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Botanical data are widely used as terrestrial proxy data for climate reconstructions. Using a newly established method based on probability density functions (pdf-method), the temperature development throughout the last interglacial, the Eemian, is reconstructed for the two German sites Bispingen and Gröbern and the French site La Grande Pile. The results are compared with previous reconstructions using other methods. After a steep increase in January as well as July temperatures in the early phase of the interglacial, the reconstructed most probable climate appears to be slightly warmer than today. While the temperature is reconstructed as relatively stable throughout the Eemian, a certain tendency towards cooler January temperatures is evident. January temperatures decreased from approx. 2–3 °C in the early part to approx. –3 °C in the later part at Bispingen, and from approx. 2 °C to approx. –1 °C at Gröbern and La Grande Pile. A major drop to about –8 °C marks the very end of the interglacial at all three sites. While these results agree well with other proxy data and former reconstructions based on the indicator species method, the results differ significantly from reconstructions based on the modern pollen analogue technique (pollen transfer functions). The lack of modern analogues is assumed to be the main reason for the discrepancies. It is concluded that any reconstruction method needs to be evaluated carefully in this respect if used for periods lacking modern analogous plant communities.  相似文献   
The origins of the modern British mammal fauna as a recognizable assemblage are traceable through preceding temperate woodland phases at least as far back as the early part of the Middle Pleistocene. Earlier Quaternary mammal assemblages have more in common with those of the Pliocene than those of the Middle Pleistocene, but evidence for gaps in the British Early Pleistocene sequence precludes inferences concerning the nature of this change in faunal composition.
A major difficulty in reconstructing Quaternary faunal histories is in establishing stable correlations between the fragmentary terrestrial sequences from which the fossil record has been recovered and in assembling those sequences into chronological order. Existing reconstructions of Quaternary events in Britain are of hybrid origin, a mix of palynological biostratigraphy based on assumed monocyclic floral successions for a small number of major interglacial stages, with intervening cold stages identified by characteristic glacial or periglacial lithologies and structures. While this framework has served as a useful basis for some Quaternary disciplines, some interpretations of the mammalian evidence do not fit it well.
Attention is given here to information derived from fossil mammal assemblages which may be used to help determine the number and sequence of Middle and Late Pleistocene temperate woodland phases with faunas showing close links with that of the Flandrian. While much of this information is not new, it has been largely ignored in the construction of some of the more widely known schemes for Quaternary subdivision. At present five such episodes can be identified and characterized prior to the present interglacial, though further refinement may br possible as work on a more detailed account of key sites arid their palaeontology progresses.  相似文献   
Nutricline variations during the last 1560 ka in the southern South China Sea are reconstructed using the relative abundance of the coccolithophore Florisphaera profunda in ODP Site 1143. Nutricline depth shows both long-term large magnitude variation and high frequency glacial–interglacial variation. On the long-term scale, the nutricline experienced four significant changes, which occurred at 900, 480, 250, and 50 ka respectively. According to these changes, five stages could be recognized during the last 1560 ka. From 1560 to 900 ka, the nutricline depth increased gradually. Around 900 ka, the nutricline abruptly shallowed and then remained stable until 480 ka. The nutricline was shallow during the time interval between 480 and 250 ka. At 250 ka, it deepened again and increased gradually until 50 ka. After 50 ka, the nutricline depth decreased gradually to modern values. On the glacial–interglacial scale, the variations in nutricline depth show different patterns before and after 900 ka. Before 900 ka, the nutricline was deep during glacial periods and shallow during interglacials. However, after 900 ka, the nutricline was deep during interglacials and shallow during glacials. Spectral analysis of the relative abundance of F. profunda shows a similar trend. In addition to the eccentricity (113, 76 ka), obliquity (55, 39 ka), and precession (24, 19 ka), we also find a 431 ka cycle. The former three periods reflect glacial–interglacial variations in nutricline, and the period of 431 ka reflects long-term variations in nutricline. We suggested that the variations in nutricline in the southern South China Sea were caused by global and regional climate changes. Glacial–interglacial variations in nutricline are mainly controlled by the East Asian monsoon, and the long-term variations might be related to the global climatic events, such as the mid-Pleistocene Revolution and the mid-Brunhes event.  相似文献   
