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Fibronectin and collagens are major constituents of the cell matrix of fibroblasts. Fibronectin is a 220,000 dalton glycoprotein that mediates a variety of adhesive functions of cells examined in vitro. Fibronectin is secreted in a soluble form and interacts with collagen to form extracellular filaments. Fibronectin and procollage type I were localized using the peroxidase anti-peroxidase method. Under standard culture conditions, fibronectin and procollagen were localized to non-periodic 10 nm extracellular fibrils, the cell membrane and plasma membrane vesicles. Ascorbate treatment of cells leads to a new larger fibril with a diameter of approximately 40 nm. Antibodies to fibronectin and procollagen I react to these native collagen fibrils with an axial periodicity of approximately 70 nm. Fibronectin is clearly associated with native collagen fibrils produced by ascorbate treated cells and there is an asymetric distribution or segregation of fibronectin on these collagen fibrils with a 70 nm axial repeat.  相似文献   
金黄滴虫细胞核微丝系统的初步观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金黄滴虫细胞核内经常存在着许多直径约为7nm的微丝。这些徽丝大多组合成走向不定的徽丝束,微丝束交织而成遍布核内的网架。核被下面微丝束较多,它们的存在常使核被外凸而成隆脊。核内微丝与核内结构如核仁、染色质等似乎都是相连的。有些微丝横跨核被,一端位于核内,另一端位于核周腔中,并靠近叶绿体。核周腔和内质网腔中也存在着微丝和另一种纤维,印管状纤维。用细胞松弛素B处理后,细胞核、核周腔和内质网腔中的微丝均消失,细胞核的形态也发生变化,似乎微丝网架有支持细胞核的作用。核内微丝可能是在内质网中组装,然后经核周腔进入核内的。  相似文献   
Summary The distribution of collagen types I, III, IV, and of fibronectin has been studied in the human dermis by light and electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry, using affinity purified primary antibodies and tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate-conjugated secondary antibodies. Type I collagen was present in all collagen fibers of both papillary and reticular dermis, but collagen fibrils, which could be resolved as discrete entities, were labeled with different intensity. Type III collagen codistributed with type I in the collagen fibers, besides being concentrated around blood vessels and skin appendages. Coexistence of type I and type III collagens in the collagen fibrils of the whole dermis was confirmed by ultrastructural double-labelling experiments using colloidal immunogold as a probe. Type IV collagen was detected in all basement membranes. Fibronectin was distributed in patches among collagen fibers and was associated with all basement membranes, while a weaker positive reaction was observed in collagen fibers. Ageing caused the thinning of collagen fibers, chiefly in the recticular dermis. The labeling pattern of both type I and III collagens did not change in skin samples from patients of up to 79 years of age, but immunoreactivity for type III collagen increased in comparison to younger skins. A loss of fibronectin, likely related to the decreased morphogenetic activity of tissues, was observed with age.  相似文献   
Frozen samples of minimal change glomerulopathy (MCG), and of membranous, segmental and diffuse lupus glomerulonephritis (MGN, SGN, DLGN) were studied to assess the distribution of tenascin (Ten), and the extradomains A and B (EDA-and EDB-) and oncofetal (Onc-) isoforms of cellular fibronectin (cFn). Cryosections were immunostained by the ABC method with specific monoclonal antibodies. In MCG, mesangial Ten and EDA-cFn reactions were increased. In MGN, mesangial Ten and EDA-cFn staining was enhanced except in segmental scars; convincing reactions were seen in cases with membranous transformation; spikes stained strongly. In SGN, variably intense staining for Ten and all cFn isoforms was seen in glomerular necrosis, proliferation and crescents; parietal epithelium EDA-cFn staining was noted. In DLGN, strong and extensive mesangial Ten and EDA-cFn staining