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Summary In order to produce fertile somatic hybrids, mesophyll protoplasts from eggplant were electrofused with those from one of its close related species, Solanum aethiopicum L. Aculeatum group. On the basis of differences in the cultural behavior of the parental and hybrid protoplasts, 35 somatic hybrid plants were recovered from 85 selected calli. When taken to maturity either in the greenhouse or in the field, the hybrid plants were vigorous, all rapidly overtopping parental individuals. The putative hybrids were intermediate with respect to morphological traits, and all of their organs were larger, particularly the leaves and stems. DNA analysis of the hybrids using flow cytometry in combination with cytological analysis showed that 32 were tetraploids, 1 hexaploid and 2 mixoploids. The hybrid nature of the 35 selected plants was confirmed by a comparison of the isoenzyme patterns of isocitrate dehydrogenase (Idh), 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-Pgd) and phosphoglucomutase (Pgm). Chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) restriction analysis using Bam HI revealed that among the 27 hybrid plants analyzed, 10 had S. aethiopicum patterns and the 17 remaining hybrids exhibited bands identical with those of eggplant without any changes. All of the somatic hybrid plants flowered. Both parental plants had 94% stainable pollen, while the hybrids varied widely in pollen viability ranging from 30% to 85%. The somatic hybrids showed high significant variation in fruit production. Nevertheless, there was a tendency for low fertility to be associated often with S. aethiopicum chloroplast type and/or with an abnormal ploidy level, while good fertility was mostly associated with the tetraploid level and eggplant chloroplasts. Interestingly, 2 tetraploid somatic hybrid clones were among the most productive, yielding up to 9 kg/plant. As far as the fertility of the F1 sexual counterpart was concerned, only 2 fruits of 50 g were obtained. Hybrid fertility in relation to phylogenetic affinities of the fusion partners is discussed.  相似文献   
A series of six chimeric proteins, composed of fragments corresponding to either one or the other of the growth factor-associated mouse glandular kallikreins-epidermal growth factor binding protein (EGF-BP) and the gamma-subunit of nerve growth factor (gamma-NGF)--were expressed in Escherichia coli and isolated, and their kinetic properties were characterized. The assembly of these synthetic proteases involved the substitution of regions of the proteins containing four specific surface loops that have been postulated to influence both kinetic specificity and the formation of growth factor complexes. The substrates utilized in the kinetic characterization of these chimeric kallikreins were tripeptide nitroanilides representing carboxyl termini of both the EGF and beta-NGF mature hormones, putative processing sites for these kallikreins in the precursors. Characterization of these hybrid enzymes demonstrates that Km and kcat kinetic constants may be independently affected by the regions utilized in construction of these chimeric kallikreins. Specifically, loop 1, located in the amino terminal region (Bode, W., et al., J. Mol. Biol. 164, 237-282, 1983), in gamma-NGF enhanced the kcat for substrates containing threonine in the P2 position, as is the case during the processing of the carboxy terminus of the beta-NGF precursor. Also, the central regions of the kallikreins containing loop 2 and the kallikrein loop dictated the generally inverted Km and kcat kinetic constants observed between EGF-BP and gamma-NGF. Finally, in gamma-NGF the autolysis loop, found in the carboxyl terminal region, functions to lower the Km kinetic constant for a variety of substrates. The results allow previously characterized kinetic differences between EGF-BP and gamma-NGF to be interpreted in terms of specific regions of the proteins and identify a subset of amino acid positions responsible for these functional characteristics.  相似文献   
异育银鲫及其人工杂合种外源遗传物质的检测分析   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:18  
采用 DNA 杂交的方法,对异育银鲫及其人工杂合种进行了外源 DNA 的检测分析,发现两个雌核发育系的异育银鲫及其人工杂合种的 DNA 与红鲤 DNA 片段间的分子杂交均有阳性斑点出现,这表明,在异育银鲫及其人工杂合种产生过程中,父本(红鲤)的 DNA 片段的确可以随机地掺入到母本细胞的 DNA 中,从而产生了异精效应,使其子代生长加快,并出现父本性状。  相似文献   
This paper reviews recent developments in the use of molecular probes for analyzing the genetic makeup of somatic hybrids. Successful application of somatic hybridization to the interspecific transfer of traits encoded in the nucleus is still having limited success. A major difficulty is hybrid infertility, particularly in hybrids between sexually incompatible species. The formation of asymmetric hybrids is being explored as an approach for improving hybrid fertility. Evaluation of the degree of chromosome elimination and chromosome stability and instability in asymmetric hybrids is difficult when the traditional approaches of chromosome counting and isozyme analysis are used. Two new approaches are resolving this difficulty. The use of species-specific repetitive DNA probes in dot blotting and in situ hybridization to chromosomes is providing quantitative data on chromosome elimination and allows detection of translocations. Use of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) probes for analysis of hybrids between genetically mapped species makes it possible to account for the presence or absence of individual chromosomes and chromosomes arms. Wider use of such molecular probes should greatly improve our understanding of the genetics of both symmetric and asymmetric somatic hybrids and may lead to new strategies for the effective interspecific transfer of nucleus-encoded traits by protoplast fusion.  相似文献   
