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Summary In a pot experiment with soils of Alfisol, Entisol, and Inceptisol orders, the relative yield of Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) was significantly correlated with Morgan's reagent (N NaOAc+HOAc, pH 4.8)—extractable soil S (r=0.88), plant S (r=0.82), and plant N/S ratio (r=−0.77) suggesting suitability of these tests for diagnosing S deficiency. Total plant S lower than 0.21 per cent, plant N/S ratio wider than 17, and extractable soil S lower than 10 ppm were indicative of S deficiency, and were suggested therefore to be critical limits for these tests. Nitrogen and S in plant proteins were in near constant ratio of 16 and were significantly correlated (r=0.99). Sixty one per cent of 250 surface soil samples had less than 10 ppm extractable S and hence were deficient in S, suggesting a widespread S deficiency in soils under study. Extractable soil S in all soil series was significantly correlated with electrical conductivity and alkaline KMnO4-extractable N, but not with pH, organic C, and CaCO3.  相似文献   
Gene frequencies were estimated in a sample of Baladi cattle for milk proteins, blood proteins and blood groups. Gene frequency estimates of Bos taurus, Bos indicus and Sanga breeds were assembled from the literature. The gene frequencies were utilized for estimating the genetic distance between the breeds and breed groups. The Egyptian Baladi cattle appeared to be closer to Bos taurus breeds than to the Sanga. They are far removed from Zebus.  相似文献   
2016和2017年,采用焦点动物取样法及全事件记录法,在新疆和静县巴仑台镇研究了4个繁殖巢的秃鹫(Aegypius monachus)繁殖行为。通过红外相机和人工观察,构建了秃鹫巢内育雏期的行为谱,将秃鹫亲鸟的行为划分为9类33种,将雏鸟行为划分为6类28种。结果表明,亲鸟喂食次数的最高峰出现在12:30~13:30时,随后在15:30~18:30时之间出现一个小高峰。在育雏期,亲鸟行为以护幼、观望和警戒为主,雏鸟则以休息和观望为主。将巢内育雏期分为三个阶段:育雏前期(4~5月)、育雏中期(6月)、育雏后期(7月),运用单因素方差分析(one-way ANOVA)检验不同育雏阶段亲鸟、雏鸟行为时间分配的差异。结果显示,育雏前期与后期之间亲鸟的行为时间分配差异不显著(P0.05),前期与中期和中期与后期之间,亲鸟的行为时间分配差异均显著(P0.01);育雏前期、中期与后期的雏鸟行为时间分配差异均显著(P0.01)。国内秃鹫繁殖主要面临食物短缺、人类活动干扰等威胁。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Many birds roost communally during at least part of their annual cycle, suggesting that for them the advantages of living in a group outweigh the disadvantages. However, perch sites within a roost may vary in quality because of differences in degree of exposure to the elements, predators, and fecal droppings. Individuals should select perches in the roost that minimize costs while enabling them to experience the benefits of communal roosting. We studied communally roosting Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura) in northeastern Iowa (USA) from late August to mid‐October, when hatching‐year (HY) birds had joined the roost and were distinguishable from after‐hatching‐year (AHY) birds. On 82 d during our 4‐yr study (2004–2007), we noted the age class and perch position of vultures on two communication towers used as a preroost site. Perches used by vultures were classified as top‐level (with no perches above them) or lower‐level (with other perches above them). Top‐level perches were preferred by Turkey Vultures. Of 1713 birds recorded, 71% were on top‐level perches, even though only 39% of available perches were top‐level. Vultures did not use lower perches if top perches on that tower were unoccupied. The percentage of birds using lower perches increased as the number of vultures present increased, suggesting that top‐level perches were occupied first. AHY birds used top‐level perches more often than expected and HY birds used top‐level perches less often than expected, implying that age‐related dominance affected perch selection. On 61 of 82 d (74%), top‐level perches of both towers were occupied and, on 8 d (10%), only top perches on one tower were occupied. However, on 13 d (16%), both top‐level and lower‐level perches were occupied on one tower while no vultures perched on the other tower, suggesting that social attraction to other vultures can override a general preference for top‐level perches. Thus, our results provide evidence that social attraction, age‐related dominance, and preference for higher perches are proximate factors influencing perch selection in communally roosting Turkey Vultures. Ultimate factors that may be responsible for Turkey Vultures preferring higher roosting perches are reduced risk of predation, less exposure to fecal droppings that might reduce their plumage quality, and better visual information for locating food sources.  相似文献   
高山兀鹫(Gyps himalayensis)喜在山崖绝壁上营巢,海拔2 400~4 800 m的野外高空作业攀爬危险,观察难度较大。2014年4~9月,笔者在新疆天山中段尝试用国产遥控多旋翼微型飞行器寻找和拍摄高山兀鹫巢穴,结合路线搜索法和行为扫描法,进行栖息地调查、巢数统计、巢材分析,以及窝卵(雏)数、雏鸟生长与发育、繁殖周期、食性及食物分析。在7个地点的14个巢区的调查统计表明,高山兀鹫喜欢在朝南的崖壁上集群营巢(78.6%朝南,n=112),最长的一个繁殖地绵延7.3 km,距另外一个较近的巢区约47 km。巢材以禾草为主,如早熟禾(Poa spp.)、针茅(Stipa spp.)、老芒麦(Elymus sibiricus)等,缺乏粗大枝条。高山兀鹫1~2月产卵,窝卵数为1枚(n=21),整个繁殖周期长达8~9个月(1~10月份)。  相似文献   
This study aimed to investigate the impact of somatic mutations on various interleukin signaling pathways associated with grade II invasive breast cancer (BC) in Egyptian patients to broaden our understanding of their role in promoting carcinogenesis. Fifty-five grade II invasive BC patients were included in this study. Data for somatic mutations in 45 BC patients were already available from a previous study. Data for somatic mutations of 10 new BC patients were included in the current study. Somatic mutations were identified using targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) to study their involvement in interleukin signaling pathways. For pathway analysis, we used ingenuity variant analysis (IVA) to identify the most significantly altered pathways. We identified somatic mutations in components of the interleukin-2, interleukin-6, and inter-leukin-7 signaling pathways, including mutations in JAK1, JAK2, JAK3, SOCS1, IL7R, MCL1, BCL2, MTOR, and IL6ST genes. Interestingly, six mutations which were likely to be novel deleterious were identified: two in the SCH1 gene, two in the IL2 gene, and one in each of the IL7R and JUN genes. According to IVA analysis, interleukin 2, interleukin 6, and interleukin 7 signaling pathways were the most altered in 34.5%, 29%, and 23.6% of our BC group, respectively. Our multigene panel sequencing analysis reveals that our BC patients have altered interleukin signaling pathways. So, these results highlight the prominent role of interleukins in the carcinogenesis process and suggest its potential role as promising candidates for personalized therapy in Egyptian patients.  相似文献   
