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We evaluated the phylogenetic relationships of the Taiwan Firecrest or Flamecrest, Regulus goodfellowi, on the basis of two mitochondrial markers (cytochrome b, 16S rRNA) and territorial song. Genetic samples from eighteen subspecies of all currently accepted crest and kinglet species were available for comparison. In all molecular tree reconstructions it was clearly apparent the Taiwan endemic species was the sister species of all the palearctic Goldcrests (Regulus regulus) from Bayesian inference of phylogeny, although with weak bootstrap support and conflicting position in the ML and NJ trees. Genetic distances based on cyt-b sequences between R. goodfellowi and subspecies of R. regulus ranged between 6.1 and 8.2%. Two separate divergence time estimates dated the colonization of Taiwan to the mid to late Pliocene from 5–2 Mya. The high-pitched territorial songs of R. goodfellowi strongly resemble those of Sino-Himalayan Goldcrests (ssp. himalayensis, sikkimensis, and yunnanensis), but the terminal flourish typical of Goldcrests is invariable and only rarely included in songs of R. goodfellowi. Discriminant analysis of spectral and temporal characteristics separated the songs of the Southeast Asian populations from those of two other large clusters, the Canarian and Northwest Palearctic. Songs of R. goodfellowi were 100% correctly assigned and well distinguishable from Sino–Himalayan songs. Cluster analysis of Regulus songs strongly corroborated the sister group relationship of R. goodfellowi and R. regulus as reconstructed from concatenated mitochondrial sequence data. All results from molecular and acoustic analysis justify the species rank of the Taiwan endemic species and suggest that it is only distantly related to the firecrest clade (R. ignicapillus, R. madeirensis).  相似文献   
The Corsican Nuthatch Sitta whiteheadi is a bird endemic to Corsica Island and has a very small population. Its habitat, Corsican pine Pinus nigra laricio forest, is currently restricted to less than 16,000 ha and is threatened by forest fires. In this article, we aim (1) to evaluate the effects of a large wildfire on a Nuthatch population, and (2) to identify the habitat features that influence the presence/absence of the Nuthatch after fire, so as to promote appropriate forestry practices after fire. The study has been conducted on a study plot of 300 ha which is part of a larger area severely burnt in August 2003. Habitat characteristics have been investigated on 39 plots of 1,225 m2 occupied by the bird, and 22 randomly chosen plots without the Nuthatch. We observed a decrease of 37.5% in Nuthatch abundance the first spring after the fire, but the impact showed great local variation as a function of fire severity. Logistic modelling showed that the presence of Nuthatch mainly depended on the degree of crown alteration: the Nuthatch tended to be present when at least one pine had less than 2.5 m of crown burned. We have no evidence of any direct fire-induced mortality, but several effects of fire can explain this population decrease, namely, the reduction of canopy volume, the decrease of the amount of pine seeds, and the reduction of nest-site availability. These results permit us to propose a simple criterion that can help in choosing the plots to be cut where salvage logging is necessary.  相似文献   
The Yelkouan shearwater, Puffinus yelkouan, is an endangered Mediterranean endemic species of burrowing petrel threatened by feral cats. The life-history parameters of a small population of Yelkouan shearwaters on the Mediterranean island, Port-Cros, were studied in conjunction with the diet of feral cats, to examine the birds’ vulnerability to introduced cats. Yelkouan shearwaters were the birds most frequently found in cat scats, with 431 ± 72 birds killed per year, and predation highest during the pre-laying period. A demographic model was created using data for P. yelkouan and for closely related shearwater species. Without cat predation, only two of four survival rate scenarios led to a mean growth rate (λ) ≥ 1. The model was constrained to have a stable population growth rate and used to predict predation scenarios compatible with the observed population stability, because the population under study has remained stable at around 180 pairs for at least 20 years despite feral cat predation. The results of assuming that the population is closed were inconsistent with the estimated mortalities due to feral cats, while it was possible to reconcile the observed numbers of breeding pairs with the observed mortalities due to cats by assuming that Port-Cros Island is a sink sustained by immigration. This illustrates that small colonies may need to be sustained by larger ones to avoid being driven to extinction. Unfortunately, the absence of a large geographic-scale ringing program makes the precise identification of the origin of the immigrants impossible in this case.  相似文献   
The taxonomic status of some genera within the Phasianidae remains controversial. To demonstrate the phylogenetic relationships of four endemic genera (Tetraophasis, Ithaginis, Crossoptilon and Chrysolophus) and other 11 genera of Phasianidae in China, a total of 1070 nucleotides of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control-region genes were sequenced. There are 376 variable sites including 345 parsimony sites. The genetic distance ranged from 0.067 (Chrysolophus and Phasianus) to 0.181 (Perdix and Bambusicola) among the 15 genera. Maximum likelihood method was used to construct a phylogenetic tree, which grouped all the genera into two deeply divergent clades. Perdix was shown to be a non-partridge genus. Alternatively, it appears ancestral to either partridges or pheasants. The sibling taxa of the four endemic genera were Lophophorus, Tragopan, Lophura and Phasianus, respectively. Calibrated rates of molecular evolution suggested that the divergence time between the four genera and related taxa was 4.00–5.00 million years ago, corresponding to the Pliocene. Considering their molecular phylogenetics, fossil and geographical distribution patterns, the four endemic genera might have originated in the southwestern mountains in China.  相似文献   
