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Contamination of mangrove ecosystems, including those of the Red Sea area, has caused serious concern globally. Spatial distribution of heavy metals and their bioaccumulation in one of the common mangrove plants of Saudi Arabia, Avicennia marina L., was evaluated in 8 stations at the Rabigh lagoon to assess the ecological risks due to heavy metal contamination. Among all the heavy metals, Fe concentration was recorded highest (8939.38 ± 312.63 mg/kg) at station S4. Contamination factor (CF) values for all heavy metals determined in this study were recorded in ascending order as Cu < Cr < Mn < Zn < Fe < Ni < Pb < Cd, with the pollution load index pattern recorded in descending order as S6 > S4 > S3 > S5 > S7 > S1 > S8 > S2. Bio-concentration factor (BCF) was <1 for all the heavy metals and there was a positive correlation between the antioxidants and lead (Pb), which can be a result of the ability of A. marina to exclude or detoxify this metal by its mechanism of exclusion or detoxification. A significant correlation existed between the heavy metals concentration in sediment and A. marina leaves at one combination or the other, except for Cu and Cd, which do not correlate with any other metal concentration. The information provided in the present study can be used in the monitoring and measurement of heavy metal pollution in marine ecosystems or other aquatic environments, to prevent several ecological risks to the mangrove ecosystem.  相似文献   
The introduction of some crustacean species has produced alterations of freshwater environments and declines of native species worldwide. The red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii Girard, was introduced in the Southwest Iberian Peninsula in the 1970’s, producing severe impacts on rice agriculture and on native biota such as macrophytes, gastropods, native crayfish and amphibians. We studied the distribution of P. clarkii in two areas of SW Iberian Peninsula: the Sado River basin (SW Portugal), an area colonized by this species around 1990, and the Parque Natural del Entorno de Doñana (SW Spain), colonized soon after its introduction in the Iberian Peninsula, in the 1970’s. Our main goal was to determine which factors limit crayfish distribution, which could help to identify the most effective management practices to contain its spread. Procambarus clarkii was found in most types of water bodies, including small and shallow ones. Distance to a crayfish source was the single predictor variable explaining crayfish occurrence in most types of habitats and in both areas. The only exception was for the Sado permanent stream points, where crayfish presence was negatively affected by an interaction between elevation and flow velocity. Other habitat characteristics have apparently little or no importance for its successful colonization. Moreover, this study indicated that overland dispersal is apparently a frequent phenomenon in this species. Our findings can be used to determine which habitats are most likely to be colonized by the crayfish and to develop practical measures which may limit its spread and minimize its impacts.  相似文献   
Abstract. Insights into the ecology of historic invasions by introduced species can be gained by studying long‐term patterns of invasions by native species. In this paper, we review literature in palaeo‐ecology, forest‐stand simulation modelling, and historical studies of plant species invasions to illustrate the relevance of biological inertia in plant communities to invasion ecology. Resistance to invasion occurs in part because of environmental, demographic, and biotic factors influencing the arrival and establishment of invading species. We propose that biological inertia within the resident community is a fourth component of resistance to invasion, because of the lag time inherent in eliminating resident species and perhaps their traces after environmental conditions become suitable for invasion by immigrating species. Whether or not an introduced species invades can be conditioned by the presence of the pre‐existing community (and/or its legacy) in addition to the other biotic and abiotic factors.  相似文献   
广州市蕨类植物物种多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据文献、标本与野外调查,简要回顾了历史上记录的广州蕨类植物,阐明了广州目前分布的蕨类植物的种类、区系特点、生态与地理分布、以及珍稀蕨类植物的种类与保护现状.广州地区有蕨类植物37科82属176种,其中乔芒萁(Dicranopteris gigantea)、刺边膜蕨(Hymenophyllm spinosum)和裸果鳞毛蕨(Dryopteris gymnosora)为广东分布新记录.广州蕨类植物区系以金星蕨科(Thelypteridaceae)、鳞毛蕨科(Dryopteridaceae)、水龙骨科(Polypo-diaceae)、蹄盖蕨科(Athyriaceae)和风尾蕨科(Pteridaceae)的植物最为丰富,没有本地特有种,亚洲热带亚热带分布成分和东亚分布成分占绝对优势.这176种蕨类植物中,约80%的种类生活在密林阴湿生境,约20%生活在疏林或灌草丛干旱生境,只有2种水生蕨类植物.在水平分布上,广州蕨类植物呈北多南少的分布格局,约90%的种类汇集在广州东北部的从化山区,74种在广州仅见于该山区.从物种多度上看,个体数量多(Cop2)的有33种,尚多(Cop1)的有48种,稀少(Sp)的有53种,很少(So1)的有41种.华南马尾杉(Phlegmariurus austrosbzicus)、福建观音座莲(Angiopteris fokiensis)、刺边膜蕨(Hymenophy llum spmosum)、粗齿桫椤(Alsophila denticulata)、小黑桫椤(A.m etteniana)、黑桫椤(A.podophylla)、桫椤(A.spinulosa)、水蕨(Ceratopteris thdictroides)、羽裂叶双盖蕨(Diplazium tomitaroanum)、闽浙圣蕨(Dictyocline mingchegensts)、微毛凸轴蕨(Metathelypteris adscendens)、峨眉茯蕨(Leptogramma scdlanll)、苏铁蕨(Brainea insignis)、珠芽狗脊(Woodwardia prolifera)和黑鳞复叶耳蕨(Arachniodes nigrospinosa)等15种被评估为广州的珍稀植物,它们亟待有效的保护.  相似文献   
To provide a reference for wetlands elsewhere we analysed soil nutrients and the vegetation of floodplains and fens in the relatively undisturbed Biebrza-valley, Poland. Additionally, by studying sites along a water-table gradient, and by comparing pairs of mown and unmown sites, we aimed with exploring long-term effects of drainage and annual hay-removal on nutrient availabilities and vegetation response. In undrained fens and floodplains, N mineralization went slowly (0–30 kg N ha−1 year−1) but it increased strongly with decreasing water table (up to 120 kg N ha−1 year−1). Soil N, P and K pools were small in the undisturbed mires. Drainage had caused a shift from fen to meadow species and the disappearance of bryophytes. Biomass of vascular plants increased with increasing N mineralization and soil P. Annual hay-removal tended to have reduced N mineralization and soil K pools, but it had increased soil P. Moreover, N concentrations in vascular plants were not affected, but P and K concentrations and therefore N:P and N:K ratios tended to be changed. Annual hay-removal had induced a shift from P to K limitation in the severely drained fen, and from P to N limitation in the floodplain. The low nutrient availabilities and productivity of the undisturbed Biebrza mires illustrate the vulnerability of such mires to eutrophication in Poland and elsewhere. In nutrient-enriched areas, hay removal may prevent productivity increase of the vegetation, but also may severely alter N:P:K stoichiometry, induce K-limitation at drained sites, and alter vegetation structure and composition.  相似文献   
