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Hydrogen-rich water (HRW) is used as a supplement to improve performance and reduce fatigue in athletes. However, the potentially beneficial effects of HRW intake could be mediated by the training status of athletes. The purpose of the study was to analyse the ergogenic effect of intake of HRW for one week on aerobic and anaerobic performance, both in trained and untrained individuals. Thirty-seven volunteers participated in the study and were divided into two experimental groups: trained cyclists and untrained subjects. A double-blind crossover design was performed in which all subjects took a placebo (PW) and nano-bubble HRW (pH: 7.5; hydrogen concentration: 1.9 ppm; oxidation-reduction potential (ORP): -600 mV). At the end of 7-day intake, performance was assessed by an incremental VO2max test and by a maximum anaerobic test. After HRW intake, only trained cyclists improved their performance in the anaerobic test with an increase in peak power (from 766.2 ± 125.6 to 826.5 ± 143.4 W; d = .51) and mean power (from 350.0 ± 53.5 to 380.2 ± 71.3 W; d = .51), and a decrease in the fatigue index (from 77.6 ± 5.8 to 75.1 ± 5.9%; d = .45). The findings demonstrate that the ergogenic effect of HRW is mediated by the training status, and that 7-day intake of HRW would be an effective strategy for improving anaerobic performance in trained cyclists.  相似文献   
Peak torque, work, mean power and electromyographic (EMG) activity were recorded for each of 150 repeated isokinetic maximal shoulder flexions (45 degrees-90 degrees) in 23 healthy females. From the EMG signals of trapezius, deltoid, infraspinatus and biceps brachii the mean power frequency and the signal amplitude were determined in real time. The mechanical output showed a steep decrease during the first 40 contractions, followed by a plateau maintained until the end. In all muscles, except the biceps brachii, significant decreases in mean power frequency occurred during the first 40 contractions, showing a tendency to stabilize around the same absolute frequency value. Signal amplitude increased in the trapezius, the deltoid and the infraspinatus, but was constant in the biceps brachii. For some individuals rather high EMG activity was recorded in the muscles during the time the arm was supposed to be passively extended to the starting position, and this was found to be associated with lower strength and endurance levels. Longitudinal analyses showed that the mean power frequencies correlated better than the signal amplitudes with the three mechanical variables. The results suggest that the initial steep decrease in mechanical performance and mean power frequency is caused by fatiguing of type 2 motor units.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the effects of long-term exercise training on brain endorphin systems, and the latter's possible effects on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, female Wistar rats were subjected to daily treadmill running. A sedentary control group was also employed. After 8 weeks of training, and just prior to sacrifice, one-half of each group received a final fatiguing bout of exercise. Thus the final four groups consisted of a trained-fatigued (TF), trained-nonfatigued (TN), control-fatigued (CF), and control-nonfatigued (CN) group. Regional brain levels of beta-endorphin (beta E), methionine enkephalin and leucine enkephalin (LE) were assayed with independent RIAs from the nucleus accumbens, cortex, caudate-putamen, septum, amygdala, anterior and posterior hypothalamus, substantia nigra and ventral tegmentum. Diestrus serum levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone and prolactin (PRL) were also determined. Fatiguing resulted in a decrease in serum LH levels as well as an increase in beta E content in the nucleus accumbens, and LE content in the ventral tegmentum. Finally, TF animals exhibited less LE in the amygdala than the TN rats. Taken together, these changes in brain endorphins may indicate an acute, fatigue-running modulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.  相似文献   
The relationship between electromyographic signs of fatigue (ESF) during work and occupation-related myalgia in the shoulder/neck region was investigated in a longitudinal study. Forty-three healthy female assembly workers were studied over 2 years. Measurements were performed at the start of the study with follow-up measurements after 1 and 2 years. The ESF were estimated as the zero crossing rate of electromyograms (EMG) detected during short test contractions performed during short breaks in normal work. As a complement, an endurance test using EMG records was performed and analysed with the zero crossing technique. The occurrence of shoulder/neck disorders was assessed by a clinical investigation and a questionnaire. No significant relationship between ESF during work in year 0 and deterioration of the disorder was seen. On the other hand, the absolute zero crossing rate and the time constant of the zero crossing decline from the endurance test showed a significant relationship with deterioration of the disorder. The ESF during work year 2, showed a significant relationship with disorder year 2, while the endurance test parameters year 2 did not. It was concluded that ESF during work was not a predictor of muscle injury, whereas it could be useful as a diagnostic tool.  相似文献   
