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The circadian movement of the lamina of primary leaves of Phaseolus coccineus L. is mediated by antagonistic changes in the length of the extensor and flexor cells of the laminar pulvinus. The cortex of the pulvinus is a concentric structure composed of hexagonal disc-like cells, arranged in longitudinal rows around the central stele. Observations with polarization optics indicate that the cellulose microfibrils are oriented in a hoop-like fashion in the longitudinal walls of the motor cells. This micellation is the structural basis of the anisotropic properties of the cells: tangential sections of the extensor and flexor placed in hypotonic mannitol solutions showed changes only in length. As a consequence a linear correlation between length and volume was found in these sections. Based on the relationship between the water potential (which is changed by different concentrations of mannitol) and the relative volume of the sections and on the osmotic pressure at 50% incipient plasmolysis, osmotic diagrams were constructed for extensor and flexor tissues (cut during night position of the pulvinus). The bulk moduli of extensibility, , were estimated from these diagrams. Under physiological conditions the values were rather low (in extensor tissue below 10 bar, in flexor tissue between 10 to 15 bar), indicating a high extensibility of the longitudinal walls of the motor cells. They are strongly dependent on the turgor pressure at the limits of the physiological pressure range.In well-watered plants, the water potentials of the extensor and flexor tissues were surprisingly low,-12 bar and-8 bar, respectively. This means that the cells in situ are by no means fully turgid. On the contrary, the cell volume in situ is similar to the volume at the point of incipient plasmolysis: the cell volumes of extensor and flexor cells in situ were only 1.01 times and 1.1 times larger, respectively, than at the point of incipient plasmolysis, whereas at full turgidity (cells in water) the corresponding factors were 1.8 and 1.5. It is suggested that the high elasticity of the longitudinal walls, the anisotropy of the cell walls, and the low water potential of the sections which is correlated with slightly stretched cell walls in situ, are favourable and effective for converting osmotic work in changes in length of the pulvinus cells, and thus for the up and down movement of the leaf.Symbols volumetric elastic modulus - i instantaneous volumetric elastic modulus - i stationary volumetric elastic modulus - weight-averaged stationary bulk modulus of extensibility - 0 osmotic pressure of the vacuole of a cell at the point of incipient plasmolysis - weight-averaged osmotic pressure of the vacuoles of the tissue at 50% incipient plasmolysis - water potential  相似文献   
Cholecystokinin (CCK) and met-enkephalin (MEK) related peptides have been shown to alter feeding behavior subsequent to their injection into the peripheral circulation or directly into the brains of several species. To evaluate the potential role of endogenous brain pools of these peptides in feeding, groups of sheep were sacrificed either immediately following a meal (satiated) or after various intervals of food deprivation (hungry). Content of CCK-gastrin immunoreactivity in the anterior hypothalami of satiated sheep was elevated compared to 2, 4, or 24 hours of food deprivation. Content of MEK increased progressively with longer intervals of fasting (4 and 24 hours) in the amygdala and basomedial hypothalamus, whereas olfactory bulb content decreased with a similar time course. The results support a potential role for anterior hypothalamic CCK/gastrin in behaviors of satiety, whereas MEK neurons of limbic/rhinencephalic regions appear to form part of a separate circuit gradually activated by increasing hunger. Results are discussed in terms of potential target regions of the peptides, as well as the regional levels and feeding response of sheep as compared to available data from other species.  相似文献   
A test of a model for planktivorous filter feeding by bream Abramis brama   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synopsis The planktivorous feeding of bream, Abramis brama on Daphnia hyalina and Bosmina coregoni was analyzed in a stepwise regression analysis with the average size (and standard deviation) of consumed organisms as dependent variable and the size of the fish, the average size (and standard deviation) of the organisms and their density in the environment as independent variables. Three basic predictions on filter feeding were formulated and tested. It was predicted that the (average) prey size should increase with fish size, but that the standard deviation should decline. Secondly the prey size should be strongly correlated with the prey size available and thirdly the prey density should have little effect on the size selection. These hypotheses could not be rejected for bream>10 cm feeding on B. coregoni and for bream>20 cm feeding on D. hyalina. The hypotheses were not valid for smaller bream as these acted as particulate or combined filter- and particulate feeders.  相似文献   
The “loud” calls of forest primates consist of repeated sounds that elicit a response from other members of the species. Recent studies suggest that these calls are often displays by the males that permit them to assess the strength of their opponents. Previous research on red howler monkeys supported the hypothesis that howling functions in assessment of competing individuals, as an alternative to energetically expensive chases and fights. As the second step in the attempt to understand the evolution of howling in genus Alouatta,one aspect—call duration — was compared in two species,the mantled howler (Alouatta palliata)and the red howler (A. seniculus).In A. palliatathe median howl duration was 3.5 sec and the interhowl interval was 20.0 sec, while in A. seniculusthe median howl duration was 19.0 sec and the interhowl interval was 3.0 sec. During the dawn chorus, the total duration of calling in A. seniculusmay be 10 or more times greater than that in A. palliata.The latter species appears to be limited in the duration of howls it can produce, so it increases the amount of calling by reducing the interhowl interval. At least four factors may be important in the evolution of the observed differences in call structure: constraints of the acoustic environment, alternate forms of display used by A. palliata,the presence or absence of competing males within the troop, and the effect of female calls on male howling. The observations suggest that the use of the male loud call may reflect differences in the nature of male-male competition and female support more than it reflects the constraints of the acoustic environment.  相似文献   
  • 1 Emergence of cabbage root fly, Delia radicum (L.), from overwintering populations of puparia collected from twenty-one sites in south-west Lancashire, was extremely variable.
