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The submerged aquatic plant Myriophyllum spicatum L. (Eurasian water milfoil) has been suggested as an efficient plant species for the treatment of metal-contaminated industrial wastewater. The process of metal removal by plants involves a combination of rapid sorption on the surface and slow accumulation and translocation in the biomass. This study focussed on the sorption/desorption characteristics of the surface of M. spicatum for Co, Cu, Ni and Zn. Batch sorption tests with mixed metal solutions covering a range of 0, 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 mg l−1 of each metal, were performed. For Co, Ni and Zn, the sorption process was well described by the Langmuir model, whereas sorption of Cu was better described by the Freundlich model. The biomass showed the highest affinity for Cu and Zn. Langmuir sorption maxima of Co, Ni and Zn were 2.3, 3.0 and 6.8 mg g−1 DM, respectively. At the highest initial concentration of 100 mg l−1, a maximum of 29 mg g−1 DM of Cu was sorbed onto the surface of the biomass. Desorption by 0.1 M HCl did not fully recover the metals sorbed onto the surface and there was evidence of leaching from within the biomass. Recovery of heavy metals and regeneration of the biomass by washing with 0.1 M HCl was therefore not suggested as a viable strategy.  相似文献   
利用切片方法观察了猞猁Felislynx肝脏的组织结构,应用免疫组织化学方法检测了表皮生长因子(EGF)在肝脏中的表达。结果显示,肝脏外被覆一层结缔组织薄膜,肝小叶不规则且分界不清,肝板、肝血窦及狄氏间隙围绕中央静脉呈放射状排列,肝板由一排肝细胞构成。肝细胞呈圆形或多边形,多为单核,少数具双核,肝细胞间比较松散。肝血窦发达,内可见血细胞。EGF阳性反应主要定位于肝细胞质中,表明EGF可能参与细胞新陈代谢过程的调控。  相似文献   
We examined the ability of lake and landscape features to predict a variety of macrophyte cover metrics using 54 north temperate lakes. We quantified submersed cover, emergent cover, floating leaf cover, Eurasian watermilfoil cover and total macrophyte cover. Measured lake features included lake physio-chemical and morphometric variables and landscape features included hydrologic, catchment and land use/cover variables. Univariate regression analyses demonstrated that these macrophyte cover metrics are predicted by a wide range of predictor variables, most commonly by: Secchi disk depth, maximum or mean depth, catchment morphometry, road density and the proportion of urban or agricultural land use/cover in the riparian zone or catchment (r2 = 0.06–0.46). Using a combination of lake and landscape features in multiple regressions, we were able to explain 29–55% of the variation in macrophyte cover metrics. Total macrophyte cover and submersed cover were related to Secchi disk depth and mean depth, whereas the remaining metrics were best predicted by including at least one land use/cover variable (road density, proportion local catchment agriculture land use/cover, proportion cumulative catchment urban land use/cover, or proportion riparian agriculture land use/cover). The two main conclusions from our research are: (1) that different macrophyte growth forms and species are predicted by a different suite of variables and thus should be examined separately, and (2) that anthropogenic landscape features may override patterns in natural landscape or local features and are important in predicting present-day macrophytes in lakes.  相似文献   
作为入侵物种,北美水貂(Neovison vison)在欧洲引起了一系列生态问题,侵占了欧亚水獭(Lutra lutra)的生态空间,其入侵性对当地生物多样性和生态系统构成了严重威胁。水貂引入我国东北地区已有70多年的历史,然而国内对其野外种群却鲜有研究。掌握水貂种群的入侵范围、入侵影响因素以及与本地具有相似生态位的欧亚水獭之间的竞争关系,对水貂的入侵管理和东北地区的生物多样性保护具有重要意义。本研究利用实地调查和文献资料获取的分布信息,通过集合模型识别水貂和水獭的潜在分布区,评估水貂对水獭在地理空间上的入侵风险,并通过主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)评估其生态位重叠和影响因素。结果表明:(1)我国东北地区水貂的潜在分布区面积为61,944.57 km2,水獭的潜在分布区面积为83,590.94 km2,两者重叠区域面积为50,544.21 km2,占水獭潜在分布区面积的60.47%;(2)从各省分布情况来看,黑龙江省水獭受水貂入侵的风险最高,潜在分布区重叠的比例达到78.9...  相似文献   
Question: How is tundra vegetation related to climatic, soil chemical, geological variables and grazing across a very large section of the Eurasian arctic area? We were particularly interested in broad‐scale vegetation‐environment relationships and how well do the patterns conform to climate‐vegetation schemes. Material and Methods: We sampled vegetation in 1132 plots from 16 sites from different parts of the Eurasian tundra. Clustering and ordination techniques were used for analysing compositional patterns. Vegetation‐environment relationships were analysed by fitting of environmental vectors and smooth surfaces onto non‐metric multidimensional scaling scattergrams. Results: Dominant vegetation differentiation was associated with a complex set of environmental variables. A general trend differentiated cold and continental areas from relatively warm and weakly continental areas, and several soil chemical and physical variables were associated with this broad‐scaled differentiation. Especially soil chemical variables related to soil