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In the second part of the revision of fossil Metretopodidae, a new species of the genus Metretopus Eaton, 1901 is described and illustrated based on a male imago. Metretopus dividussp. nov. is the second fossil species of the genus. Distinguishing characters for its separation from other fossil and recent representatives of Metretopus are discussed. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:BCC5CB69-8014-4DA1-A0DA-DCF714969081  相似文献   
Three middle Eocene localities (Silica North, Silica South, Black Crow) recently discovered in Namibia have produced terrestrial faunas that rank among the few known from the period of insulation of Africa (Aptian-early Miocene). Collectively, the three localities have yielded anuran amphibians (one pipid frog, the earliest assemblage [three taxa] of ranoid frogs in Africa, one indeterminate family) and squamate reptiles (an amphisbaenian ‘lizard’, a snake that likely represents a colubroid, and two indeterminate ‘lizards’). These Eocene faunas suggest that ranoids, colubroids and African pipids are autochthonous to Africa. However, whereas pipids are vicariants inherited from West Gondwana, ranoids and colubroids (if really autochthonous) originated in Africa from unknown stems. Silica North and Silica South correspond to aquatic environments, permanent fresh water being present in the first locality; the environment of Black Crow was drier.  相似文献   
Two new species of pseudorhyncocyonid, Fordonia lawsoni sp. nov. and Leptictidium prouti sp. nov. from the UK earliest Eocene, described here, are older than any previously recorded member of the family. They are represented by teeth from numerous loci, which allow a better understanding of the sparsely known dentitions of currently known pseudorhyncocyonids. This facilitates the recognition of two further species of Leptictidium, L. listeri sp. nov. from the Middle Eocene of Germany and L. storchi sp. nov. from the Late Eocene of France. Study of occlusal relationships also helps to fill gaps in our knowledge of missing tooth loci. Cladistic analysis of pseudorhyncocyonids with their previously judged closest relatives, the Leptictidae, Pantolesta and Palaeanodonta, shows that two European species, Diaphyodectes prolatus and Palaeictops? levei, formerly thought to be leptictids, are instead primitive pseudorhyncocyonids, extending the range of the family further back in time to the Middle Paleocene. Plevei is placed in the new genus Phakodon gen. nov. The analysis also shows that the Pseudorhyncocyonidae are sister group to the other three groups combined and that family‐level differentiation in this probable clade took place as early as the earliest Paleocene.  相似文献   
Hyaenodontida are represented in Europe by three subfamilies: Proviverrinae, Arfianinae and Sinopaninae. Here, we review all the specimens of Arfianinae and Sinopaninae known to date in Europe and Asia. A new Galecyon species is erected: Galecyon gallus nov. sp. We discuss the taxonomic position of the two Asian hyaenodontidans Anthracoxyaena palustris and Arfia langebadreae; the genus Anthracoxyaena is synonymized with Arfia. The analysis of the European and Asian arfianines and sinopanines provides new data concerning the dispersals and faunal events that occurred during the Early Eocene in Laurasia. The Arfianinae and Sinopaninae appeared in Europe around the Paleocene/Eocene boundary (reference-level MP7). The sinopanines are widespread in Europe; they are known in Dormaal (Belgium, reference-locality of the level MP7), Rians, Soissons, Pourcy, Try, Le Quesnoy (France), and Abbey Wood (England). The analysis of the paleogeographic distribution of all Oxyaenodonta and Hyaenodontida at and after the MP7 supports the existence of two European provinces: the North Province and Mesogean Province. We show that the Arfianinae and Sinopaninae rapidly disappeared from Europe; they are unknown in Avenay (reference-locality of the level MP8+9) and younger localities. Their disappearance from Europe is synchronous with that of the Oxyaenodonta. These observations support the existence of a faunal turnover, which occurred between the reference-levels MP7 (Dormaal) and MP8+9 (Avenay). The hypothesis of a dispersal from Europe to North America during the Paleocene-Eocene transition for the Arfianinae and Sinopaninae is supported. Moreover, the study of Arfianinae supports a dispersal from Europe to Asia around the P/E boundary, followed by a short period of endemic evolution. However, our study does not support a close relationship between Arfia and the “Arfia-like South Asian Proviverrinae” (Kyawdawia, Indohyaenodon, Paratritemnodon and Yarshea).  相似文献   
The oldest talpid, Eotalpa, was previously known only from isolated cheek teeth from the European late Middle Eocene to earliest Oligocene. Screenwashing of Late Eocene sediments of the Hampshire Basin, UK, has yielded cranial and postcranial elements: maxilla, dentary, ulna, metacarpals, distal tibia, astragalus, calcaneum, metatarsals and phalanges. In addition to M1–2 myotodonty, typical talpid features are as follows: ulna with long medially curved olecranon and deep abductor fossa and astragalar body with lateral process. However, Eotalpa retains certain soricid‐like primitive states (M1 preparacrista, P4 with prominent mesiolingual protocone lobe, strongly angled astragalar neck and calcaneum with no space for a cuboid medial process) not found in modern talpids. Eotalpa is more derived than the most primitive living talpid Uropsilus in having lost the M1–2 talon shelf, developed a convex radial facet on the ulna, an incipient