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 地瓜藤(Ficus tikoua)、荻(Triarrhena sacchariflora)、牛鞭草(Hemarthria altissima)和狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)是三峡库区常见的岸生植物, 自然分布于河岸带不同垂直高程的地段。为了明确它们在成库后“三峡库区消落区”长期完全水淹条件下的存活和生长情况, 实验设置对照(不进行水淹, 常规供水管理)和完全水淹两个处理, 30、60、90、120、150和180 d 6个水淹时间水平, 研究了4种植物在完全水淹条件下的存活、生物量变化和恢复生长。结果发现: 1) 4种植物在完全水淹条件下的存活率与其在河岸带上的垂直分布高程密切相关。分布于距江面高程较高的河岸段的地瓜藤植株, 在全淹30 d后就全部死亡; 分布在中高程河岸段的荻在全淹150和180 d后全部死亡; 可以分布于低高程河岸段的牛鞭草和狗牙根, 淹没180 d后存活率分别为90%和100%。2)全淹抑制了荻、牛鞭草和狗牙根的生长, 总生物量增量显著低于对照植株。与水淹0 d相比, 全淹处理植株的地上部分生物量显著降低, 荻在全淹60和120 d后, 地下部分生物量显著降低, 但牛鞭草和狗牙根的地下部分生物量与水淹0 d水平相比无显著差异。3)水淹处理结束后, 存活的荻、牛鞭草和狗牙根植株都能很好地恢复生长。在恢复生长过程中, 全淹30、60和90 d后, 荻、牛鞭草和狗牙根植株的总分枝长相对生长速率与对照植株无显著差异, 全淹120、150和180 d后, 牛鞭草和狗牙根植株的总分枝长相对生长速率显著高于对照植株。全淹处理的荻、牛鞭草和狗牙根植株的总叶片数相对生长速率始终显著高于对照植株。遭受长期完全水淹后, 植株在有限的营养储备条件下, 快速产生叶片以迅速积聚光合产物可能是植物更为优化的恢复生长方式。  相似文献   
贮运温度对盆栽榕树落叶及抗性生理的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以盆栽榕树为试验材料,探讨不同贮运温度对盆栽榕树落叶及抗性生理的变化。结果表明,不同贮运温度对盆栽榕树落叶及抗性生理影响显著。与(16±1)℃及(19±1)℃比较,(10±1)℃及(13±1)℃的贮运温度能显著减缓叶片的细胞质膜透性、降低丙二醛(MDA)含量,提高过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性,增加可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量,延缓叶绿素的降解速度,落叶率低。在贮运36 d时,(10±1)℃和(13±1)℃贮运温度的落叶率均在16%以下,达到出口要求,而两者间的落叶率差异不显著。  相似文献   
通过对福建省泉州市榕属植物在园林绿地中应用情况的调查,总结了该属植物较高的应用价值,并分析了应用中存在的问题和误区,提出合理利用及管养对策。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Sections leaves of Ficus rubiginosa 'Variegata' show that it is a chimera with a chlorophyll deficiency in the second layer of the leaf meristem (GWG structure). Like other Ficus species, it has a multiseriate epidermis on the adaxial and abaxial sides of the leaf, formed by periclinal cell divisions as well as anticlinal divisions. The upper and lower laminae of the leaf often exhibit small dark and light green patches of tissue overlying internal leaf tissue. METHODS: The distribution of chlorophyll in transverse sections of typical leaves was determined by fluorescence microscopy. KEY RESULTS: Patches of dark and light green tissue which arise in the otherwise colourless palisade and spongy mesophyll tissue in the entire leaf are due to further cell divisions arising from the bundle sheath which is associated with major vascular bundles or from the green multiseriate epidermis. Leaves produced in winter exhibit more patches of green tissue than leaves which expand in mid-summer. Many leaves produced in summer have no spotting and appear like a typical GWG chimera. There is a strong relationship between the number of patches on the adaxial side of leaves and the number on the abaxial side, showing that the cell division in upper and lower layers of leaves is strongly coordinated. In both winter and summer, there are fewer patches on the abaxial side of leaves compared with the adaxial side, indicating that periclinal and anticlinal cell divisions from the outer meristematic layer are less frequent in the lower layers of leaf tissue. Most of the patches are small (<1 mm in longest dimension) and thus the cell divisions which form them occur late in leaf development. Leaves which exhibit large patches generally have them on both sides of the leaves. CONCLUSION: In this cultivar, the outer meristematic layer appears to form vascular bundle sheaths and associated internal leaf tissue in the entire leaf lamina.  相似文献   