was seen as were focal EDB-and Onc-cFn reactions. Parietal cells with and without crescents stained variably with all Mabs. Obsolete glomeruli were unreactive save for rare periglomerular Ten rims. Interstitial inflammation and fibrosis in MGN, SGN and DLGN had moderate to strong Ten and EDA-cFn staining with rare traces of EDB-and Onc-cFn. We conclude that enhanced Ten and EDA-cFn is a potentially reversible response to glomerular injury whereas the expression of EDB-and Onc-cFn apparently result from necrosis and/or cellular proliferation which lead to scarring. And, while mesangial cells are the major source of these molecules, epithelial cells might also partake in their synthesis.  相似文献   
构建重组 FN多肽 CH50真核表达载体并在小鼠体内表达 ,研究其趋化与抗肿瘤作用 .采用重组 DNA技术构建表达质粒 ;体内进行基因转染 ,采用 RT- PCR鉴定导入基因的表达 ;通过肝素亲和层析、SDS- PAGE和 Western blot鉴定表达产物 ;腹腔细胞计数、Giemsa染色分析以及肌肉组织切片与染色观察体内基因转染后的趋化作用 ;小鼠黑色素瘤模型研究基因转染抑制肿瘤的作用 .从 CH50原核表达载体获得重组多肽的 c DNA,5′端加上小鼠 IFN- 5′端非编码区和信号肽编码区的 c DNA,3′端加上人 FN c DNA的 3′端非编码区 ;将重组 c DNA插入 p REP8质粒 ,即构建出p CH50 3质粒 .巨噬细胞在体内经 p CH50 3转染 ,然后在体外培养 ,能够产生 CH50多肽 .以p CH50 3分别进行腹腔基因转染和肌肉内基因转染 ,均可对免疫细胞产生趋化作用 ;p CH50 3体内转染可以使小鼠腹腔内黑色素肿瘤结节数降低 50 %~ 60 % . CH50真核表达载体 p CH50 3可在小鼠体内表达 ,体内基因转染可趋化免疫细胞和抑制肿瘤结节形成 ,在肿瘤综合治疗中有重要意义 .  相似文献   
Abstract: The L1- and F11-like axonal glycoproteins, implicated in neurite outgrowth and fasciculation, are members of the Ig superfamily comprising multiple fibronectin type III-like domains. Their Ig-like and fibronectin type III-related domains are likely to be composed of seven β-strands arranged in two opposing β-sheets of highly similar topology. Whereas the F11-like molecules lack a transmembrane sequence and are anchored in the plasma membrane by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol, the L1 -like molecules comprise cytoplasmic domains with highly conserved sequence motifs. Most of the latter proteins occur in different isoforms generated by alternative pre-mRNA splicing, which has not been documented for molecules of the F11 subgroup. L1 -like proteins undergo heterophils as well as homophilic interactions, whereas only the former mode of binding was observed for F11 -like proteins. Evidence is accumulating that these Ig superfamily molecules with fibronectin type III-like domains are interacting in a complex manner with each other and molecules of the extracellular matrix. Investigations assigning structure to function reveal that their individual extracellular domains serve distinct binding activities. Recent studies also suggest that L1 and NCAM are implicated in the transduction of transmembrane signals.  相似文献   
人卵巢癌细胞微观形态的AFM观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨原子力显微镜(AFM)在人卵巢癌细胞微观形貌表征方面的应用。方法:应用原子力显微镜分别观察培养的高低转移的人卵巢癌细胞及其周围纤连蛋白原纤维和经过紫杉醇药物处理后的细胞的微观形态,进一步对正常的卵巢癌细胞组织和经过紫杉醇药物处理后的卵巢癌细胞组织经过超声波处理后组织的微观结构进行AFM成像观察。结果:高转移特性的卵巢癌细胞周围的纤维少而短;而低转移特性的卵巢癌细胞周围的纤维多且长。经过紫杉醇药物处理后的细胞的形态发生了变化,结构呈现不规则状,且与基底没有纤维连接。结论:不同类型的卵巢癌细胞受其生物功能的影响在基底上的形态不同。药物处理后的癌细胞微观组织发生了变化,与其核溶,核碎和核解的生理变化过程相符。正常的卵巢癌细胞组织结构之间的黏附力较小,故超声波处理后呈现分散的分布。经过紫杉醇药物处理后的卵巢癌细胞组织结构之间的黏附力较大,超声波处理后分布在基底上的结构较紧凑。  相似文献   
Defects in axonal transport and synaptic dysfunctions are associated with early stages of several neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's, Huntington's, Parkinson's, and prion diseases. Here, we tested the effect of full-length mammalian prion protein (rPrP) converted into three conformationally different isoforms to induce pathological changes regarded as early subcellular hallmarks of prion disease. We employed human embryonal teratocarcinoma NTERA2 cells (NT2) that were terminally differentiated into neuronal and glial cells and co-cultured together. We found that rPrP fibrils but not alpha-rPrP or soluble beta-sheet rich oligomers caused degeneration of neuronal processes. Degeneration of processes was accompanied by a collapse of microtubules and aggregation of cytoskeletal proteins, formation of neuritic beads, and a dramatic change in localization of synaptophysin. Our studies demonstrated the utility of NT2 cells as valuable human model system for elucidating subcellular events of prion pathogenesis, and supported the emerging hypothesis that defects in neuronal transport and synaptic abnormalities are early pathological hallmarks associated with prion diseases.  相似文献   
