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The cold springs underlain by gas hydrates on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) are similar to deep-sea cold seeps with respect to methane biogeochemistry. Previous studies have shown that ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and archaea (AOA) are actively present and play important roles in the carbon/nitrogen cycles in cold seeps. Studying AOA and AOB communities in the QTP cold springs will be of great importance to our understanding of carbon and nitrogen cycling dynamics related to the underlying gas hydrates on the QTP. Thus, the abundance and diversity of AOB and AOA in sediments of four cold springs underlain by gas hydrates on the QTP were determined by using quantitative polymerase chain reaction and amoA gene (encoding ammonia monooxygenase involved in ammonia oxidation) phylogenetic analysis. The results showed that the AOB and AOA amoA gene abundances were at 103–104 copies per gram of the sediments in the investigated cold springs. The AOB population consisted of Nitrosospira and Nitrosomonas in contrast with the mere presence of Nitrosospira in marine cold seeps. The AOB diversity was higher in cold springs than in cold seeps. The AOA population was mainly composed of Nitrososphaera, in contrast with the dominance of Nitrosopumilus in cold seeps. The terrestrial origin and high level of dissolved oxygen of the cold springs may be the main factors accounting for the observed differences in AOB and AOA populations between the QTP cold springs and marine cold seeps.  相似文献   
In this study, we investigated the diversity and spatial distribution of anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANMEs) in sediments of a gas hydrate field off Joetsu in the Japan Sea. Distribution of ANMEs in sediments was identified by targeting the gene for methyl coenzyme M reductase alpha subunit (mcrA), a phylogenetically conserved gene that occurs uniquely in methanotrophic and methanogenic archaea, in addition to 16S rRNA genes. Quantitative PCR analyses of mcrA genes in 14 piston core samples suggested that members of ANME-1 group would dominate AOM communities in sulfate-depleted sediments, even below the sulfate-methane interface, while ANME-2 archaea would prefer to populate in shallower sediments containing comparatively higher sulfate concentrations. These results suggest that, although the potential electron acceptors in sulfate-depleted habitats remain elusive, the niche separation of ANME-1 and -2 may be controlled by in situ concentration of sulfate and the availability in sediments.  相似文献   
Diversity and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and bacteria (AOB) in samples of the northern South China Sea subsurface sediment were assessed by analyzing the amoA gene sequences retrieved from the samples. The microbial diversity was assessed using rarefaction and phylogenetic analyses. The deep-sea subsurface sediments harbored diverse and distinct AOA and AOB communities, but the abundance of AOA was lower than that of AOB, consistent with many other studies about bacteria and archaea in subsurface sediments. Diversity of AOA shown in the OTUs and Shannon index was correlated with the concentration of nitrite in the Pearson analysis, but no obvious relationships between the diversity or abundance of AOB and the physicochemical parameters could be identified in the present study, indicating the concentration of ammonium may not be an important factor to determine the diversity and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing prokaryotes in the subsurface sediments. Additionally, Nitrosomonas-like AOB was found to be dominant in subsurface sediments of the northern South China Sea showing a different adaption strategy comparing with some Nitrosospira-like AOB lineages. Concentration of nitrite was correlated with diversity of AOA, but no correlations between diversity and abundance of AOB and the physicochemical parameters were established in the study. Supplementary materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Geomicrobiology Journal to view the free supplemental files.  相似文献   
A great number of novel and unique chemical structures of archaeal polar lipids have been reported. Since 1993, when those lipids were reviewed in several review articles, a variety of core lipids and lipids with unique polar groups have been reported successively. We summarize new lipid structures from archaea elucidated after 1993. In addition to lipids from intact archaeal cells, more diverse structures of archaea-related lipids found in environmental samples are also reviewed. These lipids are assumed to be lipids from unidentified or ancient archaea or related organisms. In the second part of this paper, taxonomic and ecological aspects are discussed. Another aspect of archaeal lipid study has to do with its physiological significance, particularly the phase behavior and permeability of archaeal lipid membranes in relation to the thermophily of many archaea. In the last part of this review we discuss this problem.  相似文献   
内体分拣转运复合体(ESCRT,endosomal sorting complex required for transport)曾被认为是真核生物特有的系统,涉及膜重塑、泛素化蛋白质分拣等重要细胞生命过程。近年的研究显示,TACK(包括ThaumarchaeotaAigarchaeotaCrenarchaeotaKorarchaeota门)古菌超门中存在着一类与分泌膜囊泡、古菌病毒出胞以及细胞分裂过程等膜重塑过程相关的细胞分裂(Cdv,cell division)系统,该系统中的CdvB和CdvC是真核生物ESCRT-III和Vps4的同源蛋白,提示真核生物ESCRT系统可能起源自古菌。然而,由于TACK古菌中缺少真核生物ESCRT系统的其他关键成分,这一假设仍有争议。最近发现的阿斯加德(Asgard)古菌是一类被认为与真核生物最近缘的古菌,其基因组具有较完整的ESCRT相关蛋白的编码基因,提示真核生物的ESCRT很可能起源于阿斯加德古菌。本文首先简要介绍真核生物ESCRT系统的组成及生物学功能,然后分别总结TACK古菌的Cdv系统和阿斯加德古菌的ESCRT系统的研究进展,重点讨论它们的组成及生物学功能,为进一步了解古菌ESCRT系统与真核生物起源的关系提供参考。  相似文献   
