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Alder pollen seasons and the effect of meteorological conditions on daily average pollen counts in the air of Lublin (Poland) were analysed. Alnus pollen grains reach very high concentrations in the atmosphere of this city during the early spring period and the parameters of pollen seasons were very different in the particular years studied. The pollen season lasted on average one month. The highest variation was observed for the peak value and the Seasonal Pollen Index (SPI). The pollen seasons, which started later, had shorter duration. Peak daily average pollen counts and SPI value were higher during the shorter seasons. Similarities in the stages of pollen seasons designated by the percentage method depended on the start date of the pollen season. Season parameters were mainly correlated with thermal conditions at the beginning of the year. Regression analysis was used to predict certain characteristics of the alder pollen season. The highest level of explanation of the variation in Alnus pollen season start and peak dates was obtained in the model using mean temperature in February. The obtained regression models may predict 82% of the variation in the pollen season start date, 73% of the variation in the duration, and 62% in the peak date.  相似文献   
Unpacking, an effective lesson-planning technique, can help students use scientific inquiry to understand the power behind hurricanes. Teachers identify a concept and then guide students to "unpack" it and look for new discoveries. The activity provides a means for students to develop the abilities to do scientific inquiry, demonstrate how it is applied, and develop understanding about the method. Additionally, students demonstrate abilities of technological design and understanding about science and technology. This activity promotes students' knowledge of the Earth's constant change, pattern recognition to enable prediction, statistical analysis and graphical display to reveal patterns in data, and the science behind hurricane rotation.  相似文献   
Several microbial populations on plants interact with each other and their host through the actions of secreted metabolites. However, the role of diverse microorganisms and their metabolites on plant health has yet to be fully appreciated. Here, we investigated the population diversity of two dominant epiphytic bacterial genuses in different area and their role in biological control of fire blight disease. To do so, we isolated and calculated population diversity of different Pantoea spp. and Pseudomonas spp. using serial dilution methods. The growth inhibition of Erwinia amylovora in vitro by some of these bacteria indicated the ecological significance of secondary metabolites produced by these bacteria and discuss how they might contribute to biological control of fire blight disease. Although, we did not work on the ability of these bacteria on induction of disease resistance but it could be considered for future, because they represent very different but important types of secondary metabolites. We also described how the weather conditions in different geographical regions can effect on the population of these epiphytic bacterial phenotypes leading to plant health promotion. In conclusion, we demonstrated the role of Pantoea and Pseudomonas population diversity on prevalence of fire blight in different area of north-east of Iran.  相似文献   
为保护博罗红豆(Ormosia boluoensis)资源,基于广东象头山国家级自然保护区建立的0.6 hm2固定样地,研究了博罗红豆所在群落的物种组成、径阶结构、空间格局、种内关联及其与群落优势种的种间关联。结果表明,样地内共调查到胸径≥1 cm的木本植物4 503株,隶属于38科57属84种。优势种有甜槠(Castanopsis eyrei)、密花树(Rapanea neriifolia)、密花山矾(Symplocos congesta)、深山含笑(Michelia maudiae)和赤楠(Syzygium buxifolium)等,博罗红豆的重要值仅为1.84%,径阶结构呈倒“J”型,空间分布格局在0~22.1 m的尺度上呈现聚集分布,在22.2~30.0 m的尺度上呈随机分布。博罗红豆与甜槠无关联性,与赤楠在个别尺度上有微弱的负相关性,与密花山矾主要呈负关联性,与密花树、深山含笑主要呈正关联性。博罗红豆的成树和幼苗在0~3.7 m的空间尺度上呈现强正关联,小树和幼苗在0~5.9 m的尺度上呈正关联性,而成树与小树的关联性较弱。因此,推测博罗红豆的空间分布格局受负密度制约、种子扩散限制和生境异质性的作用,在后期的管理中可以适当移植幼苗和对群落中的灌木及小乔木进行适度的疏伐。  相似文献   
Extreme weather, including heat waves, droughts, and high rainfall, is becoming more common and affecting a diversity of species and taxa. However, researchers lack a framework that can anticipate how diverse species will respond to weather extremes spanning weeks to months. Here we used high‐resolution occurrence data from eBird, a global citizen science initiative, and dynamic species distribution models to examine how 109 North American bird species ranging in migration distance, diet, body size, habitat preference, and prevalence (commonness) respond to extreme heat, drought, and rainfall across a wide range of temporal scales. Across species, temperature influenced species’ distributions more than precipitation at weekly and monthly scales, while precipitation was more important at seasonal scales. Phylogenetically controlled multivariate models revealed that migration distance was the most important factor mediating responses to extremely hot or dry weeks; residents and short‐distance migrants occurred less often following extreme heat. At monthly or seasonal scales, less common birds experienced decreases in occurrence following drought‐like conditions, while widespread species were unaffected. Spatial predictions demonstrated variation in responses to extreme weather across species’ ranges, with predicted decreases in occurrence up to 40% in parts of ranges. Our results highlight that extreme weather has variable and potentially strong implications for birds at different time scales, but these responses are mediated by life‐history characteristics. As weather once considered extreme occurs more frequently, researchers and managers require a better understanding of how diverse species respond to extreme conditions.  相似文献   
