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Vegetation pattern, soil attributes, and salinity regimes along with several other environmental factors were studied in a small (11 ha) but unmodified estuary in south Westland, New Zealand. Part of an unmodified 40 km2 catchment within the South-west New Zealand World Heritage Area, the Hapuka Estuary, formed behind a 5-km long barrier beach, provides considerable ecological value as well as baseline, conservation advocacy and educative potentials both in a national and international context. Seventy-four quadrats were sampled randomly along five transects at right angles to the main Hapuka River. Eight plant communities comprising 141 native and thirteen exotic vascular species, were differentiated using multivariate analyses, from bare mud (mean elevation 1.23±0.24 m above Mean Low Water Spring (MLWS)), saltmarsh and shrubland associations through to the adjacent podocarp-broadleaved rain forest (4.53±0.74 m above MLWS). Bulk density of the upper 10 cm of substrate varied from a maximum of 1.15 g cm?3 in the lowest elevation association to a minimum of 0.15 g cm?3 in the rain forest. pH showed a similar trend with values of 6.97 and 4.31, respectively. The reverse pattern was evident with organic matter, with the highest content (53% ODWt) in the rain forest substrate. The water which irrigates the saltmarsh at high tide reaches 15–19» salinity on calm days but may be much less saline when moderate to strong southerly winds counter the tidal influence. Northerly winds, or a southern outlet through the barrier beach, intermittently evident in the past, are likely to enhance salinity of the tidal waters across the saltmarsh. Ordination of the vegetation samples indicated a very strong gradient associated with Axis 1 (eigenvalue=0.872) and Axis 2 (eigenvalue=0.461). Vector fitting of nine measured environmental factors indicated a strong positive correlation with Axis 1 of the ordination, of soil pH, sodium and conductivity, and negative correlations with elevation, soil water, organic matter and potassium contents.  相似文献   
The mudprawn, Upogebia africana is common in intertidal regions of many South African estuaries. The life cycle is complex, incorporating a marine phase of development during the larval stages. Breeding peaks are in summer and first-stage larvae are released into the plankton at night. Maximum release activity and export to the marine environment follow a semi-lunar cycle synchronized to the time when high water in the estuary is crepuscular. This occurs after peak spring tidal amplitude. Estuarine reinvasion by postlarvae is also nocturnal, and maximum return occurs after neap's when low water at sea occurs around sunset. Rhythmic cycles of larval export and postlarval estuarine reinvasion are therefore asynchronous during the lunar cycle and are best explained by the timing of the change in light intensity relative to high and low water respectively. If maximum activity rhythms of Stage 1 and postlarvae are independent of tidal amplitude, then timing of maximum release and reinvasion during the lunar cycle would alter as the time of sunset shifts between solstices. Much of southern Africa experiences a semi-arid type climate and most estuaries close off from the sea for varying periods owing to sandbar development across tidal inlets. Larvae do not metamorphose if trapped in estuaries and recruitment ceases. Thus, mudprawn populations are directly affected by tidal inlet dynamics. In extreme cases populations become locally extinct if inlets remain closed for extended periods.  相似文献   
Due to a long-lasting drought afflicting the Sahel, the Casamance River has been transformed into a hyperhaline estuary, with salinities up to 170% at a distance of 210 km from the sea. Foraminifera and zooplankton populations both show a marked decrease in the number of species in increasingly confined water, the distribution of species being closely related to the evolution of abiotic variables. Our three-prong study allowed us to identify six zones, upwards from the sea. The uppermost ones are characterized by drastic conditions which considerably reduce the number of species. Therefore, the populations of Foraminifera, zooplankton and even fish become oligo or mono specific. The Casamance River appears to fit quite well into the general rules concerning hyperhaline environments. However, it shows some peculiar features which are: the large dimensions of the hyperhaline estuary (over 230 km long and over 5 km wide in the lower course); peak salinities among the highest known for a permanently open estuary (up to 170%); and water remaining trapped inside the river for several years.  相似文献   
The behavior and movements of yellow and silver phase Japanese eels were observed using acoustic telemetry in the Fukui River estuary and the adjacent waters of Tachibana Bay, Tokushima Prefecture, Japan. The eels were tagged with ultrasonic transmitters and released in the bay, about 300 m from the river mouth in August and November, 1999. All four yellow eels released at the river mouth in August returned to the river. All eels swam further upstream and each stopped at similar locations as the others, which were possibly used as refuges. Each refuge appeared to be a relatively small area (less than 10 m) adjacent to a series of concrete blocks along the shore (100–300 m). These areas were repeatedly utilized by all the yellow eels tracked during the study. The yellow eels spent most of their time in these refuges during daytime and moved predominantly at night. In contrast, a silver eel released in November demonstrated rapid movement towards the sea without stopping after release.  相似文献   
Two monitoring programmes in estuarine and freshwater systems in the Netherlands both show a recent increase in anadromous North Sea houting Coregonus oxyrhynchus after it disappeared there in the 1940s. Most houting were immature and caught during the feeding season indicating that at present the riverine and estuarine waters in the Netherlands mainly function as a feeding habitat.  相似文献   
Micro- and meiofauna are the predominant consumers of diatoms on a brackish intertidal mudflat. The impact of grazing on the benthic diatom populations was studied by field observations and feeding experiments on a few abundant members of the community. Only small fractions of the microphytobenthic biomass and production are converted by herbivores. A hypothesis is presented explaining the growth kinetics and productivity of diatom populations and the inefficient transfer of carbon into herbivore foodchains. Data on feeding rate and population dynamics of the nematode species, Eudiplogaster pararmatus, are discussed in view of the seasonal succession of edible diatom species.  相似文献   
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