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甘蔗细平象的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
廖贻昌  李文凤 《昆虫学报》1995,38(3):317-323
甘蔗细平象Trockorhopalus humeralis Chevrolat是云南甘蔗上的一种毁灭性地下害虫,以幼虫和成虫在地下蔗头内为害,为害期8-10个月。据1989年调查,受害蔗每亩损失500-3000kg,严重的无收。此虫1年发生1代,以成虫在蔗头内越冬,有喜湿性,不能飞翔,主要通过沟河流水传播。在河川坝地,沙壤土中虫口较多;宿根年限越长的甘蔗受害越重。建议蔗稻轮作;缩短甘蔗宿根年限;早春翻挖有虫蔗蔸烧毁;结合新植蔗下种,宿根蔗松蔸培土施用甲基异柳磷或铁灭克等颗粒杀虫剂进行防治。  相似文献   
Rank transformation of specific activity values of -amylase across four strains of Sitophilus oryzae (L.) and four strains of S. zeamais Motschulsky indicates that levels of these predominant enzymes are highest in adults feeding on hulled barley or long-grain brown rice. Intermediate activity levels are found in weevils feeding on yellow corn (maize) and lowest levels are found in wheat-fed weevils. Although extracts prepared from barley contain inhibitory activity against two purified isoamylases from S. oryzae, levels of the naturally-occurring -amylase inhibitors against these two enzymes are about 2.2-fold and 6.1-fold, respectively, more concentrated in wheat. Ingestion of these amylase inhibitors and formation of an inactive enzyme:inhibitor complex with previously secreted amylase may account for the lower activity of amylase in weevils of both species feeding on wheat. Amylase levels across all strains feeding on a given diet are about 2-fold higher in S. oryzae than in S. zeamais. Significant differences in activity levels were also found between strains in both species. Since -amylase is a predominant digestive hydrolase in these species, the degree to which cereal diets affect amylase levels may indicate their suitability as potential hosts.
Résumé La transformation de rang des valeur d'activité spécifique de l'-amylase de 4 souches de S. oryzae et de 4 souches de S. zeamais montre que les niveaux les plus élevés de ces enzymes prédominantes s'observent chez les adultes nourris d'orge mondé ou de riz brun á grains longs. Des niveaux intermédiaires d'activité ont été obtenus chez les insectes élevés sur maïs jaune, et les niveaux les plus faibles chez ceux élevés sur blé. Bien que les extraits préparés à partir d'orge présentent une activité inhibitrice de deux isoamylases purifiées de S. oryzae, les niveaux des inhibiteurs naturels -amylase de ces deux enzymes sont environ respectivement 2,2 et 6,1 fois plus concentrés dans le blé. L'ingestion de ces inhibiteurs d'amylase et la formation d'un complexe enzyme inactive/inhibiteur avec l'amylase secrétée antérieurement, peut rendre compte de la plus faible activité de l'amylase chez les charançons consommant du blé. Le niveau d'amylase de S. oryzae est 2 fois plus élevé que celui de S. zeamais pour toutes les souches élevées sur un régime donné. Des niveaux d'activité significativement différents ont été trouvés suivant les souches pour chacune des deux espèces. Puisque l'amylase est la principale hydrolase digestive de ces espèces, l'intensité de la modification des teneurs en amylase par la consommation de céréales peut indiquer leur adéquation comme hôtes potentiels.
为了解赤桉(Eucalyptus camaldulensis)肌动蛋白(Actin)在生长发育过程中的功能,根据赤桉幼苗转录组数据库中的肌动蛋白基因序列,从赤桉嫩叶中克隆了2条Actin基因片段,并利用RACE技术获得Actin基因的全长cDNA,分别命名为ECACT1和EC-ACT2基因。生物信息学分析表明,这两条基因的全长cDNA分别为1533 bp和1387 bp,均含有1个编码377个氨基酸的开放阅读框。经比对分析,赤桉Actin蛋白的氨基酸序列与其他植物Actin蛋白的具有较高的相似性,并且具有Actin蛋白特有的保守序列和相关特征。因此推测这两条基因对桉树的生长发育具有一定的调控作用。  相似文献   
Potential impacts of regeneration practices ongenetic diversity in the Australian nativeforest species Eucalyptus sieberi L.A.S.Johnson. (silvertop ash) were assessed usingDNA markers. Three different silviculturaltreatments were examined: clear-felling withaerial re-sowing, and the seed tree system withsite preparation by either burning ormechanical disturbance. In addition, twounharvested stands were chosen as controls. Atotal sample of 825 trees were genotyped at 35Mendelian markers: 26 single-copy nuclear RFLPsand 9 microsatellites. No significantdifferences were found among the treatments inany of four population genetic statistics:allelic richness, effective number of alleles,expected heterozygosity and the panmictic index(f). Rare alleles were prevalent, and a MonteCarlo simulation showed that the apparent lossof four rare alleles from the saplingregenerants was highly statisticallysignificant. There was no evidence for recentbottlenecks from analyses of either the levelsof expected heterozygosity relative to thatexpected under mutation drift equilibrium, orthe allele frequency profiles. A dendrogram ofthe relationships between the sampledpopulations suggested that the seed tree systemmay result in the promotion of genetic drift(slight expansion of the dendrogram) whileaerial re-sowing of clear falls with the sameseedlot will lead to genetic homogenisation(contraction of the dendrogram). The apparentgenetic robustness of E. sieberi tonative forest regeneration practices isattributed to its local abundance combined withthe favourable properties of its reproductivebiology, as well as to the limitation that onlya single rotation was examined.  相似文献   
Mitchell  R. L.  Burchett  M. D.  Pulkownik  A.  McCluskey  L. 《Plant and Soil》1988,112(2):195-199
