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A 569 bp probe against the β-chain of hepatotropin was used to examine expression of RNA for this growth factor in human adult and foetal liver, foetal kidney and pancreas, and rat liver after partial hepatectomy. Low level expression of a 6kb RNA occurred in human adult and normal rat liver. 70% hepatectomy increased expression, peaking at 10 h and returning to near normal levels 24 h after resection. The 6 kb band was strongly expressed in human foetal liver, as compared with adult, but not in foetal kidney or pancreas, suggesting a major role for hepatotropin in both foetal development and regeneration of the liver.  相似文献   
Potin  P.  Floc'h  J. Y.  Augris  C.  Cabioch  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,(1):263-267
Lithothamnion corallioides Crouan et Crouan (Rhodophyta, Corallinales) is the main constituent of the maerl beds of the Bay of Brest (Atlantic coast of western Brittany). Its growth rate was measured monthly in situ during one year. Growth rates were obtained by an adaptation of the buoyant weight technique. The highest daily growth rate was observed in July and reached 0.26 % d–1 (S.D. = 0.06), when expressed as the increase of calcium carbonate weight. The average daily growth rate was 0.12% d–1 (S.D. = 0.04) for a period of 275 days (summer and autumn 1988, winter 1989). Using this preliminary data, the calcium carbonate accretion rate can be estimated provisionally: 876 g m–2 year–1, a rate much lower than that of tropical reef coralline algae, but higher than that of Lithophyllum incrustans, the well known temperate European reef-builder.  相似文献   
Rats were exposed intermittently for 8h per day over 6 days at simulated high altitude of 20 000 feet. One group of altitude-exposed animals was treated with naproxen, a prostaglandin inhibiting drug. Significant reduction in body weight gain was observed in both altitude-exposed and drug-treated altitude-exposed animals compared to the control group. Right and left ventricular weights and weights of the adrenal glands were increased significantly in altitude-exposed and altitude-exposed drug-treated animals. The weight of the spleen was increased significantly in altitude-exposed animals whereas no such increase of splenic weight was observed in drug-treated altitude-exposed group of animals. On the other hand, the weight of the liver was decreased significantly in both cases. In drug-treated altitude-exposed animals, the unaltered splenic weight was thought to be due to inhibition of the erythropoietic activity.  相似文献   
Summary This study investigates the role of the developing diencephalic floor or mesenchymal tissue in the differentiation of ACTH-producing cells.The adenohypophysial primordia of fetal rats on days 12.5 and 13.5 of gestation were treated with collagenase; some primordia were allowed to retain an association with the brain and mesenchyme, but in others the brain and/or mesenchyme were removed. These different combinations of tissues were cultured and examined by immunohistochemical techniques using antisera against pACTH and synthetic -MSH. Removal of mesenchyme alone had little effect on the development of ACTH cells as compared to primordia maintained with brain and mesenchyme. In contrast, removal of the brain with or without mesenchyme on day 12.5 resulted in a marked decrease of ACTH cells accompanied by a mal-growth of adenohypophysial tissue. Such changes were slight when the brain was separated from day 13.5 primordia. Immunoreactive -MSH cells were sparse or absent in all cases.These results suggest that in fetal rats the developing diencephalic floor is essential for differentiation of ACTH cells before day 13.5 of gestation whereas mesenchyme has no apparent effect.  相似文献   
Summary The ovarian surface and associated germ cells have been studied in human fetuses from 12 weeks of age until near term, using light, TEM and SEM techniques. The surface epithelium and related cords proliferate extensively, especially at midterm. The cords in the ovarian cortex appear to be linked with ingrowths from the surface epithelium, and both structures have a common basal lamina. Germ cells are always interspersed among the somatic cells of the surface epithelium and associated cords. These results indicate that both the proliferating cords and surface epithelium may contribute to the formation of early follicles. Furthermore, the occurrence, of elements having some of the features of primitive steroidogenic cells in the regions of cordsurface epithelium continuity, suggests that both structures (surface epithelium and cords) contribute somatic cells, which in addition to becoming granulosa cells, might also contribute to the provision of primitive interstitial cells.Gonocytes tend to migrate through the developing ovarian tissue towards the surface where they become extruded into the peritoneal cavity. This phenomenon might contribute to the reduction in the number of germ cells at birth and parallels the atretic processes within the ovary.  相似文献   
Summary The morphogenesis of the juxtaglomerular apparatus and peripolar cells was studied in the metanephros of fetal sheep (from 24 to 147 days of gestation) using light and electron microscopy. The first juxtaglomerular apparatus was detected at 45 days of gestation, following constriction of the edges of Bowman's capsule and formation of the vascular pole of the renal corpuscle. Mesenchymal cells gave rise to lacis cells and to smooth muscle and epithelioid cells of the juxtaglomerular arterioles. Epithelioid cells developed only sparse cytoplasmic granulation, first detectable at 92 days. The macula densa developed from tubular cells at the junction of the middle and upper limbs of the S-shaped body of the developing nephron. Peripolar cells arose from epithelial cells in the lower limb of the S-shaped body, at the constricting edges of Bowman's capsule, and formed a cuff around the origin of the glomerular tuft. Cytoplasmic granules were first detected in peripolar cells at 53 days, and remained more prominent than epithelioid cell granulation throughout gestation.  相似文献   
Necropsy data from a Primate Center were used in a study of the brain weight-body weight relationships of 12 species of nonhuman primates. The sample sizes ranged from six Cercopithecus aethiops to 163 Macaca mulatta. By plotting mean brain-mean body weight of each species on log-log paper, it was shown that the straight line fitting the plots of all species had a slope of 0.72. Slopes for three species of the genus Macaca, and for six species of the family Cebidae, were 0.61 and 0.81 respectively. Coefficients of determination of the three lines were greater than 0.90. Two species of the family Cebiade, Saimiri sciureus and Aotus trivirgatus, had equivalent body weights, but the former had a 30% larger brain than the latter. The results suggest that brain-body weight scaling characteristics of primate species can be studied effectively using necropsy data. Some statistically significant discrepancies between these and published data, however, show that more data are required to describe these characteristics with greater certainty.  相似文献   
Abstract: The molecular size of the benzodiazepine (BZ) receptor in the synaptic membrane of brain cortex (bovine or rat) was determined by an improved version of the radiation inactivation method to be 220,000. An identical size was found simultaneously for the associated γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor and for the component binding β-carboline esters. It is proposed that all three activities reside in a single protein or protein complex in the membrane. The size in solution, after extraction into Triton X-100 medium from exhaustively washed membranes, was estimated by sedimentation constant (9.4S) and by gel filtration (∼230,000 apparent MW), again with the BZ and GABA binding activities behaving identically. This size applies to the component that undergoes photoaffinity labelling by [3H]flunitrazepam in the membrane, and contains a 51,000 Mr polypeptide as the BZ-binding subunit. It is concluded that a protein complex or oligomer of 200,000–220,000 MW carries a class of BZ-binding sites and an associated class of GABAA sites.  相似文献   
In earlier work, immature oocytes of the irradiated population RÖI4 of Drosophila melanpgaster were found to be radioresistant relative to those of the basic population RÖI and to those of the control population Berlin wild (+K). The resistance of RÖI4 relative to RÖI was previously attributed to a hypothetical “factor” rar-3. In the present paper, evidence is presented to show that rar-3 is a single, recessive genetic factor, located on chromosome 3 at a map position of about 49.8. The action of rar-3 is apparently independent of that of rar-1 and rar-2, the factors already present in RÖI.  相似文献   
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