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利用GIS模拟变量施肥尺度对施肥量的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以玉米氮肥变量施肥为例。采用GIS技术分别模拟不同肥力水平、不同空间变异和不同相关距条件下变量施肥尺度对施肥量的影响.首先用“Turning Band Method”方法随机生成符合指定均值、方差和空间分布(半方差模型)的一组表示最小施肥单元的土壤养分数据,每组10~4个数据,对每组数据进行了100个等级尺度单元的相关施肥量计算和分析.模拟结果表明:(1)随着变量施肥单元面积减小,施肥量不是减少,而是增加或保持不变;(2)相同土壤肥力,空间变异越大时,随着施肥尺度增大,平均施肥量增大越明显,而且施肥临界养分过渡带的变量施肥合理性受尺度影响最大.  相似文献   
Ding F  Lall SP  Li J  Lei J  Rommens M  Milley JE 《Cryobiology》2011,63(1):56-60
Development of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) aquaculture will be enhanced with cryopreservation of halibut sperm by ensuring a reliable supply of sperm of desired quality and quantity. To assist in its commercial application, the cryopreservation of large volumes of halibut sperm was investigated. Three cryoprotectants were compared: dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), polyethylene glycol (PG) and glycerol (GLY) at two concentrations (10% or 15%). Two salt solutions, Hanks’ balanced salt solution (HBSS) and 0.1 M KHCO3 with 0.125 M sucrose solution (KS) were tested as diluents. Both factors were examined in 1.6 mL volumes. A cryopreservation volume of 4 mL and a low dilution ratio (1:1) were examined separately. Based on motility and fertilization rate, 10% and 15% DMSO diluted with HBSS or KS solution proved to be effective extenders with mean fertilization rates ranging from 52.2 ± 27.2% to 65.8 ± 26.1%; none of which were significantly different from that of the control. Four other extenders, 10% PG or 10% GLY with HBSS or KS, resulted in significantly lower fertilization rates. Use of a 4 mL cryopreservation volume did not exhibit a significant effect on fertilization rate or motility of post-thawed sperm compared to a 1.6 mL volume (P > 0.05); while the use of a dilution ratio of one part sperm with three parts cryopreservation solution (1:3 v/v with sperm concentration of 0.51 ± 0.11 × 1010 cells/ml) had a significantly better preservation effect than using a ratio of 1:1 with sperm concentration of 1.02 ± 0.21 × 1010 cells/ml (P < 0.05). From these results, an optimized protocol for the cryopreservation of Atlantic halibut sperm using a volume as large as 4 mL has been established.  相似文献   
大灰藓(Hypnum plumaeforme)具有良好的景观效果和应用前景,但生长缓慢且缺少系统的栽培技术研究,对其推广应用有一定影响。该研究分别将磷肥(P)、钾肥(K)、PK复合肥作为一次性基肥使用,研究不同施肥处理下大灰藓的生长生理和营养元素的变化,并用模糊隶属函数法选出最佳施肥处理。结果表明,施肥能显著增加大灰藓的覆盖度,K18处理的植株覆盖度较对照(CK)提高了53.9%。施肥能显著增加植株类胡萝卜素、叶绿素(除K12)、可溶性蛋白(P24、PK12、PK30除外)含量,降低植株可溶性糖含量(除P24、PK6),P18处理的植株类胡萝卜素和叶绿素含量最高,分别为CK的3.42和2倍。P肥显著增加了植株P含量,以P18的影响最大,为CK的1.33倍;K肥对植株K含量积累的促进作用最好,K18处理的植株K含量最高(为CK的1.62倍)。模糊综合评价表明K1...  相似文献   
草甸棕壤水稻田磷酸酶活性及对施肥措施的响应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1 引  言土壤有机磷是一种重要的土壤磷素资源 .我国大部分土壤中有机磷占土壤全磷的 2 0 %~ 50 % ,但在森林和草原植被下的土壤可占到 50 %~ 80 % [9].土壤磷酸酶活性直接影响到有机磷库的利用 ,即磷酸酶活性是衡量土壤肥力 ,尤其是土壤有效磷水平的一个重要参考指标[15 ].土壤磷酸酶(Phosphatases)是催化含磷有机酯和酐水解的一类酶的总称 ,其活性高低直接影响着土壤中有机磷的分解转化及其生物有效性 .其中 ,磷酸单酯酶 (酸性、中性、碱性磷酸酶 )活性一直是土壤磷酸酶研究的重点[18].由于土壤中有机磷化合物的复杂性 ,除了磷酸单…  相似文献   
施肥对雷竹林土壤活性有机碳的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
采用重施肥料试验研究了不同重施肥习惯对雷竹林土壤碳库产生的影响,结果表明,各有机肥、化肥混合处理土壤总有机碳(TOC)、水溶性碳(WSOC)、微生物量碳(MBC)、矿化态碳(MC)及WSOC/TOC、MBC/TOC和MC/TOC均显著或极显著高于单施化肥各处理.3个有机肥、化肥混施处理中,随着有机肥用量减少,TOC、WSOC、MBC和MBC/TOC显著下降,有机肥用量减少一半,上述各类碳分别下降10.75%、12.02%、30.94%和22.61%.单施化肥处理中,氮素用量超过1009.5 kg·hm-2·年-1会使土壤WSOC、MBC、MBC/TOC明显降低.雷竹土壤TOC、WSOC、MBC和MC两两之间相关性均达显著或极显著水平,进一步通过6个处理变异系数分析发现,土壤MBC、MBC/TOC是衡量雷竹土壤碳库质量的最佳指标.  相似文献   
Abstract. Question: What is the long‐term influence of nutrient availability, productivity and soil pH on grassland community organization? Location: Ukulinga research farm, KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa. Methods: The influence of fertilization on soil pH, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) on variation in plant traits, community composition and species richness were examined in a 50‐year grassland fertilization experiment. Results: Averaged over 30 years, above‐ground net primary production (ANPP) was 337, 428 and 518 g.m‐2 in sites not fertilized, fertilized with N, and fertilized with N plus P respectively. ANPP depended directly on N‐fertilization but not on P‐fertilization or liming, and responded positively to the interaction of N (first limiting nutrient) and P (second limiting nutrient). Short narrow‐leaved grass species —Themeda triandra, Tristachya leucothrix and Setaria nigrirostris— dominated