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The yearly timing of the life cycle of a parasitoid is a key element of its life‐history strategy. I examine here factors influencing the expression of partial bivoltinism in Tetrastichus julis Walker (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), a specialist parasitoid introduced to North America to attack its univoltine host, the cereal leaf beetle, Oulema melanopus (L.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). The varying tendency was assessed of individuals of this gregarious larval parasitoid to either emerge as adults in the same summer they mature, or to enter diapause to emerge the following year. Parasitized hosts were obtained by rearing cereal leaf beetles collected as mature larvae from grain fields in northern Utah (western USA) throughout the growing seasons in 2013 and 2014. Cocoons spun by these beetles were held to determine patterns over the spring and summer in the tendency of the parasitoid to forgo larval diapause. A high percentage (nearly 90% in 2013) of parasitoid individuals were found to forgo diapause and emerge in the same summer from earliest maturing hosts. This percentage rapidly declined to 20% or less of individuals forgoing diapause and emerging from cocoons as the summer advanced. The percentage of parasitoid individuals forgoing diapause increased significantly at a given time of season (early or late) as the number of conspecifics with which an individual shared a host larva increased. These results may reflect a trade‐off for individual parasitoids in which greater success in finding – and ovipositing in – host larvae the following spring vs. in summer, is countered by reduced survivorship in diapausing over the winter vs. emerging in the same summer in which the parasitoid matures. Expression of partial bivoltinism of T. julis, as affected strongly by both season and within‐host density, results in high rates of parasitism of cereal leaf beetles both early and late in the season.  相似文献   
Nest building relates to reproductive effort, sexual selection, intersexual conflict and cooperation and may be linked to individual phenotype and interindividual interactions. In particular, larger individuals having more energy reserves are expected to build more, larger nests, without having to trade intrasexual competition for cooperative nest building. Capture–mark–recapture and nest survey of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus L. 1758) were combined to assess the relationship between individuals and nesting activity on a spawning ground, throughout a breeding season, during which 202 nests were observed and 114 individuals were captured. On average, males and females stayed 8.33 ± 1.02 and 3.57 ± 1.04 days on the spawning ground, visited 2.26 ± 1.72 and 1.67 ± 1.17 nests and encountered 2.33 ± 2.13 mates for males and 2.29 ± 1.32 mates for females, respectively, and the number of mates encountered increased with the number of nests visited. Body size had no effect on the duration of presence on spawning ground, number of nests visited, number of individuals per nest and sex ratio on nest or nest volume. Bigger nests were found at the end of the season and were not necessarily built by more individuals. This work brings insights on the mating system and cooperative nest building in sea lamprey and may inform managers who want to estimate sea lamprey populations via nest surveys.  相似文献   
为探究黄山松土壤可溶性有机质(DOM)数量和质量对短期氮(N)添加的响应及其与细菌群落的关联,在福建戴云山自然保护区设置不同N添加水平(0、40和80 kg N·hm-2·a-1)试验,采用三维荧光与平行因子联用法,并结合高通量测序手段分别对土壤DOM和细菌群落进行分析。结果表明: 与对照相比,N添加整体降低了0~10和10~20 cm土层可溶性有机碳(DOC)含量和DOM腐殖化指数(HIX),其中,高氮(80 kg N·hm-2·a-1)添加下均显著降低。平行因子分析法进一步表明N添加下DOM中类腐殖质组分(C1、C2)的相对含量降低。此外,N添加减少了富营养细菌(变形菌门、酸微菌纲)的相对丰度,而增加了贫营养细菌(斯巴达杆菌纲)的相对丰度。富营养细菌的相对丰度与HIX、C1、C2呈显著正相关,与相对易分解的类富里酸组分(C3)呈显著负相关;而贫营养细菌的情况则相反。说明N添加下不同生活策略的细菌类群对DOM中难分解和易分解组分存在明显的偏好性。我们推测N沉降加剧背景下土壤微生物生活策略的转变可能有助于DOM组分的塑造。  相似文献   
热带森林优势种青冈叶片气孔、解剖和形态性状与气候、土壤因子的关联 了解优势树种叶片多水平的功能性状沿海拔梯度的变化及其内在关联,有助于预测优势种应对气候变化的响应与适应。本文研究了青冈属树种叶片气孔、解剖和形态性状沿海拔梯度的变化及其与环境调控因子的关联,探究了其生态策略是否随海拔发生改变。在海南尖峰岭热带森林,沿海拔梯度(400–1400 m)采集了6种常绿青冈:竹叶青冈(Cyclobalanopsis bambusaefolia)、雷公青冈(C. hui)、托盘青冈 (C. patelliformis)、饭甄青冈(C. fleuryi)、吊罗山青冈(C. tiaoloshanica)和亮叶青冈(C. phanera)叶片,用于气孔、解剖和形态性状的测定。研究结果表明,随海拔升高,青冈树种叶片气孔密度、气孔孔隙度指数和叶面积显著增加,但海绵组织厚度比和干物质含量则显着降低。叶片气孔、解剖和形态性状沿海拔梯 度的变化主要受年均温、年降水量和土壤pH 值调控。在低海拔和高海拔处,青冈属采取“耐受”和“竞 争”策略,而在中海拔处,则是“竞争”策略。土壤磷含量和土壤pH 值随海拔的变化可能是驱动其生态 策略转变的主要原因。该结果揭示,热带森林优势树种青冈可通过从气孔细胞-组织解剖结构-叶片水平功能性状的改变来响应环境变化。  相似文献   
Crop growth largely depends on radiation. Radiation is the main impetus for photosynthesis and movement of photosynthates from source to sink. Therefore, identification of the optimum sowing windows and suitable cultivars for efficient utilization of radiation is of prime importance. A field study was conducted in red clay soil during 2014 and 2015 Kharif season and the treatments consisted of three genotypes and three sowing windows by using randomized complete block design with three replications. The effect of genotypes and sowing windows was found significant with respect to number of trifoliate leaves, leaf area ratio, dry matter production, grain numbers, pod length, test weight, grain yield, and stover yield of guar during 2014 as compared to 2015 sown crop. Statistically significant plant height, number of trifoliate leaves, number of branches, leaf area ratio, absolute growth rate, leaf area index, dry matter, grain number, pod length, grain yield, stover yield and a higher cumulative radiation interception were recorded with 15th August sown crop as compared to other sowing windows. The plant height, number of trifoliate leaves, number of branches, leaf area ratio, absolute growth rate, leaf area index, dry matter, grain number, pod length, grain yield, stover yield and maximum cumulative interception of radiation were significant with RGC-1003 as compared to RGC-936 and HG-365. It is observed that the incident PAR to dry matter accumulation conversion efficiency was varied with cultivars and different sowing windows which ranges from 0.74 g MJ−1 to 0.79 g MJ−1.  相似文献   
