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The paper couples the results obtained by applying the expert and the rapid Macrophyte Quality Indices set up to assess the ecological status of the Italian transitional environments according to the requirements by the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/CE). The indices were validated by comparing the composition of the macrophyte assemblages and the values of some bio-physico-chemical parameters of the water column of 20 stations of the Venice lagoon sampled monthly for one year between 2003 and 2005. In 5 stations out of the 20, the ones which fall within the 5 classes of ecological status suggested by the Water Framework Directive, sedimentation rates, sediment grain-size, and nutrient and pollutant (metals, Polychloro-Dibenzo-Dioxins/Furans, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenils) concentrations in surface sediments were also determined. Results showed strong relationships between the trends of these environmental parameters and the composition and structure of macrophyte associations, as well as with the Macrophyte Quality Index assessment. Chlorophyceae showed a trend opposite to Rhodophyceae whose presence was concentrated in oxygenated and transparent environments. Chlorophyceae and the species characterised by low scores prevailed in turbid areas where nutrient and pollutant concentrations were high. Results allowed the identification of the conditions of the “reference sites” (confinement areas and sites with high water renewal) and the integration of the dichotomic key used for the application of the R-MaQI. Handling editor: S. M. Thomaz  相似文献   
长江口中华鲟保护区鱼卵和仔鱼的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2004年5月和8月共2个航次对中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)保护区及其邻近水域16个定点观测站进行的鱼卵和仔鱼调查资料,对该水域鱼卵仔鱼的种类组成和数量分布的季节变化特征以及有关的环境影响因子作了分析和探讨。结果表明:鱼卵仔鱼的种类组成和数量分布呈现明显的季节变化特征。春夏季种类组成变化大,种类数春季高于夏季;其中,以凤鲚(Coilia mystus)卵和仔鱼分布最多,其变动直接影响总量的变化;平面分布范围夏季较春季小,数量主要集中于崇明岛北部的北支水域和崇明东滩的东南部水域,崇明岛南部沿岸的北港水域相对较少;由于调查水域受长江径流的作用十分明显,因而数量分布和种类组成上随径流的变化表现出较明显的季节变动;南、北支水系的水文条件不同,海水由东向西楔入的程度不同,产生的环境状况影响了鱼卵仔鱼的平面分布格局。  相似文献   
光照和氮磷供应比对木荷生长及化学计量特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熊静  虞木奎  成向荣  汪成  邹汉鲁 《生态学报》2021,41(6):2140-2150
光照和养分限制是影响林下植物生长和更新的关键影响因素,以亚热带主要常绿树种木荷(Schima superba)实生幼苗为试验对象,研究了不同光照(全光照、遮阴即45%全光照)和N、P供应比例(5,15,45)对幼苗生长和化学计量特征的影响。结果表明:(1)遮阴不仅严重抑制了木荷各器官和单株生物量积累,更加剧了P限制。尽管N、P添加对木荷生长没有显著促进作用,但N、P供应比例为5时的性状组合更有利于木荷后期生长,但高N、P供应比例可能导致P限制。(2)遮阴下叶N、P含量显著增加,但叶C/N和C/P比显著降低;不同光照处理组中各器官及总N含量均随N、P供应比例增大而显著增加,而C/N比逐渐降低;P的分配格局发生改变,全光照组各器官P含量为茎 > 叶 > 根,遮阴组各器官P含量为根 > 茎 > 叶。(3)随N、P供应比例增加或光照强度降低,木荷均趋向降低根冠比和根质比、增加叶质比或茎质比。(4)木荷生物量与各器官N、P含量、叶质比呈极显著负相关,而与C/N和C/P比及根冠比、茎质比、根质比呈极显著正相关。光强和N、P比例变化均显著影响了木荷幼苗的养分利用特征,因而木荷作为伴生树种优化林分环境对其早期生长具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Sexual selection is generally held responsible for the exceptional diversity in secondary sexual traits in animals. Mating system evolution is therefore expected to profoundly affect the covariation between secondary sexual traits and mating success. Whereas there is such evidence at the interspecific level, data within species remain scarce. We here investigate sexual selection acting on the exaggerated male fore femur and the male wing in the common and widespread dung flies Sepsis punctum and S. neocynipsea (Diptera: Sepsidae). Both species exhibit intraspecific differences in mating systems and variation in sexual size dimorphism (SSD) across continents that correlates with the extent of male–male competition. We predicted that populations subject to increased male–male competition will experience stronger directional selection on the sexually dimorphic male foreleg. Our results suggest that fore femur size, width and shape were indeed positively associated with mating success in populations with male‐biased SSD in both species, which was not evident in conspecific populations with female‐biased SSD. However, this was also the case for wing size and shape, a trait often assumed to be primarily under natural selection. After correcting for selection on overall body size by accounting for allometric scaling, we found little evidence for independent selection on any of these size or shape traits in legs or wings, irrespective of the mating system. Sexual dimorphism and (foreleg) trait exaggeration is therefore unlikely to be driven by direct precopulatory sexual selection, but more so by selection on overall size or possibly selection on allometric scaling.  相似文献   
