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描述了采自云南省东南部楼梯草属一新种——柳叶楼梯草(Elatostema neriifolia)和据其为模式建立的一新系——柳叶楼梯草系(ser. Neriifolia),并讨论了这些新类群和相近类群在形态上的区别,并对柳叶楼梯草的保护等级进行了评估。  相似文献   
三峡库区需要大量植株用于三峡工程所涉及的诸多建设(如铁路、公路、建筑)之后的植被恢复和绿化。由于具有优美树冠和耐瘠薄土壤的能力,榕(Ficus microcarpa L.)和黄桷树(F. virens Ait. var. sublanceolata (Miq.) Cornor)在三峡库区作为绿化和行道树木大量栽植。在三峡库区,这两种树种苗木的培育主要通过切枝扦插的方式进行。大量切枝损伤植株植冠并且使叶组织数量减少,对植株生长有很大影响。植株生长与植株的枝发生格局有很大关系,为明确植冠损伤对植株生长的可能影响,对榕和黄桷树植冠损伤后的枝发生进行了研究。实验发现,切枝造成的植冠损伤对榕和黄桷树植株侧枝上的枝发生没有影响,不同损伤强度之间和不同损伤发生时间之间都不存在明显的差异。但是,植冠损伤后,榕和黄桷树植株主茎上的枝发生是位置依赖性的。植冠损伤不影响榕和黄桷树植株损伤处理后新生主茎段和具侧枝主茎段上的枝发生,却促进了损伤处理后裸露主茎段上的枝发生,并且裸露主茎段上枝发生的数量和密度随植冠损伤强度的升高而增大。此外,实验结果表明, 秋季植冠损伤植株裸露主茎段上的枝发生要高于春季植冠损伤植株裸露主茎段上的枝发生; 在榕和黄桷树的枝发生中,仅有裸露主茎段上增强的枝发生会促进植冠损伤植株对叶组织的生物量投  相似文献   
夜间低温导致海桐和榕树叶片光系统II(PSII)最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、PSII光合电子传递量子效率(ΦPSII)、天线转化效率(Fv'/Fm')、非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ)降低,其后日间光照先引起海桐叶片Fv/Fm、ΦPSII、Fv'/Fm'稍微降低,其后又逐渐得到恢复,但NPQ却表现出相反趋势;夜间低温及随后的日间光照并未对海桐叶片光化学猝灭系数(qP)和初始荧光强度(Fo)产生影响。夜间低温后日间光照进一步引起榕树叶片Fv/Fm、ΦPSII、Fv'/Fm'、qP、NPQ下降,在午后光照减弱后仍不能得到恢复。  相似文献   
Aims: Chemical communication plays a key role in host plant recognition of pollinators. There are two recognized types of chemical communication between syconia and their pollinating fig wasps: one is "generalization", of which the wasps respond to the relative ratio of multiple compounds, and the other is "specialization", of which the key signal is a single uncommon, possibly unique, compound. The aims of this study were to identify the chemical composition of volatiles from the syconia of Ficus microcarpa at different developmental phases, and to determine if the signaling between F. microcarpa and its pollinating fig wasp, Eupristina verticillata, is of generalized type, or of specialized type. Methods: The volatiles from syconia of F. microcarpa were extracted using solid-phase micro extraction (SPME) at different developmental phases (pre-female, female (before and after pollination), interfloral, male and postfloral phases) and the chemical compounds were identified by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). We then tested the behavioral responses of E. verticillata to fresh syconia at different developmental phases using two-choice olfactometers. Important findings: There were 21 volatile compounds identified from the syconia at different developmental phases, which were mainly fatty acid derivatives, terpenoids and aromatic compounds. The components of the volatiles apparently differed among the developmental stages. The contents of terpenoids declined, but the contents of fatty acid derivatives increased, from before the pollination to after the pollination. Especially, the characteristic compounds of 2-heptanone and 3-octanone before the pollination disappeared, D-limonene decreased after the pollination, but copanene, cyclohexane and 2-hexenal increased. The results of the two-choice olfactometer experiment showed that the pollinating fig wasps had higher selection ratio to chemicals found in the female phase syconia than those in other phases; whereas the volatile compounds from the male phase syconia had the function pushing the pollinating fig wasps to leave the natal syconia so that there existed the "push-pull" responses by fig wasps to volatiles released by their host syconia. We conclude that there are multiple chemical compounds playing the roles in host recognition of pollinating fig wasp E. verticillata. The mutualistic relationship between F. microcarpa and E. verticillata is maintained by the chemical communication of "generalization" strategy.  相似文献   
胡文海  肖宜安 《植物研究》2022,42(6):1052-1061
