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Intake rate, the rate in which herbivores can process their food, is presumed to be an important factor in habitat selection down to the scale of the foraging patch. Much attention has been given to the selection of swards of high nutritional quality, but much less has been given to the influences of sward structure on patch selection in small herbivores. In this study we tested the effects of sward density and height on the functional foraging response of barnacle geese, Branta leucopsis. The functional response curve for herbivores describes how intake rate is affected by food availability. We conducted feeding trials to determine intake rate and bite size of barnacle geese on experimentally manipulated swards. Results indicate that intake rate is mainly dependent on sward height and that there is a strong correlation between bite size and intake rate. Sward density does not influence the rate of food consumption; it is, however, a crucial parameter affecting potential total yield. We conclude that bite size is the crucial parameter influencing intake rate. Bite size is explained both by sward height and individual differences in bill morphology. Furthermore, intake rate seems to be dependent on the physical structure of the grass species consumed.  相似文献   
密码子优化策略在异源蛋白表达中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
酶在医疗和生物药物方面有着广泛的应用,不仅可以用来治疗各种疾病,还在临床诊断和人体健康等方面有着重要的影响。利用微生物来表达异源蛋白已经成为获取酶最简单快速的方法。为获得高浓度和高质量的异源蛋白,常用的方法是对基因序列进行密码子优化。传统的密码子优化策略主要基于密码子偏好性和GC含量,忽略了翻译动力学和代谢水平等复杂多样的变化因素。文中从基因水平、转录水平、翻译水平、翻译后水平以及代谢水平等多方面考虑出发,提供了一个较为全面的密码子优化策略,主要包括密码子偏好性、密码子协调性、密码子敏感性、调整基因序列结构以及一些其他影响因素。同时对每种策略的内容、理论支持以及应用范围等方面作了全面的总结,并将各策略的优缺点进行了系统的比较,为异源蛋白表达提供了全方位、多层次、多选择的优化策略,也为酶工业和生物药物等方面提供参考。  相似文献   
生物入侵的危害与防治对策   总被引:22,自引:8,他引:22  
生物入侵是一个世界范围的生态学现象。入侵种通过竞争、捕食、改变生境和传播疾病等方式对本地种及其系统产生影响。生物入侵的危害表现为:造成巨大的经济损失,仅美国每年因外来种入侵造成的经济损失近1370亿美元;威胁到人类的健康和生存。成千上万的人被外来种传染疾病以致死亡;引起严重的社会恐慌和动荡,人们寝食不安;改变了生态系统的结构和功能,全球自然灾害频频爆发;导致生物多样性的急剧下降,威胁到子孙后代的生存和发展。防治生物入侵有3条途径:实行全面检疫,阻止外来种的偶然入侵;采取全面的生态评估和监测,防范引进品种的入侵灾难;对已入侵的外来种采用机械法、化学法和生物防治法进行根除和控制,应用生物防治法、筛选天敌和对其进行危害评估时要特别慎重。  相似文献   
The stomach contents of 372 specimens of Aspitrigla obscura (collected at quarterly intervals) have been analyzed to determine diet according to fish size and season. The results show that crustaceans (%No = 96%, %Weight = 76%) are the basic food. For all sizes, half of diet is assured by necto-benthic crustaceans. In smaller sizes, the remaining half is formed by planktonic species, whilst in larger sizes they are substituted by nycthemeral migrators. The importance of planktonic prey is greater in the winter sample than in the other samples. In every size, the feeding intensity is greater in the midday sample than in the morning one.  相似文献   
Acute choice behavior in ingesting two different concentrations of sucrose in Drosophila is presumed to include learning and memory. Effects on this behavior were examined for four mutations that block associative learning (dunce, rutabaga, amnesiac, and radish). Three of these mutations cause cyclic AMP signaling defects and significantly reduced taste discrimination. The exception was radish, which affects neither. Electrophysiological recordings confirmed that the sensitivity of taste receptors is almost indistinguishable in all flies, whether wild type or mutant. These results suggest that food choice behavior in Drosophila involves central nervous learning and memory operating via cyclic AMP signaling pathways.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that two endogenous timekeeping systems, a light-entrainable pacemaker (LEP) and a food-entrainable pacemaker (FEP), control circadian rhythms. To understand the function and interaction between these two mechanisms better, we studied two behavioral circadian rhythmicities, feeding and locomotor activity, in rats exposed to two conflicting zeitgebers, food restriction and light-dark cycles. For this, the food approaches and wheel-running activity of rats kept under light-dark (LD) 12:12, constant darkness (DD), or constant light (LL) conditions and subjected to different scheduled feeding patterns were continuously recorded. To facilitate comparison of the results obtained under the different lighting conditions, the period of the feeding cycles was set in all three cases about Ih less than the light-entrained or free-running circadian rhythms. The results showed that, depending on the lighting conditions, some components of the feeding and wheel-running circadian rhythms could be entrained by food pulses, while others retained their free-running or light-entrained state. Under LD, food pulses had little influence on the light-entrained feeding and loco-motor rhythms. Under