acidity (pH, Ca) showed linear relationships with the dominant vegetation gradient. This was closely related to increasing cryoperturbation, decreasing precipitation and cooler conditions. Remarkable differences among relatively adjacent sites suggest that local factors such as geological properties and lemming grazing may strongly drive vegetation differentiation. Conclusions: Vegetation differentiation in tundra areas conforms to a major ecocline underlain by a complex set of environmental gradients, where precipitation, thermal conditions and soil chemical and physical processes are coupled. However, local factors such as bedrock conditions and lemming grazing may cause marked deviations from the general climate‐vegetation models. Overall, soil chemical factors (pH, Ca) turned out to have linear relationship with the broad‐scale differentiation of arctic vegetation.  相似文献   
Abstract Effectively managing habitat for threatened populations of Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) requires knowledge of habitat conditions that provide for the ecological needs of lynx. We snow-tracked lynx to identify habitat conditions associated with hunting behavior and predation during winters of 2002–2003 and 2003–2004 in the northern Cascade Range in Washington state, USA. We recorded number and success of predation attempts, prey species killed, and trail sinuosity on 149 km of lynx trails. Lynx killed snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus), red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), and cricetids more than expected in Englemann spruce (Picea engelmannii) and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) forests, where snowshoe hare densities were highest. Lynx killed prey less than expected in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests and forest openings. We used the sinuosity of lynx trails as an index of quality of habitat hunted. Lynx trails that included predation attempts were more sinuous than trail segments without predation attempts. Lynx trails had greater sinuosity in forest stands with high hare densities dominated by Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir than in stands with low hare densities dominated by Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine or in forest openings. We encourage forest managers to maintain or create sufficient understory cover to support high densities of snowshoe hares as foraging habitat for lynx.  相似文献   
The reproductive status of female otters ( Lutra lutra ) was determined from an examination of 518 carcasses collected from Eastern Germany between 1950 and 2001. In Germany otters mate throughout the year. Significant seasonal differences are evident with a distinct peak in summer. Females were in breeding condition between the ages of three and 15 years, with the majority between six and nine years. The mean litter size at birth was 2.36, which was the lowest when compared with other inland populations. There were no significant differences in litter size for regions, seasons or age. Prenatal losses account for 26.31%. The mortality between birth and first appearance of cubs following their mother is about 29%. An effective reproduction rate of 78.4% was deduced from the known age structure of the sample and the proportion of breeding females. Reproductively active females show a significantly higher body condition than non-reproductive females. Following these investigations into breeding status, suggestions on reproductive output and the life history of the otter are discussed.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77 , 329–340.  相似文献   
Mobbing behaviour against predators is well documented but less is known about the factors influencing variation in behavioural response between prey species. We conducted a series of playback experiments to examine how the mobbing responses of prey species differed according to their relative risk of predation by the Eurasian Pygmy Owl Glaucidium passerinum, a predator of passerines. We found that mobbing among 22 passerine prey species was positively correlated with their prevalence in the Pygmy Owl diet. To compare mobbing behaviour between two seasons, we conducted playback experiments during spring (breeding season) and autumn (non‐breeding season). Contrary to previous studies, we found that mobbing intensity was greater during autumn than in spring. Our study shows a differential mobbing response of 22 species to the calls from one predator species and underscores the importance of considering seasonal variation in mobbing behaviour. Mobbing response differences observed among bird species strongly suggest different cooperation behaviour at the community level.  相似文献   
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