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张建  雷刚  漆良华 《生态学报》2021,41(6):2261-2271
丹江口库区是南水北调中线工程重要水源地,通过探究库区景观格局变化与氮磷净化能力,对未来景观规划和生态系统功能提升提供科学依据。在县域尺度上以丹江口市为研究区,运用景观格局指数和InVEST模型研究2003—2018年库区景观格局和氮磷净化能力,并利用Pearson相关分析和RDA分析法探讨二者之间的关系,分析引起氮磷净化能力变化的因素。结果表明:在斑块类型上,水域面积和林地面积不断增加,耕地和园地面积逐渐减少,建设用地面积整体上呈增长趋势;在景观水平上,景观形状指数不断减少,蔓延度指数和聚集度指数整体呈增长趋势,形状复杂程度降低,景观聚集程度提升,散布与并列指数增加了5.58,香农多样性指数变幅较小,各斑块类型趋于规则,呈均衡趋势分布。2003年、2008年、2013年和2018年氮磷净化能力呈持续增强趋势,其中TN输出总量分别为899.224、801.481、776.979、672.149 t, TP输出总量分别为77.308、69.921、68.163、60.802 t, 15年间TN、TP的净化能力分别增强了25.3%和21.4%;对氮磷净化能力重要性等级划分表明,极重要、高度重要区主要分布于库区、河流两岸和林地区域。利用Pearson相关分析和RDA分析法表明,在斑块类型上林地与氮磷的输出呈显著负相关,耕地、园地和建设用地与氮磷输出量呈正相关;在景观水平上氮磷输出量与景观形状指数呈显著正相关,和散布与并列指数表现出显著负相关,与蔓延度指数、聚集度指数呈负相关。因此,可在库区氮磷输出量较高的地区种植喜氮喜磷植物,通过调节景观格局结构,合理规划土地利用,增加林地面积,建设河岸植被缓冲带充分滞缓径流等一系列措施,充分保障库区水源水质安全。  相似文献   
广东省大中型供水水库营养现状及浮游生物的响应   总被引:58,自引:4,他引:58  
林秋奇  胡韧  段舜山  韩博平 《生态学报》2003,23(6):1101-1108
于2000年调查了广东省18座大中型供水水库的水质现状并探讨了浮游生物对营养水平的响应。总氮、总磷、透明度和叶绿素a分别为0.15~7.15mg/L、0.003~0.387mg/L、0.4~6.3m和0.6~32.3ug/L。总氮、总磷、透明度均与叶绿素a呈较高的相关性。根据这4个因子的综合加权营养状态指数为23.7~55.1,季节差异不大,大多数水库处于中营养状态。金藻在中-富及富营养型水库中没有分布,而蓝藻、绿藻、硅藻和甲藻在调查水库中均有比较广的营养生态位,但它们的密度及相对优势度在各营养型水库中有一定的差异。高营养水平水库有较高的细胞密度和叶绿素a含量。营养水平较低的水库浮游植物以硅藻-甲藻、硅藻-绿藻或金藻-硅藻为主;营养水平较高的水库以蓝藻-硅藻或蓝藻-绿藻为主,并有较高的裸藻密度。浮游动物基本上以桡足类为优势种群,但在中-富营养和富营养型水库中,哲水蚤种类比低营养型水库中少。枝角类优势种类在各营养型水库差别不大。轮虫对水体营养水平的响应相对比较显著。低营养水平水库的轮虫以广营养型、中营养型或寡中营养型种类为主,种类数目比较少;富营养和中-富营养型水库的轮虫以喜在中营养到富营养条件下生长的种类为主,且轮虫种类数目比较多。  相似文献   
2020年1—12月,采用半结构式访查法、痕迹跟踪调查法和无人机跟踪调查法相结合的方法,对拟建西双版纳勐海县勐阿水库涉及区域的亚洲象种群结构、迁移路线等进行了调查,并采用样方法和3S技术对该区域亚洲象取食植物和栖息地适宜性进行了调查和分析,以探讨拟建勐阿水库可能对亚洲象迁移活动和人—象冲突的潜在影响。结果表明:(1)拟建勐阿水库区域活动的亚洲象小种群被称为澜沧江西部种群或西双版纳勐海—普洱澜沧种群,仅由19头亚洲象(10头雄性,9头雌性)组成,有2条亚洲象迁移路线穿越该区域;(2)在研究区域共统计到亚洲象取食植物12目19科32属33种,基本能满足该象群的取食需求;(3)海拔、坡度、植被隐蔽度及食物资源等生态因子的适宜性分析结果显示,大部分区域(包括占总面积14.61%的最适生境和占总面积82.05%的相对适宜生境)都能满足该亚洲象小种群的基本生活需求;(4)2条亚洲象迁移路线中的1条将因水库建设而阻断,迫使该象群改变原来的迁移路线;(5)水库淹没区的植被将被永久破坏,原本连片的适宜栖息地也将受到进一步切割和压缩影响;(6)当食物资源无法满足亚洲象生存需求时,它们可能会选择进入可在较短时间内获得大量食物的农耕区取食农作物和经济作物,随着人流、车流大量增加,亚洲象与人相遇的概率也会大幅度增加。分析认为,拟建勐阿水库将淹没1条迁移通道,对亚洲象迁移活动造成阻碍,迫使象群改变路线,还可能导致更为严重的人—象冲突。建议在水库工程设计和建设过程中采取有效的保护管理措施,减少工程项目对亚洲象种群及其栖息地的负面影响;水库建设和管理部门、林业和草原管理部门等应加强对亚洲象活动的监测和预警,避免亚洲象肇事造成人员伤亡和更大的经济损失。  相似文献   
The reproductive biology and breeding cycle of a tropical cyprinid, Thynnichthys thynnoides (Bleeker), from Chenderoh Reservoir, Malaysia was studied from June 1991 to November 1992. A total of 329 and 246 mature females and males and 167 immature females were sampled during the study. Three breeding cycles were observed and the cycles coincided with high reservoir water level which resulted in the floodings of the littoral zone. Five and four gonad developmental stages were observed for females and males, respectively. Oocyte diameter distribution study indicated the species was a total spawner although clutches of ripe oocytes might be released over an extended time period. Fecundity was related to body weight and both absolute and relative fecundity increased with body size. Absolute fecundity ranged from 26962 ± 1484 to 173520 ± 127420 eggs fish–1, whereas relative fecundity ranged from 121 ± 53 to 451 ± 259 eggs g–1 body weight, respectively.  相似文献   
L Lake, a reactor cooling reservoir in South Carolina, USA was managed after filling to promote the development of healthy ecological communities similar to those in mature regional cooling reservoirs. Two types of biomanipulation were undertaken to achieve this goal, the introduction of typical southeastern US reservoir fishes (bluegill and largemouth bass) and artificial planting of native aquatic macrophytes. Fish assemblages were monitored by electrofishing from reservoir filling in 1986 until 1998. Multivariate analysis divided the fish samples into five sequential periods resulting from species