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Induction and release of secondary dormancy in genetically pure dormant (AN-51, Mont 73) and non-dormant (CS-40, SH-430) lines of wild oat ( Avena fatua L.) were studied. These lines differed with regard to the optimal period of anaerobiosis necessary for induction of dormancy, and/or the degree (% of seeds acquiring dormancy) and duration of the dormancy induced. Secondary dormancy could be induced more effectively in the after-ripened seeds of dormant lines than in the non-dormant lines, where only a short-term dormancy could be induced (in 5–7 week-old-seeds). Higher anaerobiosis temperatures were more effective in inducing dormancy in all lines studied. Thus, as with primary dormancy, wild oat biotypes exhibit genetic variability in their secondary dormancy behaviour and factors like temperature can modify the expression of this trait.
The germination stimulants kinetin, isopentenyl adenine, sodium azide, potassium nitrate, ethanol and substituted phthalimides, which break primary dormancy in wild oats, stimulated germination of secondarily dormant seeds (line AN-51). Since these chemicals are structurally diverse, primary and secondary dormancies appear to be similar in part in their regulation.
Salicylhydroxamic acid, an inhibitor of cyanide-insensitive (alternative) respiration, did not inhibit: 1, spontaneous release of secondary dormancy in the line SH-430; and 2, stimulation of germination of secondarily dormant AN-51 seeds by various chemicals (except azide), suggesting that this respiratory pathway is not necessary for the release of induced dormancy.  相似文献   
The effect of cadmium on the biosynthesis of chlorophyll has been investigated in the leaves of dark-grown seedlings of barley ( Hordeum vulture L. cv. Proctor). Cd2+ inhibited the production of chlorophyll by affecting 1) the synthesis of 5-aminolacvulinic acid and 2) the protoehlorophyllide reductase ternary complex with its substrates. Cd2+ had no effect on the constituent enzymes that catalyse the synthesis of free protoehlorophyllide from 5-aminolaevulinic acid. The results obtained are consistent with Cd2+ inhibiting the formation of chlorophyll by reacting with essential thiol groups in both the protochlorophyllide reductase protein and the enzyme(s) involved in the light dependent synthesis of 5-aminolaevulinic acid.  相似文献   
The technique of positive- and negative-ion fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry has been shown to be capable of producing molecular mass and useful fragmentation information for the structural elucidation of chlorogenic acids. The mass spectra of chlorogenic acid and the related compounds 3′-O-methylchlorogenic acid, neochlorogenic acid, 4,5-dicaffeoyl quinic acid and 1,5-dicaffeoyl quinic acid are compared with those obtained by electron impact mass spectrometry.  相似文献   
O-Methylthreonine (OMT) inhibits the growth of plated Rosa cells (ID506·10-6M). Isoleucine is able to reverse efficiently and specifically this OMT toxicity. From OMT-resistant colonies occurring at a frequency of 1.58·10-7 variants per cell plated at 10-4M OMT, the variant strains OMTR-1 and OMTR-2 were isolated, cloned via protoplasts and characterized. Both variants were ten times more resistant to OMT than the wildtype and were cross-resistant to another isoleucine analog, dl-4-thiaisoleucine. The resistant variants retained their resistance after storage for three years in liquid nitrogen. Both resistant strains were stable for several months when subcultured in the absence of OMT although it was shown in a reconstitution experiment that wildtype cells overgrow OMTR-2 variant cells if co-cultivated for many passages in drug-free medium. One case of instability was observed upon long-term subculturing in drug-free medium: the strain OMTR-1D* partially lost phenotypic properties. Resistance to OMT was followed qualitatively by a new method based on inhibition-zone formation in cell suspensions plated in agar medium. The OMT-resistant variants showed a reduction in sensitivity of the enzyme l-threonine deaminase to feedback inhibition by isoleucine, a decreased stability of l-threonine deaminase when stored at-18°C or incubated at +55°C and a two- to threefold increase of the free isoleucine pool within the cells. The genetical events and the biochemical mechanisms which might lead to the observed stable and biochemically defined character are discussed with particular reference to the high ploidy level of the Rosa cell line.Abbreviations OMT l-O-methylthreonine - TD l-threonine deaminase  相似文献   
L. G. Dickson  J. R. Waaland 《Planta》1985,165(4):548-553
Conchospores from the perennial conchocelis phase of the annual, epiphytic, marine red alga Porphyra nereocystis Anderson, which in nature lives on the large annual kelp Nereocystis luetkeana (Mertens) Postels et Ruprecht, are released in culture only in response to a short-day photoperiod treatment followed by a long-day treatment. Each treatment requires a minimum of three to four weeks and is enhanced by lower temperature during the second photoperiod treatment. To our knowledge P. nereocystis is the first known dualdaylength seaweed and requires a short-day-longday treatment for completion of its life cycle. This stringent environmental control of its reproduction appears to be an adaptation to coordinate conchospore production with the seasonal availability of its host kelp Nereocystis.Abbreviations LD long day - SD short day - SLD shortlong day  相似文献   
