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根系功能属性及其变异性能够介导物种共存及环境适应策略, 但强烈的环境约束作用能够引起不同物种间根系属性的趋同性。为了研究西藏高寒草原群落中植物根系属性变异规律, 并阐明不同物种资源获取和适应策略的多样性, 该文对西藏高寒草原不同的环境梯度进行了研究。作者自东向西沿着降水梯度在那曲、班戈和尼玛3个自然草原群落进行群落调查, 并采集了共计22种植物。测定了每种植物的一级根直径、一级侧根长度和根系分支强度3个关键根系属性。结果表明: 在西藏高寒草原群落中, 不同物种根系直径普遍较小, 且种间变异非常小(22.76%), 其中86%的物种一级根直径集中在0.073 mm到0.094 mm之间; 相较于直径较粗的物种, 直径越细的物种分支强度越高, 侧根越短。在群落尺度上, 植物主要通过增加根系直径、侧根长度, 降低分支强度的方式来适应水分的减少; 而在物种尺度上, 植物适应水分变化的策略则呈现多样性。  相似文献   
Phenotypic variation within populations has two sources: genetic variation and environmental variation. Here, we investigate the coevolution of these two components under fluctuating selection. Our analysis is based on the lottery model in which genetic polymorphism can be maintained by negative frequency-dependent selection, whereas environmental variation can be favored due to bet-hedging. In our model, phenotypes are characterized by a quantitative trait under stabilizing selection with the optimal phenotype fluctuating in time. Genotypes are characterized by their phenotypic offspring distribution, which is assumed to be Gaussian with heritable variation for its mean and variance. Polymorphism in the mean corresponds to genetic variance while the width of the offspring distribution corresponds to environmental variance. We show that increased environmental variance is favored whenever fluctuations in the selective optima are sufficiently strong. Given the environmental variance has evolved to its optimum, genetic polymorphism can still emerge if the distribution of selective optima is sufficiently asymmetric or leptokurtic. Polymorphism evolves in a diagonal direction in trait space: one type becomes a canalized specialist for the more common ecological conditions and the other type a de-canalized bet-hedger thriving on the less-common conditions. All results are based on analytical approximations, complemented by individual-based simulations.  相似文献   
This paper extends the results of [1] to the multitype case. For a multitype branching process that is slightly supercritical, approximations for the survival probability in terms of the maximal eigenvalue of the mean matrix and a generalized variance 2 are developed. Our results improve upon those of Hoppe [5] and Eshel [3] that seek to validate a conjecture of Ewens [4].Research supported in part by NSF grant DMS 9007182  相似文献   
Eight species of Myxobolus were collected from four species of cyprinids in Algonquin Park, Ontario. On the basis of spore morphology, five of these species are described as new and two are redescribed. The evolutionary relationships among these eight species were studied using partial small subunit ribosomal DNA (ssu-rDNA) sequence data. The resulting cladograms, which were highly resolved and with strongly supported relationships, allowed for the evaluation of spore morphology, host specificity, and tissue tropism, criteria traditionally used in species identification. These criteria, recently criticized for creating artificial rather than natural taxonomic groupings, were evaluated for their reliability in the systematics of the species examined. The data showed that distantly related species often infect the same host and tissue, and that closely related species often occur in different hosts. Morphologically similar species are more closely related to each other and the taxonomy based on spore morphology is consistent with the relationships depicted in the phylogenies. These results suggest that spore morphology is better than host specificity and tissue tropism as a species character, as well as for determining evolutionary relationships among the species of Myxobolus examined.  相似文献   
The cell division pattern in the apical meristem of Psilotum nudum was examined using epi-illumination microscopy and a paraffin method. In the subterranean axis, about half of the derivative cells of the apical cell produce tetrahedral daughter apical cells by the first three or more oblique divisions. Roughly half of these apical cells give rise to the apical meristems of axes, whereas the other half do not. Various relative activities of the mother and daughter apical cells give rise to disordered branching patterns. In the ill-organized apical meristem as well as the leafless and capless structure, the Psilotum subterranean axis differs from the basic organs of vascular plants such as stem and root and seems to be an independent organ. The cell division pattern characteristic of the subterranean axis persists in the young unbranched aerial shoots, although fewer daughter apical cells are produced. Dichotomous branching of the aerial shoots, as in a variety of organs of pteridophytes, involves loss of the mother apical cell followed by appearance of two daughter apical cells.  相似文献   
FISHER, J. B. & EWERS, F. W., 1992. Xylem pathways in liana stems with variant secondary growth. The three-dimensional construction of stem xylem in tropical lianas (woody vines) was studied using several approaches: 1. observations of the xylem surface in stems with bark removed after NaOH treatment or natural retting; 2. reconstructions from serial transverse sections; 3. movement of dye solutions up isolated xylem sectors in intact plants, and 4. flow of dye solutions down branches and xylem sectors in isolated stem segments. Long distance (up to several metres) xylem pathways in unbranched stems and connections between lateral branches and main stems are described for !5 species in eight families which represented seven differnt patterns of secondary growth. The xylem in even the most complex stems is integrated by three-dimensional interconnections of xylem regions which may appear isolated in transverse section. Interconnections are most common at leaf and branch nodes. Some old stems have peripheral xylem that remains isolated over long distances in unbranched stems, but even these had structural and physiological interconnections between xylem regions at branch nodes.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequences of the Escherichia coli genome between the glycogen biosynthetic genes glgB and glgC, and 1170 bp of DNA which follows glgA have been determined. The region between glgB and glgC contains an open reading frame (ORF) of 1521 bp which we call glgX. This ORF is capable of coding for an Mr 56 684 protein. The deduced amino acid (aa) sequence for the putative product shows significant similarity to the E. coli glycogen branching enzyme, and to several different glucan hydrolases and transferases. The regions of sequence similarity include residues which have been reported to be involved in substrate binding and catalysis by taka-amylase. This suggests that the proposed product may catalyze hydrolysis or glycosyltransferase reactions. The cloned region which follows glgA contains an incomplete ORF (1149 bp), glgY, which appears to encode 383 aa of the N terminus of glycogen phosphorylase, based upon sequence similarity with the enzyme from rabbit muscle (47% identical aa residues) and with maltodextrin phosphorylase from E. coli (37% identical aa residues). Results suggest that neither ORF is required for glycogen biosynthesis. The localization of glycogen biosynthetic and degradative genes together in a cluster may facilitate the regulation of these systems in vivo.  相似文献   
Published data on mean rates of genetic divergence for a substantial number of protein molecules is used to examine the hypothetical effect of variations in these rates upon the expected relationship between evolutionary time and Nei's (1972, American Naturalist, 106: 283) genetic distance, D. Results indicate that at higher values D can be expected to deviate significantly from stochastic linearity with time. However, over the sort of time scale over which D values are normally estimated, deviation is slight and likely to be insignificant when compared to other potential sources of error. It is concluded that for most practical purposes interprotein differences in mean rates of amino acid substitution need not be taken into account when calibrating genetic distance estimates against evolutionary time.  相似文献   
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