Following protoplast fusion between Nicotiana tabacum (dhfr) and N. megalosiphon (nptII) somatic hybrids were selected on the basis of dual resistance to kanamycin and methotrexate. Despite strong selection for parental nuclear-encoded resistances, only nine N. tabacum (+) N. megalosiphon somatic hybrids were obtained. A preferential loss of the parental N. tabacum nuclear and organelle genome was apparent in some plants in spite of the lack of genomic inactivation by the irradiation or chemical treatment of the parental protoplasts. Only six of the nine hybrids recovered possessed both parental profiles of nuclear RFLPs and isoenzymes. The remaining three hybrids were highly asymmetric with two being identical to N. megalosiphon except for minor morphological differences and rearranged or recombined mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNA), while the other one was distinguishable only by the presence of a rearranged or recombined mtDNA, and was therefore possibly a cybrid. Overall, eight somatic hybrids possessed rearranged or recombined mtDNAs and chloroplast inheritance was non-random since eight possessed N. megalosiphon-type chloroplasts and only one had N. tabacum chloroplasts. In contrast, using the same selection approach, numerous morphologically similar symmetric somatic hybrids with nuclear RFLPs and isozymes of both the parental species were recovered from control fusions between N. tabacum and the more closely related N. sylvestris. In spite of the low frequency of recovery of symmetric N. tabacum (+) N. megalosiphon hybrids in this study, one of these hybrids displayed a significant degree of self-fertility allowing for back-crosses to transfer N. megalosiphon disease-resistance traits to N. tabacum. Plant Research Centre Contribution No. 1579  相似文献   
As the first step in the transfer of barely yellow dwarf virus resistance and salt tolerance from decaploid tall wheatgrass (Thinopyrum ponticum) into hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), octoploid intergeneric hybrids (2n = 8x = 56) were synthesized by crossing the tall wheatgrass cultivar Alkar with wheat cvs. Fukuhokomugi (Fuko) and Chinese Spring. (Fuko x Alkar) F1 hybrids were studied in detail. The F1 hybrids were perennial and generally resembled the male wheatgrass parent with regard to morphological features and gliadin profile. Most hybrids were euploid with 56 chromosomes and showed high chromosome pairing. On an average, in 6 hybrids 83.6% of the complement showed chiasmatic association, some between wheat and wheatgrass chromosomes. Such a high homoeologous pairing would be obtained if Ph1, the major homoeologous pairing suppressor in wheat, was somehow inactivated. Some of the Fuko x Alkar hybrids had high pollen fertility (18.5–42.0% with a mean of 31.5%) and high seed fertility (3–29 seeds wtih a mean of 12.3 seeds per spike), offering excellent opportunities for their direct backcrossing onto the wheat parent.  相似文献   
异源八倍体小冰麦体细胞无性系的建立及其染色体变异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从5个异源八倍体小冰麦(Triticum -Agropyron)的叶片、幼穗及成熟胚诱导愈伤组织,建立体细胞无性系,获得大量再生植株。附加一个冰草染色体组的异源八倍体小冰麦杂种无性系中37.5% 表现变异,其中非整倍体植株变异较多,很多变异的再生植株形态与小麦近似,同时出现一定数量染色体重排、交换、易位、断裂、融合等变异。结果表明,通过杂种无性系变异进行染色体基因转化及遗传修饰是一条可行的途径。实验还观察了小冰麦愈伤组织分化过程中绿点的形成过程,首次提出两种类型绿点,即芽绿点和根绿点,并描述了两者的差异  相似文献   
In vitro pollen germination of five species and two interspecific hybrids from the genus Brassica was tested in four media. Genetically fixed differences in the demands for optimal pollen germination among species were found. The experiments were designed to define optimal content of mineral salts, sugar, and PEG for every investigated species or hybrids. The differences found among species are discussed in relation to the evolutionary trend.  相似文献   
Summary Cytogenetic studies involving six species of spinous Solanums have been made using the parameters of crossability/fertility relationships and chromosome pairing in parental and derived hybrid genomes. These studies have made it possible to integrate hybrid reproductive performance with observed cytological phenomena and draw inferences on concerned intergenomic homeologies. It has been found that species' differences, as they exist, are ascribable to chromosome repatterning, in their divergence and maintenance as distinct taxa. In the light of these studies, the grouping of these species has to be reconsidered.  相似文献   
Summary Twenty characters were measured on 60 tomato varieties cultivated in the open-air and in polyethylene plastic-house. Data were analyzed by means of principal components, factorial discriminant methods, Mahalanobis D2 distances and principal coordinate techniques. Factorial discriminant and Mahalanobis D2 distances methods, both of which require collecting data plant by plant, lead to similar conclusions as the principal components method that only requires taking data by plots. Characters that make up the principal components in both environments studied are the same, although the relative importance of each one of them varies within the principal components. By combining information supplied by multivariate analysis with the inheritance mode of characters, crossings among cultivars can be experimented with that will produce heterotic hybrids showing characters within previously established limits.  相似文献   
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