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Palms are the most common support hosts for strangler fig (Ficus aurea) in the tropical dry forest. At Hummingbird Cay Tropical Field Station in the Bahamas, viable F. aurea seeds scattered on open soil germinate within 6 d in the laboratory at 27C in light or darkness. To test the hypothesis that water relations between seed and substrate can restrict the site of F. aurea establishment, fig seeds were imbibed in mannitol solutions with water potential (psi) from 0 MPa to -2.0 MPa. At psi > -1.0 MPa, germination ranges from 70 to 90%. Below -1.0 MPa, germination drops under 4%. Seedling growth rate slows linearly with decreasing psi, due to reduced cell enlargement in the radicle. Sensitivity of F. aurea seeds to psi stress is similar to that of mesophytic crops with "threshold' psi of -1.2 to -1.5 MPa, below which germination and/or seedling growth stops. F. aurea shows no evidence of xerophytic adaptation in germination physiology. In the field, psi of humus in palm leaf bases does not drop below -1.0 to -1.1 MPa, while humus in terrestrial sites reaches psi F. aurea germination and seedling growth is met by humus in palm leaf bases, not by terrestrial sites. In dry forests, this restricts F. aurea establishment to the crown of palm trees.  相似文献   
Michael H. Horn 《Oecologia》1997,109(2):259-264
Studies were conducted at the La Selva Biological Station in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica and in a greenhouse in California to assess the potential role of a Neotropical fish in dispersing the seeds of a rain forest tree. Feeding experiments showed that the seeds of Ficus glabrata H. B. K., a major, canopy-forming riparian tree, require approximately 18–36 h to pass through the digestive tract of Brycon guatemalensis Regan, an abundant riverine fish whose adult diet consists largely of leaves and fruits of this fig tree. The seeds were still viable after passing through the fish’s gut but germinated somewhat more slowly than seeds that had been left in the fig exposed to air or floated in water. Stem elongation of seedlings from seeds that had passed through the fish’s gut was faster than that of seeds in the other two treatments. Placement of seeds upstream may be more important than enhanced germination for plants such as Ficus that produce large numbers of seeds. Radio telemetry showed that five of six tagged fish had moved distances of 0.1–1 km upstream; seven other fish with transmitters, including three large males, were not relocated and may have moved into tributary streams for spawning or feeding. These findings suggest that Brycon can disperse large numbers of Ficus seeds and help maintain the upstream populations of the tree. Received: 1 May 1996 /Accepted: 1 August 1996  相似文献   
The phenology and pollination ecology of three native fig species were studied in southeastern Brazil. Populations displayed continual syconia production, with one species showing intra-tree flowering asynchrony. Pollination of the fig flowers was necessary for the development of the syconia; lack of pollination induced abortion of syconia. All three species follow the general pattern of pollination known for figs, but the behavior of the pollinator wasps, Pegoscapus spp., differed in some aspects from those of other neotropical and paleotropical fig wasps, mainly with respect to pollen loading and unloading during pollination. The longevity of Pegoscapus wasps outside the syconium was about two days.  相似文献   