Twenty-eight specimens obtained either from organ bundles in the body cavities of intact mummies, from damaged mummies, or from isolated canopic jars were examined for tissue identification and histopathologic study. The methods of rehydration and fixation were optimized by application to 40 dehydrated modern samples before studies of mummified tissue were undertaken. The tissue of origin could be definitely identified in 24 of the 28 specimens. Even small fragments obtained from isolated canopic jars proved suitable for histologic study. Six lung specimens were selected for more detailed study. All six showed focal deposition of anthracotic pigment. Electron diffraction and electron microprobe analysis of one of the small, polarizable crystals associated with the anthracosis indicated a mineral content of silica, aluminum, and iron. Two specimens showed focal areas of calcification consistent with old mycobacterial disease. Other histopathologic findings included evidence of pulmonary edema, emphysema, and pneumonia.  相似文献   
In Cyprus, there are 16 species of bats most of which are threatened with extinction. With the exception of the megachiropteran Egyptian Fruit bat Rousettus aegyptiacus that feeds on fruit, the rest of them are insectivorous microchiropterans. The Fruit bat was declared as a pest by the Department of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment of Cyprus since the early 1900s. To reduce the number of this “pest”, the above-mentioned Department, since 1927, used fumigation, shooting, and the purchase of dead bats. Fumigating and closing caves not only destroyed Fruit bats by direct poisoning, but the entire cave ecosystems, including highly beneficial and protected insectivorous species. The first attempt to protect bats on the island was in 1988 with law No. 24 of 1988, ratifying the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, 82/72/EEC. This convention protects all microchiroptera species except Pipistrellus pipistrellus that is strictly protected. R. aegyptiacus is rare, with small populations that are not at present endangered or vulnerable but at risk. Cyprus recently became a member state of the European Union. This provided the opportunity to include R. aegyptiacus in the Annexes II and IV of the council directive 92/42/EEC of May 21, 1993 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, which will guarantee the long-range protection and survival of this species.  相似文献   
Since the early 1990s, large and rapid population declines of three species of vulture ( Gyps spp.) endemic to south Asia have occurred on the Indian subcontinent and have led to these species being listed by IUCN as critically endangered. Evidence of rates of population decline, cause of death and toxicity is consistent with these declines being caused by poisoning of vultures through the ingestion of tissues from livestock treated with the anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac. In this paper, analysis of repeated surveys in and near protected areas widely spread across India shows that populations of two other vulture species, Egyptian vulture Neophron percnopterus and red-headed vulture Sarcogyps calvus , have also declined markedly and rapidly, but probably with a later onset than Gyps vultures in the same region. The declines continued at least up to 2003. It is recommended that these two species are considered for inclusion in the IUCN Red List and for urgent remedial conservation measures. Research is needed to determine whether or not the principal cause of these declines is diclofenac poisoning and to establish population trends in other scavenging birds in the Indian subcontinent.  相似文献   
This is the first report on the development of interspecific hybrids between T. alexandrinum and T. resupinatum, using embryo rescue. T. resupinatum is an important donor species for traits such as resistance to root and stem rot diseases, and tolerance to alkalinity for the potential improvement of T. alexandrinum. T. alexandrinum, as female parent, was crossed with T. resupinatum and embryos were excised 10–12 days after pollination and cultured in vitro on EC3 medium. Of the recovered embryos, 23.08% showed plumule emergence. For subculturing, shoot-induction medium LSP3 was used. Roots were induced on RL1 medium. Regenerants were hardened and inoculated with Rhizobium before transfer to the field. Morphological appearance of the hybrids was intermediate to both the parents. The hybrids were erect, leafy with short internodes and possessed distinct dwarf bushy compact appearance and were profusely branched. The plants were late flowering with pollen fertility more than 90%. Three out of five hybrid plants set seed following selfing. Hybridity of the plants was also confirmed through Est, PRX, SOD, GOT isozymes and protein banding patterns.  相似文献   
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