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Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) has a causative role in several human malignancies. KSHV latency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA) mediates persistence of viral episomes in latently infected cells. LANA mediates KSHV DNA replication and segregates episomes to progeny nuclei. The structure of the LANA DNA binding domain was recently solved, revealing a positive electrostatic patch opposite the DNA binding surface, which is the site of BET protein binding. Here we investigate the functional role of the positive patch in LANA-mediated episome persistence. As expected, LANA mutants with alanine or glutamate substitutions in the central, peripheral, or lateral portions of the positive patch maintained the ability to bind DNA by EMSA. However, all of the substitution mutants were deficient for LANA DNA replication and episome maintenance. Mutation of the peripheral region generated the largest deficiencies. Despite these deficiencies, all positive patch mutants concentrated to dots along mitotic chromosomes in cells containing episomes, similar to LANA. The central and peripheral mutants, but not the lateral mutants, were reduced for BET protein interaction as assessed by co-immunoprecipitation. However, defects in BET protein binding were independent of episome maintenance function. Overall, the reductions in episome maintenance closely correlated with DNA replication deficiencies, suggesting that the replication defects account for the reduced episome persistence. Therefore, the electrostatic patch exerts a key role in LANA-mediated DNA replication and episome persistence and may act through a host cell partner(s) other than a BET protein or by inducing specific structures or complexes.  相似文献   
During a virus survey in autumn 2007 and spring 2008 of two Tunisian olive mother blocks, 175 olive samples were collected from 19 different cultivars and tested by RT‐PCR for the presence of Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV), Cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Olive latent ringspot virus (OLRSV), Olive latent virus 1 (OLV‐1), Olive latent virus 2 (OLV‐2), Olive leaf yellowing‐associated virus (OLYaV) and Strawberry latent ringspot virus (SLRSV), using specific sets of primers. The PCR‐negative samples were also subjected to dsRNA and mechanical transmission tests. PCR results indicated that c. 86% of the trees were infected with at least one virus, whereas visible bands were shown by 3 of 24 PCR‐negative samples in dsRNA analysis. OLYaV was the most prevalent virus (49.1%), followed by OLV‐1 (34.3%), CMV (25.7%), OLRSV (16.6%), CLRV (13.1%), SLRSV (7.4%) and OLV‐2 (6.9%), whereas ArMV was not detected. Very high infection rates were found in the two main oil cvs. Chemlali (84.6%) and Chétoui (86.9%).  相似文献   
In barley, the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) gene situated on chromosome 3H is recognized as an important source of resistance to the bymoviruses Barley yellow mosaic virus and Barley mild mosaic virus. In modern barley cultivars, two recessive eIF4E alleles, rym4 and rym5, confer different isolate-specific resistances. In this study, the sequence of eIF4E was analysed in 1090 barley landraces and noncurrent cultivars originating from 84 countries. An exceptionally high nucleotide diversity was evident in the coding sequence of eIF4E but not in either the adjacent MCT-1 gene or the sequence-related eIF(iso)4E gene situated on chromosome 1H. Surprisingly, all nucleotide polymorphisms detected in the coding sequence of eIF4E resulted in amino acid changes. A total of 47 eIF4E haplotypes were identified, and phylogenetic analysis using maximum likelihood provided evidence of strong positive selection acting on this barley gene. The majority of eIF4E haplotypes were found to be specific to distinct geographic regions. Furthermore, the eI4FE haplotype diversity (uh) was found to be considerably higher in East Asia, whereas SNP genotyping identified a comparatively low degree of genome-wide genetic diversity in 16 of 17 tested accessions (each carrying a different eIF4E haplotype) from this same region. In addition, selection statistic calculations using coalescent simulations showed evidence of non-neutral variation for eIF4E in several geographic regions, including East Asia, the region with a long history of the bymovirus-induced yellow mosaic disease. Together these findings suggest that eIF4E may play a role in barley adaptation to local habitats.  相似文献   
Emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases of wildlife origin have led pre-emptive pathogen surveillances in animals to be a public health priority. Rodents and shrews are among the most numerically abundant vertebrate taxa and are known as natural hosts of important zoonotic viruses. Many surveillance programs focused more on RNA viruses. In comparison, much less is known about DNA viruses harbored by these small mammals. To fill this knowledge gap, tissue specimens of 232 animals including 226 rodents, five shrews and one hedgehog were collected from 5 counties in Kenya and tested for the presence of DNA viruses belonging to 7 viral families by PCR. Diverse DNA sequences of adenoviruses, adeno-associated viruses, herpesviruses and polyomaviruses were detected. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that most of these viruses showed distinction from previously described viruses and formed new clusters. Furthermore, this is the first report of the discovery and full-length genome characterization of a polyomavirus in Lemniscomys species. This novel polyomavirus, named LsPyV KY187, has less than 60% amino acid sequence identity to the most related Glis glis polyomavirus 1 and Sciurus carolinensis polyomavirus 1 in both large and small T-antigen proteins and thus can be putatively allocated to a novel species within Betapolyomavirus. Our findings help us better understand the genetic diversity of DNA viruses in rodent and shrew populations in Kenya and provide new insights into the evolution of those DNA viruses in their small mammal reservoirs. It demonstrates the necessity of ongoing pathogen discovery studies targeting rodent-borne viruses in East Africa.  相似文献   
越冬期是蜂群损失最主要的阶段.通过比较分析45个意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica蜂群在繁殖越冬蜂前的狄斯瓦螨Varroa destructor寄生率和病毒感染情况、越冬表现及越冬期存活蜂群的病毒感染情况等,探究与越冬期蜜蜂健康紧密相关的影响因素.结果表明,繁殖越冬蜂前蜂群的狄斯瓦螨寄生率与蜜蜂...  相似文献   
The advent of reverse genetics technology has revolutionized the field of RNA viruses. It is now possible to manipulate even negative-stranded RNA viruses at will, and evaluate the effects of these changes on the biology and pathogenesis of these viruses. The fundamental insights gleaned from the reverse genetics-based studies over the last several years have provided a new momentum for the development of designed therapies for the control and prevention of these viral pathogens. The recombinant viruses have been exploited also as vectors for devising targeted therapies for non-viral diseases such as malignancies, and in gene therapy for inherited disorders. This review provides a brief summary of the stumbling blocks and the successes in the development of the technology for the negative-stranded RNA viruses. The many and varied applications of the recombinant vectors are also outlined.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Viral vectors are required as gene-delivery systems for gene therapy and basic research. Recombinant adenoviruses (rAds) expressing genes of interest are being developed as research tools and many studies in vitro and in vivo have already been performed with such rAds. METHODS: Shuttle vectors for rAds were constructed with full-length cDNAs and rAds were generated in HEK293 cells by the COS-TPC method. The rAds and shuttle vectors were developed by the Japanese research community and deposited in the RIKEN DNA Bank (RDB; http://www.brc.riken.jp/lab/dna/en/) for distribution to the scientific community. The Recombinant Virus Database (RVD; http://www.brc.riken.jp/lab/dna/rvd/) was established at the RIKEN BioResource Center (BRC) in Japan as the source of information about and distribution of the various resources. RESULTS: The RIKEN BRC is releasing more than 300 recombinant viruses (RVs) and 500 shuttle vectors, as well as all related information, which is included in a newly established database, the RVD. The RVD consists of (i) information about the RVs, the inserted cDNAs and the shuttle vectors; (ii) data about sequence-tagged sites (STSs) that are markers of viral DNAs; and (iii) experimental protocols for the use of RVs. CONCLUSIONS: The new database and available resources should be very useful to scientists who are studying human gene therapy and performing related basic research. It is a web-interfaced flat-file database that can be accessed through the internet. Moreover, all of the resources deposited in the RDB, which is a public facility in Japan, are available to researchers around the world.  相似文献   
Many insect viruses survive for long periods by occlusion within robust crystalline polyhedra composed primarily of a single polyhedrin protein. We show that two different virus families form polyhedra which, despite lack of sequence similarity in the virally encoded polyhedrin protein, have identical cell constants and a body-centered cubic lattice. It is almost inconceivable that this could have arisen by chance, suggesting that the crystal lattice has been preserved because it is particularly well-suited to its function of packaging and protecting viruses.  相似文献   
This review analyzes the literature on various mechanisms of proteolytic enzyme inhibitors involved in plant defense against attack by phytopathogenic microorganisms. The action of proteinase inhibitors from plants upon the enzymes from pathogenic microorganisms and viruses is reviewed. Considerable attention is given to the induction of proteinase inhibitors in plants in response to the invasion of pathogens. Some aspects of application of proteinase inhibitors in biotechnology for production of transgenic plants with enhanced resistance to diseases are discussed.Translated from Biokhimiya, Vol. 69, No. 11, 2004, pp. 1600–1606.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Valueva, Mosolov.  相似文献   
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