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Maps represent powerful tools to show the spatial variation of a variable in a straightforward manner. A crucial aspect in map rendering for its interpretation by users is the gamut of colours used for displaying data. One part of this problem is linked to the proportion of the human population that is colour blind and, therefore, highly sensitive to colour palette selection. The aim of this paper is to present the cblindplot R package and its founding function - cblind.plot() - which enables colour blind people to just enter an image in a coding workflow, simply set their colour blind deficiency type, and immediately get as output a colour blind friendly plot. We will first describe in detail colour blind problems, and then show a step by step example of the function being proposed. While examples exist to provide colour blind people with proper colour palettes, in such cases (i) the workflow include a separate import of the image and the application of a set of colour ramp palettes and (ii) albeit being well documented, there are many steps to be done before plotting an image with a colour blind friendly ramp palette. The function described in this paper, on the contrary, allows to (i) automatically call the image inside the function without any initial import step and (ii) explicitly refer to the colour blind deficiency type being experienced, to further automatically apply the proper colour ramp palette.  相似文献   
Wild pigs, including wild boar (Sus scrofa) and feral domestic pig (Sus scrofa domestica), are associated with negative impacts in their native and introduced ranges. We compiled wild pig occurrence reports and utilized Maximum Entropy modelling to predict their potential distribution in ecoregions overlaying Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay. An analysis of their observed and potential distributions was carried out in relation to four biodiversity hotspots and 3766 protected areas to estimate the number of units and percent area currently and potentially invaded. Among biodiversity hotspots, Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, and Chilean Winter Rainfall-Valdivian Forests included 44.7% of wild pig records. The proportion of suitable area was 85% in Atlantic Forest, 61.3% in Cerrado, 37.5% in Chilean Winter Rainfall-Valdivian Forests, and 5.6% in Tropical Andes. The number of protected areas with known wild pig presence was led by Uruguay (100%), followed by Chile (20.3%), Argentina (15.8%), Paraguay (9.5%), Bolivia (6.5%), and Brazil (4.7%). The proportion of protected areas with predicted wild pig presence was highest in Uruguay (100%), followed by Paraguay (72.6%), Brazil (58.0%), Argentina (57.4%), Chile (42.2%), and Bolivia (35.9%). Our work represents the first assessment of wild pig potential distribution in South America and highlights the potentially devastating impacts of wild pigs on the regional biodiversity and national conservation targets, especially at mega-diverse areas. We present a dynamic web application that can be readily consulted by scientists, managers and decision makers to improve wild pig control and risk mitigation actions in the study region.  相似文献   
In pairs of interacting Gnathonemus petersii , a mormyrid electric fish, dominant individuals were larger (longer body). Pairs of interacting fish of similar body size emitted more parallel displays at the onset of an interaction. Over the course of 10 min interactions, head butting increased and parallel display decreased. This decrease occurred primarily in pairs that contained a prior resident and intruder, as compared with two intruders. The patterns of electric organ discharge during parallel display, and the possible sensory modalities mediating this behaviour are discussed.  相似文献   
Connecting the selective forces that drive the evolution of phenotypes to their underlying genotypes is key to understanding adaptation, but such connections are rarely tested experimentally. Threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) are a powerful model for such tests because genotypes that underlie putatively adaptive traits have been identified. For example, a regulatory mutation in the Ectodysplasin (Eda) gene causes a reduction in the number of bony armor plates, which occurs rapidly and repeatedly when marine sticklebacks invade freshwater. However, the source of selection on plate loss in freshwater is unknown. Here, we tested whether dietary reduction of phosphorus can account for selection on plate loss due to a growth advantage of low-plated fish in freshwater. We crossed marine fish heterozygous for the 16 kilobase freshwater Eda haplotype and compared the growth of offspring with different genotypes under contrasting levels of dietary phosphorus in both saltwater and freshwater. Eda genotype was not associated with growth differences in any treatment, or with mechanisms that could mitigate the impacts of phosphorus limitation, such as differential phosphorus deposition, phosphorus excretion, or intestine length. This study highlights the importance of experimentally testing the putative selective forces acting on phenotypes and their underlying genotypes in the wild.  相似文献   
To better understand and manage complex systems like ecosystems it is critical to know the relative contribution of the system components to the system function. Ecologists and social scientists have described a diversity of ways that individuals can be important; This paper makes two key contributions to this research area. First, it shows that throughflow (Tj), the total energy or matter entering or exiting a system component, is a global indicator of the relative contribution of the component to the whole system activity. It is global because it includes the direct and indirect exchanges among community members. Further, throughflow is a special case of Hubbell status or centrality as defined in social science. This recognition effectively joins the concepts, enabling ecologists to use and build on the broader centrality research in network science. Second, I characterize the distribution of throughflow in 45 empirically-based trophic ecosystem models. Consistent with theoretical expectations, this analysis shows that a small fraction of the system components are responsible for the majority of the system activity. In 73% of the ecosystem models, 20% or less of the nodes generate 80% or more of the total system throughflow. Four or fewer nodes are required to account for 50% of the total system activity and are thus defined as community dominants. 