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为了研究普氏蹄蝠(Hipposideros pratti)下丘(IC)中恒频-恒频(CF-CF)联合敏感神经元声反应特性,以及易化型和抑制型CF-CF联合敏感神经元在IC高频表征区神经元中所占的比例,实验记录了普氏蹄蝠IC神经元在不同频率和声强下的单声反应以及在不同延迟下的双声反应。本实验采用在体细胞内电生理技术从7只听力正常的蝙蝠上共获得77个IC声敏感神经元。所获得的数据经过处理并应用Sigma Plot 10.0软件作图。研究结果显示,77个神经元中37(48.1%)个为CF-CF联合敏感神经元,且多数为抑制型(24/37),少数为(13/37)易化型。实验结果说明普氏蹄蝠IC中既存在易化型也存在抑制型CF-CF联合敏感神经元,其中抑制型CF-CF联合敏感神经元比易化型所占比例更高。这些CF-CF联合敏感神经元有助于蝙蝠在巡航过程中处理回声信息时进行频谱和时相的整合。  相似文献   
The effects of G-protein activation were investigated on tonic, large depolarization-induced Ca2+ channel facilitation in cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. Under whole-cell voltage clamp, activation of G proteins by intracellular dialysis with 200 M GTP-S did not significantly affect prepulse facilitation or whole-cell Ba2+ current (I Ba) density. In contrast, inactivation of G proteins by intracellular GDP-S or pertussis toxin (PTX) pretreatment completely abolished or markedly attenuated facilitation of I Ba, respectively. GDP-S dialysis resulted in nearly a threefold increase in peak I Ba density, whereas PTX pretreatment resulted in a 50% increase. Our results indicate that under control recording conditions (200 m intracellular GTP), G proteins are tonically activated and suppress high-voltage-activated (HVA) Ca2+ channels in a voltage-dependent and voltage-independent manner. Local superfusion of chromaffin cells with normal bath solution produced a rapid and reversible increase (50%) in I Ba amplitudes that also abolished prepulse facilitation. Together, these results demonstrate that tonic facilitation of HVA Ca2+ channels in bovine chromaffin cells involves the voltage-dependent relief of a G-protein-mediated suppression, imposed by chromaffin cell secretory products that feedback and activate G-protein-coupled autoreceptors.This work was supported by a National Science Foundation grant (DCB-8812562), American Heart Association-Ohio Affiliate grant (SW-91-18), and an American Parkinson's Disease Association grant. C.A.D. was supported by a predoctoral National Research Service Award (National Institutes of Health training grant HL07571-08). The authors thank Kluener's Packing Co. for their generous supply of adrenal glands.  相似文献   
Saracco JF  Collazo JA  Groom MJ 《Oecologia》2004,139(2):235-245
Frugivores often track ripe fruit abundance closely across local areas despite the ephemeral and typically patchy distributions of this resource. We use spatial auto- and cross-correlation analyses to quantify spatial patterns of fruit abundance and avian frugivory across a 4-month period within a forested 4.05-ha study grid in Puerto Rico. Analyses focused on two tanager species, Spindalis portoricensis and Nesospingus speculiferus, and their principal food plants. Three broad questions are addressed: (1) at what spatial scales is fruit abundance and frugivory patchy; (2) at what spatial scales do frugivores respond to fruit abundance; and (3) to what extent do spatial patterns of frugivory overlap between bird species? Fruit patch size, species composition, and heterogeneity was variable among months, despite fruit patch locations remaining relatively consistent between months. Positive correlations between frugivory and fruit abundance suggested tanagers successfully tracked fruit abundance. Frugivory was, however, more localized than fruit abundance. Scales of spatial overlap in frugivory and monthly variation in the foraging locations of the two tanager species suggested that interspecific facilitation may have been important in determining bird foraging locations. In particular, S. portoricensis, a specialist frugivore, may have relied on the loud calls of the gregarious generalist, N. speculiferus, to find new foraging areas. Such a mechanism could help explain the formation of mixed species feeding flocks and highlights the potential importance of facilitation between species that share resources.  相似文献   
Connell SD 《Oecologia》2003,137(1):97-103
