  余敦 《生态学杂志》2014,25(10):2975-2984
随着社会经济的发展,人口、资源与环境之间的矛盾日趋加剧.因此,资源环境承载力问题成为各国(地区)政府所关注的焦点问题之一.本文通过对鄱阳湖生态经济区内资源、环境的现状及问题进行调查分析,选取土地资源、水资源、生物资源、矿产资源、生态-地质环境、水环境及大气环境作为评价准则层,在对上述7个单因素进行评价基础之上,以县(市、区)为评价单位,采用状态空间法对全区的资源环境承载力进行综合评价.结果表明:当前全区内生物资源较丰富,大气、水环境质量良好,地质环境整体较稳定,制约因素主要为土地资源、水资源和矿产资源;全区资源环境承载力表现为可载状态,但部分县(市、区)表现为超载状态.利用状态空间法进行区域资源环境综合承载力研究是可行的,具有意义明确、评价精度高等优点,可为区域资源环境综合承载力评价提供另一种途径.  相似文献   
在全球性能源紧缺和我国能源植物大规模种植困难等大背景下,优质、充足的原料供应已成为制约生物质能源产业发展的主要限制因素。在确保能源植物高效生产和克服"与粮争地、与人争粮"现实的同时,挖掘我国边际土壤高产高效生产能源植物的土地优势和增产潜力。通过筛选评价适宜西北干旱地区高抗逆的新型能源植物种类,开发应用能源植物与粮经作物间套作栽培技术,实现新型能源植物对逆境资源的高效利用和可持续规模化种植,提高能源植物的生产力和优化能源物种的区域配置,增加土地产值和农民收入,缓解能源紧缺,达到经济、生态和社会效益多赢,为我国能源和粮食安全提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
滇东英武山杜鹃花种质资源的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用实地调查的方法,以云南省东部曲靖地区师宗县境内英武山为调查研究区域,以分布于该区域的杜鹃花属植物为重点调查对象,记录其区域内杜鹃花属植物种类、杜鹃花资源的垂直分布和水平分布。在对英武山杜鹃花属植物进行系统调查和资料整理的基础上,研究了该属植物在英武山的分布规律,结果表明,英武山杜鹃资源有10种,分布于海拔2 000~2 400 m之间。其水平分布呈现不均匀格局。在此基础上对10种(包括亚种和变种)杜鹃花的的生境类型和主要种类的观赏性状,包括花、叶及其花期以及旅游资源开发现状和利用途径的问题进行了详细观察和探讨。提出了进一步加强对杜鹃花属植物资源保护与开发利用、加强野生杜鹃引种驯化、利用杂交及现代生物学技术培育杜鹃花新品种的建议。  相似文献   
云南保存橡胶树部分种质资源干形及分枝变异分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对保存于"农业部景洪橡胶树种质资源圃"的1904份橡胶树81’IRRDB种质资源的主干通直度、主干分杈、侧枝分枝轮、侧枝粗细、侧枝分枝角、侧枝伸展等6个表型性状进行调查和分析。结果表明,云南保存橡胶树种质资源具有丰富的遗传多样性(0.2604~1.6731),多样性指数最高的是主干通直度,达1.6731,其次是主干分杈、侧枝粗细、侧枝分枝轮和侧枝分枝角,最低的是侧枝伸展。6个表型性状的相对分布频率最小值为2.92%~8.05%,最大值为41.26%~93.37%。用UPGMA法聚类,当欧式距离为1.05时,1904份样本被聚为5组,其中最大1组包括98.42%的样本,表明同一性状在每份种质资源间具有很大程度的相似性;用Furthest Neighbor法聚类,在欧式距离为1.45时,1904份样本被聚为7组。2种聚类方法都能将每份种质明显区分出来,表明各性状变异极其丰富。  相似文献   
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