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Sidechain rotamer libraries are obtained through exhaustive statistical analysis of existing crystallographic structures of proteins and have been applied in multiple aspects of structural biology, for example, crystallography of relatively low‐resolution structures, in homology model building and in biomolecular NMR. Little is known, however, about the driving forces that lead to the preference or suitability of one rotamer over another. Construction of 3D hydropathic interaction maps for nearly 30,000 tyrosines reveals the environment around each, in terms of hydrophobic (π–π stacking, etc.) and polar (hydrogen bonding, etc.) interactions. After partitioning the tyrosines into backbone‐dependent (?, ψ) bins, a map similarity metric based on the correlation coefficient was applied to each map‐map pair to build matrices suitable for clustering with k‐means. The first bin (?200° ≤ ? < –155°; ?205° ≤ ψ < –160°), representing 631 tyrosines, reduced to 14 unique hydropathic environments, with most diversity arising from favorable hydrophobic interactions with many different residue partner types. Polar interactions for tyrosine include surprisingly ubiquitous hydrogen bonding with the phenolic OH and a handful of unique environments surrounding the tyrosine backbone. The memberships of all but one of the 14 environments are dominated (>50%) by a single χ1/χ2 rotamer. The last environment has weak or no interactions with the tyrosine ring and its χ1/χ2 rotamer is indeterminate, which is consistent with it being composed of mostly surface residues. Each tyrosine residue attempts to fulfill its hydropathic valence and thus, structural water molecules are seen in a variety of roles throughout protein structure. Proteins 2015; 83:1118–1136. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
In this study, we show temporal organization of activity patterns in larger temporal series recording. The objective of this study was to determine the temporal pattern of the rest-activity rhythm in manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) in captivity. Activity recordings were programmed from August 2010 to September 2011 with actimetry devices, and behavior recordings were conducted in dry and rainy seasons. We showed that the marine manatee presents a complex temporal organization, in which the rest-activity rhythm comprises several frequencies with a predominant circadian component and multiple ultradian components. Our results indicate that the animals were more active during the day with respect to the night. The temporal organization of this cycle entails multiple frequencies that include ultradian rhythms, which may be expressions generated by physiological needs, such as food availability and thermoregulatory requirements. These patterns should be taken into consideration for future studies of biological rhythms in manatee.  相似文献   
Ecological baselines are disappearing and it is uncertain how marine reserves, here called fisheries closures, simulate pristine communities. We tested the influence of fisheries closure age, size and compliance on recovery of community biomass and life-history metrics towards a baseline. We used census data from 324 coral reefs, including 41 protected areas ranging between 1 and 45 years of age and 0.28 and 1430 km2, and 36 sites in a remote baseline, the Chagos Archipelago. Fish community-level life histories changed towards larger and later maturing fauna with increasing closure age, size and compliance. In high compliance closures, community biomass levelled at approximately 20 years and 10 km2 but was still only at approximately 30% of the baseline and community growth rates were projected to slowly decline for more than 100 years. In low compliance and young closures, biomass levelled at half the value and time as high compliance closures and life-history metrics were not predicted to reach the baseline. Biomass does not adequately reflect the long-time scales for full recovery of life-history characteristics, with implications for coral reef management.  相似文献   
Emerging plant pathogens are a significant problem for conservation and food security. Surveillance is often instigated in an attempt to detect an invading epidemic before it gets out of control. Yet in practice many epidemics are not discovered until already at a high prevalence, partly due to a lack of quantitative understanding of how surveillance effort and the dynamics of an invading epidemic relate. We test a simple rule of thumb to determine, for a surveillance programme taking a fixed number of samples at regular intervals, the distribution of the prevalence an epidemic will have reached on first discovery (discovery-prevalence) and its expectation E(q*). We show that E(q*) = r/(N/Δ), i.e. simply the rate of epidemic growth divided by the rate of sampling; where r is the epidemic growth rate, N is the sample size and Δ is the time between sampling rounds. We demonstrate the robustness of this rule of thumb using spatio-temporal epidemic models as well as data from real epidemics. Our work supports the view that, for the purposes of early detection surveillance, simple models can provide useful insights in apparently complex systems. The insight can inform decisions on surveillance resource allocation in plant health and has potential applicability to invasive species generally.  相似文献   