The exoskeleton of an insect can contain countless specializations across an individual, across developmental stages, and across the class Insecta. Hence, the exoskeleton's building material cuticle must perform a vast variety of functions. Cuticle displays a wide range of material properties which are determined by several known factors: the amount and orientation of the chitin fibres, the constituents and degree of cross-linking and hydration of the protein matrix, the relative amounts of exo- and endocuticle, and the shape of the structures themselves. In comparison to other natural materials such as wood and mammal bone, relatively few investigations into the mechanical properties of insect cuticle have been carried out. Of these, very few have focussed on the need for repair and its effectiveness at restoring mechanical stability to the cuticle. Insect body parts are often subject to prolonged repeated cyclic loads when running and flying, as well as more extreme “emergency” behaviours necessary for survival such as jumping, wedging (squeezing through small holes) and righting (when overturned). What effects have these actions on the cuticle itself? How close to the limits of failure does an insect push its body parts? Can an insect recover from minor or major damage to its exoskeleton “bones”? No current research has answered these questions conclusively.  相似文献   
We have tested the hypothesis that agonist and antagonist muscle fatigue could affect the final position of rapid, discrete movements. Six subjects performed consecutive elbow flexion and extension movements between two targets, with their eyes closed prior to, and after fatiguing the elbow extensor muscles. The results demonstrate that elbow extension movements performed in the post-test period systematically undershot the final position as compared to pre-test movements. However, attainment of the aimed final position in elbow flexion movements was unaffected by fatiguing of the extensor muscles. Undershoot of the final position obtained in extension movements was associated with agonist muscle fatigue, a result that was expected from the point of view of current motor control theories, and that could be explained by a reduced ability of the shortening muscle to exert force. On the other hand, the absence of the expected overshoot of the final position when the antagonist is fatigued, indicates the involvement of various reflex and/or central mechanisms operating around the stretched muscle that could contribute to returning the limb to the standard final position after a brief prominent overshoot.  相似文献   
The shoulder joint-related dynamic control ratio (DCR) is derived by dividing the peak eccentric moment of the external rotators (ER) by the peak concentric moment of the internal rotators (IR). However, given the inherent limitation associated with a single value DCR, an alternative approach is to calculate it at fixed angular intervals. This preliminary study aimed at exploring the variation in the DCR at a resolution of 1° and under fatiguing external and internal rotation exertions. Eighteen young men, 10 experienced and 8 without experience in overhead sporting activities completed two separate series of 45 ER eccentric and 45 IR concentric isokinetic repetitions at 120°/s. The analysis focused on repetitions 1–3 (TR1), 21–23 (TR2) and 41–43 (TR3). The relative fatigue values for both muscle groups and for both E and NE participants were 25–40% with significantly higher fatigue resistance in eccentric compared with concentric exertions. The DCR traces varied substantially linearly for most of the internal rotation range of motion while significant differences (p < 0.001) were found in their values within group between TR1, TR2 and TR3 and between experienced and non-experienced participants. An antagonistic moment equilibrium (DCR = 1) was reached in all instances and for both groups only during TR3 with a significant progressive reduction in this moment as fatigue increased. Thus, considering the DCR as an angle-based variable rather than a single value isokinetic parameter, may add new insight regarding the interplay between the rotatory muscles of the shoulder joint.  相似文献   
