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The effect of reduced balanced protein (RP) diet in the F0 and F1 generation of broiler breeders on the learning ability and memory retention of the F2 generation was investigated by means of a reward v. no reward discrimination T-maze test. There were two treatments for the F0 generation: control (C) group, reared on standard commercial diets, and reduced balanced protein (RP) group, fed with RP diets (25% reduction in CP and amino acids). The female F0-progeny of each treatment was again separated into the two dietary treatments, resulting in four treatments for the F1 generation: C/C, C/RP, RP/C and RP/RP (breeder feed in F0/F1 generation). The RP diets fed breeders received on average 10% more feed than C diets fed breeders to achieve a similar target BW. The F2 generation was composed of four treatments coming from the female F1-progeny of the four treatments and were all fed with C diet (namely C/C/C, C/RP/C, RP/C/C and RP/RP/C). All four F2 generation groups were able to complete the T-maze learning test with a slight difference in success rate but a significant difference within groups was observed regarding the time needed to complete the test. In general, the RP/RP/C group needed more time for completing the test compared with the other three groups and the shortest time was recorded for the RP/C/C group. At similar ages, breeders with early learning experience spent significantly less time in completing the test compared with unexperienced breeders. Long-term memory retention was observed in all four groups whereas the learning ability in solving the test decreased with age. It took longer for the breeders to complete the test at older ages. In conclusion, under our experimental conditions, the RP dietary treatment in previous generations had no influence on the T-maze learning ability and memory retention of broiler breeders of the third generation, although it might have effects on the working performance in the T-maze learning test of F2 generation breeders.  相似文献   
To clarify the diversity and host associations of dipteran insects exploiting fungal fruiting bodies, we collected fruiting bodies at 18 localities in Hokuriku region, central Japan, from 2012 to 2015 and examined them for the emergence of insects. In total, 14,107 dipteran individuals belonging to 20 families emerged from fungi of 8 orders, 25 families, 49 genera and 129 species. Approximately 79% of dipteran individuals belonged to three families, Phoridae, Muscidae and Drosophilidae. The faunal similarity at the family level was relatively high between central (warm‐temperate) and northern (cool‐temperate) areas of Japan. However, the species composition of Drosophilidae was much different between central and northern Japan. The difference in the species composition was discussed in relation to the climatic conditions and fungal flora. None of the species from Drosophilidae, Phoridae, Muscidae, Mycetophilidae, Lonchaeidae and Chloropidae were specialists (they exploited more than one species of fungi), but they showed differences their fungi preference. Adults of some families, especially Drosophilidae, were frequently collected from fruiting bodies, but those of other families were seldom collected, probably reflecting differences in adult feeding ecology.  相似文献   
In theory, extirpated plant species can be reintroduced and managed to restore sustainable populations. However, few reintroduced plants are known to persist for more than a few years. Our adaptive‐management case study illustrates how we restored the endangered hemiparasitic annual plant, Chloropyron maritimum subsp. maritimum (salt marsh bird's beak), to Sweetwater Marsh, San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge, California, United States, and used monitoring and experimentation to identify the factors limiting the reintroduced population. After extirpation in 1988, reintroduction starting that year led to a resilient, genetically diverse population in 2016 (a “boom” of approximately 14,000) that rebounded from a “bust” (62 in 2014). Multiple regressions attributed 82% of the variation in population counts to tidal amplitude, rainfall, and temperature. Populations of salt marsh bird's beak crashed when the diurnal tide range peaked during the 18.6‐year lunar nodal cycle (a rarely considered factor that periodically added approximately 12 cm to tidal ranges). We explain booms as follows: During smaller tidal amplitudes, above‐average rainfall could desalinize upper intertidal soils and stimulate salt marsh bird's beak germination. Then, moderate temperature in May favors growth to reproduction in June. In addition, salt marsh bird's beak needs a short and open canopy of native perennial plants, with roots to parasitize (not non‐native annual grass pseudohosts) and nearby upland soil for a preferred pollinator, ground‐burrowing bees. Although our reintroduced salt marsh bird's beak population is an exceptional case of persistence, this rare species‐specific environmental and biological requirement makes it vulnerable to rising sea levels and global warming.  相似文献   
