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Nematodes of three genera (Acrobeloides sp., Aphelenchus avenae, and Scutellonema brachyurum) were induced to coil and enter anhydrobiosis in drying soil of two types: sandy loam and loamy sand. Coiling was studied in relationship to soil moisture characteristics. Coiling and the physiological state of anhydrobiosis occurred before the water in sandy soils reached a water potential of -15 bars. Coiling was maximum at 3-6 bars, depending on the soil type and nematode species. It appeared that induction of coiling and anhydrohiosis were determined by the physical forces exerted by the water film surrounding the nematode, which, for these three species, was 6-9 monomolecular layers of water, rather than the % moisture and relative humidity of the soil per se.  相似文献   

1. 1.|In the freshwater fish Chalcalburnus chalcoides, an increase in the body (standard) size caused decreases in the upper LT-50 from 36.6° to 36.0°C and lower LT-50 from 6.3° to 5.3°C

2. 2.|The fish acclimated to constant temperatures between 10°C and 30°C showed reasonable heat acclimation and also reasonable cold acclimation. Thus, an increase in the acclimation temperature from 10°C to 30°C caused increases in the upper LT-50 from 34° to 36.2°C and the lower LT-50 from 1.25 to 6.5°C.

3. 3|The mean survival time — temperature curves of 10°, 20° and 30°C acclimated fish at various constant temperatures showed decreased in the survival tim ewith increasing lethal temperatures. Furthermore, an increase in the acclimation temperature causes a shift in the survival duration-temperature curve to the right, i.e., the fish become more heat resistant. Thus, the mean survival duration of 10°, 20° and 30°C acclimated fish at 35°C were 7.5, 79.6 and 530 minutes, respectively.

4. 4.|The effect of the thermal experience to changing lethal temperatures depends on the first lethal temperature to which the fish were exposed as well as the sequence of temperature changes. In the experiments in which the first lethal temperatures were between 32° and 34°C and the temperature was varied in an ascending order, their thermal resistance was increased and the fish required 114 to 174% of the expected lethal doses to die while in the experiments in which the starting temperature were between 38° and 40°C and the temperature varied in descending order, the fish become more sensitive to the upper lethal temperature and they died after receiving only 62 to 81% of the expected lethal doses. Thus, with a gradual increase in the lethal temperature, the fish show additional acclimation in the zone of resistance which in turn causes an increase in the thermal resistance. This may have ecological significance in nature.

Author Keywords: acclimation; lethal temperatures; temperature change; survival  相似文献   