Lesser bare–backed bats (Dobsonia minor [Pteropodidae]) are solitary and roost in foliage of understory and subcanopy trees in lowland rain forest. These 70–90 gram frugivorous bats forage in primary and secondary forest and in abandoned gardens. At the Kau Wildlife Area in Papua New Guinea, movements (N = 1041) of four males and four females fitted with radio transmitters were monitored for 1 to 18 months. Mean home range within 30–day sampling periods was 5.1 ha (N = 12). There were no significant differences in home ranges by sex or by dry–wet season. Females, however, had significandy larger mean core–use areas than males (1.43 ± 0.61 and 0.65 ±0.16 ha, respectively). There was moderate overlap in home range and core–use areas among some simultaneously tracked animals. The long axes of home ranges varied from 150 to 1150 m and the mean was significantly larger in females. Individuals commuted from day roosts to multiple feeding areas, sometimes resulting in disjunct core–use areas and home ranges. Fruits of native Fiats species and the exotic shrub Piper attuncum were staple food items. Piper aduncum grew as dense clusters within early successional habitats, and individual plants ripened 5–20 fruits per night throughout the year. Ficus spp. grew in primary and secondary forest and fruited asynchronously, but individual trees produced tens to thousands of ripe fruits over 7 to 10 days. Three adult female D. minor were tracked over multiple periods spanning 2.5–18 months. Although each female continued to visit a core–use area containing P. aduncum throughout the study, turnover of other core–use areas reflected the ephemeral locations of fruiting fig trees.  相似文献   
【目的】榕树(Ficus)依赖专性榕小蜂(Agaonidae)传粉,同时为传粉榕小蜂提供繁衍后代的场所,两者形成动植物间经典的协同进化关系。在雌花期果内,榕小蜂需在有限的存活时间内完成传粉和产卵,而传粉榕小蜂如何在传粉与产卵之间进行权衡仍然是悬而未解的问题。本研究旨在明确传粉榕小蜂——一种栉颚榕小蜂Ceratosolen sp.在雌雄同株的聚果榕Ficus racemosa雌花期果内的行为活动及繁殖模式。【方法】借助测微尺测量聚果榕榕果雌花花柱长度与传粉榕小蜂(Ceratosolen sp.)产卵器长度,通过显微视频记录传粉榕小蜂在雌花期果内搜索、传粉及产卵行为;结合单果控制性引蜂试验,测定不同阶段榕小蜂个体大小、孕卵量、携粉量,以及雄花期最终繁殖的榕小蜂后代和榕果种子数量。【结果】聚果榕雌花花柱长度存在树间变异,榕小蜂产卵器长度比绝大多数的雌花花柱长,说明该小蜂可以产卵于大部分的雌花子房里。通常个体大的榕小蜂孕卵量更多,但个体大小与携粉量之间相关性不显著。观察发现,榕小蜂进入雌花期榕果内,前6 h集中产卵,可产下孕卵量的95%,平均搜索用时27 s,产卵用时46 s,此期间传粉行为少见,花粉筐中携带花粉量亦无明显变化;榕小蜂进果后6-24 h,主要执行传粉,其行为主动,连贯高效,单次传粉用时平均为2 s,最终可传完携粉量的80%。控制引蜂试验也证实榕小蜂进入榕果内前6 h主要执行产卵繁殖后代,之后6-24 h主要执行传粉以繁殖榕树种子。【结论】在雌雄同株的聚果榕雌花期榕果内,榕小蜂先产卵、后传粉。本研究首次展示了传粉榕小蜂在聚果榕雌花期榕果内的产卵和传粉行为,并获得与行为相匹配的产卵量和传粉繁殖量,反映了具主动传粉行为的榕小蜂在传粉和产卵之间存在时间和数量上的权衡。  相似文献   
湖榕和小叶榕花形态结构特征的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对湖榕(Ficus sp.)和小叶榕(Ficus microcarpa L.)花形态结构特征的比较研究表明:湖榕和小叶榕的花果形态结构有较显著的差别。湖榕雌花的萼片数多为4片,萼片顶部都有毛,花粉位为精园形,花粉壁较薄,其结实率较低,只有0.1%;小叶榕雌花的萼片数多为3片,萼片顶部光滑无毛,花粉粒为圆形而壁较厚,其结实率较高,为29.1%。  相似文献   
种间关系中一方以自身生长过程中的一部分物质和能量为对方所利用的现象便是一个物种为对方付出的代价。在中性的种间关系中,两个物种彼此不受影响,无所谓代价;在偏性的种间关系中,受害者付出无谓的代价,受益者得到无偿的利益(如寄主与寄生物、被捕食者与捕食者之间...  相似文献   
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