The effect of soil-incorporated copper, tri-allate, and anthracene on the emergence and early growth of three Australian native species (Banksia ericifolia, Casuarina distyla andEucalyptus eximia) and three crop species (Avena sativa, Cucumis sativus andGlycine max), was assessed using OECD Test Guideline 208. The crop species are sensitive species used in overseas phytotoxicity testing, and their responses were compared with those of the native species. Seeds were grown in pots in a glasshouse in a sandy loam soil at the chemical concentrations of 0, 10, 100, 1000 and 2000 mg kg–1. LC50 and EC50 values were determined for each species. The most sensitive species was the monocotyledonA. sativa, while among the five dicotyledonsC. distyla was most sensitive. All three chemicals delayed emergence and affected seedling growth. The results indicate that the conditions of the OECD Test Guideline can be met under Australian conditions, but that the Guideline requires modification for use with Australian native species.  相似文献   
Summary The root systems ofEucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden, irrigated with recycled municipal effluent at two sites in north-western Victoria, Australia, were studied by excavation and coring. Trees at Robinvale were four years-old and were irrigated using micro-sprays that covered only 70% of the ground surface area, whereas at Mildura, effuent was uniformly was uniformly applied to six years-old trees by flood and sprinkler irrigation. At Mildura where roots were excavated from a 2.80×2.80×1.20 m block of soil, a total root length of 1193 m.m−2 and a total root weight of 3.1 kg m−2 were estimated in the top metre. For roots >1 mm diameter, 77% of intercepts were at 0–30 cm, whereas only 50% were in the 50–100 cm soil horizon. At both sites where roots in the top 30 cm were studied by coring, the vertical distributions of root intercepts, length and weight were similar. Root length was greatest in the 0–10 cm soil horizon at both sites, and intercepts of roots <1 mm diameter comprised 73% and 81% of all roots at Mildura and Robinvale respectively. Roots <1 mm diameter contributed 85% of total length at both sites, but only 19% and 21% of total weight at Mildura and Robinvale respectively. The horizontal distribution of roots differed at the two sites. With uniform application of effuent at Mildura, root intercepts and length were concentrated in the centre of the irrigation bay, but at Robinvale, the concentration occurred closer to the tree row due mainly to the different method of irrigation. Root weight at both sites was highest within 50 cm of the tree row. Root densities of 0.11 to 0.57 cm cm−3 were estimated in the two plantations; these were similar to root densities measured inPinus radiata D. Don plantations up to 46 months old, but were considerably lower than those estimated for pastures. The implications of the results for the management of irrigated plantations of eucalypts are discussed.  相似文献   
Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (eCa) might reduce forest water‐use, due to decreased transpiration, following partial stomatal closure, thus enhancing water‐use efficiency and productivity at low water availability. If evapotranspiration (Et) is reduced, it may subsequently increase soil water storage (ΔS) or surface runoff (R) and drainage (Dg), although these could be offset or even reversed by changes in vegetation structure, mainly increased leaf area index (L). To understand the effect of eCa in a water‐limited ecosystem, we tested whether 2 years of eCa (~40% increase) affected the hydrological partitioning in a mature water‐limited Eucalyptus woodland exposed to Free‐Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE). This timeframe allowed us to evaluate whether physiological effects of eCa reduced stand water‐use irrespective of L, which was unaffected by eCa in this timeframe. We hypothesized that eCa would reduce tree‐canopy transpiration (Etree), but excess water from reduced Etree would be lost via increased soil evaporation and understory transpiration (Efloor) with no increase in ΔS, R or Dg. We computed Et, ΔS, R and Dg from measurements of sapflow velocity, L, soil water content (θ), understory micrometeorology, throughfall and stemflow. We found that eCa did not affect Etree, Efloor, ΔS or θ at any depth (to 4.5 m) over the experimental period. We closed the water balance for dry seasons with no differences in the partitioning to R and Dg between Ca levels. Soil temperature and θ were the main drivers of Efloor while vapour pressure deficit‐controlled Etree, though eCa did not significantly affect any of these relationships. Our results suggest that in the short‐term, eCa does not significantly affect ecosystem water‐use at this site. We conclude that water‐savings under eCa mediated by either direct effects on plant transpiration or by indirect effects via changes in L or soil moisture availability are unlikely in water‐limited mature eucalypt woodlands.  相似文献   
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