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Soil organic carbon (SOC) change can be a major impact of land use change (LUC) associated with biofuel feedstock production. By collecting and analyzing data from worldwide field observations of major LUCs from cropland, grassland, and forest to lands producing biofuel crops (i.e. corn, switchgrass, Miscanthus, poplar, and willow), we were able to estimate SOC response ratios and sequestration rates and evaluate the effects of soil depth and time scale on SOC change. Both the amount and rate of SOC change were highly dependent on the specific land transition. Irrespective of soil depth or time horizon, cropland conversions resulted in an overall SOC gain of 6–14% relative to initial SOC level, while conversion from grassland or forest to corn (without residue removal) or poplar caused significant carbon loss (9–35%). No significant SOC changes were observed in land converted from grasslands or forests to switchgrass, Miscanthus, or willow. The SOC response ratios were similar in both 0–30 and 0–100 cm soil depths in most cases, suggesting SOC changes in deep soil and that use of top soil only for SOC accounting in biofuel life cycle analysis (LCA) might underestimate total SOC changes. Soil carbon sequestration rates varied greatly among studies and land transition types. Generally, the rates of SOC change tended to be the greatest during the 10 years following land conversion and had declined to approach 0 within about 20 years for most LUCs. Observed trends in SOC change were generally consistent with previous reports. Soil depth and duration of study significantly influence SOC change rates and so should be considered in carbon emission accounting in biofuel LCA. High uncertainty remains for many perennial systems and forest transitions, additional field trials, and modeling efforts are needed to draw conclusions about the site‐ and system‐specific rates and direction of change.  相似文献   
Aim Climate warming and increased wildfire activity are hypothesized to catalyse biogeographical shifts, reducing the resilience of fire‐prone forests world‐wide. Two key mechanisms underpinning hypotheses are: (1) reduced seed availability in large stand‐replacing burn patches, and (2) reduced seedling establishment/survival after post‐fire drought. We tested for regional evidence consistent with these mechanisms in an extensive fire‐prone forest biome by assessing post‐fire tree seedling establishment, a key indicator of forest resilience. Location Subalpine forests, US Rocky Mountains. Methods We analysed post‐fire tree seedling establishment from 184 field plots where stand‐replacing forest fires were followed by varying post‐fire climate conditions. Generalized linear mixed models tested how establishment rates varied with post‐fire drought severity and distance to seed source (among other relevant factors) for tree species with contrasting post‐fire regeneration adaptations. Results Total post‐fire tree seedling establishment (all species combined) declined sharply with greater post‐fire drought severity and with greater distance to seed sources (i.e. the interior of burn patches). Effects varied among key species groups. For conifers that dominate present‐day subalpine forests (Picea engelmannii, Abies lasiocarpa), post‐fire seedling establishment declined sharply with both factors. One exception was serotinous Pinus contorta, which did not vary with either factor. For montane species expected to move upslope under future climate change (Larix occidentalis, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Populus tremuloides) and upper treeline species (Pinus albicaulis), establishment was unrelated to either factor. Greater post‐fire tree seedling establishment on cooler/wetter aspects suggested local topographic refugia during post‐fire droughts. Main conclusions If future drought and wildfire patterns manifest as expected, post‐fire tree seedling establishment of species that currently characterize subalpine forests could be substantially reduced. Compensatory increases from lower montane and upper treeline species may partially offset these reductions, but our data suggest important near‐ to mid‐term shifts in the composition and structure of high‐elevation forests under continued climate warming and increased wildfire activity.  相似文献   
