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The use of venom to subdue prey or deter predators has evolved multiple times in numerous animal lineages. Catfishes represent one of the most easily recognized, but least studied groups of venomous fishes. Venom glands surround spines on the dorsal and pectoral fins that serve as venom delivery structures. Species of madtom catfishes in the genus Noturus were found to each have one of four venom delivery morphologies: (1) smooth spine with no venom gland; (2) smooth spine with venom gland associated with shaft of spine; (3) serrated spine with venom gland associated with shaft of spine; and (4) serrated spine with venom gland associated with shaft of spine and posterior serrations. Analyses accounting for the phylogenetic history of Noturus species suggest that a serrated pectoral spine with a venom gland is the ancestral condition for the genus. The presence of serrations and a venom gland have been largely conserved among Noturus species, but sting morphology has changed at least five times within the genus. Four of these changes have resulted in a loss of morphological complexity, including the loss of posterior serrations, loss of venom glands associated with the posterior serrations, and one complete loss of the venom gland. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 115–129.  相似文献   
The Public Trust Doctrine (PTD) is considered the cornerstone of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. Effective application of the PTD requires a clear understanding of the doctrine and appropriate behavior by trustees, trust managers, and beneficiaries. Most PTD literature refers generically to the role of the government as the people's trustee, without addressing the differences between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government in the United States or recognizing the distinction between elected and appointed officials and career civil servants. Elected and appointed officials, especially in the legislative branch, have policy-level decision-making authority that makes them trustees of the people's wildlife under the PTD. In contrast, career professionals working for state wildlife agencies (SWA's) have ministerial duties as trust managers. The differences between the roles of trustees and trust managers are important. By focusing on their role as trust managers, while supporting and respecting the role of elected and appointed officials as trustees, SWA professionals can more effectively advance application of the PTD. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Members of the Anoctamin (Ano)/TMEM16A family have recently been identified as essential subunits of the Ca2+-activated chloride channel (CaCC). For example, Ano1 is highly expressed in multiple tissues including airway epithelia, where it acts as an apical conduit for transepithelial Cl secretion and helps regulate lung liquid homeostasis and mucus clearance. However, little is known about the oligomerization of this protein in the plasma membrane. Thus, utilizing mCherry- and eGFP-tagged Ano1 constructs, we conducted biochemical and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based experiments to determine the quaternary structure of Ano1. FRET and co-immunoprecipitation studies revealed that tagged Ano1 subunits directly associated before they reached the plasma membrane. This association was not altered by changes in cytosolic Ca2+, suggesting that this is a fixed interaction. To determine the oligomeric structure of Ano1, we performed chemical cross-linking, non-denaturing PAGE, and electromobility shift assays, which revealed that Ano1 exists as a dimer. These data are the first to probe the quaternary structure of Ano1. Understanding the oligomeric nature of Ano1 is an essential step in the development of therapeutic drugs that could be useful in the treatment of cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   
PTP1B is a protein tyrosine-phosphatase located on the cytosolic side of the endoplasmic reticulum that plays an important role in the regulation of the insulin receptor (IR). Replacement of the conserved Asp-181 by alanine is known to convert PTP1B into a substrate-trapping protein that binds to but cannot dephosphorylate its substrates. In this work, we have studied the effect of an additional mutation (Y46F) on the substrate-trapping efficiency of PTP1B-D181A. We observed that this mutation converts PTP1B-D181A into a highly efficient substrate-trapping mutant, resulting in much higher recovery of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins coimmunoprecipitated with PTP1B. Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) experiments were also performed to compare the dynamics of interaction of the IR with these mutants. Basal BRET, which mainly reflects the interaction of PTP1B with the IR precursor during its biosynthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum, was markedly increased with the PTP1B-D181A-Y46F mutant. In contrast, insulin-induced BRET was markedly reduced with PTP1B-D181A-Y46F. I(125) insulin binding experiments indicated that PTP1B-D181-Y46F reduced the expression of IR at the plasma membrane. Reduced expression at the cell surface was associated with higher amounts of the uncleaved IR precursor in the cell. Moreover, we observed that substantial amounts of the uncleaved IR precursor reached the Tris-phosphorylated, fully activated form in an insulin independent fashion. These results support the notion that PTP1B plays a crucial role in the control of the activity of the IR precursor during its biosynthesis. In addition, this new substrate-trapping mutant may be a valuable tool for the identification of new PTP1B substrates.  相似文献   
To investigate the mechanism of regulation of sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA) by phospholamban (PLB), we expressed Cerulean-SERCA and yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)-PLB in adult rabbit ventricular myocytes using adenovirus vectors. SERCA and PLB were localized in the sarcoplasmic reticulum and were mobile over multiple sarcomeres on a timescale of tens of seconds. We also observed robust fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) from Cerulean-SERCA to YFP-PLB. Electrical pacing of cardiac myocytes elicited cytoplasmic Ca(2+) elevations, but these increases in Ca(2+) produced only modest changes in SERCA-PLB FRET. The data suggest that the regulatory complex is not disrupted by elevations of cytosolic calcium during cardiac contraction (systole). This conclusion was also supported by parallel experiments in heterologous cells, which showed that FRET was reduced but not abolished by calcium. Thapsigargin also elicited a small decrease in PLB-SERCA binding affinity. We propose that PLB is not displaced from SERCA by high calcium during systole, and relief of functional inhibition does not require dissociation of the regulatory complex. The observed modest reduction in the affinity of the PLB-SERCA complex with Ca(2+) or thapsigargin suggests that the binding interface is altered by SERCA conformational changes. The results are consistent with multiple modes of PLB binding or alternative binding sites.  相似文献   