Enhanced cardiovascular strain is one of the factors that explains degraded aerobic capacity in hot environments. The cardiovascular system is regulated by the autonomic nervous system, whose activity can be indirectly evaluated by analyzing heart rate variability (HRV) and systolic arterial pressure (SAP) variability. However, no study has addressed whether HRV or SAP variability can predict aerobic performance during a single bout of exercise. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate whether there is an association between cardiovascular variability and performance in rats subjected to treadmill running at two ambient temperatures. In addition, this study investigated whether the heat-induced changes in cardiovascular variability and reductions in performance are associated with each other. Male Wistar rats were implanted with a catheter into their carotid artery for pulsatile blood pressure recordings. After recovery from surgery, the animals were subjected to incremental-speed exercise until they were fatigued under temperate (25 °C) and hot (35 °C) conditions. Impaired performance and exaggerated cardiovascular responses were observed in the hot relative to the temperate environment. Significant and negative correlations between most of the SAP variability components (standard deviation, variance, very low frequency [VLF], and low frequency [LF]) at the earlier stages of exercise and total exercise time were observed in both environmental conditions. Furthermore, the heat-induced changes in the sympathetic components of SAP variability (VLF and LF) were associated with heat-induced impairments in performance. Overall, the results indicate that SAP variability at the beginning of exercise predicts the acute performance of rats. Our findings also suggest that heat impairments in aerobic performance are associated with changes in cardiovascular autonomic control.  相似文献   
Effects of fluid, electrolyte and substrate ingestion on endurance capacity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The availability of carbohydrate (CHO) as a substrate for the exercising muscles is known to be a limiting factor in the performance of prolonged cycle exercise, and provision of exogenous CHO in the form of glucose can increase endurance capacity. The present study examined the effects of ingestion of fluids and of CHO in different forms on exercise performance. Six male volunteers exercised to exhaustion on a cycle ergometer at a workload which required approximately 70% of Vo2max. After one preliminary trial, subjects performed this exercise test on six occasions, one week apart. Immediately before exercise, and at 10-min intervals throughout, subjects ingested 100 ml of one of the following: control (no drink), water, glucose syrup, fructose syrup, glucose-fructose syrup or a dilute glucose-electrolyte solution. Each of the syrup solutions contained approximately 36 g CHO per 100 ml; the isotonic glucose-electrolyte solution contained 4 g glucose per 100 ml. A randomised Latin square order of administration of trials was employed. Expired air samples for determination of Vo2, respiratory exchange ratio and rate of CHO oxidation were collected at 15-min intervals. Venous blood samples were obtained before and after exercise. Subjects drinking the isotonic glucose-electrolyte solution exercised longer (90.8 (12.4) min, mean (SEM] than on the control test (70.2 (8.3) min; p less than 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
We investigated whether adaptations of quadriceps muscle activity to fatiguing exercise differs between sexes. Fifteen healthy men (age, mean ± SD; 22. ± 2.4 yr, body mass 70.5 ± 11.4 kg, height 1.72 ± 0.06 m) and 15 healthy women (age, mean ± SD; 21 ± 1.8 yr, body mass 60 ± 7.5 kg, height 1.62 ± 0.07 m), all right leg dominant, participated in the study. Participants performed a submaximal isometric knee extension contraction at 50% of the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) sustained until task failure before and after a fatiguing exercise. Surface electromyography (EMG) was simultaneously recorded from nine regions distributed over the medial, middle and lateral locations of the quadriceps muscles in a longitudinal direction corresponding to the vastus medialis, rectus femoris (RF) and vastus lateralis muscle, respectively. A significant reduction in maximal force and time to task failure were observed after fatiguing exercise for both sexes (P < 0.001). However, women displayed greater myoelectric manifestations of fatigue specifically for the RF during the post-fatigue sustained contraction (P < 0.05). The RF is more susceptible to fatiguing exercise in women compared to men which may partly explain the higher risk of knee injuries among female athletes during competitive sports.  相似文献   
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