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Our interest in detecting genotoxic exposure in earthworms led us to isolate high quality DNA from theEisenia fetida species. For that, we compared a modification of the conventional phenol-chloroform extraction procedure, usually refered to as the Maniatis procedure, to two commercially available kits reportedly eliminating multiple partitions in phenol and chloroform, namely the Qiagen and Nucleon protocols. From the 260 nm optical density values, the commercial kits extracts hinted toward higher DNA recovery with those procedures. However, the 260/280 nm ratios indicated that the quality of the DNA isolated with the modified Maniatis procedure was purer than that isolated with the commercial kits, the latter being most probably contaminated by proteins and/or RNA. The Maniatis procedure was slightly modified by the introduction of a potassium acetate step for protein precipitation and by shortening the proteinase K treatment from 12–18 h to only 2 h. The higher quality of the DNA isolated by phenol-chloroform extraction was confirmed by quantification with the fluorescent 3,5-diaminobenzoic acid assay. Preliminary results suggest that the modified Maniatis procedure herein described is not only applicable for DNA adducts studies using32P-postlabelling techniques but is also suitable for DNA extraction from other earthworm species such asLumbricus terrestris.  相似文献   
Thrombosis is the leading cause of mortality globally. It is not only a complication but also a risk factor for progression of diabetes. However, alternative oral therapies and prophylaxis with less adverse effect for thrombosis have not been well studied. In this study, composite powder containing earthworm (CEP) was used and its fibrinolytic activity was measured. CEP was found to have a high urokinase-type plasminogen activator like activity in an in vitro assay. It also had significantly shortened euglobulin clot lysis time (ECLT) at 4 and 24 h after ingestion in Sprague Dawley rats. Zucker Diabetic Fatty rats were used to assess the effect of CEP on diabetes and diabetic nephropathy. After 10 weeks of feeding, CEP significantly shortened ECLT and attenuated HbA1c, hepatic lipid accumulation, and urinary albumin excretion and improved glomerular mesangial matrix score. Therefore, CEP may have beneficial effects on diabetes and diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   
Aqueous extracts from 33 species of marine algae were assessed for their methyl mercaptan-trapping activity by gas chromatography to search for novel natural oral deodorants. Brown algae belonging to the Laminariales such as Eisenia bicyclis, Ecklonia cava and Ecklonia kurome were found to show remarkable deodorizing action against methyl mercaptan. The effective components in Eisenia bicyclis were identified as a phlorotannin, a group of molecules which are characteristic components of Laminariales. In addition phlorotannins extracted from E. bicyclis were more effective at reducing methyl mercaptan than conventional natural deodorants such as chlorophyll and sodium copper chlorophyllin.Author for Correspondence  相似文献   
The post-harvest residues of some local crops, e.g., wheat (Triticum aestivum), millets (Penniseum typhoides and Sorghum vulgare), and a pulse (Vigna radiata) were subjected to recycle through vermicomposting. The crop residues were amended with animal dung, and three types of vermibeds were prepared: (i) millet straw (S. vulgare + P. typhoides in equal quantity) + sheep manure (1: 2 ratio) (MS); (ii) pulse bran (V. radiata) + wheat straw (T. aestivum) + cow dung (1: 1: 2 ratio) (PWC); and (iii) mixed crop residues (mixing of all types crop residues, used in this study) + cow dung in 1:1 ratio (MCR + CD). The fourth treatment was cattle shed manure (CSM). Vermicomposting resulted in a significant increase in total N (97.3% to 155%), available P (67.5% to 123.5%), exchangeable K (38.3% to 112.9%), and exchangeable Ca (23.3% to 53.2%), and decrease in organic C content (20.4% to 29.0%) in the different vermibeds. The earthworm showed the higher biomass gain, growth rate (mg wt. worm?1 day?1) and cocoon numbers in the CSM vermibed. The quality of crop residues was directly related to the rate of organic matter mineralization during the vermicomposting. This study suggests that agriculture wastes could be converted into some value-added products, e.g., vermicompost and worm biomass through vermicomposting technology. The higher concentrations of plant nutrients in end products indicate a potential for using agriculture wastes in sustainable crop production.  相似文献   
We exposed five earthworm species, one flatworm species and the susceptible slug Deroceras reticulatum to the recommended field application rate and five times this rate of Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita. P. hermaphrodita caused significant mortality to D. reticulatum at the recommended rate and five times the recommended rate. Survival of the earthworms and the flatworm was not different from the untreated controls. P. hermaphrodita is a safe biological control agent causing no harm to earthworms and could not be used to kill Arthurdendyus triangulatus.  相似文献   
