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Like many other migratory birds, the black-throated blue warbler (Dendroica caerulescens) shows pronounced differences in migratory behaviour and other traits between populations: birds in the southern part of the breeding range have darker plumage and migrate to the eastern Caribbean during the winter, whereas those in the north have lighter plumage and migrate to the western Caribbean. We examined the phylogeography of this species, using samples collected from northern and southern populations, to determine whether differentiation between these populations dates to the Pleistocene or earlier, or whether differences in plumage and migratory behaviour have arisen more recently. We analysed variation at 369 bp of the mitochondrial control region domain I and also at seven nuclear microsatellites. Analyses revealed considerable genetic variation, but the vast majority of this variation was found within rather than between populations, and there was little differentiation between northern and southern populations. Phylogeographic analyses revealed a very shallow phylogenetic tree, a star-like haplotype network, and a unimodal mismatch distribution, all indicative of a recent range expansion from a single refugium. Coalescent modelling approaches also indicated a recent common ancestor for the entire group of birds analysed, no split between northern and southern populations, and high levels of gene flow. These results show that Pleistocene or earlier events have played little role in creating differences between northern and southern populations, suggesting that migratory and other differences between populations have arisen very recently. The implications of these results for the evolution of migration and defining taxonomic groups for conservation efforts are discussed.  相似文献   
气候变化对鄱阳湖白鹤越冬种群数量变化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了1983—2011年鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区越冬白鹤种群数量的年际变化趋势,检验了白鹤种群动态与繁殖地和越冬地气候变化的相关性,气候变量包括月平均气温、月平均最高气温、月平均最低气温和月降水量。研究结果表明,鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区内的白鹤年最大数量平均为(2 130±153)只,呈显著地线性增长趋势(R2=0.454,F=22.441,df=28,P=0.000),但年际波动较大。在越冬地,越冬当年10月、11月、12月的气候变量与白鹤种群数量没有显著的相关性,但越冬初期10月份和越冬后期翌年3月份的气温变量与第4年、第5年、第6年及第7年的白鹤种群数量存在显著的正相关,表明越冬地气候对白鹤种群大小的影响存在时滞效应。越冬初期和末期可能是白鹤补充能量的关键阶段,而且越冬初期的气候可能也与冬季食物的数量或质量相关,因此这两个阶段的适宜气温可能有利于个体尤其是幼鹤的存活,使更多的个体参加繁殖,由于白鹤的性成熟年龄在3—5a,因此其对白鹤种群增长的有利影响会在3a以后表现出来。白鹤种群数量变化与繁殖地繁殖期的降水量没有显著的相关性,而与7月份的气温变量存在显著的正相关。多元线性回归分析结果表明,6a前的10月份平均最低温度、2a前的10月最高温度及5a前的10月平均气温是白鹤种群数量变化的显著预测因子,共同解释了鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区白鹤种群数量变化的74.8%(F=23.807,df=27,P=0.000)。  相似文献   
节肢动物门是动物界最大的门,占整个动物种数的80%,全世界约有120万现存种。节肢动物在生长发育过程中会感染多种微生物,这些微生物会与其形成协同进化和互利共生的关系。内共生细菌是一类广泛分布于节肢动物体内的共生微生物,能够进行垂直传播和水平传播,对宿主的生长发育、生殖代谢、适应性、免疫功能和进化等诸多方面均具有重要的作用。目前,随着现代分子生物学理论和技术的发展,节肢动物内共生细菌相关研究主要集中在对其宿主的生殖调控功能、与其宿主、宿主寄主植物以及其宿主体内微生物和宿主天敌间互作关系等方面。因此,利用内共生细菌对昆虫种群动态的生殖调控功能,阻断热带蚊虫带来的疾病或植物病害的传播并对宿主昆虫进行种群压制或种群替换,可达到防控害虫的目的。本文从节肢动物内共生细菌的传播方式、对其宿主生物学效应以及内共生细菌与其宿主、宿主寄主植物、宿主天敌和宿主体内微生物互作关系等多方面进行概述,并对内共生细菌今后研究方向进行展望,以期为生物进化、物种形成和种群压制提供参考。  相似文献   