植物叶片光合作用具有高度的空间异质性,叶绿素荧光成像技术为叶片光合异质性的研究提供了便利,但叶片光合异质性的定量分析并没有得到广泛应用。本文利用Imaging PAM叶绿素荧光成像系统,获得中亚热带地区越冬期小叶榕(Ficus microcarpa)阳生叶和阴生叶的叶绿素荧光参数图像,并利用仪器的分析软件对其进行分析,定量比较了阳生叶和阴生叶的光合异质性特征。研究发现:越冬期小叶榕阳生叶的光合异质性和光抑制程度明显高于阴生叶,变异系数可作为光合异质性的定量指标。低温强光导致阳生叶坏死率(PLN)达4.30%,并有53.30%的区域处于严重光抑制(0v/Fm<0.627),但仍有42.27%的区域仅为轻度光抑制(0.627≤Fv/Fm<0.800)。而低温弱光并未造成阴生叶坏死和严重光抑制。通过对光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)的实际光合效率(Y(Ⅱ))、调节性能量耗散的量子产额(Y(NPQ))和非调节性能量耗散的量子产额(Y(NO))荧光参数异质性的定量分析表明,阳生叶...  相似文献   
王文采  韦毅刚 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):100-106
描述了在中国广西发现的楼梯草属五新种:小果楼梯草(Elatostema microcarpum W. T. Wang & Y. G. Wei)在体态方面与荔波楼梯草(E. liboense W. T. Wang)极为相似,但茎较低矮,不具软鳞片,叶上面无毛,钟乳体较小而可区别。圆序楼梯草(E. gyrocephalum W. T. Wang & Y. G. Wei)在体态上与浅齿楼梯草(E. crenatum W. T. Wang)相似,但叶两面均有糙伏毛,侧脉较少,4~6对,钟乳体较小,长约0.1 mm而不同。对序楼梯草(E. binatum W. T. Wang & Y. G. Wei)在亲缘关系方面与深绿楼梯草(E. atroviride W. T. Wang)相近,但茎和叶无毛,雄花序托较小,近方形,长度及宽度约6.5 mm,小苞片较小,长约1.5 mm,无毛,可以区别。河池楼梯草(E. hechiense W. T. Wang & Y. G. Wei)似华南楼梯草(E. balansae Gagnep.)但叶的渐尖头全缘,钟乳体较小,长0.1~0.15 mm,雌花序苞片顶端无角状突起,可以区别。环江楼梯草(E. huanjiangense W. T. Wang & Y. G. Wei)可能与樟叶楼梯草(E. petelotii Gagnep.)有亲缘关系,但后者的叶全缘,钟乳体较大,长0.3~0.7 mm,侧脉在狭侧3条,在宽侧4条,雌花序常有长花序梗,而与本种相区别。  相似文献   
Aims Chemical communication plays a key role in host plant recognition of pollinators. There are two recognized types of chemical communication between syconia and their pollinating fig wasps: one is “generalization”, of which the wasps respond to the relative ratio of multiple compounds, and the other is “specialization”, of which the key signal is a single uncommon, possibly unique, compound. The aims of this study were to identify the chemical composition of volatiles from the syconia of Ficus microcarpa at different developmental phases, and to determine if the signaling between F. microcarpa and its pollinating fig wasp, Eupristina verticillata, is of generalized type, or of specialized type.Methods The volatiles from syconia of F. microcarpa were extracted using solid-phase micro extraction (SPME) at different developmental phases (pre-female, female (before and after pollination), interfloral, male and postfloral phases) and the chemical compounds were identified by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). We then tested the behavioral responses of E. verticillata to fresh syconia at different developmental phases using two-choice olfactometers.Important findings There were 21 volatile compounds identified from the syconia at different developmental phases, which were mainly fatty acid derivatives, terpenoids and aromatic compounds. The components of the volatiles apparently differed among the developmental stages. The contents of terpenoids declined, but the contents of fatty acid derivatives increased, from before the pollination to after the pollination. Especially, the characteristic compounds of 2-heptanone and 3-octanone before the pollination disappeared, D-limonene decreased after the pollination, but copanene, cyclohexane and 2-hexenal increased. The results of the two-choice olfactometer experiment showed that the pollinating fig wasps had higher selection ratio to chemicals found in the female phase syconia than those in other phases; whereas the volatile compounds from the male phase syconia had the function pushing the pollinating fig wasps to leave the natal syconia so that there existed the “push-pull” responses by fig wasps to volatiles released by their host syconia. We conclude that there are multiple chemical compounds playing the roles in host recognition of pollinating fig wasp E. verticillata. The mutualistic relationship between F. microcarpa and E. verticillata is maintained by the chemical communication of “generalization” strategy.  相似文献   
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