sites of lowest ANPP where N was limiting (unfertilized, P‐fertilized or limed sites). A tall narrow‐leaved species, Eragrostis curvula, dominated sites of intermediate ANPP where P was limiting (N‐fertilized sites). By contrast, a tall broad‐leaved species, Panicum maximum, dominated the most productive sites where neither N nor P were limiting (N‐ and P‐fertilized sites). Certain species responded to liming and type of N‐fertilizer apparently because of their effects on soil pH. N‐fertilization reduced the density of herbaceous dicots (forbs) from 14 (unfertilized) to two (high N, no P, no lime) and five species per m2 (high N, no P, limed). This effect was attributed to increased ANPP and a decrease in soil pH from 4.6 (KCl) in unfertilized sites to 3.49 (high N, no lime) and 4.65 (high N and lime). Soil acidification had no effect on grass species richness but influenced the abundance of certain species. Conclusions: Grassland community organization is determined not only by the influence of N availability, but also by the hierarchical interaction of N and P availability, in part through their compounded effect on ANPP, and by individualistic species responses to soil pH.  相似文献   
We previously demonstrated that male mice deficient in the soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC) are sterile and produce spermatozoa with deficits in progressive motility and are unable to fertilize zona-intact eggs. Here, analyses of sAC(-/-) spermatozoa provide additional insights into the functions linked to cAMP signaling. Adenylyl cyclase activity and cAMP content are greatly diminished in crude preparations of sAC(-/-) spermatozoa and are undetectable after sperm purification. HCO(3)(-) is unable to rapidly accelerate the flagellar beat or facilitate evoked Ca(2+) entry into sAC(-/-) spermatozoa. Moreover, the delayed HCO(3)(-)-dependent increases in protein tyrosine phosphorylation and hyperactivated motility, which occur late in capacitation of wild-type spermatozoa, do not develop in sAC(-/-) spermatozoa. However, sAC(-/-) sperm fertilize zona-free oocytes, indicating that gamete fusion does not require sAC. Although ATP levels are significantly reduced in sAC(-/-) sperm, cAMP-AM ester increases flagellar beat frequency, progressive motility, and alters the pattern of tyrosine phosphorylated proteins. These results indicate that sAC and cAMP coordinate cellular energy balance in wild-type sperm and that the ATP generating machinery is not operating normally in sAC(-/-) spermatozoa. These findings demonstrate that sAC plays a critical role in cAMP signaling in spermatozoa and that defective cAMP production prevents engagement of multiple components of capacitation resulting in male infertility.  相似文献   
TTLL5/STAMP (tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family member 5) has multiple activities in cells. TTLL5 is one of 13 TTLLs, has polyglutamylation activity, augments the activity of p160 coactivators (SRC-1 and TIF2) in glucocorticoid receptor-regulated gene induction and repression, and displays steroid-independent growth activity with several cell types. To examine TTLL5/STAMP functions in whole animals, mice were prepared with an internal deletion that eliminated several activities of the Stamp gene. This mutation causes both reduced levels of STAMP mRNA and C-terminal truncation of STAMP protein. Homozygous targeted mutant (Stamptm/tm) mice appear normal except for marked decreases in male fertility associated with defects in progressive sperm motility. Abnormal axonemal structures with loss of tubulin doublets occur in most Stamptm/tm sperm tails in conjunction with substantial reduction in α-tubulin polyglutamylation, which closely correlates with the reduction in mutant STAMP mRNA. The axonemes in other structures appear unaffected. There is no obvious change in the organs for sperm development of WT versus Stamptm/tm males despite the levels of WT STAMP mRNA in testes being 20-fold higher than in any other organ examined. This defect in male fertility is unrelated to other Ttll genes or 24 genes previously identified as important for sperm function. Thus, STAMP appears to participate in a unique, tissue-selective TTLL-mediated pathway for α-tubulin polyglutamylation that is required for sperm maturation and motility and may be relevant for male fertility.  相似文献   
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