Marine macroalgal forests are one of the most widespread and studied habitats on subtidal coasts, but there remain challenges in understanding why many sessile invertebrates are anomalously absent from understorey communities. In a series of experiments on recruitment of invertebrates, I partitioned the habitat-modifying effects of kelp into their positive and negative effects. Experiments revealed that a reduction of light intensity and removal of sediment by canopies acted to facilitate recruitment, but physical abrasion by the canopy acted as a negative force to overpower these positive effects. Understorey assemblages, therefore, represent biased subsets of taxa from a local pool capable of colonization. On balance, negative effects acted to exclude invertebrates from the understorey community. The asymmetric strength of negative effects not only explains the enigma of exclusion but also indicates that, when it exists, understorey coexistence with canopy plants must reflect a more even match between positive and negative effects.  相似文献   
Question: How does the composition and species richness of understorey vegetation associate with changing abundance of deciduous shrub canopies? What are the species‐specific associations between shrubs and understorey plants? Location: Tundra habitats along an over 1000‐km long range, spanning from NW Fennoscandia to the Yamal Peninsula in northwest Russia. Methods: The data from 758 vegetation sample plots from 12 sites comprised cover estimates of all plant species, including bryophytes and lichens, and canopy height of deciduous shrubs. The relationships between shrub volume and cover of plant groups and species richness of vegetation were investigated. In addition, species‐specific associations between understorey species and shrub volume were analysed. Results: Shrub abundance was shown to be associated with the composition of understorey vegetation, and the association patterns were consistent across the study sites. Increased forb cover was positively associated with shrub volume, whereas bryophyte, lichen, dwarf shrub and graminoid cover decreased in association with increasing volume of deciduous shrubs. The total species richness of vegetation declined with increasing shrub volume. Conclusions: The results suggest that an increase of shrubs – due to climatic warming or a decrease in grazing pressure – is likely to have strong effects on plant–plant interactions and lead to a decrease in the diversity of understorey vegetation.  相似文献   
Recovery of herbaceous vegetation on Mount St. Helens was studied annually after the massive lateral eruption of May 18, 1980. Measures such as species richness, cover, and diversity were combined with detrended correspondence analysis to describe vegetation recovery rates under different combinations of initial impact intensity and degree of isolation from recolonization sources. A major key to recovery is whether any plants survived the devastation. Survival of even a few individuals markedly accelerated recovery. Where no plants survived, the degree of isolation becomes paramount. New, barren substrates, a few meters from undisturbed sites, have begun to develop some vegetation, while more isolated sites have scarcely any subalpine plants present. On any site, plant-mediated processes that improve conditions for growth and the invasion of other species predominate in the early stages, but as vegetation develops, biotic inhibition and establishment of seedlings from adults already in the habitat gain importance. The rate at which this conversion occurs is a function of the size and intensity of the initial impact.Abbreviations DCA Detrended correspondence analysis  相似文献   
Coralline algae are conspicuous members of many marine assemblages, especially those characterized by intense grazing pressure. We explored whether articulated species, especially Corallina vancouveriensis, depend on grazing invertebrates to both establish and flourish in an exposed rocky intertidal setting, and whether this plant–grazer relationship varied over more than three orders of magnitude (≈100–>300,000 μm). Three experimental manipulations, supplemented by observations on recruitment, demonstrated that (i) C. vancouveriensis failed to recover rapidly from disturbed areas when grazers were experimentally excluded; (ii) recruitment occurred in the presence of grazers; (iii) increasing surface texture of molded surfaces enhanced coralline recruitment more when grazers were present; and (iv) settlement occurred predominately in microtopographical low areas of a molded surface, whereas a competitively superior fleshy red alga tended to recruit to high areas. These results confirm that coralline algal establishment and persistence are enhanced by grazers and reveal that this relationship is consistent over a range of biologically relevant scales.  相似文献   
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