Kernel size-related traits, including kernel length, kernel width, and kernel thickness, are critical components in determining yield and kernel quality in maize (Zea mays L.). Dissecting the phenotypic characteristics of these traits, and discovering the candidate chromosomal regions for these traits, are of potential importance for maize yield and quality improvement. In this study, a total of 139 F2:3 family lines derived from EHel and B73, a distinct line with extremely low ear height (EHel), was used for phenotyping and QTL mapping of three kernel size-related traits, including 10-kernel length (KL), 10-kernel width (KWid), and 10-kernel thickness (KT). The results showed that only one QTL for KWid, i.e., qKWid9 on Chr9, with a phenotypic variation explained (PVE) of 13.4% was detected between SNPs of AX-86298371 and AX-86298372, while no QTLs were detected for KL and KT across all 10 chromosomes. Four bulked groups of family lines, i.e., Groups I to IV, were constructed with F2:3 family lines according to the phenotypic comparisons of KWid between EHel and B73. Among these four groups, Group I possessed a significantly lower KWid than EHel (P =0.0455), Group II was similar to EHel (P =0.34), while both Group III and Group IV were statistically higher than EHel (P <0.05). Besides, except Group IV exhibited a similar KWid to B73 (P =0.11), KWid of Groups I to III were statistically lower than B73 (P <0.00). By comparing the bulked genotypes of the four groups to EHel and B73, a stable chromosomal region on Chr9 between SNPs of AX-86298372 to AX-86263154, entirely covered by qKWid9, was identified to link KWid with the positive allele of increasing phenotypic effect to KWid from B73, similar to that of qKWid9. A large amount of enzyme activity and macromolecule binding-related genes were annotated within this chromosomal region, suggesting qKWid9 as a potential QTL for KWid in maize.  相似文献   
Evolutionary transitions from animal to wind pollination have occurred repeatedly during the history of the angiosperms, but the selective mechanisms remain elusive. Here, we propose that knowledge of pollen release biomechanics is critical for understanding the ecological and evolutionary processes underpinning this shift in pollination mode. Pollen release is the critical first stage of wind pollination (anemophily) and stamen properties are therefore likely to be under strong selection early in the transition. We describe current understanding of pollen release biomechanics to provide insights on the phenotypic and ecological drivers of wind pollination. Pollen release occurs when detachment forces dominate resistive forces retaining pollen within anthers. Detachment forces can be active or passive depending on whether they require energy input from the environment. Passive release is more widespread in anemophilous species and involves processes driven by steady or unsteady aerodynamic forces or turbulence-induced vibrations that shake pollen from anthers. We review empirical and theoretical studies suggesting that stamen vibration is likely to be a key mechanism of pollen release. The vibration response is governed by morphological and biomechanical properties of stamens, which may undergo divergent selection in the presence or absence of pollinators. Resistive forces have rarely been investigated for pollen within anthers, but are probably sensitive to environmental conditions and depend on flower age, varying systematically between animal- and wind-pollinated species. Animal and wind pollination are traditionally viewed as dichotomous alternatives because they are usually associated with strikingly different pollination syndromes. But this perspective has diverted attention from subtler, continuously varying traits which mediate the fluid dynamic process of pollen release. Reinterpreting the flower as a biomechanical entity that responds to fluctuating environmental forces may provide a promising way forward. We conclude by identifying several profitable areas for future research to obtain deeper insight into the evolution of wind pollination.  相似文献   