Individual dispersal,landscape connectivity and ecological networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Connectivity is classically considered an emergent property of landscapes encapsulating individuals' flows across space. However, its operational use requires a precise understanding of why and how organisms disperse. Such movements, and hence landscape connectivity, will obviously vary according to both organism properties and landscape features. We review whether landscape connectivity estimates could gain in both precision and generality by incorporating three fundamental outcomes of dispersal theory. Firstly, dispersal is a multi‐causal process; its restriction to an ‘escape reaction’ to environmental unsuitability is an oversimplification, as dispersing individuals can leave excellent quality habitat patches or stay in poor‐quality habitats according to the relative costs and benefits of dispersal and philopatry. Secondly, species, populations and individuals do not always react similarly to those cues that trigger dispersal, which sometimes results in contrasting dispersal strategies. Finally, dispersal is a major component of fitness and is thus under strong selective pressures, which could generate rapid adaptations of dispersal strategies. Such evolutionary responses will entail spatiotemporal variation in landscape connectivity. We thus strongly recommend the use of genetic tools to: (i) assess gene flow intensity and direction among populations in a given landscape; and (ii) accurately estimate landscape features impacting gene flow, and hence landscape connectivity. Such approaches will provide the basic data for planning corridors or stepping stones aiming at (re)connecting local populations of a given species in a given landscape. This strategy is clearly species‐ and landscape‐specific. But we suggest that the ecological network in a given landscape could be designed by stacking up such linkages designed for several species living in different ecosystems. This procedure relies on the use of umbrella species that are representative of other species living in the same ecosystem.  相似文献   
中国熊类资源数量估计及保护对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
我国熊类资源丰富,是多熊的国家之一.历史上,我国对熊类资源的猎捕利用,一直维持着较高的水平.然而,近百年来,特别是近50年来,由于人口增多,森林采伐,熊类的栖息条件发生了很大的变化,资源数量显著减少,分布区亦大大缩小,许多原来有熊地区现在已经无熊了,尤其是近10年来活熊取胆汁技术试验成功之后,城乡各地养熊取胆事业一时曾出现高潮,亦给野生种群带来很大的压力,因而,尽快查明熊类资源数量的现状已是急待解决的问题.依据近年的调查及若干重点产区的实地踏查,估计我国棕熊约有5900~7200只,黑熊17500~19500只,马来熊140只左右,本文讨论了数量分布特点、栖息地变化及保护对策  相似文献   
为了揭示珍稀濒危植物长白松(Pinus sylvestris var. sylvestriformis)天然种群生存压力状况,在全面调查长白山国家级自然保护区长白松分布的基础上,基于邻体干扰模型,引入树高、冠幅、方位等因子,提出3种生存压力指数:个体生存压力指数、种群生存压力指数和群落生存压力指数,分析天然长白松所处6种群落类型中的生存压力。结果表明:长白松承受群落生存压力(PI)从大到小依次为:白桦-臭冷杉群落(PI=21.532)、红松-长白松群落(PI=14.185)、白桦群落(PI=13.262)、臭冷杉-长白松群落(PI=8.752)、长白落叶松-鱼鳞云杉群落(PI=7.780)和蒙古栎群落(PI=5.440)。多重比较单向方差分析表明,6种群落类型中长白松生存压力总体上差异明显,白桦-臭冷杉群落中长白松生存压力最大,显著高于其他5种群落;竞争树种主要为长白落叶松、红松、长白松、山杨和白桦,这5个树种生存压力大小占群落生存压力的87%;红松-长白松群落和白桦群落中长白松生存压力无明显差异,但显著高于臭冷杉-长白松群落、长白落叶松-鱼鳞云杉群落和蒙古栎群落;臭冷杉-长白松群落、长白落叶松-鱼鳞云杉群落和蒙古栎群落中长白松生存压力相对较小,彼此无明显差异。长白松生存压力与其所处植物群落演替阶段及其龄级结构有关。目前,保护区采取严格保护和管理方式不完全有利于长白松种群的稳定发展。根据长白松种群所处的植物群落生境特点、种群生存压力状况并结合种群年龄结构特征,针对不同群落类型提出相应抚育措施建议以期为长白松天然种群的保护提供参考。  相似文献   
Climate is one of the most important drivers for adaptive evolution in forest trees. Climatic selection contributes greatly to local adaptation and intraspecific differentiation, but this kind of selection could also have promoted interspecific divergence through ecological speciation. To test this hypothesis, we examined intra‐ and interspecific genetic variation at 25 climate‐related candidate genes and 12 reference loci in two closely related pine species, Pinus massoniana Lamb. and Pinus hwangshanensis Hisa, using population genetic and landscape genetic approaches. These two