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Mortality of eggs during incubation was estimated for three ocypodid crabs,Scopimera globosa, Ilyoplax pusillus andMacrophthalmus japonicus, and the influence of incubation sites was discussed. These crabs all lived in isolated burrows and fed on sediments during day time low tide.S. globosa andI. pusillus inhabited the upper intertidal sandflats, whereasM. japonicus inhabited the lower intertidal mudflats. Females of bothS. globosa andI. pusillus remained in their plugged burrows without feeding throughout incubation and the mortality of eggs was low despite large broods relative to body size. On the other hand, females ofM. japonicus fed actively on surface mud during incubation and the mortality of eggs was high despiite small broods relative to body size. InS. globosa andI. pusillus, the ovaries of ovigerous females were small until egg-hatching, whereas inM. japonicus, the ovaries grew rapidly during incubation and females were able to produce consecutive broods. I conclude that incubation of eggs in burrows may be advantageous in species which inhabit the upper interidal sandflats, even though the crabs cannot forage during incubation, since otherwise their eggs would be exposed to strong heat stress and desication during the summer. Furthermore, such species may produce few large broods because of less frequent interruption of feeding than that associated with production of many small broods.  相似文献   
Crude striatum synaptosomes (P2 fraction) from Fisher 344 female rats were incubated in the presence of ADP-chelated Fe3+ (0.5–50 M) and ascorbate (250 M). Intrasynaptosomal conversion of tyrosine to dopamine (DA) was measured by14CO2 evolution froml-[1-14C]tyrosine in the absence of added cofactors and DOPA decarboxylase. Malondialdehyde (MDA) was measured as an index of lipid peroxidation. A concentration-dependent inhibition of DA synthesis by ADP-Fe3+/ascorbate was found with 50% inhibition occurring at 2.5 M Fe3+ concentration. This was accompanied by marked accumulation of MDA. Ascorbate or ADP alone did not affect DA synthesis and ADP-Fe3+ in the absence of exogenous ascorbate was effective only above 25 M. Exogenously added MDA did not inhibit DA synthesis. Purified synaptosomes were isolated from peroxidized and control P2 fractions using sucrose gradients. Membrane microviscosity of the purifled synaptosomes was assessed by nitroxyl spin labels of stearic acid using electron paramagetic resonance techniques. There was a significant increase in membrane microviscosity as a result of ADP-Fe3+/ascorbate induced peroxidation. Maleimide nitroxide spin-label binding to protein sulhydryls was significantly modified by peroxidation of striatum synaptosomes. The weakly immobilized component of the sulhydryl spin-label (w) was drastically decreased whereas the strongly immobilized component (s) was modified less, thus leading to a marked reduction of w/s ratio. The exposure of striatum synaptosomes to the peroxidizing system resulted in a significant increase in total iron and in a 25% decrease in protein sulhydryl content. It is concluded that ironinduced damage to the DA synthetic system is mediated by alterations of the structural properties of nerve ending membranes.  相似文献   
Under stress of iron deficiency roots of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) increase proton efflux which acidifies the root medium, increase the ferric reducing capacity and the exudation of phenolic compounds. Differences have been found previously among sunflower inbred lines in the capacity of their roots to lower pH and it was also found that this character is under genetic control.This work presents the results of an inheritance study made by crossing two genotypes, one (CMS HA 89) without acidification capacity and another (RHA 271) with it. Plants were grown individually in 75 mL vessels with an aerated solution low in iron. After 4 days, solutions were changed to one without iron and the pH of the medium was measured during the following days. Results from F1, F2, and backcross generations can be explained with two pairs of alleles controlling the character, being the relation between alleles of complete dominance at both gene pairs, but either gene, when dominant is epistatic to the other.  相似文献   