Nest building can represent an energetically costly activity for a variety of animal taxa. Besides, the determinants of within‐species variation in the design of nests, notably with respect to natural and sexual selection, are still insufficiently documented. Based on an observational study, we examined the influence of nesting conditions (nesting‐support quality, colony, laying date, and year) on male‐built nest volume and also its potential role as a postmating sexually selected display in the whiskered tern Chlidonias hybrida. This tern species is a monogamous colonial bird with obligate biparental care breeding on aquatic vegetation. Hence, large nesting platforms are expected to be a selective advantage because they would better withstand adverse environmental conditions and provide a secure structure for eggs. Nest size may also serve as a postmating sexual trait, and variation in egg production would be positively associated with nest size. We found that nest volume was adjusted to different environmental cues. A positive relationship was found between nest volume and nesting‐support quality, indicating that the leaf density of white waterlily is essential for nest stability. Variation in nest volume was not correlated to colony size but varied among colonies and years. Male‐built nest volume was also positively associated with mean egg volume per clutch but not with clutch size. The fitness consequences of building a large nest are yet to be studied, and additional investigations are recommended to better understand whether the activity of males early during breeding season (e.g., nest building and courtship feeding performance) really serves as postmating sexually selected signals.  相似文献   
沙丘稀有种准噶尔无叶豆花部综合特征与传粉适应性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物花部特征进化与传粉适应性一直是进化生态学领域关注的核心问题之一。以古尔班通古特沙漠自然生长的准噶尔无叶豆为对象,对其花部特征和传粉特性进行了野外观察和室内的分析研究。结果表明:种群花期历时21 d,花序花期历时7-12 d,单花花期一般3 d,若遇阴雨天气,花期可延长1-2 d,整个花期龙骨瓣一直保持闭合状态。单花10枚花药在旗瓣微张时已全部完成散粉。准噶尔无叶豆主要靠分泌花蜜、鲜艳的花色以及旗瓣基部的黄色辐射状纹理结构吸引传粉者。准噶尔无叶豆花期的有效传粉者为4种蜂类昆虫,它们的平均访花频率为(7.75±0.57)次·花-1·d-1,访花高峰期表现为三峰型: 13:00-14:00,16:00-17:00和19:00-20:00。准噶尔无叶豆人工套袋实验表明该种为自交亲和型,主动自交少见,生殖成功依赖传粉者。胚珠成功受精至果实完全成熟阶段存在自交衰退,柱头角质层结构和花粉刷结构是准噶尔无叶豆在进化过程中形成的减少自交,倾向异交的机制。  相似文献   
The dietary inclusion of feed additives to improve the carcass characteristics of the final product is of great importance for the pork production chain. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effects of the association of ractopamine (RAC) and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on the performance traits of finishing pigs during the last 26 days prior to slaughter. In total, 810 commercial hybrid barrows were used. Animals were distributed among treatments according to a randomised block design in a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement, with three RAC levels (0, 5 or 10 ppm) and three CLA levels (0, 0.3 or 0.6%). Pigs fed the diet with 5 ppm RAC had higher average daily feed intake (ADFI) (2.83 kg; P < 0.05) when compared with those fed 10 ppm RAC and the control diet (2.75 and 2.74 kg, respectively). Lower ADFI values (P < 0.01) were observed with the diets containing CLA compared with the control diet with no CLA (2.73 and 2.75 v. 2.85 kg/day, respectively). The average daily weight gain of pigs fed 5 and 10 ppm RAC was +148 and +173 g/dayhigher (P < 0.001), respectively, than those fed the control diet. Dietary RAC levels influenced (P < 0.001) feed conversion ratio (FCR), which was reduced as RAC levels increased, with the pigs fed 10, 5 and 0 ppm RAC presenting FCR values of 2.57, 2.71 and 3.05, respectively. FCR also improved (P < 0.05) with the inclusion of 0.6% CLA relative to the control diet (2.70 v. 2.84, respectively). There was a significant interaction between CLA × RAC levels (P < 0.01) for final BW, loin eye area (LEA) (P < 0.05) and backfat thickness (BT) (P < 0.05). The treatments containing 10 ppm RAC + 0.6% or 0.3% CLA increased LEA and reduced BT. In conclusion, the level of 10 ppm inclusion of RAC increased the overall performance parameters of pigs and therefore improved production efficiency. The combined use of RAC and CLA promoted a lower feed conversion ratio as well as better quantitative carcass traits, as demonstrated by the higher LEA and lower BT. The dietary inclusion of CLA at 0.3% improved feed efficiency, however, without affecting LEA or BT yields.  相似文献   
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