Features of Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) were studied in a variety of different succulents in response to climatic conditions between March 1977 and October 1983 in the southern Namib desert (Richtersveld). A screening in 1977 and 1978 revealed that nearly all investigated succulents performed a CAM, but overnight accumulation of malate declined gradually with decreasing soil water potential, tissue osmotic potential, and leaf water content. This was further substantiated by an extended period of insufficient rainfall in 1979 and 1980 which damaged the evergreen CAM succulents between 80 and 100%. In most of the species still living, neither CO2-gas exchange nor diurnal acid fluctuation, indicative of CAM, could be detected unless an abundant rainfall restored both CAM features. Plants persisted in a stage of latent life.Water supply is one necessary prerequisite for CAM in the Richtersveld. But even well-watered plants with CAM were sensitive to short-term water stress caused by high water-vapour partialpressure deficit (VPD) in the night, which reduced or prevented CO2 uptake and resulted in a linear relation between overnight accumulated malate and VPD. The results do not support the opinion that, for the Namib succulents, CAM is an adaptive mechanism to water stress since long-term and short-term water stress stopped nocturnal malate synthesis, but instead lead to the conclusion that nocuturnal CO2 fixation is only performed when the water status of the plant can be improved simultaneously.Abbreviations CAM Crassulacean acid metabolism - VPD water vapour pressure deficit Dedicated to Professor H. Ziegler on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
Y. Shimazaki  L. H. Pratt 《Planta》1985,164(3):333-344
While two monoclonal antibodies directed to phytochrome from etiolated oat (Avena sativa L.) shoots can precipitate up to about 30% of the photoreversible phytochrome isolated from green oat shoots, most precipitate little or none at all. These results are consistent with a report by J.G. Tokuhisa and P.H. Quail (1983, Plant Physiol. 72, Suppl., 85), according to which polyclonal rabbit antibodies directed to phytochrome from etiolated oat shoots bind only a small fraction of the phytochrome obtained from green oat shoots. The immunoprecipitation data reported here indicate that essentially all phytochrome isolated from green oat shoots is distinct from that obtained from etiolated oat shoots. The data indicate further that phytochrome from green oat shoots might itself be composed of two or more immunochemically distinct populations, each of which is distinct from phytochrome from etiolated shoots. Phytochrome isolated from light-grown, but norflurazon-bleached oat shoots is like that isolated from green oat shoots. When light-grown, green oat seedlings are kept in darkness for 48 h, however, much, if not all, of the phytochrome that reaccumulates is like that from etiolated oat shoots. Neither modification during purification from green oat shoots of phytochrome like that from etiolated oat shoots, nor non-specific interference by substances in extracts of green oat shoots, can explain the inability of antibodies to recognize phytochrome isolated from green oat shoots. Immunopurified polyclonal rabbit antibodies to phytochrome from etiolated pea (Pisum sativum L.). shoots precipitate more than 95% of the photoreversible phytochrome obtained from etiolated pea shoots, while no more than 75% of the pigment is precipitated when phytochrome is isolated from green pea shoots. These data indicate in preliminary fashion that an immunochemically unique pool of phytochrome might also be present in extracts of green pea shoots.Abbreviation ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - mU milliunit - Pfr far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome - Pr red-absorbing form of phytochrome  相似文献   
The control of bud dormancy in potato tubers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber buds normally remain dormant through the growing season until several weeks after harvest. In the cultivar Majestic, this innate dormancy persisted for 9 to 12 weeks in storage at 10° C, but only 3 to 4 weeks when the tubers were stored at 2° C. At certain stages, supplying cytokinins to tubers with innately dormant buds induced sprout growth within 2 d. The growth rate was comparable to that of buds whose innate dormancy had been lost naturally. Cytokinin-treatment did not accelerate the rates of cell division and cell expansion in buds whose innate dormancy had already broken naturally. Gibberellic acid did not induce sprout growth in buds with innate dormancy. We conclude that cytokinins may well be the primary factor in the switch from innate dormancy to the non-dormant state in potato tuber buds, but probably do not control the subsequent sprout growth.Abbreviations tio 6ade 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-trans-2-enyl amino)purine, zeatin - tio6ado 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-trans-2-enyl amino)-9--D-ribofuranosyl purine, zeatin riboside  相似文献   
P. Horton  P. Lee 《Planta》1985,165(1):37-42
Thylakoids isolated from peas (Pisum sativum cv. Kelvedon Wonder) and phosphorylated by incubation with ATP have been compared with non-phosphorylated thylakoids in their sensitivity to photoinhibition by exposure to illumination in vitro. Assays of the kinetics of fluorescence induction at 20° C and the fluorescence emission spectra at-196° C indicate a proportionally larger decrease in fluorescence as a result of photoinhibitory treatment of non-phosphorylated compared with phosphorylated thylakoids. It is concluded that protein phosphorylation can afford partial protection to thylakoids exposed to photoinhibitory conditions.Abbreviations and symbols DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - F 0 Level of chlorophyll fluorescence when photosystem 2 traps are open - F m Level of chlorphyll fluorescence when photosystem 2 traps are closed - P Maximum level of fluorescence reached in the absence of DCMU - PSI (II) photosystem I(II)  相似文献   
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