This work introduces the use of an interval representation of fluxes. This representation can be useful in two common situations: (a) when fluxes are uncertain due to the lack of accurate measurements and (b) when the flux distribution is partially unknown. In addition, the interval representation can be used for other purposes such as dealing with inconsistency or representing a range of behaviour. Two main problems are addressed. On the one hand, the translation of a metabolic flux distribution into an elementary modes or extreme pathways activity pattern is analysed. In general, there is not a unique solution for this problem but a range of solutions. To represent the whole solution region in an easy way, it is possible to compute the alpha-spectrum (i.e., the range of possible values for each elementary mode or extreme pathway activity). Herein, a method is proposed which, based on the interval representation of fluxes, makes it possible to compute the alpha-spectrum from an uncertain or even partially unknown flux distribution. On the other hand, the concept of the flux-spectrum is introduced as a variant of the metabolic flux analysis methodology that presents some advantages: applicable when measurements are insufficient (underdetermined case), integration of uncertain measurements, inclusion of irreversibility constraints and an alternative procedure to deal with inconsistency. Frequently, when applying metabolic flux analysis the available measurements are insufficient and/or uncertain and the complete flux distribution cannot be uniquely calculated. The method proposed here allows the determination of the ranges of possible values for each non-calculable flux, resulting in a flux region called flux-spectrum. In order to illustrate the proposed methods, the example of the metabolic network of CHO cells cultivated in stirred flasks is used.  相似文献   
Temperature response curves of chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters were used to assess minimum sub-zero temperature assuring functioning of photosynthetic photochemical processes in photosystem II (PS II) of Antarctic lichens. Umbilicaria Antarctica and Xanthoria elegans were measured within the temperature range from −20 to +10°C by a fluorometric imaging system. For potential (F V/F M) and actual (Φ II) quantum yields of photochemical processes the minimum temperature was found to be between −10 and −20°C. Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) of absorbed excitation energy increased with temperature drop reaching maximum NPQ at −15°C. Image analysis revealed intrathalline heterogeneity of chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters with temperature drop. Temperature response of Φ II exhibited an S-curve with pronounced intrathalline differences in X. elegans. The same relation was linear with only limited intrathalline difference in U. antarctica. The results showed that Antarctic lichen species were well adapted to sub-zero temperatures and capable of performing primary photosynthesis at −15°C.  相似文献   
2018年11—12月在河南民权国家湿地公园,采用定点观察法、扫描取样法对越冬青头潜鸭在不同天气条件下的行为响应模式进行研究。结果表明: 在晴天,静息、飞行、运动是青头潜鸭越冬期的优势行为(65.5%),觅食、修整是次要行为(31.9%);行为节律表现为上午觅食、中午静息、下午觅食修整;飞行通常发生在觅食高峰前,运动行为多与其他行为相伴,其时间分配与觅食呈正响应,与静息呈负响应。相较于晴天,阴雨天青头潜鸭增加了对静息和觅食的时间分配,静息、觅食和运动为阴雨天的主要行为(76.5%),修整、飞行为次要行为(20.3%);觅食和静息的高峰时段后移,傍晚时达到高峰,飞行和修整时间显著减少。与晴天相比,雾霭天青头潜鸭静息、觅食、运动和修整的时间分配增加,飞行行为减少;觅食高峰后移至中午和下午,静息高峰后移至下午;静息、运动和觅食为雾霭天的优势行为(70.6%),修整和飞行为次要行为(27.5%)。研究表明,不同天气条件下,民权湿地公园青头潜鸭的越冬期行为在时间分配、行为节律、优势行为方面存在一定的响应;阴雨天和雾霭天青头潜鸭会分配更多的静息和觅食时间,并通过增加能量摄入和减少耗能行为应对恶劣天气。  相似文献   
Quantifying survival and understanding underlying sources of variation are important for developing population models and informing management decisions. We estimated apparent survival (i.e., true survival less permanent emigration) for adult female white-winged scoters (Melanitta fusca) and lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) breeding at a northern boreal forest site in western Canada, 2002–2008. We also evaluated variation in survival relative to indices of breeding status, individual quality, spring weather conditions, local small-mammal abundance, and overwinter climate. Breeding female scoters had higher apparent survival than did nonbreeding females, suggesting that breeders had higher survival or fidelity to the study area, or that more nonbreeders were transient birds that may have bred elsewhere in subsequent years. Apparent survival rate for breeding female scoters was unrelated to other individual and environmental covariates. Nest-trapped female scaup had higher apparent survival rates than did prenesting females captured in decoy traps, implying that more pre-nesters dispersed permanently or died after marking. Nesting female scaup with higher body condition or those in years when small mammals were more abundant had higher apparent survival; associations between survival and other environmental covariates were less certain. Overall, apparent survival rate of breeding adult female scoters was lower than reported for scoters from other North American locations or for other sea duck species, whereas estimates for nesting female scaup were comparable with those from other boreal and prairie-parkland locations. Our results indicate that for scaup in this region, factors influencing female body condition, such as maintaining high-quality habitat, areas with abundant food or low disturbance, could improve annual survival. © The Wildlife Society, 2019  相似文献   
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