Babenko V  Harada T  Yagi H  Goto Y  Kuroda R  Dzwolak W 《Chirality》2011,23(8):638-646
Hydrodynamic forces are capable of inducing structural order in dispersed solid phases, and of causing symmetry-breaking when chiral crystals precipitate from an achiral liquid phase. Until it was observed upon vortex-assisted fibrillation of insulin, such behavior had been thought to be confined to few unbiological systems. In this paper we are discussing chiroptical properties of two chiral variants of insulin amyloid, termed +ICD and -ICD, which form during the process of chiral bifurcation in vortexed solutions of aggregating insulin. As conventional measurements of circular dichroism of solid, anisotropic substances are particularly vulnerable to overlapping influences of linear birefringence and linear dichroism, we have employed complementary tools including dedicated universal chiroptical spectrophotometer to rule out such artifacts. We propose that the strong chiroptical properties of +ICD and -ICD insulin fibrils are an aspect of genuine superstructural chirality of amyloid fibrils and of powerful excitonic couplings taking place within them. A comparison of thioflavin T complexes with fibrils formed by insulin and polyglutamic acid suggests that the extrinsic Cotton effect stemming from the level of single twisted dye molecules is weaker, although diagnostically useful, and cannot account for the overall magnitude of ICD of the dye bound to ±ICD insulin amyloid.  相似文献   
The formation of proteinaceous aggregates is a pathognomonic hallmark of several neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. To date, the final diagnostic for these diseases can only be achieved by immunostaining of post-mortem brain tissues with the commonly used congo red and Thioflavin T/S amyloid-dyes. The interest in developing amyloid-avid radioprobes to be used for protein aggregates imaging by positron emission tomography has grown substantialy, due to the promise in assisting diagnosis of these disorders. To this purpose, the present work describes the synthesis and characterization of four novel fluorinated styryl benzazole derivatives 14 by means of the Wittig reaction, as well as their in vitro evaluation as amyloid-probing agents. All compounds were obtained as mixtures of geometric E and Z isomers, with the preferable formation of the E isomer. Photoisomerization reactions allowed for the maximization of the minor Z isomers. The authentic 14E/Z isomers were isolated after purification by column chromatography under dark conditions. Profiting from the fluorescence properties of the different geometric isomers of 14, their binding affinities towards amyloid fibrils of insulin, α-synuclein and β-amyloid peptide were also measured. These compounds share similarities with Thioflavin T, interacting specifically with fibrillary species with a red-shift in the excitation wavelengths along with an increase in the fluorescence emission intensity. Apparent binding constants were determined and ranged between 1.22 and 23.96 μM−1. The present data suggest that the novel fluorinated styryl benzazole derivatives may prove useful for the design of 18F-labeled amyloid radioprobes.  相似文献   
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