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Abstract: This article evaluates the influence of an opening of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) on compounds in brain extracellular fluid. The concentrations of amino acids and some other primary amines were determined in dialysates sampled from the right parietal cortex of rats before and after an intracarotid infusion of protamine sulfate. Extravasated plasma proteins were visualized by Evans blue/albumin and immunohistochemistry. CSF albumin— an indicator of blood-CSF barrier opening—was quantified with immunoelectrophoresis. The brains were macroscopically edematous after 10 mg but not after 5 mg of protamine sulfate. The higher dose led to a 50% death rate. The concentrations of amino acids did not change 10 min after the BBB opening. No significant alterations in the amino acid concentrations were observed after the lower dose. The concentrations of glutamate, aspartate, GABA, glycine, taurine, and phosphoethanolamine increased significantly within 50–80 min after the infusion of 10 mg of protamine sulfate. CSF albumin levels were significantly increased 1 h after infusion. We conclude that a dysfunction of the BBB, of a degree known to induce brain edema (10 mg of protamine sulfate), significantly increases the extracellular concentration of excitatory amino acids, GABA, taurine, and phosphoethanolamine in the extracellular space.  相似文献   
Abstract: The effects of α-sialosylcholesterol (α-SC) on formation of either microfilament or glia filament of rat astrocytes were investigated using a reconstitution system. Polymerization of the depolymerized microfilament preparation that had been extracted from a crude cytoskeletal fraction of rat astrocytes, in the presence of 100 m M KCI and 10 m M MgCI2, was suppressed in a dose-dependent manner by α-SC. α-SC inhibited polymerization of G-actin in a similar manner. The intensity of a-SC inhibition of G- actin polymerization was as great as that of microfilament polymerization, suggesting that the inhibition of microfilament polymerization by α-SC was due to the direct action of α-SC on actin, the main component of microfilament. α-SC depolymerized partly the polymerized microfilament preparation, which resembled F-actin (microfilament-like filaments). α-SC suppressed, in a dose-dependent manner, polymerization of a glia filament preparation that had been extracted from astrocyte cytoskeletons in the presence of phalloidin. An increase in the amount of added α-SC (up to 15 n M ) decreased the amount of the larger glia filament-like filaments, which were 10 nm thick and centrifuged down at 16,000 g for 30 min, and increased that of smaller ones precipitated only after centrifugation at 100,000 g for 1 h. The lower the concentration of the depolymerized glia filament extract, the greater was the inhibition by α-SC of the polymerization. α-SC repressed polymerization of vimentin, the dominant component of glia filament. Vimentin polymerization was more strongly inhibited by α-SC than polymerization of glia filament was. The findings suggested that α-SC suppressed polymerization of glia filament through a direct action on vimentin and that the glia filament-associated proteins increased its structural stability in the presence of α-SC.  相似文献   
Abstract: Two glucose transport proteins, GLUT1 and GLUT3, have been detected in brain. GLUT1 is concentrated in the endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier and may be present in neurons and glia; GLUT3 is probably the major neuronal glucose transporter. Of the few studies of glucose transport in the immature brain, none has quantified GLUTS. This study used membrane isolation and immunoblotting techniques to examine the developmental expression of GLUT1 and GLUT3 in four forebrain regions, cerebral microvessels, and choroid plexus, from rats 1–30 days postnatally as compared with adults. The GLUT1 level in whole brain samples was low for 14 days, doubled by 21 days, and doubled again to attain adult levels by 30 days; there was no regional variation. The GLUT3 level in these samples was low during the first postnatal week, increased steadily to adult levels by 21–30 days, and demonstrated regional specificity. The concentration of GLUT1 in microvessels increased steadily after the first postnatal week; the GLUT1 level in choroid plexus was high at birth, decreased at 1 week, and then returned to near fetal levels. GLUT3 was not found in microvessels or choroid plexus. This study indicates that both GLUT1 and GLUT3 are developmentally regulated in rat brain: GLUT1 appears to relate to the nutrient supply and overall growth of the brain, whereas GLUT3 more closely relates to functional activity and neuronal maturation.  相似文献   