Few studies have looked into climate change resilience of populations of wild animals. We use a model higher vertebrate, the green sea turtle, as its life history is fundamentally affected by climatic conditions, including temperature‐dependent sex determination and obligate use of beaches subject to sea level rise (SLR). We use empirical data from a globally important population in West Africa to assess resistance to climate change within a quantitative framework. We project 200 years of primary sex ratios (1900–2100) and create a digital elevation model of the nesting beach to estimate impacts of projected SLR. Primary sex ratio is currently almost balanced, with 52% of hatchlings produced being female. Under IPCC models, we predict: (a) an increase in the proportion of females by 2100 to 76%–93%, but cooler temperatures, both at the end of the nesting season and in shaded areas, will guarantee male hatchling production; (b) IPCC SLR scenarios will lead to 33.4%–43.0% loss of the current nesting area; (c) climate change will contribute to population growth through population feminization, with 32%–64% more nesting females expected by 2120; (d) as incubation temperatures approach lethal levels, however, the population will cease growing and start to decline. Taken together with other factors (degree of foraging plasticity, rookery size and trajectory, and prevailing threats), this nesting population should resist climate change until 2100, and the availability of spatial and temporal microrefugia indicates potential for resilience to predicted impacts, through the evolution of nest site selection or changes in nesting phenology. This represents the most comprehensive assessment to date of climate change resilience of a marine reptile using the most up‐to‐date IPCC models, appraising the impacts of temperature and SLR, integrated with additional ecological and demographic parameters. We suggest this as a framework for other populations, species and taxa.  相似文献   
为了探明海草床内主要生物类群间的营养关系以及食物网结构, 作者于2018年8月分别在东营黄河口潮间带和烟台西海岸潮间带海草床采集大型底栖生物样品, 采用δ 13C和δ 15N稳定同位素方法, 对生物样品的碳、氮同位素组成进行了测定和分析。结果表明: 东营海草床内生物的δ 13C、δ 15N值范围分别为-21.99‰至-12.13‰和5.23‰-11.05‰, 烟台海草床内生物的δ 13C、δ 15N值范围分别为-18.11‰至-14.06‰和6.60‰-10.22‰。东营海草床主要生物的营养级范围为2.00-3.85, 烟台海草床主要生物的营养级范围为2.00-3.15。根据δ 15N值计算所得的营养级图分析可知两区域海草床内初级消费者主要为滤食性双壳类和多毛类, 次级消费者为植食性或杂食性甲壳类,肉食性鱼类和腹足类。与近海海域大型底栖生物食物网相比, 海草床内底栖生物的营养级均值普遍较低。  相似文献   
本研究将2009年1月和2010年1月小兴安岭大沾河湿地自然保护区二可河林场内驼鹿冬季食性作为原始数据,分别以对应分析(CA)、去趋势分析(DCA),并将数据以样本为单位进行标准化后,再进行去趋势分析(DCA_std)3种排序方法,对驼鹿冬季取食模式进行了研究,后通过普鲁克分析,比较了不同排序方法对大型有蹄类取食模式研究的效果。结果表明,3种排序法的1轴和2轴均能涵盖绝大多数信息量,CA涵盖79.27%,DCA涵盖66.65%,DCA_std涵盖68.22%;3种方法均能够在1轴上区分针叶树和落叶乔木类食物,在2轴上,3种方法主要能够达到针叶树种与除落叶乔木外的其他植物类别的区分。虽三者均能够展现有蹄类取食模式,但在图形可视化后,仅DCA_std无明显的弓形效应。普鲁克分析结果表明,DCA_std样本位移平方和与CA和DCA均有很大差异,即将数据先进行标准化再进行DCA分析能够有效去除弓形效应。因此,在由多度组成的食性数据在进行标准DCA分析前,应对数据进行前期处理会得到更好的效果。同时,以样本为单位的标准化将使排序分析结果生态学意义更明确。  相似文献   
Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a non‐plant‐cell manipulation through a transfer of energy by means of light sources at the non‐ablative or thermal intensity. Authors showed that cytochrome‐c‐oxidase (complex IV) is the specific chromophore's target of PBM at the red (600‐700 nm) and NIR (760‐900 nm) wavelength regions. Recently, it was suggested that the infrared region of the spectrum could influence other chromospheres, despite the interaction by wavelengths higher than 900 nm with mitochondrial chromophores was not clearly demonstrated. We characterized the interaction between mitochondria respiratory chain, malate dehydrogenase, a key enzyme of Krebs cycle, and 3‐hydroxyacyl‐CoA dehydrogenase, an enzyme involved in the β‐oxidation (two mitochondrial matrix enzymes) with the 1064 nm Nd:YAG (100mps and 10 Hz frequency mode) irradiated at the average power density of 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 W/cm2 to generate the respective fluences of 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 J/cm2. Our results show the effect of laser light on the transmembrane mitochondrial complexes I, III, IV and V (adenosine triphosphate synthase) (window effects), but not on the extrinsic mitochondrial membrane complex II and mitochondria matrix enzymes. The effect is not due to macroscopical thermal change. An interaction of this wavelength with the Fe‐S proteins and Cu‐centers of respiratory complexes and with the water molecules could be supposed.   相似文献   
