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基于变权模型的舟山群岛生态安全预警   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生态安全预警是生态安全研究的重要内容,对维护区域生态安全具有重要的指示意义.本文以浙江省舟山群岛为例,基于驱动力、压力、状态、影响、响应(DPSIR)框架模型构建了生态安全预警指标体系,使用变权模型对2000-2012年舟山市生态安全的预警等级进行测度,并使用马尔科夫预测方法对2013-2018年生态安全警情进行了预测.结果表明:变权模型能够有效地满足舟山群岛生态安全动态预警研究需要;2000-2012年,舟山群岛生态安全预警指数由0.286波动上升至0.484,警度等级从“重警”演变为“中警”,指示灯由“橙灯”演化为“黄灯”;2013-2018年,舟山群岛生态安全预警等级预测结果为“中警”,指示灯为“黄灯”.研究结果可为维护舟山群岛生态安全提供参考.  相似文献   
Allen''s Hummingbird comprises two subspecies, one migratory (Selasphorus sasin sasin) and one nonmigratory (S. s. sedentarius). The nonmigratory subspecies, previously endemic to the California Channel Islands, apparently colonized the California mainland on the Palos Verdes Peninsula some time before 1970 and now breeds throughout coastal southern California. We sequenced and compared populations of mainland nonmigratory Allen''s Hummingbird to Channel Island populations from Santa Catalina, San Clemente, and Santa Cruz Island. We found no evidence of founder effects on the mainland population. Values of nucleotide diversity on the mainland were higher than on the Channel Islands. There were low levels of divergence between the Channel Islands and the mainland, and Santa Cruz Island was the most genetically distinct. Ecological niche models showed that rainfall and temperature variables on the Channel Islands are similar in the Los Angeles basin and predicted continued expansion of nonmigratory Allen''s Hummingbird north along the coast and inland. We also reviewed previous genetic studies of vertebrate species found on the Channel Islands and mainland and showed that broad conclusions regarding island–mainland patterns remain elusive. Challenges include the idiosyncratic nature of colonization itself as well as the lack of a comprehensive approach that incorporates similar markers and sampling strategies across taxa, which, within the context of a comparative study of island–mainland relationships, may lead to inconsistent results.  相似文献   
The blue chaffinch, Fringilla teydea, is an endemic species of the Canary Islands. This species is formed by two subspecies: The Teneriffean blue chaffinch (F. t. teydea), and the endangered Gran Canarian blue chaffinch, (F. t. polatzeki). Here we report the isolation and characterization of nine tetranucleotide microsatellites (AAAG and AAAT) from the Gran Canarian subspecies, using an enrichment protocol. An average of 7.8 alleles per locus and an average observed heterozygosity of 0.773 were found (n = 28). The loci were tested for their ability to cross amplify in the Teneriffean subspecies and in the common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs). These microsatellites will be used to manage a captive breeding programme for the endangered Gran Canarian subspecies.  相似文献   
Symbiotic algae (Symbiodinium sp.) in scleractinian corals are important in understanding how coral reefs will respond to global climate change. The present paper reports on the diversity of Symbiodinium sp. in 48 scleractinian coral species from 25 genera and 10 families sampled from the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea, which were identified with the use of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA large subunit gene (rDNA). The results showed that: (i) Symbiodinium Clade C was the dominant zooxanthellae in scleractinian corals in the Xisha Islands; (ii) Symbiodinium Clade D was found in the corals Montipora aequituberculata, Galaxea fascicularis, and Plerogyra sinuosa; and (iii) both Symbiodinium Clades C and D were found simultaneously in Montipora digitata, Psammocora contigua, and Galaxeafascicularis. A poor capacity for symbiosis polymorphism, as uncovered by RFLP, in the Xisha Islands indicates that the scleractinian corals have low adaptability to environmental changes. Further studies are needed to investigate zooxanthellae diversity using other molecular markers.  相似文献   
Species richness and density of understory plants were investigated in eight 1 ha plots, distributed one each in undisturbed and disturbed tropical evergreen, semi-evergreen, deciduous and littoral forests of Little Andaman island, India, which falls under one of the eight hottest hotspots of Biodiversity in the world viz. the Indo-Burma. One hundred 1 m−2 quadrats were established in each 1 ha plot, in which all the understory plants (that include herbs, undershrubs, shrubs and herbaceous climbers) were enumerated. The total density of understory plants was 6,812 individuals (851 ha−1) and species richness was 108 species, representing 104 genera and 50 families. Across the four forest types and eight study plots, the species richness ranged from 