Abstract: N -Acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG), a prevalent peptide in the vertebrate nervous system, may be hydrolyzed by extracellular peptidase activity to produce glutamate and N -acetylaspartate. Hydrolysis can be viewed as both inactivating the peptide after synaptic release and increasing synaptic levels of ambient glutamate. To test the hypothesis that NAAG and the peptidase activity that hydrolyzes it coexist as a unique, two-stage system of chemical neurotransmission, 50 discrete regions of the rat CNS were microdissected for assay. In each microregion, the concentration of NAAG was determined by radioimmunoassay and the peptidase activity was assayed using tritiated peptide as substrate. The NAAG concentration ranged from 2.4 nmol/mg of soluble protein in median eminence to 64 in thoracic spinal cord. Peptidase activity against NAAG ranged from 54 pmol of glutamate produced per milligram of membrane protein per minute in median eminence to 148 in superior colliculus. A linear relationship was observed between NAAG peptidase and NAAG concentration in 46 of the 50 areas, with a slope of 2.26 and a correlation coefficient of 0.45. These data support the hypothesis that hydrolysis of NAAG to glutamate and N -acetylaspartate is a consistent aspect of the physiology and metabolism of this peptide after synaptic release. The ratio of peptide concentration to peptidase activity was >0.3 in the following four areas: ventrolateral medulla and reticular formation where the peptide is concentrated in axons of passage, thoracic spinal cord, where NAAG is concentrated in ascending sensory tracts as well as motoneuron cell bodies, and ventroposterior thalamic nucleus.  相似文献   
Spontaneous, phenotypically stable mutations at the -galactosidase locus (lacL-lacM) in Lactobacillus helveticus were identified and analyzed. We found that a significant number of mutations were caused by integration of a new IS element, ISL2, into these lac genes. ISL2 is 858 by long, flanked by 16-bp perfect inverted repeats and generates 3-bp target duplications upon insertion. It contains one open reading frame, which shows significant homology (40.1 % identity) to the putative transposase of IS702 from Cyanobacterium calothrix. ISL2 is present in 4–21 copies in the L. helveticus genome, but it is not found in other lactic acid bacteria. Its divergence in copy number and genomic locations in different L. helveticus strains makes it useful as a tool for strain identification by genetic fingerprinting.  相似文献   
A 5.6 kb DNA fragment from the fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus has been cloned and sequenced. The fragment contains a gene that probably codes for the enzyme acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase (facA). The amino acid sequence deduced for the P. blakesleeanns protein is highly homologous to those of acetyl-coA-synthetases from other organisms. When placed under the control of a constitutive promoter from Aspergillus nidulans, the cloned gene complemented a facA mutation of this organism. In P. blakesleeanns, the expression of facA is induced by acetate.  相似文献   
Cerulenin, an antifungal antibiotic produced by Cephalosporium caerulens, is a potent inhibitor of fatty acid synthase in various organisms, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The antibiotic inhibits the enzyme by binding covalently to the active center cysteine of the condensing enzyme domain. We isolated 12 cerulenin-resistant mutants of S. cerevisiae following treatment with ethyl methanesulfonate. The mechanism of cerulenin resistance in one of the mutants, KNCR-1, was studied. Growth of the mutant was over 20 times more resistant to cerulenin than that of the wild-type strain. Tetrad analysis suggested that all mutants mapped at the same locus, FAS2, the gene encoding the subunit of the fatty acid synthase. The isolated fatty acid synthase, purified from the mutant KNCR-1, was highly resistant to cerulenin. The cerulenin concentration causing 50% inhibition (IC50) of the enzyme