Experiments were conducted in winter (October to January) and summer (May to August) seasons to study the effect of seasonal temperature variations on the vermicomposting of household waste using Eisenia fetida earthworms. The prevailing temperatures during experiments were in the range of ?2.7°C to 35.0°C during winter season and 18.0°C to 44.4°C during summer season. Organic matter degradation was higher during winter than summer season. The electrical conductivity (EC) of vermicomposts was increased in the range of 2.3–7.8% in winter season; however, the increase in EC was 0.9–1.8% during summer season for different waste mixtures. There was about 56.2–80% increase in total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) content during winter season, whereas the TKN increase was 23.9–44% during summers. The C:N ratio also decreased remarkably in all the waste mixtures during vermicomposting in both the seasons. However, the C:N ratio reduction was more significant during winter (47–60%) than in summer (31–44%). After the observation period, the net worm biomass achieved was higher during winter than summer season. The temperature variations during winter supported the life activities of earthworms more favourably than in summer. The results indicated that growth and reproductive potential of the earthworms were affected not only by the quality and quantity of the feed but also by ambient temperature.  相似文献   
It is well known that parts of earthworms can survive if they are cut off. Our aim was to link the regeneration capacity of an earthworm, Eisenia fetida (Oligochaeta, Annelida) with the site of the amputation, so we amputated earthworms at different body segment locations along the length of the body to examine the different survival rates and regeneration lengths of the anterior, posterior, and medial sections.
The greatest survival rates occurred for earthworms with the most body segments remaining after amputation. The anterior regeneration lengths were of two types. The lengths of regeneration of amputated from body segment 6/7 to further down the body posteriorly increased gradually (Type LI). However, the regeneration lengths of earthworm which were amputated behind the 23rd segment, with less than a quarter of the total segments remaining, did not increase until the blastema and tail bud formation (Type LII). These treatments were not completely regeneration. There were significant differences in both survival rates and lengths of regeneration lengths between immature earthworms and clitellate adult earthworms during the early stages of regeneration, but not at later stages of regeneration. The immature earthworms had a greater regeneration potential than clitellate adults amputated at the same segment. The survival rates of earthworms were correlated significantly with the number of body segments remaining after amputation, but not with the position of the amputation. The relationships between the survival rates and the numbers of remaining segments could be described by linear regressions. The anterior regeneration lengths were correlated with the position of the amputation, but not with the number of remaining segments; the posterior regeneration lengths, were not correlated with the number of segments remaining nor the amputation position. The anterior regeneration length was not related to the survival rates for all earthworm amputations after 30 days but was related in this way after 60 days.  相似文献   
Earthworm fibrinolytic enzyme component A (EFEa) from Eisenia fetida, a protein functioning not only as a direct fibrinolytic enzyme, but also as a plasminogen activator, has been crystallized in P212121 space group with 3 proteinmolecules per asymmetric unit. Four heavy atom derivatives were prepared using a mother liquor containing 1.4 mol@L-1 Li2SO4 and 0.1 mol@L-1 MOPS buffer (pH7.2) and used to solve the protein's diffraction phase. The heavy atom binding sites in the derivative crystals were determined using difference Patterson and difference Fourier methods and were refined in combination to yield the initial protein's structure phase at 0.25 nm resolution. The non-crystallographic symmetryrelationship of the three independent protein molecules in the asymmetric unit was determined using the correlative heavy atom sites and used for the averagingof the initial electron density. As a result, the electron density was significantly improved, providing a solid foundation for subsequent structure determination.  相似文献   
Earthworms, Eisenia fetida, were exposed to soils spiked with As(III) and As(V), to understand the response of earthworms to As in terms of both toxicity and accumulation using toxicokinetics, and to explain As metabolism and bioavailability. As(III) showed higher toxicity than As(V), in all toxicity endpoints of burrowing time, survival, growth, and cocoon production. Bioconcentration occurred at both As(III) and As(V) treatments during 28-d exposure. Worms did not show the elimination of As for consecutive 28 d of exposure to clean soils. Biotransformation of As was characterized using HPLC-ICP-MS and XANES, showing the reduction of As in worms regardless of the As species to which worms were exposed. Metabolism of As in worms that formed As-thiol complex is thought to limit the excretion of As, and thus induce bioconcentration in worms. Uptake rates by one-compartment model indicated that pore water was the bioaccessible pool of As, and directly controlled the uptake of As by worms. The study suggests that higher uptake rate and bioaccumulation of As(III) than of As(V) are among the factors that make As(III) more toxic than As(V).  相似文献   
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