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Genetic studies substantiate that mesodermal convergent extension expressed behind the anteroposterior borderline, in the form of a gradient with the posterior apex after gastrulation, regulates morphogenesis of the posterior zone at the dorsal and dorso-lateral levels which is in full agreement with the model of dorsalization–caudalization. In contrast, how anteroposterior specification of mesodermal tissues occurs at the ventral and latero-ventral levels is not yet understood.  相似文献   
植物在自然状态下释放负离子的能力很弱,施加脉冲电场可激发其释放能力。在密闭的玻璃箱中,研究紫背竹芋(Stromanthe sanguinea)、绒叶肖竹芋(Calathea zebrina)和朱顶红(Hippeastrum rutilum)在常态、脉冲电场和光照刺激下释放负离子的浓度,并观察叶片气孔特征,结果表明:(1)不同参数脉冲电场对植物释放负离子的能力影响不同,每种植物均具有高效释放负离子的最佳脉冲电场,紫背竹芋为A3B3C3(A3,U=1.5×104 V;B3,T=1.5 s;C3,?=65 ms);绒叶肖竹芋为A3B4C1(A3,U=1.5×104 V;B4,T=2.0 s;C1,?=5 ms);朱顶红为A4B4C1(A4,U=2.0×104 V;B4,T=2.0 s;C1,?=5 ms)。(2)植物体上所储存的电压越大,其释放负离子的能力越强。(3)脉冲电场作用时,植物释放负离子的能力与光照度呈正相关;无电场刺激时两者差异不显著(P0.05)。(4)植物释放负离子的能力与叶片气孔特征关系密切,脉冲电场作用下叶片气孔的开合度和气孔密度越大,其释放能力越强。  相似文献   
目的:探讨ELISA法检测HBeAg假性结果原因方法:用ELISA法检测乙肝血清标志物,对HBsAg阳性而HBeAg阴性的标本以及HBeAg阳性的标本用ELISA法和电化学发光法复查。结果:136例HBsAg阳性而HBeAg阴性的标本经稀释复查后检出10例HBeAg阳性标本。23例溶血标本引起HBeAg假阳性。结论:钩状效应和标本溶血是引起HBeAg假阴性和假阳性的重要原因。必要时应加以复查,以减少HBeAg的错检和漏检。  相似文献   
Studying the pattern of species richness is crucial in understanding the diversity and distribution of organisms in the earth. Climate and human influences are the major driving factors that directly influence the large‐scale distributions of plant species, including gymnosperms. Understanding how gymnosperms respond to climate, topography, and human‐induced changes is useful in predicting the impacts of global change. Here, we attempt to evaluate how climatic and human‐induced processes could affect the spatial richness patterns of gymnosperms in China. Initially, we divided a map of the country into grid cells of 50 × 50 km2 spatial resolution and plotted the geographical coordinate distribution occurrence of 236 native gymnosperm taxa. The gymnosperm taxa were separated into three response variables: (a) all species, (b) endemic species, and (c) nonendemic species, based on their distribution. The species richness patterns of these response variables to four predictor sets were also evaluated: (a) energy–water, (b) climatic seasonality, (c) habitat heterogeneity, and (d) human influences. We performed generalized linear models (GLMs) and variation partitioning analyses to determine the effect of predictors on spatial richness patterns. The results showed that the distribution pattern of species richness was highest in the southwestern mountainous area and Taiwan in China. We found a significant relationship between the predictor variable set and species richness pattern. Further, our findings provide evidence that climatic seasonality is the most important factor in explaining distinct fractions of variations in the species richness patterns of all studied response variables. Moreover, it was found that energy–water was the best predictor set to determine the richness pattern of all species and endemic species, while habitat heterogeneity has a better influence on nonendemic species. Therefore, we conclude that with the current climate fluctuations as a result of climate change and increasing human activities, gymnosperms might face a high risk of extinction.  相似文献   
Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis of water samples is on the brink of becoming a standard monitoring method for aquatic species. This method has improved detection rates over conventional survey methods and thus has demonstrated effectiveness for estimation of site occupancy and species distribution. The frontier of eDNA applications, however, is to infer species density. Building upon previous studies, we present and assess a modeling approach that aims at inferring animal density from eDNA. The modeling combines eDNA and animal count data from a subset of sites to estimate species density (and associated uncertainties) at other sites where only eDNA data are available. As a proof of concept, we first perform a cross‐validation study using experimental data on carp in mesocosms. In these data, fish densities are known without error, which allows us to test the performance of the method with known data. We then evaluate the model using field data from a study on a stream salamander species to assess the potential of this method to work in natural settings, where density can never be known with absolute certainty. Two alternative distributions (Normal and Negative Binomial) to model variability in eDNA concentration data are assessed. Assessment based on the proof of concept data (carp) revealed that the Negative Binomial model provided much more accurate estimates than the model based on a Normal distribution, likely because eDNA data tend to be overdispersed. Greater imprecision was found when we applied the method to the field data, but the Negative Binomial model still provided useful density estimates. We call for further model development in this direction, as well as further research targeted at sampling design optimization. It will be important to assess these approaches on a broad range of study systems.  相似文献   


Adaptation changes in postural control and contingent negative variation (CNV) for the elderly were investigated during repeated forward floor translation.


Fifteen healthy elderly persons, living in the suburban area of Kanazawa City, Japan, underwent backward postural disturbance by a forward-floor translation (S2) 2 s after an auditory warning signal (S1). A set with 20 trials was repeated until a negative peak of late CNV was recognized in the 600-ms period before S2, and the last set was defined as the final set. Electroencephalograms, center of foot pressure in the anteroposterior direction (CoPap), and electromyograms of postural muscles were analyzed.


CoPap displacement generated by the floor translation was significantly decreased until the twelfth trial in the first set, and mean CoPap displacement was smaller in the second and final sets than in the first set. The mean displacement was significantly smaller in the final set than the previous set. A late CNV with a negative peak was not recognized in the first and second sets. However, most subjects (13/15) showed a negative peak by the fourth set, when the late CNV started to increase negatively from about 1,000 ms after S1 and peaked at about 300 ms before S2. At about 160 ms before the CNV peak, the CoPap forward shift started. The increase in timing of the gastrocnemius activity related to the CoPap shift was significantly correlated with the CNV peak timing (r = 0.64). After S2, peak amplitudes of the anterior postural muscles were significantly decreased in the final set compared to the first set.


It was demonstrated that even for the elderly, with so many repetitions of postural disturbance, a late CNV with a negative peak was recognized, leading to accurate postural preparation. This suggests the improvement of frontal lobe function (e.g., anticipatory attention and motor preparation) in the elderly.  相似文献   
Protein phosphorylation is an important mechanism in the modulation of voltage-dependent ionic channels. In squid giant axons, the potassium delayed rectifier channel is modulated by an ATP-mediated phosphorylation mechanism, producing important changes in amplitude and kinetics of the outward current. The characteristics and biophysical basis for the phosphorylation effects have been extensively studied in this preparation using macroscopic, single-channel and gating current experiments. Phosphorylation produces a shift in the voltage dependence of all voltage-dependent parameters including open probability, slow inactivation, first latency, and gating charge transferred. The locus of the effect seems to be located in a fast 20 pS channel, with characteristics of delayed rectifier, but at least another channel is phosphorylated under our experimental conditions. These results are interpreted quantitatively with a mechanistic model that explains all the data. In this model the shift in voltage dependence is produced by electrostatic interactions between the transferred phosphate and the voltage sensor of the channel.  相似文献   
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