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In this paper we derive explicit expressions for the elements of the exact Fisher information matrix of the Dirichlet-multinomial distribution. We show that exact calculation is based on the beta-binomial probability function rather than that of the Dirichlet-multinomial and this makes the exact calculation quite easy. The exact results are expected to be useful for the calculation of standard errors of the maximum likelihood estimates of the beta-binomial parameters and those of the Dirichlet-multinomial parameters for data that arise in practice in toxicology and other similar fields. Standard errors of the maximum likelihood estimates of the beta-binomial parameters and those of the Dirichlet-multinomial parameters, based on the exact and the asymptotic Fisher information matrix based on the Dirichlet distribution, are obtained for a set of data from Haseman and Soares (1976), a dataset from Mosimann (1962) and a more recent dataset from Chen, Kodell, Howe and Gaylor (1991). There is substantial difference between the standard errors of the estimates based on the exact Fisher information matrix and those based on the asymptotic Fisher information matrix.  相似文献   
Systems’ welfare evaluation, including behavioural testing, is becoming increasingly popular in farm animal assurance schemes. The aims of this study were to investigate whether fairly short-term exposure to gestation housing systems, which varied in physical, environmental and human-input factors, influenced behavioural and physiological measures during a human approach test—often used to identify problems in human–animal interactions. Twenty-four Large White×Landrace gilts were initially subjected to identical human contact and daily husbandry. Forty-two days after service, the gilts were randomly assigned to either an indoor housing system (n=16) or an outdoor housing system (n=8), which differed physically and in the amount of human contact and daily husbandry. The indoor system used an electronic sow feeder (ESF), was more space-limited and thermally-controlled and had human contact centered on cleaning out. The outdoor system was more extensive, had much greater space accessible, was not thermally-controlled and had human contact that centered around feeding. The human approach test was carried out on all gilts 30–44 days after entry to the gestation system. At testing, each individual was fitted with heart rate monitor and then moved into a test arena. After 2 min an unfamiliar human entered the pen and stood motionless for 3 min against one wall and then approached the gilt and touched her snout. Throughout the experimental period, behaviour and sound within the test arena were recorded continuously. During the 2 min familiarisation period, outdoor gilts had lower heart rates (108.2 bpm versus 123.7 bpm, P<0.05) and tended to perform fewer short vocalisations (0.5 calls per min versus 3.4 calls per min, P<0.1). Outdoor-housed gilts also carried out less locomotor behaviour (2.2 sections crossed versus 4.0 sections crossed, P<0.05) and tended to perform fewer short (1.4 calls per min versus 5.0 calls per min, P<0.1) and long vocalisations (0.2 calls per min versus 1.8 calls per min, P<0.1) over the 3 min test period. Outdoor gilts tended to be slower to approach within 0.5 m of the human (69.9 s versus 19.3 s, P<0.1) but they then took less extra time to make physical contact (3.3 s versus 52.7 s, P<0.1). Mean heart rate was significantly lower in outdoor sows over the whole 3 min period (99.5 bpm versus 115.5 bpm, P<0.05). The results demonstrate that short-term exposure to different housing systems did influence behavioural and physiological measures during a standard human approach test and thus, systems differences should be taken into account before making judgements about the human–animal relationship on any commercial farm, based on results of behavioural tests of this type.  相似文献   
树干径流过程的动态响应模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用实验测试法测量了干流过程。结果表明,干流过程曲线与R-L-C电路瞬态响应过程(包括输入、输出曲线)极为相似。据此,可用R-L-C电路瞬态响应过程曲线拟合干流过程,求出解析解。在计算机上调试参数,讨论其水文学意义,定性分析参数与影响干流因子的关系,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   