DD, relative coordination between free-running and food-associated rhythms may appear. In both cases, the feeding activity associated with the food pulses could be divided into a prominent phase-dependent peak of activity within the period of food availability and another afterward. Wheel-running activity mainly followed the food pulses. Under LL conditions, the food-entrained activity consisted mainly of feeding and wheel-running anticipatory activity. The results provide new evidence that lighting conditions influence the establishment and persistence of food-entrained circadian rhythms in rats. The existence of two coupled pacemakers, LEP and FEP, or a multioscillatory LEP may both explain our experimental results.  相似文献   
甘肃甘南藏族自治州生态环境现状与恢复对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘南藏族自治州生态环境状况,对于保障黄河、长江中下游地区生态安全具有重要作用。受多种因素影响,该地区生态环境受到严重破坏。在资料查阅、实地考察与访谈的基础上,阐述了甘南藏族自治州生态环境的现状,分析了产生这种现状的原因,最后提出了重建对策。  相似文献   
Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is the product of nitrogen productivity (NP) and the mean residence time of nitrogen (MRT). Theory suggests that there should be a trade-off between both components,but direct experimental evidence is still scarce. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed the effect of varying nitrogen supply levels on NUEand its two components (NP, MRT) in Helianthus annuus L., an annual herb.The plants investigated were subjected to six nitrogen levels (0, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 g N/m2). Total plant production increased substantially with increasing nitrogen supply. Nitrogen uptake and loss also in creased with nitrogen supply. Nitrogen influx (rin) and outflux (rout) were defined as the rates of nitrogen uptake and loss per unit aboveground nitrogen, respectively. Both rin and rout increased with increasing nitrogen supply. In addition, rin was far higher than rout. Consequently, the relative rate of nitrogen incre ment (rin- rout) also increased with nitrogen supply. There were marked differences between treatments with respect to parameters related to the stress resistance syndrome: nitrogen pool size, leaf nitrogen concentration,and net aboveground productivity increased with nitrogen supply. Plants at high nitrogen levels showed a higher NP (the growth rate per unit aboveground nitrogen) and a shorter MRT (the inverse of rout), whereas plants at low nitrogen levels displayed the reverse pattern. Shorter MRT for plants at high nitrogen levels was caused by the abscission of leaves that contained relatively large fractions of total plant nitrogen. We found a negative relationship between NP and MRT, the components of NUE, along the gradient of nitrogen availability, suggesting that there was a trade-off between NP and MRT. The NUE increased with increasing nitrogen availability, up to a certain level, and then decreased. These results offer support for the hypoth esis that adaptation to infertile habitats involves a low nitrogen loss (long MRT in the plant) rather than a high NUE per se. The higher NUE at the plant level was a result, in part, of greater nitrogen resorption during senescence. We suggest that a long MRT (an index of nitrogen conservation) is a potentially successful strategy in nitrogen-poor environments.  相似文献   
采用随机抽样的方法,在哈尔滨市随机抽取5家三级、5家二级综合医院的手术室进行病人安全管理现状调查。从手术室护理人员构成、人员培训、规制、布局流程、设备配置、病人辨识、消毒灭菌、医护配合8个方面全面分析了目标医院在手术室病人安全管理方面存在的问题,并提出改进对策,旨在改善手术室管理现状,保障手术室病人安全。  相似文献   
Bioassays on selection and feeding responses of Holotrichia oblita adults to different plant species were conducted both in laboratory and under field conditions. The selection response bioassay showed that the adults were significantly attracted to Ricinus communis. In paired tests of the field cages, more than 60% adults were attracted to R. communis plants, while only 35.55%, 34.45%, 33.35%, and 26.65% were attracted to plants of Glycine max, Arachis hypogaea, Ipomoea batatas, and Gossypium hirsutum, respectively. In the laboratory, the selection response percentage of the adults to R. communis leaves reached up to 93% in the presence of other host plant leaves and still arrived at 70% in the absence of other host plant leaves. Feeding deterrence bioassay showed that the adults preferred to I. batatas leaves with 229.90 ± 4.25 mg leaf consumption and 41.30 ± 5.19 mg faeces excretion after 12 h, followed by the leaves of G. hirsutum and A. hypogaea. The adult did not prefer leaves of R. communi with only 7.10 ± 0.23 mg leaf consumption and corresponding 4.00 ± 0.84 mg fecal excretion. In summary, all experimental results suggested that the attraction of H. oblita adults to R. communi is not triggered for feeding.  相似文献   
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