121 of the 130 dominant nodes in the 45 ecosystem models could be classified as primary producers, dead organic matter, or bacteria. Thus, throughflow centrality indicates the rank power of the ecosystems components and shows the concentration of power in the primary production and decomposition cycle. Although these results are specific to ecosystems, these techniques build on flow analysis based on economic input–output analysis. Therefore these results should be useful for ecosystem ecology, industrial ecology, the study of urban metabolism, as well as other domains using input–output analysis.  相似文献   
A common concern regarding the popular Floristic Quality Assessment (FQA) method is whether the site floristic quality scores change with natural temporal and site-specific variability. The more ignored question is whether this background variability will confound the index of human disturbance. Using non-forested seasonal wetlands in the northeastern United States, we tested if two common indices of site floristic quality (FQAI, Mean CoC) provide clear signals of site condition relative to gradients of wetland area and surface water depth, and consistent signals across time of year (early vs. late growing season), geomorphic setting (connected vs. isolated), and vegetation community type (pine barrens vernal pond, wet sedge meadow, shrub swamp). Mean CoC is the coefficient of conservatism (a qualitative estimate of species’ sensitivity to human disturbance) averaged across the native and exotic taxa observed at a given site, and FQAI is the traditional Floristic Quality Assessment Index where Mean CoC is multiplied by square root of taxa richness. The FQAI did not linearly correspond to the site condition gradient and thus it could not be evaluated. Mean CoC was clearly associated with site condition, with no interference from wetland area or water level (based on computer-intensive resampling of linear model fit). Mean CoC also varied consistently with site condition between the surveys, geomorphic settings, and community types (based on computer-intensive resampling of linear model slope). However, connected wetlands showed inherently greater Mean CoC than isolated wetlands, suggesting a comparison of floristic quality between these categories would not be prudent. Overall this study suggests that FQA in the form of Mean CoC may withstand natural variability in certain non-forested wetland systems. Instead of assuming FQA is overly sensitive to natural variability, we recommend further efforts to identify situations in which FQA is robust.  相似文献   
This paper provides a thorough test of important contextual explanations of variation in electoral support for radical right-wing parties. It has been proposed that support of the radical right is particularly strong in areas that are socioeconomically poor and/or where the concentration of immigrants is high. A variant of the latter hypothesis, known as the ‘halo effect’, states that the propensity to vote for the radical right is highest in areas close to immigrant-dense areas, but not within these areas. The data analyses are based on the total population of voting districts in Sweden (N = 5,668), which makes it possible to avoid some of the problems that usually plague studies of contextual effects on voting, such as low numbers of observations. The results demonstrate support for the socioeconomic marginalization hypothesis and, when controlling for socioeconomic factors, the halo effect hypothesis; whereas the support for group threat theory is mixed.  相似文献   
高寒退化草地狼毒种群地上生物量空间格局对地形的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地上生物量的空间格局是物种分布格局的重要内容,在小尺度范围内因地形差异导致的环境异质性是这种格局形成和演变的环境基础.在2011年8月野外调查的基础上,借助ArcGIS和S-PLUS软件,利用广义相加模型(GAM)对退化高寒草地狼毒(Stellera chamaejasme)种群的空间分布格局进行了研究,定量分析了狼毒地上生物量空间格局对主要地形因子的响应机制.结果表明:狼毒种群地上生物量受地形因子影响的顺序为坡向>坡度>海拔>平面曲率>剖面曲率;坡向和坡度两种地形因子对狼毒的地上生物量空间格局的贡献率分别为3.75和1.48,其余因子则相对较小;狼毒地上生物量在海拔、平面曲率和剖面曲率梯度上的分布比较均衡,在坡向梯度上呈开口向下的抛物线趋势,在坡度梯度上则呈现开口向上的抛物线趋势.狼毒地上生物量空间异质性及其与地形因子之间的关系,反映了狼毒在地形因子对水热条件重分配影响下的响应机制及生长策略.  相似文献   
We compared allozyme variation in the two arctic–alpine plants Diapensia lapponica var. obovata and Empetrum nigrum var. japonicum between Sakhalin Island in Russian Far East, within their range core, and the Korean island of Jeju, their world’s southernmost distribution. For D. lapponica var. obovata, Sakhalin populations harbored moderate levels of within-population genetic variation and low among-population divergence, whereas extremely low levels of within-population genetic diversity and high among-population differentiation were found in Jeju Island populations. In contrast, we found moderate levels of within-population variation and low among-population differentiation in E. nigrum var. japonicum in both northern populations (those of Sakhalin and an additional population from northern Japan) and Jeju Island populations. Under a similar scenario of immigration history of arctic–alpine plants on Jeju Island during the glacial periods of the Pleistocene and local persistence through glacial/interglacial cycles, the contrasting genetic structure between D. lapponica var. obovata and E. nigrum var. japonicum is mainly attributable to their different life-history, ecological, and demographic traits: (1) hermaphroditic versus monoecious, dioecious or polygamous, (2) seeds with no adaptations for long-distance dispersal versus berry-like drupes dispersed by animals and birds, and (3) a very small patch near the peak of Mt. Halla with a few hundred individuals versus a relatively continuous distribution around the peak of Mt. Halla with numerous individuals. From a conservation perspective, in situ and ex situ conservation measures should be strengthened for D. lapponica var. obovata on Jeju Island given their extreme rarity there.  相似文献   
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