 榕树(Ficus)及其传粉榕小蜂(Agaonidae)构成了高度专一的互惠共生体系。榕树的果实(以下简称榕果)内也寄生着一些非传粉小蜂。 绝大多数非传粉小蜂在榕果外把产卵器刺入果壁产卵到果腔内, 只有极少数种类能够进入果腔内产卵。在西双版纳地区, 钝叶榕(Ficus curtipes)上的杨氏榕树金小蜂(Diaziella yangi)类似于传粉者钝叶榕小蜂(Eupristina sp.), 它也是进入榕果内产卵繁殖后代的, 这就为比 较研究榕果内产卵小蜂与寄主榕树间的关系提供了材料。该文从形态学、行为学和生态学角度比较研究了这两种进入榕果内产卵的小蜂与寄主 钝叶榕之间的作用关系, 研究结果显示: 1)杨氏榕树金小蜂与钝叶榕小蜂的雌蜂头部形状存在趋同进化; 2)两种小蜂的产卵器的平均长度都比 雌花花柱长, 因而能把卵产在子房里; 3)钝叶榕小蜂从瘿花出来需要3~5 h, 交配需要17~19 min, 杨氏榕树金小蜂从瘿花出来只需18~20 min, 交配时间为20~30 s; 4)在自然群落中, 大约90%的雌花期榕果里都只进一只杨氏榕树金小蜂和一只钝叶榕小蜂, 杨氏榕树金小蜂能通过传粉来 增加榕树种子数量, 但对钝叶榕小蜂种群的繁衍造成了极显著的负面影响; 5)两种小蜂于同一时期进入榕果内繁殖, 子代同期成熟羽化, 发育 期与榕树雄花的发育期同步。研究表明: 进入榕果内繁殖的两种小蜂与寄主榕树之间存在着协同进化关系, 杨氏榕树金小蜂为榕树有效地传粉, 这可能是一个由寄生者向互惠方向进化的实例。  相似文献   
1. Fig pollinating wasps (Agaonidae) enter Ficus inflorescences (figs), oviposit in some of the flowers, and pollinate in the process. Each larva completes its development within a single flower. In most cases, an inflorescence entered by a wasp will represent its only egg‐laying site. The mechanisms that prevent pollinating wasps from exploiting all the flowers inside a fig are not understood. In this study, hypotheses about flower use by pollinating fig wasps were tested by investigating egg deposition patterns in three species. 2. Either one or three wasps were introduced into figs. The figs were then harvested. Serial sections allowed assessment of the presence or absence of a wasp egg in a sample of flowers in each fig. The overall proportion of flowers with eggs and the spatial distribution of eggs were then compared in single wasp figs and three foundress figs. 3. In all species, the proportion of flowers with a wasp egg increased with foundress number but less than three‐fold. 4. In all species, at least in single foundress figs, flowers near the fig cavity were more likely to receive a wasp egg than were flowers near the fig wall. 5. In two species, when the number of foundresses was multiplied by three, there was an increase in the use of flowers near the fig wall, while in the third species, the increase was spread evenly among flowers. 6. Factors affecting wasp egg deposition patterns and the potential of investigating such patterns for studying the stability of the mutualism are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper reports on the phenological patterns of figs in Budongo Forest, Uganda, and how it relates to chimpanzee food availability in different seasons. In addition, we analysed the dung of chimpanzees to understand the composition of fruits in their diet. The aim of our study was to assess Ficus phenology and how it affects chimpanzee diet. Fifteen species of figs were monitored for fruit (syconium) and leaf phenology between June 2000 and 