species occur in Southeast China but have contrasting ecological preferences in terms of several environmental variables, notably altitude, although hybrids form where their distributions overlap. One or more robust tests detected signals of recent and/or ancient selection at two‐thirds (17) of the 25 candidate genes, at varying evolutionary timescales, but only three of the 12 reference loci. The signals of recent selection were species specific, but signals of ancient selection were mostly shared by the two species likely because of the shared evolutionary history. FST outlier analysis identified six SNPs in five climate‐related candidate genes under divergent selection between the two species. In addition, a total of 24 candidate SNPs representing nine candidate genes showed significant correlation with altitudinal divergence in the two species based on the covariance matrix of population history derived from reference SNPs. Genetic differentiation between these two species was higher at the candidate genes than at the reference loci. Moreover, analysis using the isolation‐with‐migration model indicated that gene flow between the species has been more restricted for climate‐related candidate genes than the reference loci, in both directions. Taken together, our results suggest that species‐specific and divergent climatic selection at the candidate genes might have counteracted interspecific gene flow and played a key role in the ecological divergence of these two closely related pine species.  相似文献   
Field and growth chamber experiments were conducted to determine the effect of five initial densities (Pi - 20 - 240/100 cm³ soil) of Meloidogyne hapla on carrot development and yield of storage roots at maturity. Carrots growing in infested and noninfested organic soil were harvested after 15, 29, 44, 59, and 106 days of growth in controlled environment chambers and after l l 0 days in field plots. Nematodes affected weight of roots and foliage, weight and length of the storage portion of tap roots, and induced malformations (forking), galling, and hairiness of tap roots. In most cases the data could not be represented satisfactorily by the exponential model of Seinhorst: y = m + (l-m) ZP-t. In growth chambers the weight of mature storage roots was not correlated to initial nematode density, but there was a significant negative correlation between weight of storage roots and initial nematode density in field plots. Tolerance levels were calculated as points where the regression lines reached the growth level on noninoculated plants. The tolerance levels of foliage were higher than those of roots, and increased with age of plants. The tolerance level of marketable weight in field plots, average crop value, and a hypothetical control cost function are used to discuss the possibility of optimizing chemical control of root-knot nematode in organic soils.  相似文献   
褐飞虱、白背飞虱种间、种内密度制约效应研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以高感品种TN1为材料.研究了褐飞虱、白背飞虱成、若虫密度对种群的制约效应。实验表明,单虫种一龄善虫密度15头/株和30头/株相比.褐飞虱成虫的羽化率、短翘率、体长和若虫历期均无明显差异,但成虫雌性比率前高;白背飞虱成虫羽化率前比后高21.22%.短翘率高15.25%。在两种飞虱一龄若虫密度30、45、60头/株等虫量混合组配下,褐飞虱成虫羽化率60头/株比30头/株下降28%,白背飞虱若虫历期以30头/株最长。在总虫量为30头/株时,种内(30头/株)和种间(15:15头/株)比.白背飞虱种内处理成虫羽化率高36.83%.昔虫历期短;褐飞虱以种内处理成虫短翘率高。从产卵位点来看.褐飞虱喜产在稻株叶鞘中下部厚肉组织上,白背飞虱以叶脉基部产卵为主.成虫密度2、4、8对/株3处理,其叶鞘、叶脉上的平均卵块变小;10天内的平均卵量亦减步。同密度下,种间组合比种内组合的产卵量多。从各指标对密度反应来看,褐飞虱比白背飞虱更耐拥挤。  相似文献   
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