The Biotic Index based on Posidonia oceanica (BiPo) is a classification system for evaluation of the ecological status in Mediterranean coastal waters, developed in accordance with the EU Water Framework requirements. The aim of this study is to verify the applicability and reliability of the BiPo index to different geographical areas of the north-western Mediterranean (France, Spain and Italy), to understand whether such a classification system may be applied more extensively, as so far it has only been applied to coastal waters in Corsica. The ecological status determined for sites is verified against pressures revealed from satellite imagery and from trace metal contamination of plants, to identify the sources of pressure that may be responsible for a low ecological status. The results of this study indicate that: (i) the BiPo index responds reliably to pressures, in different areas of the Mediterranean; (ii) sites with an ecological quality ratio (EQR) close to the good/moderate boundary require particular attention to identify and reduce causes of deterioration; (iii) the support of chemical indicators, in this case metal contamination, is relevant to identify potential sources of pressure.  相似文献   
The Mondego estuary (Portugal) has suffered severe ecological stress over the last two decades, as manifested in the replacement of seagrasses by opportunistic macroalgae, degradation of water quality and increased turbidity. A restoration plan was implemented in 1998, which aimed to reverse the eutrophication effects, and especially to restore the original natural seagrass (Zostera noltii) community. This article explores the long-term changes in Ampithoe valida and Melita palmata (Amphipoda) populations in response to eutrophication (with consequent seagrass loss and macroalgal proliferation) and to the subsequent restoration plan (with progressive seagrass recovery and macroalgal biomass decline). Until the early 1990s, high densities of A. valida and M. palmata were recorded in the Mondego estuary, especially during the occurrence of the macroalgal bloom and during all the periods in which green macroalgae were available. After the implementation of the restoration plan, species abundance, biomass and production levels decreased considerably due to the progressive decline of green macroalgae. This implied the virtual disappearance of the amphipod population, mainly A. valida. Distinct behaviours displayed by the two species could be related to different food strategies and habitat preferences. Ampithoe valida showed feeding preferences for ephemeral softer, filamentous or bladed algae (e.g. Ulva sp.) due to its high caloric content, using the Z. noltii bed only as a habitat for protection against predators or shelter from wave action. On the other hand, M. palmata did not suffer a strong decline in its population density, biomass and production, which may indicate that this species is probably not a primary consumer of green macroalgae and may readily shift to alternative ecological niches. Handling editor: P. Viaroli  相似文献   
Ecological engineering was carried out in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu beginning in 2003 in order to improve water quality. There were two main objectives: to improve the growth environment for macrophytes, and to restore macrophyte assemblages. We examined surface sediments once per month beginning in April 2005 to study the response of sediment nutrient content to the ecological engineering. Average total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations in the surface sediments were 7043 and 1370 mg kg−1, respectively, in May 2005, while after 1 year, TN concentration was reduced to 2929 mg kg−1 and TP concentration was reduced to 352 mg kg−1. We conclude that ecological engineering can lower the nutrient content in surface sediments when it is used to improve water quality.  相似文献   
Remaining populations of plant species in fragmented landscapes are threatened by declining habitat quality and reduced genetic diversity, but the interactions of these major factors are rarely studied together for species conservation. In this study, the interactions between population size, habitat quality, genetic diversity and fitness were investigated in 22 populations of the clonal herb Cirsium dissectum throughout the British Isles. Regression analysis was used to identify significant factors, and a structural equation model was developed to illustrate and integrate these interactions. It was found that smaller populations (measured as the total number of plants) had lower genetic diversity (proportion of polymorphic loci), and that reduced genetic diversity (allelic richness) had a negative impact on the survival of seedlings grown under standard conditions. Habitat quality also had a large effect on C. dissectum. Unmanaged sites with tall vegetation, no bare soil and higher nutrient levels had smaller populations of C. dissectum, but flowering was promoted. Flowering was suppressed in heavily grazed sites with short vegetation. Higher levels of bare soil and phosphorus both had a positive relationship with genetic diversity, but probably for distinctly different reasons: bare soil provides safe sites for establishment, whilst phosphorus may promote flowering and improve seed germination. In order to conserve C. dissectum, management needs to maintain site heterogeneity so that C. dissectum can flower and establishment gaps are still available for seedlings; when either component is reduced, negative feedbacks through reduced genetic diversity and individual fitness can be expected. This study therefore highlights the importance of considering both conservation genetics and habitat quality in the conservation of plant species.  相似文献   
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