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沙棘木蠹蛾生殖系统形态学和组织学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周娇  李娟  翁强  骆有庆 《昆虫知识》2012,49(6):1629-1635
沙棘木蠹蛾Holcocerus hippophaecolus Hua,Chou,Fang et Chen属鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)木蠹蛾科(Cossidae),是我国的特有种.2001年以来,沙棘木蠹蛾在我国大面积爆发,是屹今为止我国沙棘林最大的蛀干害虫,给我国的沙棘产业造成了巨大的损失.本论文从形态学和组织学2个方面确定了沙棘木蠹蛾雌、雄生殖系统的特征,同时,对比了雄性交尾前后生殖系统各部位的差异.未交尾雄蛾的生殖系统贮精囊、附腺管和射精管呈白色,其内包含大量的精子束待交尾,已交尾雄蛾的生殖系统呈透明或半透明状.除雄性附腺外,在交尾后的精巢、贮精囊和射精管中都能观察到真核精子束.通过上述对雄性生殖系统的形态学和组织学观察,尤其是对贮精囊和射精管中精子束观察,可判断精子束的填充状态,从而判断雄蛾交尾与否,能够检验性信息素引诱剂对沙棘木蠹蛾的防治效果,确立判断雄蛾交尾与否的标准对指导沙棘木蠹蛾防治具有重要意义.  相似文献   
银耳二型态细胞差异性的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以银耳的担孢子、节孢子和菌丝体为材料,通过显微观察和电泳分析揭示银耳二型态细胞间的差异性。显微形态及核相观察表明:节孢子直径略大于担孢子,担孢子为单核细胞,节孢子绝大多数为单核细胞,少数为双核细胞,菌丝体为双核细胞并具有典型的锁状联合结构。总蛋白及同工酶电泳分析表明:菌丝相总蛋白谱带多于酵母相,过氧化物及酯酶与酵母相存在一定差异,而多酚氧化酶基本相同。因此,伴随银耳二型态细胞两相形态的转变,细胞代谢水平发生了相应变化。  相似文献   
Liu et al. (Journal of Biogeography, 2018, 45 :164–176) presented an approach to detect outliers in species distribution data by developing virtual species created using the threshold approach. Meynard et al. (Journal of biogeography, 2019, 46 :2141–2144) raised concerns about this approach stating that ‘using a probabilistic approach … may significantly change results’. Here we provide a new series of simulations using the two approaches and demonstrate that the outlier detection approach based on pseudo species distribution models was still effective when using the probabilistic approach, although the detection rate was lower than when using the threshold approach.  相似文献   
张敏  骆凯歌  李红  张雷  王莉 《植物研究》2014,34(2):194-199
利用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪对银杏、日本冷杉等5种裸子植物的花粉外壁成分进行测定分析,结果表明,这5种裸子植物花粉外壁的红外光谱主要由蛋白质、脂类及多糖类物质的特征吸收峰组成。但不同科属间的花粉外壁主要成分含量存在较大差异,其中银杏科的银杏花粉外壁以蛋白质含量最为丰富;松科的雪松花粉外壁以脂类物质较为丰富;杉科的日本冷杉、杉木和日本柳杉花粉外壁成分以多糖类物质为主,但种间花粉外壁成分仍存在差异。采用扫描电镜观察5种裸子植物花粉,显示银杏、柳杉和杉木花粉粒体积较小,不具气囊,银杏花粉粒外壁表面具较均一条纹状纹饰,日本柳杉和杉木花粉粒外壁具颗粒状突起。雪松和日本冷杉花粉粒具气囊,体积较大,花粉外壁分别是粗糙具小穴状纹理以及表面光滑具微穿孔。  相似文献   
In this study, we report on an in situ monitoring system of living cultured cells using infrared absorption spectroscopy in the geometry of multiple internal reflections (MIR-IRAS). In order to observe living cultured cells, the temperature in the sample chamber of a FT-IR spectrometer was maintained at 37 °C and a humidified gas mixture containing 5% CO2 was introduced into the sample chamber. Human breast cell line MCF-7 cultured on Si MIR prisms were placed in the sample chamber and infrared spectra of MCF-7 cells were collected for 5 h. It was found that the adhesion and metabolism of MCF-7 cells could be monitored by the absorption intensity of amide-II protein band (1,545 cm−1) and also by the absorption intensities of CH x bands (2,700–3,100 cm−1). These results suggest that our system is useful for a nondestructive and non-label monitoring of cell viability. Our method based on infrared absorption spectroscopy has a potential for bioscreening application.  相似文献   
江西鄱阳湖是长江江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides)的重要栖息地, 湖中栖息着约400 头江豚。多年的观察表明, 船舶交通是鄱阳湖中江豚面临的重要威胁之一。为了评估船舶通行对长江江豚发声行为的影响,尤其是了解船舶通行期间及其前后江豚的发声和行为特征, 作者于2007 年6 月27 日—7 月1 日在江西鄱阳湖湖口水域采用固定被动声学系统, 即安装在监测点(29°42′38″ N, 116°11′11″ E)的一套水下声学数据记录系统, 对周边通行船舶的水下噪声及江豚声纳信号脉冲事件进行了定点监测和记录, 并对所记录的数据进行了定量和统计分析。在整个监测的109h 中, 声学记录仪共记录到船舶494 艘, 江豚声纳脉冲串信号13413个。船舶出现与江豚出现存在弱的负相关关系(r = -0.029, N = 6550, P Z = -0.370, P> 0.05); 当有船舶经过时, 江豚的发声频次显著降低(Z = -10.050, P Z = -0.275, P> 0.05; Z = -0.119, P> 0.05); 船舶通行之前和之后, 江豚的发声频次、脉冲串持续时间、脉冲间间隔的差异性均不显著(χ2= 5.255, P> 0.05; χ2= 3.511, P> 0.05; χ2= 5.155, P>0.05); 在船舶经过时, 江豚对游动方向没有明显的选择性(χ2= 0.861, P> 0.05)。基于分析结果推测, 在狭窄水域中江豚躲避船舶干扰通常采取“临时性”策略, 而非长距离逃避。由于鄱阳湖湖口水域水道相对狭窄, 尽管研究的结果表明江豚对船舶有一定的敏感反应, 但是在相对狭窄的水域中, 江豚躲避船舶的行为难以充分表现。另外, 江豚对该水域中高密度航行船舶的噪声可能存在一定的“适应性”, 导致当遭遇船舶时, 江豚的声行为反应不十分强烈。因此, 建议有必要在不同尺度的水体中采用声学数据记录仪继续开展类似的观察,以进一步了解江豚对船舶的行为响应, 尤其是观察江豚躲避船舶的行为及发声特征    相似文献   