2001. Ficus fruit production varied significantly between and within species, and also with tree trunk and crown diameters. Fig fruit production was asynchronous and individual fig trees produced crops from one to five times in a year. In addition to fruits, chimpanzees fed on young leaves of some Ficus species. Shedding of old Ficus leaves coincided with the dry season, followed by appearance of young leaves. The dry season in Budongo is a period of general fruit scarcity. The combination of fig fruits and young leaves make up the most important food in the diet of chimpanzees. From the chimpanzee dung, more than 78% of seeds comprised fig ‘seeds’ (nutlets) and the rest of the diaspores were from other tree species. Our findings suggest that chimpanzees disperse large number of diaspores in their dung, thereby serving as important agents of natural forest regeneration.  相似文献   
For more than two decades, it has been the dogma that the males of pollinating fig wasps do not fight and that they only mate in their native fig. Their extreme degree of local mating leads to highly female biased sex ratios that should eliminate the benefits of fighting and dispersal by males. Furthermore, males sharing a fig are often brothers, and fighting may be barred by kin selection. Therefore, theory supported the presumed absence of fighting and dispersal in pollinating fig wasp males. However, we report here that in pollinating fig wasps, fighting between brothers evolved at least four and possibly six time, and dispersal by males at least twice. This finding supports the idea that competition between relatives can cancel the ameliorating effects of relatedness. The explanation to this evolutionary puzzle, as well as the consequences of male dispersal and fighting, opens the doors to exciting new research.  相似文献   
以热带喀斯特地区的直脉榕(Ficus orthoneura)和豆果榕(F.pisocarpa)为实验材料,研究了常绿和落叶树木枝条和叶片的解剖结构特征、光合水分特征和耐旱性的差异,目的在于探讨不同生活型榕树适应干旱生境的策略.直脉榕和豆果榕的叶片都有两层栅栏组织、游离状的海绵组织和钟乳体等旱生结构,同时叶片角质层蒸腾速率(gmin)和气孔导度(gs)相对较低.但与落叶的豆果榕相比,常绿的直脉榕的枝条木质部失去50%传导率的水势(P50)和gmin更低,表现出更保守的水分利用策略.总体上,两种榕树都表现出了对喀斯特干旱生境的良好适应,但是它们的适应策略表现出一定的差别.豆果榕通过落叶度过旱期,而直脉榕在结构和功能上比豆果榕更耐旱.抗旱策略和水分利用策略的不同导致两种榕树的生态位分异,减少了彼此间的水分竞争,有利于它们在喀斯特生境中共存.  相似文献   
爱玉子花序挥发物成分以及对其传粉小蜂的吸引作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈友铃  吴文珊 《生态学报》2010,30(8):2212-2219
利用动态顶空吸附法和GC-MS分析,研究接受期以及传粉或产卵5d后爱玉子(Ficus awkeotsang)雌、雄隐头花序挥发物成分。研究结果表明:爱玉子隐头花序挥发物的组成成分复杂,种类繁多,主要成分是对传粉小蜂具有显著吸引作用的芳樟醇。组成雌、雄花序的接受期挥发物信号的化合物种类与数量不同,但两者之间的共有化合物却占花序挥发物总量的70%以上,且接受期雌、雄花序挥发物组成比例相似,小蜂无法通过花序挥发物信号的差异,区别雌、雄花序,从而支持"榕树雌、雄花序接受期挥发物存在相互模拟现象"的假说。爱玉子传粉(或产卵)前后花序挥发物信号发生变化,表现在花序在传粉(或产卵)后,一些挥发性化合物在榕果中消失或相对含量减少(如芳樟醇),有些化合物的相对含量增加(如苯甲酸甲酯),并出现新的化合物(如2-乙基己醇);在化合物组成上,萜类化合物相对含量下降,芳香族化合物、脂肪族化合物相对含量上升。嗅觉仪实验表明爱玉子接受期雌、雄花序挥发物对其传粉榕小蜂有极显著的吸引作用,而传粉(或产卵)5d后的雌、雄花序挥发物对传粉榕小蜂有显著的趋避作用。传粉小蜂对雌、雄接受期花序挥发物的选择没有偏向性。榕果通过挥发物的释放量和成分的改变反映出花发育与被授粉(被产卵)状况,传粉小蜂通过接收榕果发出的化学信息,判断选择适合的寄主。研究对于爱玉子的高产栽培以及植物与昆虫专性共生化学生态学机制的理论研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
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