Animals have adapted behavioral and physiological strategies to conserve energy during periods of adverse conditions. Heterothermy is one such adaptation used by endotherms. While heterothermy—fluctuations in body temperature and metabolic rate—has been shown in large vertebrates, little is known of the costs and benefits of this strategy, both in terms of energy and in terms of fitness. Hence, our objective was to model the energetics of seasonal heterothermy in the largest Arctic ungulate, the muskox (Ovibos moschatus), using an individual‐based energy budget model of metabolic physiology. We found that the empirically based drop in body temperature (winter max ~−0.8°C) overwinter in adult females resulted in substantial fitness benefits in terms of reduced daily energy expenditure and body mass loss. Body mass and energy reserves were 8.98% and 14.46% greater in modeled heterotherms compared to normotherms by end of winter. Based on environmental simulations, we show that seasonal heterothermy can, to some extent, buffer the negative consequences of poor prewinter body condition or reduced winter food accessibility, leading to greater winter survival (+20%–30%) and spring energy reserves (+10%–30%), and thus increased probability of future reproductive success. These results indicate substantial adaptive short‐term benefits of seasonal heterothermy at the individual level, with potential implications for long‐term population dynamics in highly seasonal environments.  相似文献   
Social predation—when groups of predators coordinate actions to find and capture prey—is a common tactic among mammals but comparatively rare in fishes. We report the unexpected social predation by electric eels, an otherwise solitary predator in the Amazon rainforest. Observations made in different years and recorded on video show electric eels herding, encircling shoals of small nektonic fishes, and launching joint predatory high‐voltage strikes on the prey ball. These findings challenge the hypothesis that electric eels may have a single foraging strategy and extend our knowledge on social predation to an organism that employs high‐voltage discharge for hunting. Thereby offering a novel perspective for studies on the evolutionary interplay between predatory and escape tactics.  相似文献   
A 3D balance control model of quiet upright stance is presented, based on an optimal control strategy, and evaluated in terms of its ability to simulate postural sway in both the anterior–posterior and medial–lateral directions. The human body was represented as a two-segment inverted pendulum. Several assumptions were made to linearise body dynamics, for example, that there was no transverse rotation during upright stance. The neural controller was presumed to be an optimal controller that generates ankle control torque and hip control torque according to certain performance criteria. An optimisation procedure was used to determine the values of unspecified model parameters including random disturbance gains and sensory delay times. This model was used to simulate postural sway behaviours characterised by centre-of-pressure (COP)-based measures. Confidence intervals for all normalised COP-based measures contained unity, indicating no significant differences between any of the simulated COP-based measures and corresponding experimental references. In addition, mean normalised errors for the traditional measures were < 8%, and those for most statistical mechanics measures were ~3–66%. On the basis these results, the proposed 3D balance control model appears to have the ability to accurately simulate 3D postural sway behaviours.  相似文献   
Our understanding of the mechanisms involved in the development of alcohol-induced liver disease has increased substantially in recent years. Specifically, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species have been identified as key components in initiating and possibly sustaining the pathogenic pathways responsible for the progression from alcohol-induced fatty liver to alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis. Ethanol has been demonstrated to increase the production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and decrease several antioxidant mechanisms in liver. However, the relative contribution of the proposed sites of ethanol-induced reactive species production within the liver is still not clear. It has been proposed that chronic ethanol-elicited alterations in mitochondria structure and function might result in increased production of reactive species at the level of the mitochondrion in liver from ethanol consumers. This in turn might result in oxidative modification and inactivation of mitochondrial macromolecules, thereby contributing further to mitochondrial dysfunction and a loss in hepatic energy conservation. Moreover, ethanol-related increases in reactive species may shift the balance between pro- and anti-apoptotic factors such that there is activation of the mitochondrial permeability transition, which would lead to increased cell death in the liver after chronic alcohol consumption. This article will examine the critical role of these reactive species in ethanol-induced liver injury with specific emphasis on how chronic ethanol-associated alterations to mitochondria influence the production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and how their production may disrupt hepatic energy conservation in the chronic alcohol abuser.  相似文献   
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