Tricin [5,7‐dihydroxy‐2‐(4‐hydroxy‐3,5‐dimethoxyphenyl)‐4H‐chromen‐4‐one], a flavone, was recently established as an authentic monomer in grass lignification that likely functions as a nucleation site. It is linked onto lignin as an aryl alkyl ether by radical coupling with monolignols or their acylated analogs. However, the level of tricin that incorporates into lignin remains unclear. Herein, three lignin characterization methods: acidolysis; thioacidolysis; and derivatization followed by reductive cleavage; were applied to quantitatively assess the amount of lignin‐integrated tricin. Their efficiencies at cleaving the tricin‐(4′–O–β)‐ether bonds and the degradation of tricin under the corresponding reaction conditions were evaluated. A hexadeuterated tricin analog was synthesized as an internal standard for accurate quantitation purposes. Thioacidolysis proved to be the most efficient method, liberating more than 91% of the tricin with little degradation. A survey of different seed‐plant species for the occurrence and content of tricin showed that it is widely distributed in the lignin from species in the family Poaceae (order Poales). Tricin occurs at low levels in some commelinid monocotyledon families outside the Poaceae, such as the Arecaceae (the palms, order Arecales) and Bromeliaceae (Poales), and the non‐commelinid monocotyledon family Orchidaceae (Orchidales). One eudicotyledon was found to have tricin (Medicago sativa, Fabaceae). The content of lignin‐integrated tricin is much higher than the extractable tricin level in all cases. Lignins, including waste lignin streams from biomass processing, could therefore provide a large and alternative source of this valuable flavone, reducing the costs, and encouraging studies into its application beyond its current roles.  相似文献   
吸收营养物质是植物根系的主要生理功能。氮素吸收是植物体内氮代谢的第一步, 也是最关键的一步。为了全面地认识亚高山针叶林在全球气候变化背景下对两种主要无机氮(NH4+和NO3-)吸收特点的变化, 该研究以川西亚高山针叶林优势树种——云杉(Picea asperata)和岷江冷杉(Abies fargesii var. faxoniana)为材料, 通过红外辐射加热器模拟增温, 利用非损伤微测技术(non-invasive micromeasurement technology)研究了这两个树种吸收NH4+和NO3-特点的变化, 同时还探究了NH4+和NO3- 之间的相互作用对植物吸收这两种离子的影响。研究结果显示: 在云杉根系中, NH4+和NO3-的最大吸收速率分别发生在距离根尖最顶端17-18 mm区域和17 mm处, 而岷江冷杉对这两种离子的最大吸收速率分别发生在距离根尖顶端11 mm和11.5 mm处。增温对云杉和岷江冷杉根系吸收NH4+和NO3-有促进作用。在增温条件下, NO3-能够促进云杉根系对NH4+的吸收, 而NH4+则抑制了其对NO3-的吸收。无论是否增温, 岷江冷杉对NH4+的吸收都不受NO3-的影响, 而在增温条件下, NH4+会抑制岷江冷杉对NO3-的吸收。  相似文献   
中国天然林保护、生态恢复与可持续经营的理论与技术   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
刘世荣  马姜明  缪宁 《生态学报》2015,35(1):212-218
全面总结了近年来中国在天然林保护与生态恢复的理论与技术实践方面所取得的研究进展。高度凝练出了天然林动态干扰与保育技术、典型退化天然林的生态恢复技术和天然林景观恢复与空间经营技术等三方面的创新成果,形成了天然林保护与生态恢复的理论与技术创新体系,对今后天然林保护、生态恢复与可持续经营进行了展望。  相似文献   
植物构型是植株构件在空间上的分配方式,反映了植物对环境的响应策略。通过对浙江天童太白山海拔差异很小的栲树(Castanopsis fargesii)、小叶青冈(Cyclobalanopsis gracilis)和云山青冈(Cyclobalanopsis sessilifolia)群落类型中所有植株的树高、树冠厚度、树冠面积、叶片聚集度、枝下高和距地45 cm基径等植物构型性状,以及树冠曝光指数、土壤含水率、空气温湿度、土壤p H值和风速6个环境因子的测定,分别分析乔灌木层植物构型性状及性状关系在3个群落间的变化规律。结果表明:(1)从栲树到小叶青冈至云山青冈群落,灌木层的树高、树冠厚度、枝下高和距地45 cm基径增加,叶片聚集度减小;乔木层的树高、树冠厚度、树冠面积、枝下高和距地45 cm基径均减小,叶片聚集度增大;(2)3个群落灌木层构型性状间显著相关(P0.001),而乔木层只在中低海拔群落存在相关性;(3)从栲树到小叶青冈至云山青冈群落,乔灌木层的冠层曝光指数显著增加(P0.05);(4)多元逐步回归表明,树冠曝光指数对灌木层构型性状变异的贡献最大,而风速、土壤含水率和p H值对乔木构型性状的变异起主导作用。综上得知,天童太白山乔灌木植物在不同群落间存在构型分异,植物对光资源的竞争是引起灌木构型在不同群落间变化的主要驱动因子,而对乔木植物,其构型变化更多受到风速和土壤含水量的影响。  相似文献   
