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Landscape structure can affect dispersal and gene flow in a species. In urban areas, buildings, roads, and small habitat patches make the landscape highly fragmented and can inhibit movement and affect dispersal behavior. Similarly, in rural forested areas, large open areas, such as fields, may act as barriers to movement. We studied how landscape structure affects natal dispersal distances of Eurasian red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) in an urban area and a rural area in Finland, by monitoring juvenile red squirrels with radio telemetry. We observed extremely long dispersal distances—up to 16 km—in the rural study area, but shorter distances—on average only half a kilometer—in the urban study area. The landscape structure affected the eventual dispersal paths; in the rural landscape, dispersers favored spruce dominated areas and avoided fields along their dispersal route, although they occasionally even crossed wide fields. In the urban landscape, squirrels preferred areas with deciduous or coniferous trees. The movement steps made by dispersers were longer in the more hostile landscape compared to forested areas. Despite these effects on movement path, the landscape structure only had a minor effect on straight line dispersal distances moved from the natal nest. In other words, individuals moved longer distances and were likely to circumvent barriers in their path, but this did not affect how far they settled from their natal home. This result indicates that, although landscape structure has obvious effects on movement, it still may have only a small effect on other aspects of the population, for example, gene flow.  相似文献   
Abstract: We related winter habitat selection by Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis), relative abundance of snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus), and understory stem densities to evaluate whether lynx select stands with the greatest snowshoe hare densities or the greatest prey accessibility. Lynx (3 F, 3 M) selected tall (4.4-7.3 m) regenerating clear-cuts (11-26 yr postharvest) and established partially harvested stands (11-21 yr postharvest) and selected against short (3.4-4.3 m) regenerating clear-cuts, recent partially harvested stands (1-10 yr), mature second-growth stands (>40 yr), and roads and their edges (30 m on either side of roads). Lynx selected stands that provided intermediate to high hare density and intermediate cover for hares (i.e., prey access) but exhibited lower relative preference for stand types with highest hare densities where coniferous saplings exceeded 14,000 stems/ha.  相似文献   
Pamilo P 《Molecular ecology》2004,13(10):3257-3259
A reanalysis of the existing genotypic data shows that they are compatible with the hypothesis that the present-day Scandinavian lynx represents a recent expansion from a single source. This contradicts earlier conclusions. The difference arises when it is assumed that the expansion and colonization have been stochastic processes and that the populations may not be at a drift-migration equilibrium.  相似文献   
水獭是水生生态系统重要的指示种和旗舰种, 由于强烈的人为干扰, 中国的水獭种群数量大幅下降, 部分区域已局部灭绝。然而目前国内对水獭的调查和研究非常有限, 本底不清的状况已经严重影响到水獭的野外保育工作。本文以东北地区的欧亚水獭指名亚种(Lutra lutra lutra)为研究对象, 基于2016-2020年的调查数据, 使用组合建模的方法评估了水獭的潜在分布区; 利用地理信息系统和系统保护规划软件分析了水獭的保护优先区并计算了各省级行政区内水獭潜在分布区和保护优先区面临的人类压力; 结合国家级自然保护区的空间布局分析了水獭的保护现状, 并以内蒙古森工集团、大兴安岭林业集团、伊春森工集团三大国有林区为例分析了重点国有林区在水獭保护中的作用。结果表明: (1)水獭潜在分布区和保护优先区面积分别为104,515.04 km2和45,448.99 km2, 其中大兴安岭的水獭保护优先区集中连片, 并与小兴安岭的保护优先区相连, 栖息地之间没有明显地理隔离, 是维持东北地区水獭种群稳定的重中之重; (2)水獭面临的人类压力大小依次为: 辽宁 > 吉林 > 黑龙江 > 内蒙古; (3)研究区内110个国家级自然保护区中有63个包含水獭潜在分布区, 覆盖面积为12,168.93 km2, 仅占水獭潜在分布区面积的11.64%, 其中32个国家级自然保护区包含水獭保护优先区, 占水獭保护优先区面积的10.88%; (4)三大国有林区涵盖了71.18%的水獭潜在分布区和79.26%的保护优先区(面积分别为74,390.89 km2和36,022.22 km2)。由此可见, 尽管水獭潜在分布区中国家级自然保护区占比较低, 但是在天然林全面禁伐的背景下, 重点国有林区可能在未来东北地区的生物多样性保护中发挥更大作用, 因此我们建议将重点国有林区中具有重要保护价值的区域逐步纳入以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系中, 以实现生物多样性的系统性和完整性保护。最后, 本文结合研究结果和实地调研提出以下保护建议: (1)加强对河流污染物的管理; (2)控制渔民捕鱼强度; (3)开展全面的水獭专项调查并建立长期的监测体系; (4)加大对水獭的科研投入; (5)加强宣传力度, 提升公众保护意识。  相似文献   
