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Previous research suggests that female sex hormones can increase the sensitivity of women's emotion processing systems. The largest rises in sex hormone levels in a woman's life are from early to late pregnancy. The current study, therefore, investigated whether changes in emotion processing are seen across pregnancy. Hypervigilant emotion processing has been implicated in the aetiology of anxiety. Therefore enhanced emotion processing across pregnancy has implications for women's vulnerability to anxiety. Ability to encode facial expressions of emotion was assessed in 101 women during early pregnancy and again in 76 of these women during late pregnancy. Symptoms of anxiety were measured using a clinical interview (The CIS-R). Consistent with previous research, the presence of anxiety symptoms was associated with greater accuracy to encode faces signalling threat (fearful and angry faces). We found that women had higher accuracy scores to encode emotional expressions signalling threat or harm (fearful, angry and disgusted faces) but also a more general negative emotion (sadness) during late, compared with early, pregnancy. Enhanced ability to encode emotional faces during late pregnancy may be an evolutionary adaption to prepare women for the protective and nurturing demands of motherhood by increasing their general emotional sensitivity and their vigilance towards emotional signals of threat, aggression and contagion. However, the results also suggest that, during late pregnancy, women's emotion processing style is similar to that seen in anxiety. The results have implications for our understanding of normal pregnant women's processing of emotional cues and their vulnerability to symptoms of anxiety.  相似文献   
The current study examined effects of chronic estradiol replacement on a prefrontally-mediated working memory task at different ages in a rodent model. Ovariectomized young, middle-aged, and old Long–Evans rats were given 5% or 10% 17β-estradiol in cholesterol vehicle via Silastic implants and tested on an operant delayed spatial alternation task (DSA). The two estradiol exposed groups did not perform as well as the vehicle control group did. Deficits were present at all but the longest delay, where all groups including the vehicle control group performed poorly. Surprisingly, there was not a significant effect of age or an age by estradiol interaction, despite the fact that old rats had longer latencies to respond after both correct and incorrect lever presses. These data confirm our earlier finding that chronic estradiol treatment has an impairing effect on working memory as measured on DSA task. However, contrary to expectations, young, middle-aged and old rats were similarly impaired by chronic estradiol treatment; there were no indications of differential effects at different periods of the lifespan. Also contrary to expectations, there were no indications of a decline in DSA performance with advancing age. Overall, the results demonstrate that chronic estradiol exposure causes deficits in the DSA performance of ovariectomized female rats, not only in young adulthood, but also at older ages analogous to those at which hormone replacement therapy is commonly prescribed in humans.  相似文献   
Estradiol (E2) is produced locally in adipose tissue and could play an important role in fat distribution and accumulation, especially in women. It is well recognized that aromatase is expressed in adipose tissue; however the identity of its estrogenic 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17β-HSD) partner is not identified. To gain a better knowledge about the enzyme responsible for the conversion of estrone into estradiol, we determined the activity and expression levels of known estrogenic 17β-HSDs, namely types 1, 7 and 12 17β-HSD in preadipocytes before and after differentiation into mature adipocytes using an adipogenic media. Estrogenic 17β-HSD activity was assessed using [14C]-labelled estrone, while mRNA expression levels of types 1, 7 and 12 17β-HSD were quantified using real-time PCR and protein expression levels of type 12 17β-HSD was determined using immunoblot analysis. The data indicate that there is a low conversion of E1 into E2 in preadipocytes; however this activity is increased 5-fold (p < 0.0001) in differentiated adipocytes. The increased estrogenic 17β-HSD activity is consistent with the increase in protein expression levels of 17β-HSD12.  相似文献   
The progression of cancer is associated with tumor's ability to outgrow the existing vasculature resulting in chronic hypoxic pressure, however the molecular mechanism of cancer cell response to chronic hypoxia is poorly understood. In this study we have analyzed the reorganization of estrogen receptor (ER) signaling in breast cancer cells under chronic hypoxia and examined the role of interrelations between ER and NF-kB signaling in cell adaptation to hypoxia. Using long-term culturing of MCF-7 breast cancer cells in hypoxia-mimetic conditions (cobalt chloride) we have established a hypoxia-tolerant subline characterized by HIF-1 hyperexpression that retained the tolerance to hypoxia even when the cells were returned to normoxic conditions.The hypoxia-tolerant cells were characterized by non-affected ER signaling, irreversible suppression of NF-kB activity, and increased sensitivity to cytokine-induced apoptosis. Estradiol treatment suppressed the NF-kB activity in both parent and hypoxia-tolerant MCF-7 cells. In contrast to MCF-7 cells, the exposure of estrogen-independent MCF-7/T2 subline to chronic hypoxia was not accompanied by noticeable changes in NF-kB activity or cell sensitivity to cytokines. Taken together, the results presented demonstrate the importance of interrelations between ER and NF-kB signaling in the response of estrogen-dependent breast cancer cells to chronic hypoxia.  相似文献   