蛇毒抗肝癌作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑毅  朱昆祥 《蛇志》1992,4(3):6-8
眼镜蛇毒具有抗肝癌作用.我们采用多种小鼠移植性肝癌研究了眼镜蛇毒抗肝癌作用.通过多项指标的体内实验证实眼镜蛇毒经腹腔给药,对小鼠腹水型肝癌 H_(22)(HepA)均有明显的抑制作用,其生存时间,癌重生长抑制率接近5-Fu.我们认为眼镜蛇毒是一种新型的,有一定抗癌活性药物,有在临床上进一步研究的价值.  相似文献   
The influence of canopy development in soybean on the survival of corn earworm, Heliothis zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), egg and larval stages and population dynamics of arthropod fauna were evaluated in field trials during 1986–88 in eastern North Carolina. Soybean canopy size decreased as soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines Ichinohe (Nematoda: Heteroderidae), initial population densities increased. Plant species composition of the soybean canopy was affected by weed population densities. Mortality of H. zea larvae due to parasitism and infection with entomopathogens was greater in closed canopy and (or) weedy soybeans than in very open and (or) weed free soybeans. Predation and parasitism of corn earworm eggs were similar across nematode and weed density treatments. Natural enemy populations increased to highest levels during July in closed canopy and (or) weedy soybeans, coinciding with availability of largest prey population reservoirs. A delay in colonization of very open and (or) weed free soybeans by beneficial arthropods until mid to late August allowed greater H. zea larval survival than in closed canopy and (or) weedy soybeans. Arthropod species richness was generally greatest in closed canopy and (or) weedy soybeans during mid to late July, with differences becoming nonsignificant in August and early September. Mean and maximum ambient temperatures were higher and relative humidities lower in open canopy than in closed canopy plots. These conditions were less favorable for development of pathogens and natural enemies.  相似文献   
Oviposition by a parasitoid wasp in an already parasitized host (= superparasitism) may result in larval competition and the loss of offspring. Consequently, in solitary species, the decision to superparasitize should be based on the probability of offspring survival. Females of Aphidius ervi Haliday and A. smithi Sharma & Subba Rao (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), two parasitoids of the pea aphid, discriminated between conspecific-and heterospecific-parasitized hosts. Both species showed partial preference for aphids previously attacked by A. smithi, a result predicted from the fact that A. ervi is superior to A. smithi in larval competition under most conditions. Females of A. smithi selectively attacked conspecific-parasitized pea aphids when given a choice between these and self-parasitized hosts. Results indicated that females of both species responded to an external pheromone-like marker to discriminate between selfconspecific-and heterospecific-parasitized aphids. In addition, A. smithi may use internal cues to recognize, and avoid oviposition in, aphids previously parasitized by A. ervi.
Résumé L'oviposition par une guêpe parasite dans un hôte qui a déjà été parasité (= superparasitisme) pourrait conduire à une compétition entre larves et à une perte de progéniture. Par conséquent, dans les espèces solitaires, la décision de superparasiter devrait être basée sur la probabilité de survie de la progéniture. Les femelles de Aphidius ervi Haliday et de A. smithi Sharma & Subba Rao (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), deux parasites du puceron du pois, ont discriminé entre les hôtes parasités par des individus de la même espèce et ceux parasités par des individus d'une espèce différente. Les deux espèces de parasite ont montré une préférence partielle pour les pucerons préalablement parasités par A. smithi, résultat qui était prévisible du fait que, dans la majorité des cas, A. ervi est supérieur à A. smithi dans la compétition entre larves. Les femelles de A. smithi ont sélectivement attaqué les pucerons parasités par un individu de la même espèce lorsqu'il leur était donné de choisir parmi ceux-ci et ceux parasités par les même individu. Les résultats indiquaient que les femelles des deux espèces répondaient à une sorte de phéromone externe pour distinguer les pucerons parasités par le même individu de ceux parasités par un individu de la même espèce et ceux parasités d'une autre espèce. En plus, A. smithi pourrait utiliser des signaux internes pour reconnaître et éviter l'oviposition dans les pucerons préalablement parasités par A. ervi.
Seasonality and the scheduling of life history at different latitudes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
For many ectotherms, the annual cycle is partitioned into 'growing' (summer) and 'non-growing' (winter) seasons, and the lengths of these seasons are inversely related across a latitudinal gradient. This pattern of variation has the potential to affect diverse life-history traits profoundly. A key selective agent is size-dependent winter mortality which, with increasing latitude, places an increasing premium on attainment of large body size before the first winter of life. Winter body size is determined primarily by two factors: (1) birth date, which defines the beginning of the first growing season and (2) somatic growth rate within the first season. Using examples drawn from the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia (L.), and other fishes, I show how latitudinal variation in the scheduling of the spawning season, countergradient variation in the capacity for growth and reproduction, and mode of sex determination (environmental v. genetic) represent adaptations to seasonality.  相似文献   
Summary Hepatocyte primary cultures (HPC) derived from rat, mouse, hamster, and rabbit liver were characterized for a variety of parameters. The conditions that maximized recovery, attachment, and survival varied between species. Hepatocytes from all four species were capable of attaching in serum-free Williams’ medium E (WME), but optimal attachment as monolayer cultures was achieved for mouse and hamster HPC in medium receiving 1% calf serum supplementation. Hamster hepatocytes required additional cations, whereas rabbit and rat hepatocytes displayed maximal attachment in medium supplemented with 10% calf serum. Survival of mouse and rabbit hepatocytes after 24 h in serum supplemented media was in the order of 90%. Rat and hamster hepatocyte 24 h survival was approximately 70 and 60%, respectively, and was not significantly affected by serum supplementation. Hepatocytes from each species varied in their content of cytochromeP450 at the time of isolation and in the rate of reduction during culture. Mouse and rat hepatocytes demonstrated the most rapid decline in content during the initial 24 h in culture, whereas concentrations in rabbit hepatocytes were virtually unchanged. The rate of decline inP450 concentrations in hamster hepatocytes was intermediate between those displayed by rat and rabbit hepatocytes. These studies have delineated conditions useful for the culture of hepatocytes from four species and have documented the status of an important parameter of their functional capability. This study was supported by EPA contract 68-01-6179. C. J. Maslansky was a recipient of a Monsanto Fund Fellowship in Toxicology.  相似文献   
Nerve Growth Factor: Biological Significance, Measurement and Distribution   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:3  
NGF proteins probably act as informational molecules transferred from end organs to the neurons of the sympathetic nervous system. The direct demonstration of the NGF content of most end organs requires assays more sensitive than those currently available. The high levels of NGF produced by some organs are probably of some other physiological significance.  相似文献   
Larvae of the caddisfly, Diplectrona modesta (Hydropsychidae), were found to be permanent inhabitants of a small, intermittent, headwater stream in southern Ontario. They survived desiccation for at least four weeks in summer. A laboratory experiment gave a mean survivorship of 50% after 30 days without water in stream gravel and stones after the larvae had been permitted to construct their shelters. Survivors were those that constructed their tubes deep in the substrate.  相似文献   
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