Auxin is essential for plant growth and development, this makes it difficult to study the biological function of auxin using auxin‐deficient mutants. Chemical genetics have the potential to overcome this difficulty by temporally reducing the auxin function using inhibitors. Recently, the indole‐3‐pyruvate (IPyA) pathway was suggested to be a major biosynthesis pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana L. for indole‐3‐acetic acid (IAA), the most common member of the auxin family. In this pathway, YUCCA, a flavin‐containing monooxygenase (YUC), catalyzes the last step of conversion from IPyA to IAA. In this study, we screened effective inhibitors, 4‐biphenylboronic acid (BBo) and 4‐phenoxyphenylboronic acid (PPBo), which target YUC. These compounds inhibited the activity of recombinant YUC in vitro, reduced endogenous IAA content, and inhibited primary root elongation and lateral root formation in wild‐type Arabidopsis seedlings. Co‐treatment with IAA reduced the inhibitory effects. Kinetic studies of BBo and PPBo showed that they are competitive inhibitors of the substrate IPyA. Inhibition constants (Ki) of BBo and PPBo were 67 and 56 nm , respectively. In addition, PPBo did not interfere with the auxin response of auxin‐marker genes when it was co‐treated with IAA, suggesting that PPBo is not an inhibitor of auxin sensing or signaling. We propose that these compounds are a class of auxin biosynthesis inhibitors that target YUC. These small molecules are powerful tools for the chemical genetic analysis of auxin function.  相似文献   
Connectivity among populations determines the dynamics and evolution of populations, and its assessment is essential in ecology in general and in conservation biology in particular. The robust basis of any ecological study is the accurate delimitation of evolutionary units, such as populations, metapopulations and species. Yet a disconnect still persists between the work of taxonomists describing species as working hypotheses and the use of species delimitation by molecular ecologists interested in describing patterns of gene flow. This problem is particularly acute in the marine environment where the inventory of biodiversity is relatively delayed, while for the past two decades, molecular studies have shown a high prevalence of cryptic species. In this study, we illustrate, based on marine case studies, how the failure to recognize boundaries of evolutionary‐relevant unit leads to heavily biased estimates of connectivity. We review the conceptual framework within which species delimitation can be formalized as falsifiable hypotheses and show how connectivity studies can feed integrative taxonomic work and vice versa. Finally, we suggest strategies for spatial, temporal and phylogenetic sampling to reduce the probability of inadequately delimiting evolutionary units when engaging in connectivity studies.  相似文献   
秦岭岩白菜的传粉生物学特性与繁育系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对珍稀濒危植物秦岭岩白菜(Bergenia scopulosa T.P.Wang)的开花特性、传粉适应及繁育系统进行了分析研究。结果表明:(1)秦岭岩白菜为蝎尾状聚伞花序,具(29±10)朵单花,单花期约15d,遇低温雨雪天气花冠闭合,可延长3~5d,花序花期约30d,种群花期近4个月。(2)花粉活力在花药开裂后的12h内最高(约90%),维持单花平均花粉活力在30%以上约6d;柱头在第1~4天内保持很强的可授性,维持可授性的时间约为9d。(3)秦岭岩白菜主要有效传粉昆虫为中华蜜蜂,平均访花频率为6.5朵/min,单花停留时间为(11.0±4.8)s。(4)秦岭岩白菜的花粉胚珠比(P/O)为589.8,杂交指数(OCI)为3;人工授粉实验显示,秦岭岩白菜不存在无融合生殖,自交亲和,主动自交罕见,生殖成功主要依赖传粉者。研究认为,秦岭岩白菜是兼性异交的繁育系统,胚珠受精过程中可能存在自交衰退。  相似文献   
Modulating tissue responses to stress is an important therapeutic objective. Oxidative and genotoxic stresses caused by ionizing radiation are detrimental to healthy tissues but beneficial for treatment of cancer. CD47 is a signaling receptor for thrombospondin-1 and an attractive therapeutic target because blocking CD47 signaling protects normal tissues while sensitizing tumors to ionizing radiation. Here we utilized a metabolomic approach to define molecular mechanisms underlying this radioprotective activity. CD47-deficient cells and cd47-null mice exhibited global advantages in preserving metabolite levels after irradiation. Metabolic pathways required for controlling oxidative stress and mediating DNA repair were enhanced. Some cellular energetics pathways differed basally in CD47-deficient cells, and the global declines in the glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolites characteristic of normal cell and tissue responses to irradiation were prevented in the absence of CD47. Thus, CD47 mediates signaling from the extracellular matrix that coordinately regulates basal metabolism and cytoprotective responses to radiation injury.  相似文献   
Proteinase activated-receptor 2 (PAR2) participates in cancer metastasis promoted by serine proteinases. The current study aimed to test the molecular mechanism by which PAR2 promotes cancer cell migration. In different cancer cells, activation of PAR2 by activating peptide (PAR2-AP) dramatically increased cell migration, whereas knock down of PAR2 inhibited cellular motility. The PAR2 activation also repressed miR-125b expression while miR-125b mimic successfully blocked PAR2-induced cell migration. Moreover, Grb associated-binding protein 2 (Gab2) was identified as a novel target gene of miR-125b and it mediated PAR2-induced cell migration. The correlation of PAR2 with miR-125b and Gab2 was further supported by the findings obtained from human colorectal carcinoma specimens. Remarkably, knock down of NOP2/Sun domain family, member 2 (NSun2), a RNA methyltransferase, blocked the reduction in miR-125b induced by PAR2. Furthermore, PAR2 activation increased the level of N6-methyladenosine (m6A)-containing pre-miR-125b in NSun2-dependent manner. Taken together, our results demonstrated that miR-125b mediates PAR2-induced cancer cell migration by targeting Gab2 and that NSun2-dependent RNA methylation contributes to the down-regulation of miR-125b by PAR2 signaling. These findings suggest a novel epigenetic mechanism by which microenvironment regulates cancer cell migration by altering miRNA expression.  相似文献   
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