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In North-western Germany woodland fragmentation has caused a decline in many forest plant species. Hedgerows partly offer a similar environment as forests and have been identified as potential habitats for forest plants in various studies from North America and Western Europe. The objective of this study was to examine whether this applies also to Central Europe and which variables affect the spatial distribution and abundance of forest plant species in hedgerows on a local scale. Three hedgerow networks north of the city of Bremen, Germany, were selected as study areas and divided into totally 515 hedgerow segments. In each segment we recorded all vascular plants and a large number of explanatory variables relating to structure, spatial configuration, environment and management. Averaged across species there was a predominant effect of environmental factors on the occurrence of forest species in the hedgerows, followed by spatial configuration and management. Hedgerow structure was found to be less important. In general, forest species were favored by low nutrient and light availability as well as high connectivity with other hedgerows or forest; they avoided hedgerows with a west-easterly orientation and an adjacent land use in the form of fields or grasslands. Forest species found and not found in hedgerows did not differ in their environmental preferences or life history traits. The number of threatened forest species in the hedgerows, however, was lower than expected with respect to their overall proportion to the total number of forest species in the region.  相似文献   
【背景】鳗弧菌是海产动物弧菌病的主要病原,在海水水域中广泛存在。鳗弧菌为了适应环境变化会生成生物膜,形成自我保护,对其防治是水产养殖行业的一大难题。【目的】探讨致病性鳗弧菌(Vibrio anguillarum)BYK0638生物膜的形成特性,为进一步研究鳗弧菌生物膜形成机制和致病机理提供参考。【方法】采用改良的微孔板法研究静置培养条件下鳗弧菌(V.anguillarum)BYK0638在96孔酶标板上的成膜情况,CCK-8法(Cell counting kit-8)定量检测生物膜中鳗弧菌的活力。【结果】鳗弧菌BYK0638能够在聚苯乙烯酶标板上形成稳定而明显的生物膜,其生物膜的OD450值在24 h达到峰值,60 h后趋于稳定;在107-108 CFU/m L范围内,鳗弧菌生物膜的OD450值显著高于其他试验组(P0.05);25°C时的生物膜OD450值显著高于其他温度生物膜的形成量;在p H 4.0-11.0范围内,当p H值为7.0时鳗弧菌形成的生物膜量最高,在p H值为3.0和12.0时鳗弧菌几乎不形成生物膜;在TSB培养基中加入0.03-2.00 mmol/L Ca Cl2,鳗弧菌生物膜形成量与未添加Ca Cl2对照组无显著性差异;在TSB培养基中加入0.03 mmol/L Mg Cl2,可促进鳗弧菌生物膜形成;Na Cl浓度为5%时,形成的生物膜OD450值最高;鳗弧菌在大黄鱼表皮黏液、肝脏、前肠、后肠组织提取液包被的96孔酶标板上形成的生物膜显著高于其他黏液和组织提取液包被组(P0.05)。【结论】致病性鳗弧菌BYK0638能形成稳定而明显的生物膜,其生物膜形成与外界环境因子变化有密切的关系,培养时间、初始菌浓度、温度、p H、Mg2+、盐度及不同组织和黏液等各种环境因子均能显著影响鳗弧菌生物膜的形成。  相似文献   
濒危植物香果树(Emmenopterys henryi)种群结构与动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
香果树(Emmenopterys henryi)为我国特有种,属国家Ⅱ级重点保护植物。主要分布于江西、安徽等地亚热带中山或低山区的森林中。文中对武夷山自然保护区4个群落类型的香果树种群数量动态进行了系统研究,统计其径级结构、建立生命表,应用谱分析方法分析种群数量的动态变化,并对影响该种群结构的环境因子进行了分析。结果表明:(1)武夷山自然保护区香果树种群基本属于衰退型,幼苗少,中树、大树个体丰富。不同生境的种群密度存在差异,其中香果树纯林密度较大(8.45±0.818株·100 m^-2),幼苗数量较多,更新较好(幼苗密度1.05±0.326株·100 m^-2),针阔混交林中香果树密度较小(6.58±0.76株·100 m^-2),无幼苗;(2)香果树种群中树死亡率较高,其他各级死亡率较低;(3)香果树种群自然更新过程存在明显的周期。(4)对影响香果树种群结构的13个环境因子通过主成分分析(PCA)发现,较高的光强、土壤含水量、弱酸性土壤、土壤有机质、大气湿度、大气温度和适量的人为干扰对种群增长发挥有利影响,而高海拔、阴坡、陡坡度和大的乔灌层盖度对香果树种群增长则发挥不利影响。(5)充分利用香果树幼树喜荫、大树喜光的特点,加强现有林分的就地保护,特别是具有结实能力的母树,并就地采种育苗,扩大人工种群数量。  相似文献   
环境微生物学是环境工程专业的必修专业课,课程的开展对培养学生应用技术能力和提高综合素质等至关重要。传统教学模式使应用技术型人才的培养受到局限,通过分析环镜微生物学课程的理论教学、实验教学、教学形式和师资建设等方面现状,阐述了改革思路和具体措施,以期达到提高学生应用能力的目的,为实现应用技术型人才培养目标进行探索与实践。  相似文献   