replacements and additions. Small species that colonized L Lake from a feeder stream predominated in the first period but were mostly eliminated, as bluegill, largemouth bass, and other lentic species increased in the second period. A rapid increase in threadfin shad abundance characterized the third period, and small littoral zone and phytophilous fishes increased during the fourth and fifth periods coincident with the proliferation of aquatic macrophytes. Analysis of Bray-Curtis similarities and the species accumulation rate indicated that the rate of fish community change decreased with time and that fish community structure changed little during the last several years of the study. By the end of the study, community structure was similar to that in a nearby cooling reservoir that supported diverse and resilient biota. Biomanipulation contributed to the rapid establishment of lentic species and later increases in small littoral and phytophilous species suggesting that biomanipulation may be useful in accelerating fish community development in new cooling reservoirs.  相似文献   
AIMS: Forty Bacillus strains isolated from a Brazilian oil reservoir were tested against each other to select strains producing antimicrobial substances (AMS). Three strains, Bacillus subtilis (LFE-1), Bacillus firmus (H2O-1) and Bacillus licheniformis (T6-5), were selected due to their ability to inhibit more than 65% of the Bacillus strains tested. These three strains were also investigated for their capability to inhibit sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Furthermore, physiological and biochemical characteristics of the antimicrobial compounds produced by the selected strains were determined. METHODS AND RESULTS: Among the forty strains tested, 36 (90%) strains were able to inhibit at least one Bacillus strain used as indicator in plate assays and three of them (LFE-1, T6-5 and H2O-1) were able to inhibit 65, 70 and 97.5% of the 40 strains studied here respectively. Clear zones of inhibition were observed when H2O-1 was tested against SRB-containing consortium T6-lab and Desulfovibrio alaskensis strain NCIMB 13491, while strain T6-5 was able to inhibit only the D. alaskensis strain. The three substances showed to be insensitive to different enzymes and chemicals, were heat stable and the substances produced by strains T6-5 and H2O-1 were active over a wide pH range. CONCLUSIONS: Three different AMS produced by Bacillus strains from an oil reservoir, two of them with activity against SRB, are presented here. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The preliminary characterization of these AMS points to their potential use as biocides in the petroleum industry for controlling problems associated with SRB.  相似文献   
In this study, the fractionation and distribution of phosphorus (P) in the core sediments of the Shanmei reservoir were investigated by using the chemical extraction method in directions for the first time in order to understand its bio-availability, adsorption characteristics, potential release and environmental significance. The results of the study showed that P in the sediments mainly consisted of inorganic phosphorus (IP) and that IP mainly consisted of non-apatite phosphorus (NAIP). The horizontal and temporal distributions of the P fractions were different from each other, but the vertical distribution was similar, which indicated a trend of stabilization after falling. The content of total phosphorus (TP), IP, organic phosphorus (OP), NAIP, apatite phosphorus (AP), and bio-available phosphorus (BAP) in the sediments during the three seasons ranged from 193.85 to 1664.05 mg·kg?1, 126.90 to 1127.70 mg·kg?1, 43.74 to 669.29 mg·kg?1, 57.62 to 937.07 mg·kg?1, 32.58 to 250.71 mg·kg?1, and 41.06 to 871.82 mg·kg?1, respectively. NAIP contents in the sediments accounted for more than 50% of TP. Using an analysis from three aspects, the eutrophication risk index (ERI) could be used to assess the potential release of P in the sediments, and there was a high release risk of P in the sediments in the Shanmei reservoir.  相似文献   