该研究运用方差比率法、χ~2检验、Pearson相关检验和Spearman轶相关检验,对广西雅长兰科植物国家级自然保护区南盘江流域的细叶云南松(Pinus yunnanensis Franch.var.tenuifolia Cheng et Law)次生林14个大树树种(DBH≥10cm)、15个小树树种(5cm≤DBH10cm)和19个幼树树种(1cm≤DBH5cm)进行定量分析,以揭示南盘江流域细叶云南松次生林群落中木本种群的关联性及其更新演替规律,为桂西北细叶云南松林管理保护、干热河谷地区植被恢复和生态重建提供参考依据。结果表明:(1)研究区内细叶云南松林大树和小树的总体关联性表现为不显著负关联,幼树及群落总体表现为不显著正关联;χ~2检验显示,大树和小树负关联种对占多数(分别为48.35%和46.67%),幼树的正关联或负关联种对占比基本持平(分别为40.35%和39.18%),群落整体无关联种对占比较大(41.13%)。(2)Pearson相关系数和Spearman秩相关系数检验显示,细叶云南松林的大树、小树、幼树和群落总体均表现为负关联种对较多,正关联次之。(3)群落大树和小树物种在资源竞争上较激烈,结构不稳定;群落幼树物种适应了林下荫蔽环境,对光照要求较低,种间关系已具有较低的稳定性,个别物种表现出独立性。研究认为,南盘江流域细叶云南松次生林群落物种间存在一定的关联性,但未能形成稳定的配置关系,群落结构尚不稳定,仍处于演替早期阶段。  相似文献   
目的分析大连市2011-2017年7例输入性卵形疟原虫感染病例的病原、抗原及核酸检测结果,以提高卵形疟原虫诊断的准确率和效率。方法收集7例疑似疟疾患者的血样,对血样进行血涂片镜检、快速疟疾诊断试纸条检测(RDT)及荧光定量PCR检测。结果血涂片镜检结果显示7例患者均感染卵形疟原虫。RDT检测结果显示2例阴性,另外5例为泛疟原虫抗原阳性。荧光定量PCR结果显示7例患者均检出疟原虫属和卵形疟原虫核酸。结论综合镜检、RDT及荧光定量PCR检测结果确定该7例患者均为卵形疟原虫感染。  相似文献   
Bisphenol A (BPA; 4,4-isopropylidene diphenol) is a chemical intermediate used primarily in the production of epoxy resins and polycarbonate products. BPA has been identified in surface waters and, hence, has been the subject of considerable research into its potential effects on aquatic organisms. Available literature on the aquatic toxicity of BPA was reviewed for quality against European Union TGD and Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development GLP principles. From this review, studies of suitable quality covering numerous ecologically relevant endpoints were identified to evaluate the survival, growth, and reproductive success of aquatic organisms exposed to BPA. Those studies yielded approximately 70 no observed effect concentrations (ranging from 16 to 3640 μg/L) and lowest observed effect concentrations (160 to 11,000 μg/L) that were considered in this weight of evidence assessment. Across all data, adverse effects on survival, growth, and reproduction occurred only at concentrations of 160 μg/L and above. Secondary biochemical (e.g., vitellogenin induction) and morphological (e.g., gonad histology) data provide insight into mechanisms of action, but do not correlate with apical endpoints related to survival, growth, and reproduction. Comparing the weight of the evidence of the aquatic toxicity data that showed chronic effects at 160 μg/L and higher with typical surface water concentrations in the range of 0.001 to 0.10 μg/ L, BPA is unlikely to cause adverse effects on aquatic populations or ecosystems.  相似文献   
为了优化天麻素的提取工艺,本研究采用超声法提取天麻素,以天麻素含量为指标,在单因素筛选基础上,采用正交试验优化提取工艺,选择料液比、提取次数和提取时间3个影响因素,每个因素3个水平进行正交试验。结果表明,最优提取工艺组合为:提取时间20min、料液比1∶15和提取次数2次;按照此工艺平行制备3批样品,天麻素的提取率为(0.339±0.13)%。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: Bacopa monnieri contains pseudojujubogenin glycosides as pharmacologically active compounds. In order to screen large numbers of plant samples for the presence of pseudojujubogenin glycosides, a rapid and simple assay system is required for application to small quantities of test materials. Immunoassays using monoclonal antibodies could be useful for the determination of small quantities of pseudojujubogenin glycosides in plant extracts. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this work was to develop a simple method for the detection of pseudojujubogenin glycosides by the immunochromatographic strip test using anti-bacopaside I monoclonal antibody. METHODOLOGY: The qualitative assay was based on a competitive immunoassay in which the detector reagent consisted of a colloidal gold particle coated with the respective anti-bacopaside I MAb. The capture reagent was a bacopaside I-human serum albumin conjugate immobilised onto a test strip membrane. RESULTS: The sample containing pseudojujubogenin glycosides and the detection reagent were incubated with the immobilised capture reagent. The glycosides in the sample competed in binding to the limited amount of antibodies in the detection reagent with the immobilised bacopaside I-HSA conjugates and, hence, positive samples showed no colour in the capture spot zone. The detection limit for the strip test was 125 ng/mL. CONCLUSION: The assay system was found to be useful as a rapid and simple screening method for the detection of pseudojujubogenin glycosides in plants.  相似文献   
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