  • 2 The patterns of emergence indicated that there were two extreme biotypes, one with early- and the other with late-emerging flies. There was also evidence of an intermediate biotype, tending more to early than to late emergence.
  • 3 This gradient of biotypes, or clinal divergence, was maintained by populations breeding at different times and by females mating close to their sites of emergence. Non-dispersive females then perpetuated their genotype within their own locality.
  • 4 The time of emergence was not obviously associated with the type of host-crop on which larvae had developed.
  • 5 The late-emerging biotype was most prevalent around Halsall. The minimum distance between populations of the late- and the early-emerging biotypes was 16 km. 20 km south-east from Halsall only half of the fly population was early-emerging, possibly a result of a displacement of the Halsall biotype by the prevailing NW wind.
  • 6 Regional-based forecasts will need to take into account the emergence characteristics of the populations to predict the peak periods of cabbage root fly activity adequately in south-west Lancashire and other areas where emergence patterns differ.
Synopsis Stegastes fasciolatus is the most common territorial damselfish in the shallow waters of Hawaii. Territorial defense was observed against other herbivorous fishes, especially acanthorids, scarids and one omnivorous chaetodontid. One acanthurid,Acanthurus nigrofuscus was found to differ in abundance and social behavior in areas whereS. fasciolatus was present, compared to areas where it was absent. The chaetodontid,Chaetodon quadrimaculatus was sheltered during the day in areas where the pomacentrid was abundant, apparently feeding at night. In other areas it fed during the day and at night, depending on the phase of the moon.S. fasciolatus were then experimentally removed from one study site, to test whether the differences in abundance and behavior of the other species were due to the presence of the damselfish. There was a significant increase in numbers of the surgeonfishAcanthurus nigrofuscus in the removal area, as well as changes in social behavior from schooling to defense of small territories. The butterflyfish,C. quadrimaculatus, was observed to forage during the day in the removal area. There were no significant changes in the control sites. The presence of the interspecifically territorial damselfish,S. fasciolatus, thus appears to be an important determinant of the behavior of these potential food competitors.  相似文献   
Recently we noted the effects of experimental diets on microscopic dental wear in the American opossum and concluded that it might prove difficult to distinguish the microwear produced by an insectivorous diet from that produced by some kinds of herbivorous ones. We also noted that wear caused by gritty diets and those containing plant opal, although they might be confused with one another, are easily distinguished from other sorts of dietary wear. Our conclusions have been challenged on the basis that possibly we did not allow sufficient time in the experiments for diagnostic wear patterns to emerge. Additional data reported here show that this is not so. Even in our n “control” animals, fed a relatively soft unabrasive diet, enough time elapsed to produce significant dental wear. A new technique is described which for the first time allows the study of changing patterns of microscopic wear in a living animal over a period of time, thus allowing each animal to serve as its own control. A solution containing a broad-spectrum proteolytic enzyme when applied to the teeth of an anesthetized animal removes the proteinaceous coat (pellicle) which will otherwise obscure wear scratches. Precision dental impressions can then be made which reveal the details of the pattern of microwear on the teeth.  相似文献   
Chromosome numbers for 26 different species of the generaPiper, Peperomia andPothomorphe (Piperaceae) are reported. The basic chromosome numbers are 2n = 26, x = 13 (Piper, Pothomorphe) and 2n = 22, x = 11 (Peperomia), polyploid series are characteristic forPiper andPeperomia. Piper has the smallest chromosomes and prochromosomal interphase nuclei,Peperomia the largest ones and mostly reticulate to euchromatic nuclei.Pothomorphe is intermediate in both characters. The karyomorphological differences betweenPothomorphe andPiper underline their generic separation. Interspecific size variation of chromosomes occurs inPiper andPeperomia. Infraspecific polyploidy was observed inPiper betle. C-banding reveals different patterns of heterochromatin (hc) distribution between the genera investigated. The genome evolution is discussed.  相似文献   
Synopsis This paper describes a study performed in the Gulf of Aqaba on food selectivity and hunting behaviour of three species of sympatric fish from the genusCephalopholis. These fishes occur in the shallow-water coral habitats of the Red Sea and feed on fishes and invertebrates. Of these,C. argus andC. miniata prefer selected fish species (95 and 86% of their diet respectively), whereasC. hemistiktos consumes more invertebrates (36%) and is less selective with respect to fish species. All three species employ various techniques to catch their prey and in situations where their elected food is absent they readily switch to substitute prey species.  相似文献   
Synopsis Stomach content data from 32 species of Japanese butterflyfishes of the family Chaetodontidae were used to classify them into feeding groups and to determine their important food resources. Four major feeding groups were distinguished: (1) obligative coral feeders which prey exclusively or mostly on Scleractinian corals, (2) facultative coral feeders that take both corals and other benthic organisms, (3) noncoralline invertebrate feeders which consume benthic invertebrates other than corals, and (4) zooplankton feeders. Ten species representing 31% of the butterflyfishes belong to the first category. The second and third categories include 13 (41%) and 8 (25%) species, respectively. The fourth category is represented by only one species which picks individual zooplankters, especially calanoid copepods, in midwater above the reefs. Facultative coral feeders consumed varying quantities of scleractinians (from 2 to 74% of food volume), along with a variety of benthic organisms including algae, alcyonarians, sea anemones, sedentary polychaetes, sponges, hydroids, etc. Noncoralline invertebrate feeders, on the other hand, tend to have low diversified diets, predominated by one prey item such as sea anemones, zoanthideans, polychaetes, or colonial ascidians. These dietary data suggest that scleractinian corals are the most important food resource for the Japanese butterflyfishes, and next important are sea anemones, sedentary polychaetes, alcyonarians, and algae.  相似文献   
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