Japan is considered a global hot spot of biodiversity. With regard to species diversity, insects are no exception. To date, more than 32,000 insect species have been identified in Japan, while around 100,000 species of insects are estimated to inhabit this country. In this paper, we outline background factors having contributed to diversification of Japanese insects. Of course, the high degree of Japanese insect diversity is the result of many complex factors. In addition to the humid Asian monsoon climate and the extensive latitudinal gradient of habitats, the extremely complex geological history has contributed as an important factor to generate and maintain the high species diversity and endemism. In particular, the independent origins of northeastern and southwestern Japan from the Eurasian continent have greatly contributed to the diverse composition of Japanese insect fauna. To highlight the importance of this process, we introduce some case studies and previously published papers focusing on several insect groups with low dispersal ability. Those cases indicate that the geological history of Japan has played an important role in the differentiation of Japanese insect species. Besides such geological factors, climatic and ecological factors in combination have contributed to the formation of Japanese insect fauna in complicated ways and produced its particularly high degree of biodiversity. The knowledge compiled here will provide useful information for future studies aiming to understand more deeply the processes of speciation and faunal formation of Japanese insects.  相似文献   
H.Kataoka  Y.Hase 《古生物学报》2002,41(4):534-538
贝加尔钻探计划(BDP)中的96-1井位于贝加尔湖中央的科学湖脊,1996年冬从位于332m水深以下的钻井采样,钻孔从湖底向下深2000m,根据古地磁资料,钻孔年代推测为5.1Ma,Tsuga,Lepidobalanus,Ulmaceae,Tilia和Corylus发现于钻孔的下部约60m,因为这些化石花粉目前在贝加尔湖地区已经消失,说明该钻孔上部的气候比下部的冷,因此,第四纪的气候比晚第三纪的更为干冷。在亚北极的西伯利亚,冰期时期以草本植物花粉占统治地位,花粉浓度较低,而在间冰期时期以木本花粉为主,花粉浓度较高,在间冰期时期硅藻及有机物总量增加,潮湿度(wet density)及氧同位素比率都降低,相反,在冰期时期硅藻含量及有机物总量降低,而潮湿度(wet dendity)和氧同位素比率都增加。  相似文献   
Lumps of diatom-rich, laminated sediments were discovered redeposited and interbedded in a Late Weichselian delta sequence in a small glaciofluvial esker at Snickarekullen, south-western Sweden. Radiocarbon dating of the sediments gave an infinite age (45 000 B.P.). The composition and sediment structure of the lumps were studied in epoxy-impregnated thin sections using SEM and EDS. Quantitative and qualitative diatom analyses of the sediments were carried out, as well as pollen and macrofossils analyses. The biostratigraphy is compared with that from Holsteinian interglacial sites in surrounding countries, the evidence for which is briefly reviewed. It is concluded that the sediments were deposited in the central part of a lake probably during different parts of the Holsteinian interglacial. The water body changed from a rather shallow lake with a high pH to a considerably deeper, oligotrophic lake with neutral to slightly acidic water during the sedimentation period. The local and regional vegetation developed from an open pine-birch forest into a much more closed vegetation of pine, spruce, larch, alder and hornbeam.  相似文献   
Diatom studies carried out in Central and Eastern Poland have shown a diversified composition and considerable changes of relative frequency of dominant diatoms in profiles of lake sediments of the Mazovian and Ferdynandovian interglacials. Cyclotella spp. are dominant in a large part of the sediment profiles at Adamówka, awki-7 and Wola Grzymalina-59 and, at Krpiec and Podlodów, Stephanodiscus is also common while at Biaa Podlaska and Falcice, Aulacoseira is most abundant. Cyclotella comta var. lichvinensis and C. vorticosa are the typical diatoms in the Mazovian Interglacial. In the sediments representing the Ferdynandovian Interglacial, the characteristic diatoms are Cyclotella cf. reczickiae and the Stephanodiscus rotula/niagarae complex.  相似文献   
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