As low‐level laser therapy immune cells responses are not always clarified, this study aimed to evaluate cytokines and immune cells profile after low‐level laser therapy (LLLT) on arthritis‐induced model. Arthritis was induced in C57BL/6 mice divided into five groups: euthanized 5 hours after inflammation induction; untreated; dexamethasone treated; LLLT at 3 Jcm?2; LLLT at 30 Jcm?2. Cytokine measurements by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay and mRNA cytokine relative levels by real‐time quantitative polymerase chain reaction were performed with arthritic ankle (IL‐1β, IL‐6, TNF‐α, IL‐10 and TGF‐β). Macrophages, dendritic cells, natural killer cells, lymphocytes CD4+, CD8+, Treg and costimulatory proteins were quantified in proximal lymph node by flow cytometry. Data showed decrease in all cytokine levels after LLLT and alteration in mRNA relative levels, depending on the energy density used. LLLT was able to increase of immune cell populations analyzed in the lymph node as well as costimulatory proteins expression on macrophages and dendritic cells. Treg TCD4+ and TCD8+ population enrichment were observed in LLLT at 3 and 30 Jcm?2 groups, respectively. Furthermore, Treg TCD8+ cells expressing higher levels of CD25 were observed at LLLT at 30 Jcm?2 group. Our results indicate that LLLT could change the inflammatory course of arthritis, tending to accelerate its resolution through immune cells photobiostimulation.   相似文献   
Niche breadth is predicted to correlate with environmental heterogeneity, such that generalists will evolve in heterogeneous environments and specialists will evolve in environments that vary less over space and time. We tested the hypothesis that lizards in a heterogeneous environment were generalists compared to lizards in a homogeneous environment. We compared niche breadths of greater short‐horned lizards by quantifying resource selection in terms of two different niche axes, diet (prey items and trophic level), and microhabitat (ground cover and shade cover) between two populations occurring at different elevations. We assessed the heterogeneity of dietary and microhabitat resources within each population's environment by quantifying the availability of prey items, ground cover, and shade cover in each environment. Overall, our results demonstrate that despite differences in resource heterogeneity between elevations, resource selection did not consistently differ between populations. Moreover, environmental heterogeneity was not associated with generalization of resource use. The low‐elevation site had a broader range of available prey items, yet lizards at the high‐elevation site demonstrated more generalization in diet. In contrast, the high‐elevation site had a broader range of available microhabitats, but the lizard populations at both sites were similarly generalized for shade cover selection and were similarly specialized for ground cover selection. Our results demonstrate that environmental heterogeneity of a particular resource does not necessarily predict the degree to which organisms specialize on that resource.  相似文献   
Diversification and speciation processes are influenced by intrinsic (ecological specialization, dispersal) and extrinsic (habitat structure and instability) factors, but the effect of ecological characteristics on dispersal is difficult to assess. This study uses mitochondrial control region sequences to investigate the population structure and demographic history of the endemic Lake Tanganyika cichlid Neolamprologus caudopunctatus with a preference for the rock-sand interface along two stretches of continuous, rocky shoreline, and across a sandy bay representing a potential dispersal barrier. Populations along uninterrupted habitat were not differentiated; whereas, the sandy bay separated two reciprocally monophyletic clades. The split between the two clades between 170,000 and 260,000 years BP coincides with a period of rising water level following a major lowstand, and indicates that clades remained isolated throughout subsequent lake level fluctuations. Low long-term effective population sizes were inferred from modest genetic diversity estimates, and may be due to recent population expansions starting from small population sizes 45,000–60,000 years BP. Comparisons with available data from specialized rock-dwelling species of the␣same area suggest that habitat structure and lake level fluctuations determine phylogeographic patterns on large scales, while fine-scale population structure and demography are modulated by species-specific ecologies.  相似文献   
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