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Humans'' predictions of another person''s behaviour are regularly influenced by what they themselves might know or want. In a previous study, we found that male Eurasian jays (Garrulus glandarius) could cater for their female partner''s current desire when sharing food with her. Here, we tested the extent to which the males'' decisions are influenced by their own current desire. When the males'' and female''s desires matched, males correctly shared the food that was desired by both. When the female''s desire differed from their own, the males'' decisions were not entirely driven by their own desires, suggesting that males also took the female''s desire into account. Thus, the male jays'' decisions about their mates'' desires are partially biased by their own desire and might be based upon similar processes as those found in humans.  相似文献   
Urbanization is currently considered one of the most rapid types of global environmental change. More and more wildlife species are subject to increasing anthropogenic disturbance, but only some of them adapt to become successful urban exploiters. Although a number of fixed life history characteristics may enhance population persistence in an urbanized landscape, behavioural traits are thought to be critical for colonization of a novel urban environment. Within the class of birds, behavioural responses to urban environment have been assessed mostly for passerine species. Here, I examined behavioural alterations in a recently founded urban population of a reed‐nesting rallid species, the Eurasian coot Fulica atra. I found that urban coots adapted to nest in anthropogenically transformed littoral zones with scarce or no emergent vegetation, which precluded efficient nest concealment. Despite this, urban individuals spent, on average, less time incubating due to more frequent bouts off the nest than suburban conspecifics. This pattern was likely possible due to the relaxation of predation pressure in the colonized urban environment. Urban birds were also more aggressive, approached a human intruder at the nest more closely and were more likely to actively defend their nests. Finally, they had a reduced level of physiological stress (as measured with heterophil/lymphocyte ratio) when compared with suburban individuals. In conclusion, the behaviour of coots from the recently founded urban population was consistent with behavioural syndromes found in typical urban exploiters. The results support the central role of behavioural adaptation in successful colonization of novel environments by wildlife.  相似文献   
Semi‐aquatic mammals have secondarily returned to the aquatic environment, although they spend a major part of their life operating in air. Moving both on land, as well as in, and under water is challenging because such species are considered to be imperfectly adapted to both environments. We deployed accelerometers combined with a depth sensor to study the diving behavior of 12 free‐living Eurasian beavers Castor fiber in southeast Norway between 2009 and 2011 to examine the extent to which beavers conformed with mass‐dependent dive capacities, expecting them to be poorer than wholly aquatic species. Dives were generally shallow (<1 m) and of short duration (<30 s), suggesting that the majority of dives were aerobic. Dive parameters such as maximum diving depth, dive duration, and bottom phase duration were related to the effort during different dive phases and the maximum depth reached. During the descent, mean vectorial dynamic body acceleration (VeDBA—a proxy for movement power) was highest near the surface, probably due to increased upthrust linked to fur‐ and lung‐associated air. Inconsistently though, mean VeDBA underwater was highest during the ascent when this air would be expected to help drive the animals back to the surface. Higher movement costs during ascents may arise from transporting materials up, the air bubbling out of the fur, and/or the animals’ exhaling during the bottom phase of the dive. In a manner similar to other homeotherms, beavers extended both dive and bottom phase durations with diving depth. Deeper dives tended to have a longer bottom phase, although its duration was shortened with increased VeDBA during the bottom phase. Water temperature did not affect diving behavior. Overall, the beavers’ dive profile (depth, duration) was similar to other semi‐aquatic freshwater divers. However, beavers dived for only 2.8% of their active time, presumably because they do not rely on diving for food acquisition.  相似文献   
Oviposition site selection and embryo mortality in perch   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Egg strands of perch Perca fluviatilis around the margins of a lake were associated significantly with submerged vegetation. The proportion of dead embryos was significantly higher in egg strands deposited directly on the lake bottom than those on submerged vegetation.  相似文献   
Sex role reversal in birds is usually associated with paternalcare of both eggs and chicks. This pattern of care typicallyleads to the potential rate of reproduction of males being lowerthan that of females. Hence, operational sex-ratio theory predictsthat each male should be under strong selection to avoid beingcuckolded. A male should, therefore, guard his female partner(s)from extrapair copulation attempts by other males. Furthermore,the sexual conflict theory of copulation behavior predicts thatin species with extensive paternal care the male should controlthe temporal pattern of copulations—copulations shouldoccur both frequently and throughout the prelaying period. Wetested these predictions in the Eurasian dotterel (Charadriusmorinsllus), in which the male usually provides all the parentalcare. In accordance with the first prediction, male dotterelsdid "guard" their pair-female prior to egg-laying. Contraryto the second prediction, however, copulations were not frequentand did not occur throughout the pre-laying phase-despite frequentsolicitation by the female, copulations only occurred immediatelyprior to egg-laying. Nevertheless, male-initiated courtshipwas both coincident with the pattern of copulations and morelikely than female-initiated courtship to result in copulation.Our results do, therefore, appear to agree with the centralprediction of the sexual conflict theory that males should controlthe pattern of copulations. We suggest that male dotterels willcopulate only after several days of being paired because theyface a duel risk of cuckoldry from both extrapair copulationand rapid mate switching. We tested the realized incidence ofcuckoldry using DNA fingerprinting. Only 4.6% (2/44) of chickswere not the genetic offspring of the caring male correspondingto 9.1% (2/22) broods affected. The rate of extrapair paternityin the dotterel is, therefore, relatively low compared to thatin many other avian species. We conclude that male dotterelssuccessfully protect their paternity of the brood for whichthey care through a combined strategy of mate guarding and strategictiming of copulations.  相似文献   