Renewable energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets are driving an acceleration in the use of bioenergy resources. The environmental impact of national and regional development plans must be assessed in compliance with the EU Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive (2001/42/EC). Here, we quantify the environmental impact of an Irish Government bioenergy plan to replace 30% of peat used in three peat‐burning power stations, located within the midlands region, with biomass. Four plan alternatives for supplying biomass to the power plant were considered in this study: (1) importation of palm kernel shell from south‐east Asia, (2) importation of olive cake pellets from Spain and (3) growing either willow or (4) Miscanthus in the vicinity of the power stations. The impact of each alternative on each of the environmental receptors proposed in the SEA Directive was first quantified before the data were normalized on either an Irish, regional or global scale. Positive environmental impacts were very small compared to the negative environmental impacts for each of the plan alternatives considered. Comparison of normalized indicator values confirmed that the adverse environmental consequences of each plan alternative are concentrated at the location where the biomass is produced. The analysis showed that the adverse environmental consequences of biomass importation are substantially greater than those associated with the use of willow and Miscanthus grown on former grassland. The use of olive cake pellets had a greater adverse environmental effect compared to the use of peat whereas replacement of peat with either willow or Miscanthus feedstocks led to a substantial reduction in environmental pressure. The proposed assessment framework combines the scope of SEA with the quantitative benefits of life cycle assessment and can be used to evaluate the environmental consequences of bioenergy plans.  相似文献   
运用已建立的景观尺度生态系统生产力过程模型EPPML对长白山自然保护区地表径流量的季节动态和空间分布特征进行了模拟,对其与环境因子间的相互关系进行了分析.模拟结果表明,长白山自然保护区地表径流量的季节进程表现出明显的三峰型,6月和9月出现低谷,8月达最大(2.58mm·d^-1),与土壤含水量的季节变化趋势十分相似.1995年地表径流量的模拟值平均为0.203m·年^-l,空间分布随海拔升高呈现明显增加的趋势,最高为高山流砾滩(0.619m·年^-1),最低为阔叶红松林(0.081m·年^-1).年地表径流量与叶面积指数(LAI)呈极显著负相关指数关系(R^2=0.857).年地表径流量与气温和总辐射呈负相关关系(R^2分别为0.965和0.836),与降水量、相对湿度和风速呈正相关关系(R^2均大于0.950),还与土壤特性密切相关。  相似文献   
武夷山风景名胜区景观格局与环境因子的多尺度响应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在3S技术平台支撑下,用典范对应分析排序方法对武夷山风景区景观格局与环境因子的关系及其尺度效应进行了分析。结果表明,在6个取样尺度上(粒度分别为30 m、90 m、150 m、210 m、300 m和450 m),排序轴总特征值呈递减趋势,依次为9.626、7.814、5.708、4.019、3.386、2.310;前4轴累积景观环境解释量变化程度小(97.3%~98.8%),前2轴各尺度平均累积解释量为89.4%,景观-环境的相关系数呈先减后增趋势。6个尺度中环境因子与景观格局的平均相关系数依次为郁闭度(0.7989**)>腐殖质层厚度(0.7248**)>海拔(0.6083**)>坡度(0.6132**)>经度(-0.4064**)>土层厚度(0.3696**)>纬度(0.0614)>坡向(0.0295)。风景区景观类型可划分为3类,即与海拔因子密切相关的裸地、河流、建设用地、农田景观,与土壤因子密切相关的杉木林、马尾松林、阔叶林景观,以及受人类活动密切相关的茶园、经济林、竹林、灌草丛景观。因此,风景区景观格局与环境因子间的关系具有尺度效应,各环境因子对排序轴相关系数的影响规律在6个取样尺度内可尺度推绎。  相似文献   
DNA条形码是利用标准的DNA片段对物种进行快速鉴定的技术,已在生物学各相关领域得到广泛应用。随着DNA条形码技术的不断发展和完善,已成功应用于生态学领域的相关研究中。本文综述了DNA条形码在物种快速鉴定和隐存种发现、群落系统发育重建和生态取证、群落内物种间相互关系研究等方面的应用,并介绍了DNAmetabarcoding技术和环境DNA条形码在生物多样性和生态学研究领域中的应用。最后,结合新的测序技术和未来大科学装置的发展,在相关数据库逐渐完善,新分析方法和计算模型不断开发使用的情景下,对DNA条形码在生态学相关领域的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
于2014和2015年7月对新疆伊犁河支流喀什河和巩乃斯河共14个采样点的大型底栖无脊椎动物进行了调查研究, 比较分析了自然、受损、坝下和保护区4种生境的大型底栖动物群落结构特征。共采集大型底栖动物14435头, 属10目39科81属(种), 其中水生昆虫、软体动物、寡毛类分别占93.8%、2.5%和3.7%。对不同生境大型底栖动物群落结构特征进行了分析比较, 结果表明: 自然生境在物种数、优势物种数、EPT物种数、密度和物种多样性方面均高于其他3种生境, 而坝下生境均最低, 保护区生境底栖动物群落结构优于受损生境和坝下生境。冗余分析(RDA)结果共解释了物种数据累计方差的54.1%, 流速、电导率、水温和海拔是影响伊犁河底栖动物分布的主要因素(F=2.28—4.34, P<0.05)。  相似文献   
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