Proteins employ aromatic residues for carbohydrate binding in a wide range of biological functions. Glycoside hydrolases, which are ubiquitous in nature, typically exhibit tunnels, clefts, or pockets lined with aromatic residues for processing carbohydrates. Mutation of these aromatic residues often results in significant activity differences on insoluble and soluble substrates. However, the thermodynamic basis and molecular level role of these aromatic residues remain unknown. Here, we calculate the relative ligand binding free energy by mutating tryptophans in the Trichoderma reesei family 6 cellulase (Cel6A) to alanine. Removal of aromatic residues near the catalytic site has little impact on the ligand binding free energy, suggesting that aromatic residues immediately upstream of the active site are not directly involved in binding, but play a role in the glucopyranose ring distortion necessary for catalysis. Removal of aromatic residues at the entrance and exit of the Cel6A tunnel, however, dramatically impacts the binding affinity, suggesting that these residues play a role in chain acquisition and product stabilization, respectively. The roles suggested from differences in binding affinity are confirmed by molecular dynamics and normal mode analysis. Surprisingly, our results illustrate that aromatic-carbohydrate interactions vary dramatically depending on the position in the enzyme tunnel. As aromatic-carbohydrate interactions are present in all carbohydrate-active enzymes, these results have implications for understanding protein structure-function relationships in carbohydrate metabolism and recognition, carbon turnover in nature, and protein engineering strategies for biomass utilization. Generally, these results suggest that nature employs aromatic-carbohydrate interactions with a wide range of binding affinities for diverse functions.  相似文献   
Na/K-ATPase (NKA) activity is dynamically regulated by an inhibitory interaction with a small transmembrane protein, phospholemman (PLM). Inhibition is relieved upon PLM phosphorylation. Phosphorylation may alter how PLM interacts with NKA and/or itself, but details of these interactions are unknown. To address this, we quantified FRET between PLM and its regulatory target NKA in live cells. Phosphorylation of PLM was mimicked by mutation S63E (PKC site), S68E (PKA/PKC site), or S63E/S68E. The dependence of FRET on protein expression in live cells yielded information about the structure and binding affinity of the PLM-NKA regulatory complex. PLM phosphomimetic mutations altered the quaternary structure of the regulatory complex and reduced the apparent affinity of the PLM-NKA interaction. The latter effect was likely due to increased oligomerization of PLM phosphomimetic mutants, as suggested by PLM-PLM FRET measurements. Distance constraints obtained by FRET suggest that phosphomimetic mutations slightly alter the oligomer quaternary conformation. Photon-counting histogram measurements revealed that the major PLM oligomeric species is a tetramer. We conclude that phosphorylation of PLM increases its oligomerization into tetramers, decreases its binding to NKA, and alters the structures of both the tetramer and NKA regulatory complex.  相似文献   
Survivin was initially described as an inhibitor of apoptosis and attracted growing attention as one of the most tumor-specific genes in the human genome and a promising target for cancer therapy. Lately, it has been shown that survivin is a multifunctional protein that takes part in several crucial cell processes. At first, it was supposed that survivin functions only as a homodimer, but now data indicate that many processes require monomeric survivin. Moreover, recent studies reveal a special mechanism regulating the balance between monomeric and dimeric forms of the protein. In this paper we studied the mutant form of survivin that was unable to dimerize and investigated its role in apoptosis. We showed that survivin monomer interacts with Smac/DIABLO and X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) both in vitro and in vivo. Due to this feature, it protects cells from caspase-dependent apoptosis even more efficiently than the wild-type survivin. We also identified that mutant monomeric survivin prevents apoptosis-inducing factor release from the mitochondrial intermembrane space, protecting human fibrosarcoma HT1080 cells from caspase-independent apoptosis. On the other hand, our results indicate that only wild-type survivin, but not the monomer mutant form, enhances tubulin stability in cells. These findings suggest that survivin partly performs its functions as a monomer and partly as a dimer. The mechanism of dimer-monomer balance regulation may also work as a "switcher" between survivin functions and thereby explain remarkable functional diversities of this protein.  相似文献   
Human ether-a-go-go-related gene product (HERG) is a cardiac potassium channel commonly implicated in the pathogenesis of the long QT syndrome, type 2 (LQT2). LQT2 mutations typically have incomplete penetrance and affect individuals at various stages of their lives; this may mirror variations in intracellular signaling and HERG regulation. Previous work showed that sustained protein kinase A (PKA) activity augments HERG protein abundance by a mechanism that includes enhanced protein translation. To investigate the subcellular site of this regulation, we generated site-specific probes to the cytoplasmic surface of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the presumed locale of channel synthesis. Real-time FRET-based indicators demonstrated both cAMP and PKA activity at the ER. A PKA inhibitor targeted to the ER surface (termed p4PKIg) completely abolished PKA-mediated augmentation of HERG in HEK293 cells as well as rat neonatal cardiomyocytes. Immunofluorescence co-localization, targeted FRET-based PKA biosensors, phospho-specific antibodies, and in vivo phosphorylation experiments confirmed that p4PKIg is preferentially active at the ER surface rather than the plasma membrane. Rerouting this inhibitor to the outer mitochondrial membrane diminishes its ability to block cAMP-dependent HERG induction. Our results support a model where PKA-dependent regulation of HERG synthesis occurs at the ER surface. Furthermore, reagents generated for this study provide novel experimental tools to probe compartmentalized cAMP/PKA signaling within cells.  相似文献   
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