proximal olecranon crest, relatively shorter metapodials and depressed manual unguals. Its astragalus with medial trochlear ridge taller than the lateral one and massive medial plantar process is typical of the Lipotyphla. Eotalpa lacks synostosis of tibia and fibula, found in other Talpidae, Soricidae and Erinaceidae, suggesting that synostosis in these groups has been independently acquired. Cladistic analysis places Eotalpa as stem member of the Talpidae and shows that much homoplasy arose during the early evolution of the family. Ground dwelling in Eotalpa is indicated by the following: astragalus with a medially dipping head, curved in a single plane; calcaneum with distal peroneal process and strongly overlapping ectal and sustentacular facets; and matching sized ectal and sustentacular facets on calcaneum and astragalus. These features would have restricted ankle mobility. Ungual and metatarsal shape and ulnar structure suggest a primitive stage in fossorial evolution and argue against a semiaquatic precursor stage in talpid fossoriality. Shrew‐moles may represent a reversal to surface foraging rather than an intermediate stage in fossoriality.  相似文献   
One hundred and seventy collected samples from Jebil section have been carefully studied for their ostracod content and referred to 41 species belonging to 20 genera. Their vertical distribution allowed to distinguish five successive associations of ostracod assemblages; two of which are correlated with the Early Lutetian, one with the Late Lutetian, another association with the Bartonian and the last one with the Priabonian. Community structure of the collected ostracod fauna has been studied; three indices have been calculated for each sample: Shannon (diversity), Margalef (richness) and Equitability indexes. In the lower and the middle part of the Formation, they indicate a stable environment supporting high diversity ostracod communities; whereas in the upper portion the environmental conditions were unstable characterized by low diversity. The results of a multivariate statistical method, using the cluster analysis and the Detrended Correspondence Analysis of the 41 ostracod species and the 170 samples, have led to conclude that the most effective environmental factor in the study area is the paleodepth and of less importance oxygenation and salinity. Thus, it allowed to distinguish four palaeoenvironmental intervals within the Cherahil Formation: the first one represented by taxa that are known from the shallower parts of the shelf; the second interval includes the majority of the encountered species of inner neritic shelf with normal salinity; the third one, corresponding to an outer neritic domain; and the last interval refers to a circalittoral environment, is comprised mainly of Cytherella angulata and of Soudanella laciniosa triangulata.  相似文献   
A rare ichnological example of a crocodilian footprint on an Eocene crocodilian coprolite has been discovered. The enigmatic specimen, measuring 4 cm in length, was found among 100 coprolites at the Na Duong coal mine in Lang Son province, northern Vietnam. Almost all the discovered coprolites were ascribed to a potential crocodilian producer, suggesting the existence of an ancient lacustrine environment. Furthermore, neoichnological analyses of extant crocodilian footprints also corroborate the inference of a crocodilian as the producer of the footprint. We concluded that the 4-cm-long Na Duong fingerprints most likely belonged to a 2-m-long crocodilian whose IV or V finger of the right manus might have made the fingerprints. Since no other records of foot traces or trackways were identified during the fieldwork in the fall of 2018, the Na Duong fossil site should be investigated for further ichnofossil analysis.  相似文献   
The Campanian–lower Eocene sedimentary succession in the Kharga Oasis yields rare cephalopods that have so far received little attention. Eight cephalopod species; six nautiloids and two ammonites, are identified in the study area. The nautiloids are referred to five genera in three families. All nautiloid species are recorded from the Paleocene and Eocene rocks, two of which are described as new, as follows: Cimomia kurkurensis nov. sp. and Deltoidonautilus hassani nov. sp. The two ammonite species are Libycoceras ismaelis (von Zittel, 1884) and Baculites ovatus Say, 1820, representing the families Sphenodiscidae and Baculitidae, respectively. Baculites anceps of Quaas (1902, non Lamarck, 1822) from the Maastrichtian of the Western Desert of Egypt is here assigned to Baculites ovatus. The palaeobiogeography of these species is studied in detail.  相似文献   
云南地处青藏高原东南缘, 生物多样性丰富, 季风气候特征明显。新生代剧烈的构造活动形成了众多山间盆地, 其间保存了大量精美的植物化石, 是探讨新生代以来植被、植物多样性和地球环境演变的理想地区。但是长期以来, 由于地层年代学证据的缺乏, 这些新生代沉积盆地的地质年代还存在很大争议。本研究通过对滇东南地区富宁县普阳盆地的含煤地层开展深入的孢粉学研究, 探讨盆地含煤地层年代及其古气候演化过程。剖面下部煤层孢粉组合以杉粉属(Taxodiaceaepollenites)为主, 指示以杉科为主的湿润沼泽森林, 冬春季相对湿润; 剖面上部孢粉组合指示以常绿栎类为主的亚热带常绿‒落叶阔叶混交林, 生长山核桃粉属(Caryapollenites)、冬青粉属(Ilexpollenites)、胡桃粉属(Juglanspollenites)、枫香粉属(Liquidambarpollenites)等亚热带常见树种, 气候温暖湿润, 季节分明。结合新发现的哺乳动物化石证据和周边地区不同地质时代的孢粉组合, 普阳盆地含煤地层的沉积时代应为晚始新世; 同时, 孢粉组合也表明滇东南地区植被现代化面貌至少在晚始新世就已经开始出现。  相似文献   
Marls with pillow lavas of Late Eocene age from Castelnuovo in the Euganean Hills (Padua, NE Italy) have yielded three new verrucid cirripede species, Verruca veneta nov. sp., Costatoverruca? seguenzai nov. sp., and Metaverruca euganea nov. sp. The stratigraphic distribution of these taxa is discussed in light of previous verrucid records and their geologic context is established. They represent the oldest known verrucids from Italy.  相似文献   
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