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Summary Variation in recombination rate is important to plant breeders since a major objective is to obtain favorable recombinants of linked genes. The ability to increase recombination (R) in circumstances in which favorable and unvavorable genes are linked (Corn Belt x exotic populations) and to decrease recombination when many favorable genes are linked (narrow-based, elite populations) would be of immense value. However, the concept of variation in recombination frequencies between linked genes has received limited attention despite its implications in breeding and genetic linkage studies. Molecular techniques have allowed better estimations of this variation. In this study, attempts were made to characterize: (1) the R values in the Pgm1-Adh1 and Adh1-Phi1 adjacent regions of chromosome 1 and the Idh2-Mdh2 region of chromosome 6 in F2 families of three maize (Zea mays L.) populations; (2) the environmental effect on R values of F2s from two populations. One population, NSO, was a Corn Belt synthetic, and the other two populations, CBMEX3 and CBCAR5, were composites from crosses between Corn Belt and exotic germ-plams.Wide ranges of estimated recombination ( ) values were observed among families in each population for all three chromsomal regions. The distribution of values for the Pgm1-Adh1 region showed that the F2 families of each population fell into two broad categories: 0.30–0.50 and 0.02–0.20. No intermediates (0.21–0.29) were found. The distributions were almost normal for the Adh1-Phi1 and the Idh2-Mdh2 regions. It would appear that the major dispersion in the Pgm1-Adh1 region was controlled by the effects of a single gene, while the Adh1-Phi1 and Idh2-Mdh2 regions were only affected by polygenes. No correlation was found between recombination values of the two adjacent regions, indicating that the genes affecting recombination for the Pgm1-Adh1 region may be specific for that region.For the Pgm1-Adh1 region, no differences in values were found among the three populations. For the Adh1-Phi1 region, frequencies of CBMEX3 and NSO were not significantly different, but both had significantly greater values than CBCAR5. For the Idh2-Mdh2 region, CBMEX3 was significantly different from NSO. There were significant differences between some paired F2 families within each population for each chromosome region.No significant differences in response to the two environments were detected in CBMEX3 and NSO for either region in chromosome 1.Published as Journal Paper No. 9498 of the Nebraska Agric Res Div, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Research supported in part by USDA Competitive Grant 87-CRCR-2359  相似文献   
Synopsis The life history characteristics of tule perch were compared within and among populations in three drainages with substantially different environmental conditions. Within populations there were, in general, substantial increases in brood size, size of young, brood weight, and gonadal-somatic index (GSI) with age and with size of female. In at least one population there was a trade-off between the number and size of young produced. However, in a lake where individual growth was very slow, brood weight, GSI, and other life history characters showed decreasing trends with age. Among populations in isolated drainages, female length at first reproduction and longevity varied directly and mean brood size varied inversely with environmental predictability. Morphological and geological evidence and some comparative litter characteristics suggest that life history differences among populations in isolated drainages are in part genetic.  相似文献   