Graminaceous species can enhance iron (Fe) acquisition from sparingly soluble inorganic Fe(III) compounds by release of phytosiderophores (PS) which mobilize Fe(III) by chelation. In most graminaceous species Fe deficiency increases the rate of PS release from roots by a factor of 10–20, but in some species, for example sorghum, this increase is much less. The chemical nature of PS can differ between species and even cultivars.The various PS are similarly effective as the microbial siderophore Desferal (ferrioxamine B methane sulfonate) in mobilizing Fe(III) from a calcareous soil. Under the same conditions the synthetic chelator DTPA (diaethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid) is ineffective.The rate of Fe(III)PS uptake by roots of graminaceous species increases by a factor of about 5 under Fe deficiency. In contrast, uptake of Fe from both synthetic and microbial Fe(III) chelates is much lower and not affected by the Fe nutritional status of the plants. This indicates that in graminaceous species under Fe deficiency a specific uptake system for FePS is activated. In contrast, the specific uptake system for FePS is absent in dicots. In a given graminaceous species the uptake rates of the various FePS are similar, but vary between species by a factor of upto 3. In sorghum, despite the low rate of PS release, the rate of FePS uptake is particularly high.The results indicate that release of PS and subsequent uptake of FePS are under different genetic control. The high susceptibility of sorghum to Fe deficiency (lime-chlorosis) is most probably caused by low rates of PS release in the early seedling stage. Therefore in sorghum, and presumably other graminaceous species also, an increase in resistance to lime chlorosis could be best achieved by breeding for cultivars with high rates of PS release. In corresponding screening procedures attention should be paid to the effects of iron nutritional status and daytime on PS release as well as on rapid microbial degradation of PS.  相似文献   
Several indexes are used to determine the iron nutritional status of plants, but their effectiveness depends either on the plant growth conditions in natural environments or on the assay conditions. This research was conducted to test different indexes of the iron nutritional status of a hydroponic strawberry culture where treatments mainly differed in the source of the iron applied: Fe-EDTA, Fe-EDDHA and Fe-polyflavonoid. Macro and micronutrient concentrations in the nutrient solutions, leaf and vascular tissues were measured. Fe concentration in the nutrient solution during the course of the experiment was considered in relation to the stability of the different chelates. Both Fe concentration and total Fe content of leaves reflected the effect of the treatments; Fe/Mn ratio was significant as a diagnosis index. Other element ratios as P/Fe and K/Ca are not well related with the iron nutrition symptoms observed. Fe2+ concentration measured in leaves was not directly affected by the different chelate treatments.  相似文献   
We measured the size of eggs produced by populations of Drosophila melanogaster that had been collected along latitudinal gradients in different continents or that had undergone several years of culture at different temperatures in the laboratory. Australian and South American populations from higher latitudes produced larger eggs when all were compared at a standard temperature. Laboratory populations that had been evolving at 16.5°C produced larger eggs than populations that had evolved at 25°C or 29°C, suggesting that temperature may be an important selective agent in producing the latitudinal clines. Flies from laboratory populations produced larger eggs at an experimental temperature of 16.5°C than at 25°C, and there was no indication of genotype-environment interaction for egg size. Evolution of egg size in response to temperature cannot be accounted for by differences in adult body size between populations. It is not clear which life-history traits are direct targets of thermal selection and which are showing correlated responses, and disentangling these is a task for the future.  相似文献   
Egg size variation often has large effects on the fitness of progeny in insects. However, many studies have been unable to detect an advantage of developing from large eggs, suggesting that egg size variation has implications for offspring performance only under adverse conditions, such as during larval competition, periods of starvation, desiccation, or when larvae feed on low-quality resources. We test this hypothesis by examining the consequences of egg size variation for survivorship and development of a seed-feeding insect, Stator limbatus, on both a low-quality (Cercidium floridum) and a high-quality (Acacia greggii) host plant. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis. S. limbatus larval performance was affected by egg size only when developing on the poor-quality host (C. floridum); larvae from large eggs survived better on C. floridum than those from small eggs, while there was no evidence of an effect of egg size on progeny development time, body weight, or survivorship when larvae developed on A. greggii. These results indicate intense selection for large eggs within C. floridum-associated populations, but not in A. greggii-associated populations, so that egg size is predicted to vary among populations associated with different hosts. Our results also support this hypothesis; females from a C. floridum-associated population (Scottsdale) laid larger eggs than females from an A. greggii-associated population (Black Canyon City).  相似文献   