We report here on the characterization and isolation of two ecotypes of Chlorella vulgaris Beyerinck that coexist in wastewater reservoirs. One ecotype (C1) contains high amounts of chlorophyll b, is capable of autotrophic growth, and can utilize only a few organic solutes for growth. The second ecotype (C2) contains low amounts of chlorophyll b, requires vitamin B12, and can support its growth with a broad range of organic compounds. Of the two ecotypes, the latter showed slower growth rates when light was the sole source of energy. Cells of C2-type Chlorella attained higher photosynthetic activities than C1-type cells at saturating irradiances. However, their low chlorophyll b content and lower light utilization efficiency suggest that C2-type Chlorella contains relatively low amounts of light-harvesting antennae, a disadvantage in severely light-limited ecosystems like wastewater reservoirs. We hypothesize that the two Chlorella types coexist by adopting different lifestyles: C1-type cells rely largely on their photosynthetic potential for energy conservation and growth, whereas C2-type cells may exploit their heterotrophic properties for this purpose.  相似文献   
The natural reservoir of Francisella tularensis , the causative agent of tularaemia, is yet to be identified. We investigated the possibility that Francisella persists in natural aquatic ecosystems between outbreaks. It was hypothesized that nutrient-rich environments, with strong protozoan predation, favour the occurrence of the tularaemia bacterium. To investigate the differences in adaptation to aquatic environments of the species and subspecies of Francisella , we screened 23 strains for their ability to survive grazing by the ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis . All the Francisella strains tested were consumed at a low rate, although significant differences between subspecies were found. The survival and virulence of gfp -labelled F. tularensis ssp. holarctica were then studied in a microcosm experiment using natural lake water, with varying food web complexities and nutrient availabilities. High nutrient conditions in combination with high abundances of nanoflagellates were found to favour F. tularensis ssp. holarctica . The bacterium was observed both free-living and within the cells of a nanoflagellate. Francisella tularensis entered a viable but nonculturable state during the microcosm experiment. When studied over a longer period of time, F. tularensis ssp. holarctica survived in the lake water, but loss of virulence was not prevented by either high nutrient availability or the presence of predators.  相似文献   
基于效益分摊的水电水足迹计算方法——以密云水库为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵丹丹  刘俊国  赵旭 《生态学报》2014,34(10):2787-2795
随着中国经济的飞速发展,可再生能源的开发利用已经被提到重要的议事日程,其中水力发电是重中之重。但水力发电过程也消耗大量的水资源,使得水电水足迹的核算成为当前水足迹研究热点。多功能水库同时具有发电、供水、防洪、旅游、水产等多种生态系统服务功能。传统水足迹核算方法往往将水库的水足迹等同于水电水足迹,忽略了水库的多功能性,因而高估了水电的水足迹。对传统水电水足迹的核算方法进行了改进,考虑到水库不同的生态系统服务功能,加入了水电效益分摊系数这一指标,将水电水足迹从水库水足迹中分离出来。以华北最大水库北京密云水库为例,采用传统的方法和改进的方法计算了密云水库1988—2004年水电水足迹。研究结果显示:倘若不考虑效益分摊,按照传统的方法,密云水库1988—2004年平均水电水足迹为897 m3/GJ;按照效益分摊的方法计算得到的平均水电水足迹为127 m3/GJ,仅为不考虑效益分摊情况下计算的水电水足迹的14%。水力发电是密云水库初期建设的主要目的,但自1998年之后发电量逐年减少,近年来基本不发电。传统方法下的2004年单位水电水足迹为4529.5 m3/GJ,为单位水电水足迹最大的年份;但应用改进方法后该年的单位水电水足迹仅为67.3 m3/GJ,反而成为单位水电水足迹最大的年份。考虑效益分摊更能够体现水电水足迹的真实情况,为多功能水库水电水足迹核算提供了新的思路和方法。  相似文献   
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