A protocol for rapid and efficient plant regeneration from protoplasts of red cabbage was developed by a novel nurse culture method. When the protoplasts of red cabbage were cultured in modified MS medium containing various combinations of BA, NAA and 2,4-D, they did not continue dividing due to browning. However, they successfully divided and formed micro-calli at a high efficiency when they were mixed and co-cultured with those of tuber mustard at a 1:1 ratio. The presence of tuber mustard protoplasts used as nurse cells was essential for sustainable divisions and colony formation of red cabbage protoplasts. Red cabbage-like plantlets were regenerated from these protoplast-derived calli at a frequency ranging from 33 to 56% in all the experiments where three cultivars of red cabbage were tested. Over 120 protoplast-derived cabbage plants were transferred to the greenhouse, and they showed no noticeable abnormalities in morphological features. Chromosome observation revealed that all of the plants examined had the normal chromosome number of cabbage (2n = 18), suggesting that no spontaneous fusion between the two species had occurred during protoplast culture.  相似文献   
The ecology of the young stages of allis shad Alosa alosa is poorly documented, although they can be exposed to many pressures during their freshwater phase and their downstream migration. When passing through systems such as the Gironde-Garonne-Dordogne watershed (GGD, SW France), they can be subjected to high temperatures and low levels of oxygen (hypoxia). The aim of this work is to assess the tolerance of young Alosa alosa at four ages (c. 10, 30, 60 and 85 days old) by challenging them to different temperatures (18, 22, 26 and 28°C) together with decreasing oxygen saturation levels (from 100% to 30%). Survival of the 10-day-old individuals was not influenced by oxy-thermic conditions, but high stress levels were detected and perhaps this age class was too fragile regarding the constraint of the experimental design. Survival at 30 and at 60 days old was negatively influenced by the highest temperatures tested alone (from 26°C and from 28°C, respectively) but no effect was detected at 85 days old up to 28°C. A combined effect of temperature and oxygen level was highlighted, with heat accelerating survival decrease when associated with oxygen level depletion: essentially, survival was critical (<50%) at 30 days old at temperature ≥22°C together with 30% O2; at 60 days old, at temperature = 28°C with 30% O2; at 85 days old, at temperature ≥26°C with ≤40% O2. Tolerance to oxy-thermic pressures appeared to be greater among the migratory ages (60 and 85 days old) than among the 30-day-old group. Based on environmental data recorded in the GGD system and on our experimental results, an exploratory analysis allowed a discussion of the possible impact of past oxy-thermic conditions on the local population dynamics between 2005 and 2018. The oxy-thermic conditions that may affect Alosa alosa at ages when they migrate downstream (60 and 85 days old) were not frequently recorded in this period, except in cases of extreme episodes of heat together with hypoxia that occurred in some years, in summertime in the turbidity maximum zone of the Gironde estuary (particularly in the year 2006). Interestingly, oxy-thermic conditions that are likely to threaten the 30-day-old individuals occurred more frequently in the lower freshwater parts of the GGD system between the years 2005 and 2018. In the context of climate change, a general increase in temperature is predicted, as well as more frequent and severe hypoxic events, therefore we suggest that local Alosa alosa population recruitment could encounter critical oxy-thermic conditions more frequently in the future if no adaptive management of water resources occurs.  相似文献   
茶刺蛾颗粒体病毒的分离与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
茶刺蛾[Darna trima(more)]*属鳞翅目刺蛾科,危害多种果树林木。1985年我们从四川珙县某茶园内自然罹病死亡的茶刺蛾幼虫中,分离到一种茶刺蛾病原物。通过纯化后,经感染试验、电镜形态观察、超微结构研究等,结果确定该病原物为一种颗粒体病毒。  相似文献   
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