10 to 39 species ha−1. All the disturbed sites harbored greater number of species than their undisturbed counterparts. Herbs dominated by species (63%) and density (4,259 individuals). The grass Eragrostis tenella (1,860 individuals; IVI 40), the invasive climber Mikania cordata (803; IVI 20) and the shrub Anaxagorea luzonensis (481; IVI 17.5) were the most abundant species. Poaceae, Asteraceae, Acanthaceae, Orchidaceae and Euphorbiaceae constituted the species-rich families represented by 6 species each. The species-area curves attained an asymptote at 0.8 ha level except in sites DD and DL, indicating 1 ha plot is not sufficient to capture all the understory species in disturbed forests. The alien weeds formed about one-fourth of the species richness (31 species; 28%) and density (1,926 individuals; 28.3%) in the study sites, indicating the extent of weed invasion and the attention required for effective conservation of the native biodiversity of the fragile island forest ecosystem.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Nutrient resource availability and host-plant foliar pubescence both influence arthropod food webs, but multifactor studies are needed to understand their interdependence and relative importance. Arthropods were sampled by clipping foliage from Metrosideros polymorpha (Myrtaceae) trees of pubescent, glabrous, and intermediate leaf forms on fertilised and unfertilised plots.
2. Fertilisation decreased leaf mass per area (LMA) but did not change the relative mass of pubescence within leaf morphological classes.
3. Fertilisation increased densities of individuals in four taxonomic orders, densities of individuals and species of all trophic levels, and the biomass of Collembola and Homoptera. Herbivore relative diversity (Shannon H ') also increased with fertilisation, but detritivore diversity declined due to increasing dominance of Salina celebensis (Schaeffer) (Collembola).
4. Detritivore density, driven again by S. celebensis , increased with decreasing leaf pubescence, but Heteroptera and Acari were most abundant on the intermediate pubescence class, and Psocoptera density and biomass increased with increasing pubescence. Trophic-level species density did not change with leaf morphological class, but relative diversity of all arthropods and of detritivores increased with increasing pubescence.
5. Both resource availability and leaf pubescence affected Metrosideros arthropod communities. However, the pervasive positive influence of fertilisation did not translate to compositional shifts, and there were no interactions with leaf morphological class. In contrast, the effects of leaf pubescence on arthropod density, biomass, and diversity were more restricted taxonomically, and non-parametric manova and redundancy analyses demonstrated significant differentiation in community composition on the pubescent morphology.  相似文献   
As part of a multidisciplinary survey of populations in the Banks and Torres Islands of Vanuatu and the Southern and Central Districts of the Solomon Islands, nearly 2,400 persons have been tested for ABO blood groups and a number of serum protein and red cell enzyme genetic marker systems. For the ABO system, the populations are characterized in general by high gene O and low gene B frequencies except in two of the Polynesian Outlier Islands, Rennell and Bellona, which have high frequencies of B. Among the serum proteins, several alleles have distributions indicating significant movement of people between islands. These include Albumin New Guinea and the transferrin alleles Tf, and Tf, and Tf. Similar specific alleles for red cell enzymes also show distributions reflecting interisland population movement as well as contact with persons from outside the southern Pacific region. Examples are ACP in the acid phosphatase system, PGM and PGM, PGM and PGM, PGK4 and also HbJTongariki. The data available for 11 polymorphic systems were used to generate genetic distances. Of the four Polynesian Outlier Islands, Anuta is most remote genetically, with Rennell and Bellona also relatively isolated. The fourth Polynesian Outlier, Tikopia, occupies a position genetically close to the Melanesian populations of the Banks and Torres Islands and the southern Solomons. The history of early European contact and voyaging in the Pacific, as well as archaeological and linguistic evidence and local legends, indicate that significant movements of people occurred between islands and provided opportunities for genes to be introduced from Europeans, Africans, and Asians. The genetic marker studies give evidence for genes from all these sources, though at a low level. Despite this admixture, the Polynesian Outlier and Melanesian populations have preserved their own distinctive genetic patterns.  相似文献   