Aim The annual and circadian rhythms and duration of activity of Eurasian badger Meles meles (Linnaeus 1758) were studied in a low‐density population inhabiting the primeval woodland in the European temperate zone. Results were compared with available data from the literature on seasonal changes in body mass and winter inactivity of badgers from across the Palaearctic region. Location Field work was carried out in Bia?owie?a Primeval Forest, eastern Poland. Biogeographical variation was reviewed based on twenty‐three localities in the Palaearctic region (from Western Europe to Central Siberia). Methods Thirteen badgers were radio‐collared in 1997–2001. Their circadian activity was sampled by 24‐h sessions of continuous radio‐tracking with location taken at 15‐min intervals. Annual activity was studied by radio‐tracking and inspections of setts. Earthworm (badgers’ main food) biomass was estimated in four types of habitats throughout the year. Results Badgers were nocturnal with one long bout of activity. Their rhythms of diel activity differed between spring and autumn, and between adult and subadult individuals. On average, badgers emerged from setts at 19:00 hours and returned to them at 03:42 hours. The highest level of activity was recorded between 20:00 and 03:00 hours. Duration of daily activity was, on average, 8.2 h day?1, but varied significantly between seasons. The seasonal changes were inversely related to the abundance of earthworms. Duration of activity also depended on daily temperature, especially in the cold season. In winter, badgers stayed inactive for an average of 96 days per year. In autumn, they built fat reserves and their body mass nearly doubled compared with the spring values. The literature review on annual cycle of activity and body mass changes in Eurasian badgers showed that fat storage and duration of winter sleep strongly depended on climate (best approximated by January mean temperature). In regions with warm climates, badgers were active year round and their body mass changed only slightly, while in regions with severe winters badgers increased their body mass twofold from spring to autumn, and stayed inactive for as long as 6 months per year. Main conclusion We propose that, in the temperate and boreal zones of the Palaearctic region, the ultimate determinant of biogeographical variation in badgers’ annual activity is the winter shortage of earthworms, which are the main component of badger diet.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to present a review of current knowledge concerning the Paleolithic records and the related natural environmental setting in the Eurasian Far East and Hokkaido, located at the northern tip of the Japanese islands. At present, it is quite difficult to answer whether the archaic humans dispersed from Siberia and northern China across the Amur River basin and Sakhalin into Hokkaido or not, because there is no reliable evidence indicating the Lower and Middle Paleolithic in Hokkaido. We demonstrate that the Upper Paleolithic assemblages in Hokkaido can be divided into at least three phases such as the early Upper Paleolithic (EUP), the middle Upper Paleolithic (MUP), and the late Upper Paleolithic (LUP), based on a synthesis of available radiocarbon dates and the techno-typological characteristics of lithic assemblages. It is reasonable to suggest that the lithic assemblage from the Rubenosawa site, located in northern Hokkaido, and some of lithic assemblages at the transition from the Middle to Upper Paleolithic or the initial Upper Paleolithic (IUP) in Siberia share the relative similarities of techno-typological attributes in the reduction sequences, although the reliable radiocarbon dates have not been obtained from the Rubenosawa site unfortunately. Also, the emergence of microblade technology at the MUP in Hokkaido, such as represented by the microblade assemblage recovered from the Kashiwadai-1 site, central Hokkaido, indicates a close interaction between the Eurasian Far East and Hokkaido. As a result, the comparison of archaeological evidence in these regions provides us with a suggestion that the appearance and development of the Upper Paleolithic assemblages in Hokkaido were sometimes associated with the human dispersions and the mutual contacts crossing between the Eurasian Far East and Hokkaido.  相似文献   
The alleged presence of non-native felid species in the British countryside – popularly, though in part erroneously, known as ‘British big cats’ or ‘alien big cats’ – is a long-standing and controversial topic, perennially of interest to both the mass media and amateur naturalists, and with little apparent acceptance from the technical zoological community. Nevertheless, a number of carcasses and captured live specimens have demonstrated the occasional presence within the region of escapees that potentially explain at least some ‘British big cat’ eyewitness records. We report here the existence of a probable Canada lynx, Lynx canadensis, shot in Newton Abbot, Devon, England, in or prior to 1903, and then accessioned to Bristol Museum and Art Gallery. The specimen (represented by extensive skeletal material and a stuffed taxidermy mount) is Bobcat-like in some respects but is identified as a Canada lynx on the basis of skeletal morphology with a high degree of support; attempts to extract DNA were unsuccessful. Stable strontium isotope analysis supports either a recent introduction from western Canada or long-term acclimation to the local area of Devon where it was collected. Although the specimen was undoubtedly an ‘alien’ (an escapee or release from a collection), it is significant as material evidence in demonstrating, for the first time, the presence of a wild-caught, feral, exotic felid dating to the early years of the twentieth century.  相似文献   
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