Vibrio parahaemolyticus is an important enteropathogen in Japan, Taiwan and other coastal regions. The influence of the regulation of iron on the pathogenesis of this pathogen has not been well characterized. The growth of pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains of V. parahaemolyticus on iron-limited agar plates was stimulated by ferritin, lactoferrin and transferrin at 30 μM , and also by hemin, hemoglobin and ferric ammonium citrate at 100 μM . Spontaneous iron-utilizing mutant strains (mutants) were derived from a clinical strain, ST550. Compared with the parent strain, lowered virulence was demonstrated for these mutants, as assayed by adult mouse and suckling mouse models. The in vivo growth and enterotoxigenicity of these mutants were also lower in the suckling mice. Adherence of the mutants to excised mouse intestine was lower as demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy. The iron-regulated outer membrane protein profile also changed in selected mutants. These results indicate that iron-regulated outer membrane proteins and other unknown factors associated with iron utilization may have profound influences, besides iron acquisition, on the pathogenesis of V. parahaemolyticus.  相似文献   
H. Kuroiwa  T. Ohta  T. Kuroiwa 《Protoplasma》1996,192(3-4):235-244
Summary The preferential development of giant mitochondria and their nuclei (nucleoids) in the egg cells ofPelargonium zonale Ait. during megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis was examined by fluorescence microscopy, after Technovit embedding and 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining, fluorimetry for DNA content, using a video-intensified microscope photon-counting system (VIMPICS), and by three-dimensional reconstruction of mitochondrial nuclei (mt-nuclei). Reproductive cells during the megaspore mother cell, meiosis, tetrad, and functioning megaspore stages contained many small mitochondria with characteristic, uniformly DAPI-stained mt-nuclei about 0.3 m in diameter, containing a small amount of DNA (0.3 Mbp). During formation of the 2-, 4-, and 8-nucleate embryo sac, mt-nuclei did not markedly change in shape or DNA content. When the embryo sac formed and differentiation of each cell began, mitochondria and their nuclei in the egg cell took on a small ring or string-like shape. Accompanying the maturation of the embryo sac, they underwent progressive enlargement and gradually altered to long thick strings, or stacks of concentric or half concentric rings. By flower opening, they have developed to an extremely large size. One of these stacks of mt-nuclei was reconstructed in three dimensions; each ring in the stack was cup- or plate-shaped; 5 to 10 rings made up the stack, though each remained discontinuous from the others. From serial sections, we counted 44 mitochondria in one egg cell. Fluorometry using VIMPICS revealed that DNA amount within the stacked mitochondrion increased to 40 times that of the megaspore mother cell stage; a single stack of mitochondria contained 340–1700 Mbp DNA; which means that one egg cell contains at least 15000 Mbp mt-DNA, a value greater than the cell-nuclear DNA content.  相似文献   
Anticryptococcal activity of human serum and apotransferrin in RPMI 1640 was studied in vitro. The effects of varying concentrations of FeCl3 on this activity was investigated. Possible synergy of serum and apotransferrin with fluconazole was also measured. The fungistatic activity of human serum, whether lyophilized, stored at 4 °C, fresh frozen or purchased from commercial sources vs. Cryptococcus neoformans was comparable. There was no significant loss of fungistatic activity after freezing and thawing the serum up to 10 times. The fungistatic activity of human serum was similar when tested in different tissue culture media with the exception of Medium 199. The addition of apotransferrin (2.0 or 0.2 mg/ml) to RPMI 1640 had an inhibitory effect on cryptococcal growth. This effect was reversed by 20 M of FeCl3 at both apotransferrin concentrations. By contrast, addition of FeCl3 to human serum and RPMI 1640 did not reverse inhibition of growth. Fluconazole synergized with the human serum preparations described, but not with pooled commercial serum, for fungicidal activity. Synergistic activity of fluconazole and human serum was not affected by the addition of FeCl3. Apotransferrin did not show any synergistic fungicidal activity with fluconazole.  相似文献   
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