As tropical forest fragmentation accelerates, scientists are concerned with the loss of species, particularly those that play important ecological roles. Because bats play a vital role as the primary seed dispersers in cleared areas, maintaining healthy bat populations is critical to natural forest regeneration. Observations of foraging bats suggest that many Neotropical fruit‐eating species have fairly general habitat requirements and can forage in many different kinds of disturbed vegetation; however, their roosting requirements may be quite different. To test whether or not general foraging requirements are matched by equally broad roosting requirements, we used radiotelemetry to locate roost sites of two common frugivorous bat species (Sturnira lilium and Artibeus intermedius) in a fragmented forest in southeastern Mexico. Sturnira lilium roosted inside tree cavities and selected large‐diameter roost trees in remnant patches of mature forest. Fewer than 2 percent of trees surveyed had a mean diameter equal to or greater than roost trees used by . S. lilium, Artibeus intermedius roosted externally on branches and vines and under palm leaves and selected roost trees of much smaller diameter. Compared to random trees, roost trees chosen by A. intermedius were closer to neighboring taller trees and also closer in height to these trees. Such trees likely provide cryptic roosts beneath multiple overlapping crowns, with sufficient shelter from predators and the elements. While males of A. intermedius generally roosted alone in small trees within secondary forest, females roosted in small groups in larger trees within mature forest and commuted more than three times farther than males to reach their roost sites. Loss of mature forest could impair the ability of frugivorous bats to locate suitable roost sites. This could have a negative impact on bat populations, which in turn could decrease forest regeneration in impacted areas.  相似文献   
调查了云南省4种植被下土壤真菌总数、木霉数量及种类分布特点.森林土壤中木霉相对数量约占土壤真菌总数的3~15%,并随不同样地、采样季节及土层而异,优势种类因不同林型土壤而异.钩状木霉分布广泛,尤其在热带雨林的土壤生境中占优势.哈茨木霉和黄绿木霉则分别在季风和半湿润常绿阔叶林土壤中出现频率较高.  相似文献   
A major aim of landscape genetics is to understand how landscapes resist gene flow and thereby influence population genetic structure. An empirical understanding of this process provides a wealth of information that can be used to guide conservation and management of species in fragmented landscapes and also to predict how landscape change may affect population viability. Statistical approaches to infer the true model among competing alternatives are based on the strength of the relationship between pairwise genetic distances and landscape distances among sampled individuals in a population. A variety of methods have been devised to quantify individual genetic distances, but no study has yet compared their relative performance when used for model selection in landscape genetics. In this study, we used population genetic simulations to assess the accuracy of 16 individual‐based genetic distance metrics under varying sample sizes and degree of population genetic structure. We found most metrics performed well when sample size and genetic structure was high. However, it was much more challenging to infer the true model when sample size and genetic structure was low. Under these conditions, we found genetic distance metrics based on principal components analysis were the most accurate (although several other metrics performed similarly), but only when they were derived from multiple principal components axes (the optimal number varied depending on the degree of population genetic structure). Our results provide guidance for which genetic distance metrics maximize model selection accuracy and thereby better inform conservation and management decisions based upon landscape genetic analysis.  相似文献   
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