Isolated islands and their often unique biota continue to play key roles for understanding the importance of drift, genetic variation and adaptation in the process of population differentiation and speciation. One island system that has inspired and intrigued evolutionary biologists is the blue tit complex (Cyanistes spp.) in Europe and Africa, in particular the complex evolutionary history of the multiple genetically distinct taxa of the Canary Islands. Understanding Afrocanarian colonization events is of particular importance because of recent unconventional suggestions that these island populations acted as source of the widespread population in mainland Africa. We investigated the relationship between mainland and island blue tits using a combination of Sanger sequencing at a population level (20 loci; 12 500 nucleotides) and next‐generation sequencing of single population representatives (>3 200 000 nucleotides), analysed in coalescence and phylogenetic frameworks. We found (i) that Afrocanarian blue tits are monophyletic and represent four major clades, (ii) that the blue tit complex has a continental origin and that the Canary Islands were colonized three times, (iii) that all island populations have low genetic variation, indicating low long‐term effective population sizes and (iv) that populations on La Palma and in Libya represent relicts of an ancestral North African population. Further, demographic reconstructions revealed (v) that the Canary Islands, conforming to traditional views, hold sink populations, which have not served as source for back colonization of the African mainland. Our study demonstrates the importance of complete taxon sampling and an extensive multimarker study design to obtain robust phylogeographical inferences.  相似文献   
The degree to which haematozoan parasites can exploit a range of vectors and hosts has both ecological and evolutionary implications for their transmission and biogeography. Here we explore the extent to which closely related mosquito species share the same or closely related haematozoan parasites, and examine the overlap in parasite lineages with those isolated from avian hosts, Zosterops species, sampled across the same study sites. Mosquito samples were collected and analysed (14 species, n = 804) from four islands in Vanuatu and the main island of New Caledonia. Using polymerase chain reaction, 15.5% (14/90) of pooled mosquito (thoracic) samples showed positive amplifications. Subsequent phylogenetic analysis of the cytochrome b gene identified four genetically distinct Plasmodium and two Haemoproteus lineages from these samples, five of which were identical to parasite lineages (n = 21) retrieved from the avian hosts. We found that three Plasmodium lineages differing by a maximum of 0.9% sequence divergence were recovered from different species and genera of mosquitoes and two Haemoproteus lineages differing by 4.6% sequence divergence were carried by 10 distantly related (11-21% divergent) mosquito species. These data suggest a lack of both cospeciation and invertebrate host conservatism. Without experimental demonstration of the transmission cycle, it is not possible to establish whether these mosquitoes are the biological vectors of isolated parasite lineages, reflecting a limitation of a purely polymerase chain reaction-based approach. Nonetheless, our results raise the possibility of a new transmission pathway and highlight extensive invertebrate host shifts in an insular mosquito-parasite system.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the concept of potential natural vegetation (PNV) in the light of the pollen records available to date for the Macaronesian biogeographical region, with emphasis on the Azores Islands. The classical debate on the convenience or not of the PNV concept has been recently revived in the Canary Islands, where pollen records of pre‐anthropic vegetation seemed to strongly disagree with the existing PNV reconstructions. Contrastingly, more recent PNV model outputs from the Azores Islands show outstanding parallelisms with pre‐anthropic pollen records, at least in qualitative terms. We suggest the development of more detailed quantitative studies to compare these methodologies as an opportunity for improving the performance of both. PNV modelling may benefit by incorporating empirical data on past vegetation useful for calibration and validation purposes, whereas palynology may improve past reconstructions by minimizing interpretative biases linked to differential pollen production, dispersal and preservation.  相似文献   
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