The conservation of the endemic, endangered, and first-class protected tree species, Taxus chinensis var. mairei (Lem. & H. Lev.) W. C. Cheng & L. K. Fu, is urgent in China. To assist the protection of this important medicinal plant species, the biological and ecological characteristics of its populations were investigated and analyzed in Shanxi. The study area, southeastern Shanxi, is a special region suitable for this species growth and development. The floristic composition, life form spectrum, and species diversity of T. chinensis var. mairei forests reflected the features of both warm-temperate and subtropical regions. Size classes in DBH and static life table analysis showed that the population structure of T. chinensis var. mairei was of the increase-type. Plant density, survivorship, and mortality decreased with increase in age. Distribution patterns of individuals were basically clumped and saplings tended to be distributed randomly. Disturbance from collection of leaves, branches, and stems for medicine was an important factor affecting population structure, dynamics, and distribution. The sex ratio of female/male and the efficiency of sexual reproduction were very low. The main way of reproduction for this species is vegetative propagation. Based on these characteristics, some suggestions, such as establishing nature reserves, improving population structure by cultivation and transplantation, developing seed gardens, and plantations, etc., for the conservation management of T. chinensis var. mairei and its forests in Shanxi are discussed.  相似文献   
The genetic population structure of the Japanese freshwater goby Gymnogobius castaneus was investigated on the basis of analysis of gene products of 19 allozyme loci. Two diverged groups were detected, one being endemic to the Kanto region and the other extensively distributed in eastern Japan. These two groups were distinguishable from each other by a complete allelic substitution in one locus, G3PDH*. In the Kanto region, both groups were distributed in the same river basin, being distinguishable by a complete allelic substitution in four loci, G3PDH*, GPI-2*, PGDH*, and PGM*. These results suggest that these two groups showed reproductive isolation.  相似文献   
Forest fragmentation potentially increases the extinction risk of plant species. Conservation and effective management of threatened plants in fragmented forests require basic information on their population status. In the present study, we conduct population surveys and provide the most current population status of one Endangered (Vatica rynchocarpa) and two Critically Endangered (Vatica havilandii and Vatica cauliflora) species of Vatica in fragmented riparian forests of Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Using a focused survey method, we assessed populations of the target species in 13 locations with a total covered distance of c. 26 km. We located 317 individuals of V. rynchocarpa and 568 individuals of V. havilandii of which 31 (10.8 %) and 10 (1.8 %) are mature individuals, respectively. In Kapuas Hulu, the endemic tree V.cauliflora were 191 individuals with only 29 (17.9 %) being in a mature stage. All the individuals were found in an unprotected and relatively flat riparian forest with an elevation range of 30–52 m above sea level. We observed that habitat conversion into rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) and the medicinal plant kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) plantations are the main threat to the species. Further studies are needed in order to understand the effects of land use changes and other factors such as river discharge patters on the survival and population dynamic of the species. In addition, protection of the forest fragments is required to conserve all the target species.  相似文献   
亚洲中部荒漠区的植物特有属   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
赵一之  朱宗元 《云南植物研究》2003,25(2):113-121,122
系统地列出了亚洲中部荒漠区的13个植物特有属或近特有属——绵刺属、沙冬青属、四合木属、百花篙属、革苞菊属、河西菊属、喀什菊属、紊篙属、连蕊芥属、钝基草属、合头黎属、戈壁黎属、霸王属。这些属都是单种属或双种属,分类上属于孤立的类群;演化系统上是既起源古老而又进化的类群;生态上都是早生植物,绝大多数是荒漠种,其生活型灌木和半灌木占优势;地理分布上阿拉善荒漠区是其特有属的分布中心;起源上是多元的。  相似文献   
试论中国种子植物特有属的分布区类型   总被引:40,自引:3,他引:40  
中国种子植物特有属是局限分布于中国行政区域范围内的植物成分,就其分布特点看,集中分布于中国南部亚热带广阔区域。由于中国地域广袤,虽然大多数特有属分布在东亚自然地域范围内,但南部特有属的分布范围已进入古热带植物区的马来亚森林植物亚区的北部,而西部的特有属的分布范围已进入青藏高原地区。局限于不同地域分布的特有属,各自的起源发生、所经历的地质历史过程存在一定差别。本文以自然地理区划作为研究中国种子植物特有属分布区类型的依据,将中国特有属分布区类型划分为中国东部和中部特有分布变型、中国南部特有分布变型、中国西部特有分布变型和中国北部特有分布变型4类。其中中国南部特有分布变型所含特有属为热带区系成分,其它3个特有分布变型所含特有属为温带区系成分。这样能较客观地反映中国特有属的自然地理特征,有利于研究局部地区植物区系的地质历史演变过程。  相似文献   
This study explores the possible causes of variation in female reproductive success of the subspecific taxon Primula elatior subsp. bergidensis, a distylic endemic to the north-western Iberian Peninsula, by analysing both vegetative and reproductive traits. In three populations, we marked vegetative and reproductive individuals either by mapping the spatial position of every individual (in one population), or by establishing permanent quadrats (in the remainder two populations). We recorded floral morph (pin or thrum), width and length of the largest leaf, scape length, and number of flowers produced; all individuals were monitored to estimate the number of fruits and seeds produced. The results show that the morph ratio did not differ significantly from 1:1 in any of the populations. The number of flowers per plant varied between populations, and longer scape length was associated with higher fruit set in all populations. Plant size, scape length, and population spatial structure all had major effects on reproductive success, but the strength—and in some cases the direction—of the effects varied among populations.  相似文献   
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