activity was measured to be 400 M, whereas the IC50 value was 15 M for the enzyme isolated from the wild-type strain, indicating a 30-fold increase in resistance to cerulenin. The FAS2 gene was cloned from the mutant. Sequence replacement experiments suggested that an 0.8 kb EcoRV-HindIII fragment closely correlated with cerulenin resistance. Sequence analysis of this region revealed that the GGT codon encoding Gly-1257 of the FAS2 gene was altered to AGT in the mutant, resulting in the codon for Ser. Furthermore, a recombinant FAS2 gene, in which the 0.8 Kb EcoRV-HindIII fragment of the wild-type FAS2 gene was replaced with the same region from the mutant, when introduced into FAS2-defective S. cerevisiae complemented the FAS2 pheno-type and showed cerulenin resistance. These data indicate that one amino acid substitution (Gly Ser) in the subunit of fatty acid synthase is responsible for the cerulenin resistance of the mutant KNCR-1.  相似文献   
Three phenotypically stable mutants of the extremely thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus have been isolated by screening for -galactosidase negative colonies on plates with X-Gal (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-(3-d-galactopyranoside). From one of these mutants an insertion element, designated ISC1217, was isolated and characterized. Sequence analysis of ISC1217 and of the regions adjacent to the insertion site in the -galactosidase gene revealed features typical of a transposable element: ISC1217 contained terminal inverted repeats and was flanked by a direct repeat of 6 bp. The 1147 by sequence contained an open reading frame encoding a putative protein of 354 amino acid residues and, overlapping this, two smaller open reading frames on the opposite strand. There were approximately 8 copies of the insertion element in the S. solfataricus genome. ISC1217 did not cross-hybridize with DNA of other Sulfolobus species. All three independently isolated -galactosidase mutants of S. solfataricus arose by transposition of ISC1217 or a related element.  相似文献   
Micropropagated poplar shoots rooted 100% on a rooting medium (A) containing NAA, but they did not root in the absence of auxin (NA). Putrescine, but not spermidine and spermine, promoted rooting up to 42% when added to the NA medium. Cyclohexylamine (CHA), an inhibitor of spermine synthase, also promoted (up to 36%) rooting in the absence of auxin. The inhibitors of polyamine biosynthesis DFMA (α-difluoromethylarginine) and DFMO (α-difluoromethylomithine), aminoguanidine (AG) and methylglyoxal-bis-guanylhydrazone (MGBG), inhibited rooting when applied in the presence of auxin and had no effect in its absence.
The rooting inductive phase (in the presence of auxin) was determined by periodical transfer of shoots from A to NA medium, and by changes in peroxidase activity, to be 7 h. Putrescine (not spermidine and spermine) accumulated to a maximum during the inductive phase. Both putrescine and CHA promoted rooting on NA medium when applied during the first 7 h. In contrast DFMA and AG inhibited rooting during this period. The results point to the involvement of putrescine and its Δ1-pyrroline pathway, in the inductive phase of rooting in poplar shoots.  相似文献   
Clastogenic agents, i.e. agents that can induce chromosome or DNA breakage, have been shown to enhance the rale of direct gene transfer to protoplasts. The effect was analysed at the enzymatic level using protoplast homogenates as well as intact protoplasts. For that purpose existing procedures were modified to enable measurement of DNA polymerase in vivo. In the system used, external DNA was able to enter the cells without the addition of membrane-permeabilizing compounds. When comparing total DNA polymerase activity of protoplasts irradiated with X-rays or UV-light with that of untreated cells we did not observe significant differences. Incubation of protoplasts with high doses of bleomycin affected total DNA polymerase activity negatively. but dideoxythymidine triphosphate-sensitive activity was not influenced. We conclude that the DNA strand-breaks induced by low doses of X-rays. UV-light or bleomycin do not increase the total or the repair-DNA polymerase activity and. therefore. that the increase in the transformation rates after DNA strand-breaking is not preceded by enhanced DNA polymerase activity.  相似文献   
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