In the present study, laboratory precipitation experiments using similar water chemistry and two different bacterial cultures from Lake Ac?göl sediments, a hypersaline lake in Turkey, were performed to reproduce mineral assemblages similar to those found in the lake. Two different bacterial cultures induce various calcium/magnesium carbonates precipitation under all the experimental conditions (solid vs. liquid): Hydromagnesite, dypingite, huntite, monohydrocalcite, and aragonite. The geochemical program PHREEQC was used to calculate the mineral saturation indexes in the cultures and in lake water. Carbonate mineral assemblages identified in the experiments seem to be independent of the type of microorganisms but rather controlled by the chemical composition and physical conditions of the media. The relative amounts of monohydrocalcite, hydromagnesite, and dypingite are controlled by varying sulfate concentration from 0 to 56 mM. This demonstrates a kinetic effect that could similarly affect the mineral assemblage in the lake. Also the spherical morphology of hydromagnesite points to growth of these minerals under partial inhibition in the brine under high concentrations of ions and organic polymers produced by the microbial communities. As reproduced by the culture experiments, the authigenic carbonate mineral assemblage of Lake Ac?göl most likely results from interplay of ionic composition of the brine and microbial effects.  相似文献   
In‐depth proteome analysis of the haloarchaeal model organism Haloferax volcanii has been performed under standard, low/high salt, and low/high temperature conditions using label‐free mass spectrometry. Qualitative analysis of protein identification data from high‐pH/reversed‐phase fractionated samples indicates 61.1% proteome coverage (2509 proteins), which is close to the maximum recorded values in archaea. Identified proteins match to the predicted proteome in their physicochemical properties, with only a small bias against low‐molecular‐weight and membrane‐associated proteins. Cells grown under low and high salt stress as well as low and high temperature stress are quantitatively compared to standard cultures by sequential window acquisition of all theoretical mass spectra (SWATH‐MS). A total of 2244 proteins, or 54.7% of the predicted proteome, are quantified across all conditions at high reproducibility, which allowed for global analysis of protein expression changes under these stresses. Of these, 2034 are significantly regulated under at least one stress condition. KEGG pathway enrichment analysis shows that several major cellular pathways are part of H. volcanii’s universal stress response. In addition, specific pathways (purine, cobalamin, and tryptophan) are affected by temperature stress. The most strongly downregulated proteins under all stress conditions, zinc finger protein HVO_2753 and ribosomal protein S14, are found oppositely regulated to their immediate genetic neighbors from the same operon.  相似文献   
Marine Archaea are crucial in biogeochemical cycles, but their horizontal spatial variability, assembly processes, and microbial associations across complex coastal waters still lack characterizations at high coverage. Using a dense sampling strategy, we investigated horizontal variability in total archaeal, Thaumarchaeota Marine Group (MG) I, and Euryarchaeota MGII communities and associations of MGI/MGII with other microbes in surface waters with contrasting environmental characteristics across ~200 km by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Total archaeal communities were extremely dominated by MGI and/or MGII (98.9% in average relative abundance). Niche partitioning between MGI and MGII or within each group was found across multiple environmental gradients. “Selection” was more important than “dispersal limitation” in governing biogeographic patterns of total archaeal, MGI, and MGII communities, and basic abiotic parameters (such as salinity) and inorganic/organic resources as a whole could be the main driver of “selection”. While “homogenizing dispersal” also considerably governed their biogeography. MGI‐Nitrospira assemblages were speculatively responsible for complete nitrification. MGI taxa commonly had negative correlations with members of Synechococcus but positive correlations with members of eukaryotic phytoplankton, suggesting that competition or synergy between MGI and phytoplankton depends on specific MGI‐phytoplankton assemblages. MGII taxa showed common associations with presumed (photo)heterotrophs including members of SAR11, SAR86, SAR406, and Candidatus Actinomarina. This study sheds light on ecological processes and drivers shaping archaeal biogeography and many strong MGI/MGII‐bacterial associations across complex subtropical coastal waters. Future efforts should be made on seasonality of archaeal biogeography and biological, environmental, or ecological mechanisms underlying these statistical microbial associations.  相似文献   
The crenarchaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum is with an optimalgrowth temperature of 100 °C one of the most thermophilic organisms knownto possess an aerobic respiratory chain. The analysis of DNA sequences fromthe Pyrobaculum genome project lead to the identification of an openreading frame potentially coding for a Rieske iron-sulfur protein. Thecomplete gene (named parR) was cloned and sequenced. The deducedamino acid sequence displays unusual amino acid exchanges and a so farunknown sequence insertion. The N-terminus shows similarities to bacterialsignal sequences. Several forms of the gene were expressed in E.coli in order to verify the classification as a Rieske protein and tofacilitate biophysical studies. Soluble, thermo-stable proteins withcorrectly inserted iron-sulfur clusters were expressed from two versions ofthe gene. The 1–23 truncated holo-protein is redox active. Itdisplays the typical spectroscopic properties of a Rieske protein. The redoxpotential was determined to be +215 mV at pH 6.5 and is pH dependentabove pH 7.5 revealing the influence of two protonation equilibria with pKavalues of 8.1 and 9.8. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that the parRprotein clusters together with the two other available archaeal Rieskesequences from Sulfolobus on a separate branch of the phylogenetictree apart from the proteins from thermophilic bacteria like Aquifexand Thermus.  相似文献   
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