季节性干旱地区典型树种长期水分利用特征与模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在季节性干旱地区,水分是影响植物生长发育的关键核心因子.基于长期连续观测数据探究植物水分利用模式,对于季节性干旱地区植被建设具有重要意义.本研究以北京山区侧柏人工林为对象,利用稳定氢氧同位素技术测定了2012-2017年间土壤、植物枝条和降水同位素组成,通过MixSIAR模型定量分析侧柏对不同土层土壤水分的贡献率.结果...  相似文献   
【目的】【方法】采用Box-Behnken法设计三因素三水平响应面实验,对比分析了高温蛋白酶高产菌株枯草芽孢杆菌BY25发酵过程中细菌生长与产酶之间的关系。【结果】实验表明,细菌生长与产酶的关系在各因素交互影响下变化显著。在中低水平的有机氮源添加条件下,细菌的大量繁殖显著抑制了蛋白酶产量,而在高水平的有机氮源添加条件下,细菌量的增长对产酶的作用由抑制转为促进。【结论】该结果表明,产酶诱导物有机氮源豆制品废渣的添加很可能显著提高了枯草芽孢杆菌群体中产酶菌的比率,而在没有合适诱导物的情况下通过增加细菌量并不能有效提高蛋白酶产量。  相似文献   
陈向东 《微生物学通报》2014,41(6):1252-1252
<正>乳双歧杆菌(Bifidobacterium lactis)V9菌株分离自健康蒙古族儿童肠道,已被广泛应用于开发各类益生菌产品[1]。由于双歧杆菌为厌氧菌[2],因此培养和保存时的气体环境会影响其活菌数量和益生功效,也成为该菌实现产业化道路上必须关注的重要环节。本刊于2012年第7期刊登了其木格苏都、张和平等的文章"不同气体环境对益生菌Bifidobacterium lactis V9生长的影响"[3]。作者对该菌在不同气体环境中的生长代谢特性进行了系统研究,明确了在有微量二氧化碳和氧气存在的环境下更有利于其生长。该研究为提高乳双歧  相似文献   
环境微生物培养新技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遍布于地球上各种生境中的微生物具有丰富的物种多样性.迄今为止,能够在实验室条件下培养的微生物仅仅是其中的一小部分,微生物物种的绝大多数还都难以在现有培养技术和条件下进行繁殖和生长.人们把那些尚未在实验室获得培养生长的微生物称之为未培养微生物(Uncultured microorganisms).本文概述了一些制约微生物培养生长的影响因素,重点介绍了近年来出现的一些新颖独特的环境微生物培养技术和方法,包括稀释培养法、高通量培养技术、模拟自然环境的扩散盒技术、土壤基质膜装置、细胞微囊包埋技术等.此外,本文还总结了通过改善微生物培养条件、设计开发新型的微生物培养基等方面取得的令人瞩目的进展.这些新颖培养技术和培养方法的出现,显著提高了微生物的可培养性,发现和鉴定了许多新的微生物物种,极大地丰富了可培养微生物的多样性和微生物资源,并为深入研究和开发微生物奠定了良好的资源研究基础.  相似文献   
细菌s RNA是一类长度在40-500 nt之间的非编码RNA,在细菌细胞感应外界环境压力变化、控制基因表达方面发挥着重要的作用。本文综述了细菌s RNA与群体感应系统相互作用在调控基因表达方面的研究进展,对揭示细菌错综复杂的代谢调控过程,以及了解细菌对外界环境变化的响应机制具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
成都平原水稻-小麦轮作系统NO排放及其主要影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于亚军  王小国  朱波 《生态学报》2015,35(9):2910-2916
应用静态暗箱-化学发光氮氧化物分析法对成都平原水稻-小麦轮作系统进行了1.5个轮作周期的NO排放定位观测,分析了NO排放特征及施氮、土壤温度、土壤湿度和作物参与对NO排放的影响。结果表明:成都平原水稻-小麦轮作系统在不施氮情况下,表现为土壤NO负排放(吸收),而施氮(N150kg/hm2)时NO排放通量为(5.5±3.3)μg m-2 h-1,施氮能显著增加土壤NO排放量,并且其效应在水热条件较好的水稻季更明显。整个观测期NO排放量有56.1%来自水稻季,而2个小麦季和休闲期NO排放量分别占32.5%和11.4%,由于休闲期NO高排放主要是作物收获后的几次翻地引起的,因此,减少休闲期翻地次数可能会有效减少NO排放。土壤温度是影响NO排放的首要环境因素,并且两者呈线性回归关系,土壤湿度对NO排放的影响因土壤湿度本身状况而异,土壤湿度条件较差时,其增加有利于NO排放,而当土壤湿度较好时会抑制NO排放。此外,土壤水热条件还是造成NO负排放(吸收)和作物参与对水稻季和小麦季NO排放贡献有别的重要原因。  相似文献   
土壤水分条件对克隆植物互花米草表型可塑性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何军  赵聪蛟  清华  甘琳  安树青 《生态学报》2009,29(7):3518-3524
在互花米草草滩挖掘沙蚕是海岸带常见的行为,会造成土壤结构松散,蓄水能力下降,局部土壤水分含量低.能否利用这些条件,降低互花米草种群的入侵性,并进而对互花米草的控制提供对策是一个重要的生态学命题.为此,实验模拟3种不同土壤蓄水条件,并测定互花米草在该条件下的形态与存活指标、克隆特征参数及生物量积累与分配格局.结果表明:土壤水分条件对互花米草的叶长和根状茎生物量均没有显著影响(p> 0.05);而其株高、分枝强度、克隆存活数、克隆存活率及地上生物量在各土壤水分条件间差异显著(p< 0.05);在低水分条件下,互花米草的芽数、基茎粗、地上生物量比和叶生物量比均显著低于其他两组处理(p< 0.05),地下生物量比则显著高于其他两组处理(p< 0.05);在中等水分条件下,互花米草的根状茎长、根状茎节数、地下生物量和茎生物量比与其他两组处理差异不显著(p> 0.05),而在其他两组处理间差异显著(p< 0.05);在高水分条件下,总生物量、茎生物量和根生物量显著高于其他两组处理(p< 0.05),根状茎生物量比则显著低于其他两组处理(p< 0.05),而这些指标在其他两组处理间均差异不显著(p> 0.05).由此推断,土壤水分条件适中有利于互花米草的生长扩张以占领有利的资源环境,而土壤水分条件低则抑制互花米草的生长繁殖,影响其种群延续.  相似文献   
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