In regions with thousands of lakes, large scale regional macrophyte surveys are rarely done due to logistical difficulties and high costs. We examined whether remote sensing can be used for regional monitoring of macrophytes in inland lakes using a field study of 13 lakes in Michigan, USA (nine model development lakes and four model testing lakes). Our objectives were: (1) to determine if different levels of macrophyte cover, different growth forms or specific species could be detected using the Landsat-5 TM sensor, and (2) to determine if we could improve predictions of macrophyte abundance and distribution in lakes by including sediment type or measures of water clarity (Secchi disk transparency, chlorophyll a, phytoplankton biovolume, or water color) in our models. Using binomial and multinomial logistic regression models, we found statistically significant relationships between most macrophyte measures and Landsat-5 TM values in the nine model development lakes (percent concordant values: 58–97%). Additionally, we found significant correlations between three lake characteristics and the TM values within lake pelagic zones, despite the inability of these variables to improve model predictions. However, model validation using four lakes was generally low, suggesting caution in applying these models to other lakes. Although the initial model development results suggest that remote sensing is a potentially promising tool for regionally assessing macrophytes, more research is necessary to refine the models in order for them to be applied to unsampled lakes.  相似文献   
Yuri B. Okolodkov   《Harmful algae》2005,4(2):351-369
The global distributional patterns are presented for 14 toxic and potentially toxic dinoflagellate species (PSP, DSP, yessotoxin, azaspiracid and their analogues, ichthyotoxic and haemolytic compound producers) recorded from the Eurasian Arctic and which have caused harmful blooms elsewhere. The distributional patterns are based on materials collected during 28 expeditions to the Eurasian Arctic during the period from 1976 to 1999 (1810 samples from 539 stations) and about 500 literary sources. All Russian literature on the occurrences of dinoflagellates in the Eurasian Arctic was analyzed and relevant references are given.  相似文献   
The application of species distribution models (SDMs) to areas outside of where a model was created allows informed decisions across large spatial scales, yet transferability remains a challenge in ecological modeling. We examined how regional variation in animal‐environment relationships influenced model transferability for Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis), with an additional conservation aim of modeling lynx habitat across the northwestern United States. Simultaneously, we explored the effect of sample size from GPS data on SDM model performance and transferability. We used data from three geographically distinct Canada lynx populations in Washington (n = 17 individuals), Montana (n = 66), and Wyoming (n = 10) from 1996 to 2015. We assessed regional variation in lynx‐environment relationships between these three populations using principal components analysis (PCA). We used ensemble modeling to develop SDMs for each population and all populations combined and assessed model prediction and transferability for each model scenario using withheld data and an extensive independent dataset (n = 650). Finally, we examined GPS data efficiency by testing models created with sample sizes of 5%–100% of the original datasets. PCA results indicated some differences in environmental characteristics between populations; models created from individual populations showed differential transferability based on the populations'' similarity in PCA space. Despite population differences, a single model created from all populations performed as well, or better, than each individual population. Model performance was mostly insensitive to GPS sample size, with a plateau in predictive ability reached at ~30% of the total GPS dataset when initial sample size was large. Based on these results, we generated well‐validated spatial predictions of Canada lynx distribution across a large portion of the species'' southern range, with precipitation and temperature the primary environmental predictors in the model. We also demonstrated substantial redundancy in our large GPS dataset, with predictive performance insensitive to sample sizes above 30% of the original.  相似文献   
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