Basal forebrain cholinergic neurons (BFCNs) degenerate in aging and Alzheimer’s disease. It has been proposed that estrogen can affect the survival and function of BFCNs. This study characterized primary rat BFCN cultures and investigated the effect of estrogen on high-affinity choline uptake (HACU). BFCNs were identified by immunoreactivity to the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) and represented up to 5% of total cells. HACU was measured in living BFCN cultures and differentiated from low-affinity choline uptake by hemicholinium-3 (HC-3) inhibition. A HC-3 concentration curve showed that 0.3 μM HC-3, but not higher concentrations that inhibit LACU, could distinguish the two transport activities. 17-β-Estradiol treatment increased HACU in some culture preparations that contained non-neuronal cells. Elimination of dividing cells using antimitotic treatments resulted in a lack of estrogen effects on HACU. These results suggest that estrogen may have indirect effects on BFCNs that are mediated through non-neuronal cells.  相似文献   
Evidence exists that the functional differences between the left and right cerebral hemispheres are affected by age. One prominent hypothesis proposes that frontal activity during cognitive task performance tends to be less lateralized in older than in younger adults, a pattern that has also been reported for motor functioning. Moreover, functional cerebral asymmetries (FCAs) have been shown to be affected by sex hormonal manipulations via hormone therapy (HT) in older women. Here, we investigate whether FCAs in fine motor coordination, as reflected by manual asymmetries (MAs), are susceptible to HT in older women. Therefore, sixty-two postmenopausal women who received hormone therapy either with estrogen (E) alone (n = 15), an E-gestagen combination (n = 21) or without HT (control group, n = 26) were tested. Saliva levels of free estradiol and progesterone (P) were analyzed using chemiluminescence assays. MAs were measured with a finger tapping paradigm consisting of two different tapping conditions. As expected, postmenopausal controls without HT showed reduced MAs in simple (repetitive) finger tapping. In a more demanding sequential condition involving four fingers, however, they revealed enhanced MAs in favour of the dominant hand. This finding suggests an insufficient recruitment of critical motor brain areas (especially when the nondominant hand is used), probably as a result of age-related changes in corticocortical connectivity between motor areas. In contrast, both HT groups revealed reduced MAs in sequential finger tapping but an asymmetrical tapping performance related to estradiol levels in simple finger tapping. A similar pattern has previously been found in younger participants. The results suggest that, HT, and E exposure in particular, exerts positive effects on the motor system thereby counteracting an age-related reorganization.  相似文献   
Sex steroid hormones are potent regulators of behavior and they exert their effects through influences on sensory, motor, and motivational systems. To elucidate where androgens and estrogens can act to regulate sex-typical behaviors in the túngara frog (Physalaemus pustulosus), we quantified expression of the androgen receptor (AR), estrogen receptor alpha (ERα), and estrogen receptor beta (ERβ) genes in the brains of male and females. To do so, we cloned túngara-specific sequences for AR, ERα, and ERβ, determined their distribution in the brain, and then quantified their expression in areas that are important in sexual communication. We found that AR, ERα, and ERβ were expressed in the pallium, limbic forebrain (preoptic area, hypothalamus, nucleus accumbens, amygdala, septum, striatum), parts of the thalamus, and the auditory midbrain (torus semicircularis). Males and females had a similar distribution of AR and ER expression, but expression levels differed in some brain regions. In the auditory midbrain, females had higher ERα and ERβ expression than males, whereas males had higher AR expression than females. In the forebrain, females had higher AR expression than males in the ventral hypothalamus and medial pallium (homolog to hippocampus), whereas males had higher ERα expression in the medial pallium. In the preoptic area, striatum, and septum, males and females had similar levels of AR and ER expression. Our results suggest that sex steroid hormones have sexually dimorphic effects on auditory processing, sexual motivation, and possibly memory and, therefore, have important implications for sexual communication in this system.  相似文献   
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